Ranger in PvP today

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Ofir.2405


Anyone else feels like rangers are way weaker than most if not all of the classes and got low potential to use?

I dont want to complain because I really like the changes put in to rangers but compared to the other classes its crap. Before the patch I felt that I can help much more to the team but now its like stay back because everyone 1 shots you but you cant really 1 shot them.

AN can really put some more work in to rangers because right now ranger is a PVE class and not PVP class. Am I the only one who feels like that?

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Photinous.4628


Rangers aren’t even wanted in PVE. There is basically no place for ranger right now except to 1v1 side nodes as Condi .

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: TheLargeUnit.2793


Yea but even condi ranger sucks now thanks to a lack of off hand training

Achmed Afro Thunder ~ Six Ft Pole Achmed ~ Dharok The Ravenous
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Yea, normally I’d hate, but I feel bad for rangers. Outside of signet of stone, theres absolutely nothing they can do vs a majority of the high damage builds.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Domino.1359


Thank you. No one really talks too much in the strength of rangers now. It’s all “nerf Mesmer,” or “nerf rampage” etc etc. Lol.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


In terms of Power builds. We are the weakest, it requires allot of work and skilled plays for us to deal the damage. (Everyone thinks all we do is 1-2-4)

In terms of Condition builds. I wouldn’t even bother, outside of 1v1 you lack damage. You won’t be able to beat fair amount of builds 1v1 (unable to kill them). You’re going to get decapped so there really isn’t any point.

Your best bet is to team up with Cele Ele or Bunker Shout Guard and play off there Support, you will shine rather well.

If your doing Solo Que just play Power and hope to god you don’t get focused.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Elxdark.9702


Competitive pvp? yes
Casual ranked/unranked? no

Power ranger is a really fun build if you start to use all your skills + the environment instead of spamming 2.

Condi Ranger is ok but it lacks of everything except bleeds(cc, support, heal, mobility, etc) a cele ele can do its job 200% better.

Taunt is annoying af.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Anything but power ranger is complete garbage right now, I laugh when ever I see a ranger now =(

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


my build is pretty strong (http://intothemists.com/guides/5913-ikyros_remorseless_valkyrie_bearsword), been doing quite well against pretty good players. ive also seen other good power rangers carry, just a handful. so you should be able to at least hold your own.

buuut compared to the new Mesmer, ehh hard to compete with that. the mes will be toned down for sure. it carries right now.

I do have to say ranger condi builds are very underwhelming, but we have quite a few alternatives to the power build. Eura’s been doing okay from what ive seen.


(edited by mistsim.2748)

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


my build is pretty strong (http://intothemists.com/guides/5913-ikyros_remorseless_valkyrie_bearsword), been doing quite well against pretty good players. buuut compared to the new Mesmer, ehh hard to compete with that. the mes will be toned down for sure.

Tell you a secret, MM necro actually counters burst Mesmer pretty hard XD.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


well lots of things counter it, but he can just leave and blow up some other scrub on your team.

(edited by mistsim.2748)

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: DanzelOPP.5068


What is this ranger you speak of??


Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Nagato no Kami.4980

Nagato no Kami.4980

I have to agree that rangers have been nerfed into the ground. When Anet split Empathic Bond and Wilderness Knowledge, it really crippled the class’ survivability. Given the massive number of cleanses a class like the ele has, I’m not sure why this was thought to be necessary. It’s not like a flood of rangers were dominating PVP. In fact, most are of the pewpew variety that don’t bother with defense.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Lylien.3751


Though they did cripple some of the traits, they still manages great. If you know what you’re doing. I come across many rangers who know what they’re doing, and many who are still working on it. Balance is still there. Each class/build has it’s counter. Just figure it out.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


It feels weird for me to say so.. but I have to admit, rangers are hurting atm.

Mesmer finally has some parity and I’m loving that.

Mesmerising Girl

(edited by Ithilwen.1529)

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Don’t know what you guys are talking about. All I’ve been seeing is how bloody powerful they can be. I only saw it yesterday but, man…. they can be beast if you play them right.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


I think Trapper is pretty viable (I prefer the Settlers amu version with axe/dagger and sword/torch). It’s both strong in teamfights and as a node-defender/defensive roamer.

Even PR works, since not that many ppl use the abundantly available projectile- absorbs/reflects and you can go zerker-amu and still be pretty survivable and hard to burst down. It’s still pretty easy to switch a trait (on mesmer for example) which makes PR-ranger almost useless and also is decent against trapper, cuz he uses many projectiles. Or you can switch a rune, or maybe a class and the ranger is pretty much hard-countered. I don’t really like that dynamic. Just make some Ranger-skills which are obviously projectiles to just be designated as a non-projectile. :P

I’m only kinda sad that the taunt isn’t as good as I thougt it would be, since it is pretty fun and skill-intensive (you really need to control your pet well to use it effectively).

Some of the problems I encountered when coming up with decent builds:

1) it’s pretty hard to get swiftness or +25% movement-speed and often I have to take travelers runes: There isn’t enough space for the signet, there is no trait (except the swiftness on shouts, which I couldn’t really incorporate into a decent build) and the traveler-runes are not optimal for most builds.
2) Shortbow is still unusable if you don’t use 2 sigils with on-crit effects (which are mediocre compared to other sigils), which means it’s unusable for settlers amu, just because it does no dmg…. They really need to rework the first skill of this weapon.
3) health-pool is pretty low, which forces you into very defensive traits/equipment.
4) Not enough mightstacking possibilities, combine this with the need for the travelers runes and no cele-builds are too likely, although there are enough sustainy traits and skills. I think it’s okay that not every class has a cele-build though, just wanted to mention it anyways. ^^’
5) A lot of traits that buff up your pets limit which pets you can choose heavily, if you wanna take full advantage of it. Take for example pet’s prowess: So much better on high-precision pets, but try to use taunt and empathic bond using 2 birds – they’ll die in an instant, especially in teamfights.
6) One of the biggest issues with traits is that sharpened edges is on the same trait-level as trappers expertise, I think it should be a minor trait you get automatically or be combined with hidden barbs.

I really like the trapper-ranger though, since the traps open up a lot of strategic possibilities.

(edited by PowerBottom.5796)

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: XerreX.7196


I personaly believe that ranger in general is stronger than pre patch.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I think Trapper is pretty viable (I prefer the Settlers amu version with axe/dagger and sword/torch). It’s both strong in teamfights and as a node-defender/defensive roamer.

Even PR works, since not that many ppl use the abundantly available projectile- absorbs/reflects and you can go zerker-amu and still be pretty survivable and hard to burst down. It’s still pretty easy to switch a trait (on mesmer for example) which makes PR-ranger almost useless and also is decent against trapper, cuz he uses many projectiles. Or you can switch a rune, or maybe a class and the ranger is pretty much hard-countered. I don’t really like that dynamic. Just make some Ranger-skills which are obviously projectiles to just be designated as a non-projectile. :P

I’m only kinda sad that the taunt isn’t as good as I thougt it would be, since it is pretty fun and skill-intensive (you really need to control your pet well to use it effectively).

Some of the problems I encountered when coming up with decent builds:

1) it’s pretty hard to get swiftness or +25% movement-speed and often I have to take travelers runes: There isn’t enough space for the signet, there is no trait (except the swiftness on shouts, which I couldn’t really incorporate into a decent build) and the traveler-runes are not optimal for most builds.
2) Shortbow is still unusable if you don’t use 2 sigils with on-crit effects (which are mediocre compared to other sigils), which means it’s unusable for settlers amu, just because it does no dmg…. They really need to rework the first skill of this weapon.
3) health-pool is pretty low, which forces you into very defensive traits/equipment.
4) Not enough mightstacking possibilities, combine this with the need for the travelers runes and no cele-builds are too likely, although there are enough sustainy traits and skills. I think it’s okay that not every class has a cele-build though, just wanted to mention it anyways. ^^’
5) A lot of traits that buff up your pets limit which pets you can choose heavily, if you wanna take full advantage of it. Take for example pet’s prowess: So much better on high-precision pets, but try to use taunt and empathic bond using 2 birds – they’ll die in an instant, especially in teamfights.
6) One of the biggest issues with traits is that sharpened edges is on the same trait-level as trappers expertise, I think it should be a minor trait you get automatically or be combined with hidden barbs.

I really like the trapper-ranger though, since the traps open up a lot of strategic possibilities.

You also forget the missing off-hand radius trait. This nerf is totally unnecessary, since ranger’s condition is never strong to begin with. This basically is the main reason I give-up condition spec entirely and can only go for LB now.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: FlawlezZ.3178


Ranger is too weak in PVP imo (aside from 1v1). When I see ranger in my team and the opposing team has none I know we will lose. 90% i’m right. It’s very unfortunate.

I think Ranger absolutely needs more survivability aside from the signet and I really hope the new ranger specialization adresses the lack of AoE Ranger currently has.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


I feel ranger is in a better place since the patch. Still lacking, yet still in a better place.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


As a longbow pew pew we would be back in there if they buffed our AA a tiny bit. It sounds crazy and I dont have the numbers, but they are lower now than pre patch. Rapid fire is untouched, and when this is on cd our “pew pew” factor is gone. I feel we have the survivability through utilities/trait synergies, though this again leaves little for our team compared to what x class/build can provide.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Aside for some stupid traits and the removal of off hand range increase, the ranger is good. The problem is, Elementalist, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior are much much better.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Competitive pvp? yes
Casual ranked/unranked? no

Power ranger is a really fun build if you start to use all your skills + the environment instead of spamming 2.

Condi Ranger is ok but it lacks of everything except bleeds(cc, support, heal, mobility, etc) a cele ele can do its job 200% better.

Taunt is annoying af.

Cele-Ele can definitely do way more for a team but Condi Ranger doesn’t lack CC AT ALL. May be mobility but not CC, definitely not CC.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Ragnar.3916


rangers was allready completly useless for 1 year now, before this patch.
there was just no place for rangergameplay in competitive pvp.
allot good ranger players just left the game in this time, for me that says enough.

with this patch now,
ranger becomes completly useless,
playing as a ranger feels so super weak now, i mean ranger was not good before the patch, but at least you was able to do something, with this patch it feels like rangers just exist to get first targeted and killed fast.

i would say anet should start to think about removing this profession finaly,
so players don’t need to waste time trying to find working builds for this profession any more.

all builds around for rangers are just tryhard builds,
it’s much better to take an other profession and do twice better then you can do with every existing ranger build at the moment.

at least, just look what they did to the ranger profession with this patch.
that’s allot of nerfs and changes make some builds completly no fun to play anymore.

TRAPS: you can’t throw them any more and they need some seconds to be placed on the ground. that means also healing spring need some seconds before you can blast it now, that’s a nerf when you want to leap away and use healing spring fast to blast on the second leap

SPIRITS: they can’t follow you any more, for me that breaks completly the fun to use this (into the ground nerfed) build and makes them also completly useless now.
i still ask myself why peoples was so in hate to this 2 single spirit npcs in pvp.
look on mesmer, there you heave annoying npcs in pvp.

OFF HAND TRAINING: the nice old dagger dodge range and torch flame range just don’t exist in a single trait any more.

CONDI REMOVE WITH EMPATHIC BOND: you can completly forget to use this trait to remove condis at the moment, because your pet just dies ins seconds with this new condi stacking,
for example you heave 2 stacks of burning on yourself and your pet got this 2 stacks of burning also, because of some aoe burning skills,
when the pet starts to remove this 2 stacks of burning from you, then it will heave 4 stacks of burning and some other condis of course, that means your pet dies verry fast

NATURAL VIGOR (50% in the past): im not sure but if im right it’s nerfed again from 25% to 20% vigor regeneration. i never understood this hard endurance nerfs on the ranger profession which is forced to survive by dodging verry well.
i also ask myself, why the hell other professions can dodge allot more times then a ranger can do + other survive mechanics like ports, invulnerable etc.
would be a good idea to buff natural vigor back to the old 50% and i’m sure it would not make rangers to a super strong dodge machine.

there is more points to speak about what is wrong about ranger, because there is 75% working wrong on this profession and it get worse with erver patch, but

of course there is some interesting changes and buffs on ranger aswell
some interesting new traits and shouts are a bit better now.
but every profession got nice changes like this, even more

so i’m pretty sure, ranger will stay the last profession for another 1 year.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I feel ranger is in a better place since the patch. Still lacking, yet still in a better place.

Compared to pre-patch ranger? Or compared to the power creep for all classes?

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


I feel ranger is in a better place since the patch. Still lacking, yet still in a better place.

Compared to pre-patch ranger? Or compared to the power creep for all classes?

Everything got stronger. Yet the gap between ranger and the other professions has lessened since the patch compared to what it was before the patch.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I feel ranger is in a better place since the patch. Still lacking, yet still in a better place.

Compared to pre-patch ranger? Or compared to the power creep for all classes?

Everything got stronger. Yet the gap between ranger and the other professions has lessened since the patch compared to what it was before the patch.

Interesting, most people don’t agree with you (yet)!

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


i agree with him. id say most rangers haven’t yet found the optimal builds, which is why theyre complaining. that’s not to say we don’t need buffs.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


I feel ranger is in a better place since the patch. Still lacking, yet still in a better place.

Compared to pre-patch ranger? Or compared to the power creep for all classes?

Everything got stronger. Yet the gap between ranger and the other professions has lessened since the patch compared to what it was before the patch.

More like engi got turned to kitten (cele can’t carry as much) and necro is still not great but decent … This put rangers up just a little bit, other than that ranger still can’t hold anything to: warrior, ele, thief, mesmer, guardian right now. they’re too essential to good team comps.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I feel ranger is in a better place since the patch. Still lacking, yet still in a better place.

Compared to pre-patch ranger? Or compared to the power creep for all classes?

Everything got stronger. Yet the gap between ranger and the other professions has lessened since the patch compared to what it was before the patch.

More like engi got turned to kitten (cele can’t carry as much) and necro is still not great but decent … This put rangers up just a little bit, other than that ranger still can’t hold anything to: warrior, ele, thief, mesmer, guardian right now. they’re too essential to good team comps.

Engi is not as weak as many people claimed.
The classic P/P condition elixir build got buffed a great deal.
They do insane amount of condition damage, and they fair quite well against condition thanks to removing condition on elixir uses becomes a minor trait. The new traits in firearm synergize very well with the condition build. They can also take shorter cd elixir s (and stealth), tool kit, and moa elixir, so their survivability is not terrible.

People are just too used to celestial rifle that they couldn’t adjust back to condition build.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


p/p provides no team support like cele rifle did, p/p is next to useless , yes it got buffed but in a dueling / selfish way.

people aren’t used to rifle cele, it was the best team support build engi had , and they nerfed it. this put rangers up.

i’ll clarify also, rifle cele isn’t trash, it’s just other classes got buffed so much and the nerfs made it not as wanted/useful for carrying teams.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


p/p provides no team support like cele rifle did, p/p is next to useless , yes it got buffed but in a dueling / selfish way.

people aren’t used to rifle cele, it was the best team support build engi had , and they nerfed it. this put rangers up.

i’ll clarify also, rifle cele isn’t trash, it’s just other classes got buffed so much and the nerfs made it not as wanted/useful for carrying teams.

What do you mean by no utility for the team, when they can AOE cleanse (tool belt), AOE stealth, AOE stability, AOE Moa, AOE CC(elite tornado), tool belt pull, and still bring healing turret over Elixir H for AOE heal? They really don’t sacrifice anything other than choosing p/p over rifle.

Also, damage wise I don’t agree rabid P/P will be inferior than celestial rifle. Pistol 1 does aoe bleed, pistol 2 does quick stack poison, pistol 3 causes 4 stacks confusion instantly, pistal 4 causes 17k worth of burning damage on 3 targets.

If you’re talking about the CC difference, yes rifle got one of the best CC launch skill in the game, but still P/P provides AOE blind and AOE immobilize too, which is useful in team fight too.

Engi is my 2nd main and I don’t find P/P being horrible compare to celestial rifle.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Condi is just bad in team fights against good players is all, too much aoe cleanse esp with mantra mesmers now (shatter / mantra aoe cleanse) and eles and warriors and personal condi cleanse makes it next to useless… No doubt it might be good in 1on1s, but you’ll just get +1’d against good teams and then lose the node. Cele rifle had dmg and more team support and survivability.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Question: Does MoC increase the spike trap KD?

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Question: Does MoC increase the spike trap KD?

Don’t think so, doesn’t MoC only affect stuns and dazes? Spike is considered a knock down

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

I Believe Ranger are stronger Post patch though i do see Power Rangers didnt get much in return apart from more Stable Access to Hp sustain through timber or note, power/glass Rangers dont get much from Barkskin due to low toughness and hp so the %’s dont scale well vs damage taken.

though every other ranger build got a massive increase in its Survial ability and condi / damage from both sources pet and ranger , with the newer traits you’d have to consider a 3rd source of damage from traits " don’t underestimate Companion’s Might" if you have high Crits running a toughness condi build you can use MDG with this to power a fully stacked Torment glass pet while still having access to the wilderness line and skirmishing for healing spring+spike trap set up using taunt to lure targets into a pre-set up location with in close reach.

but thats one example of how a set of stats aka , toughnes, condi, healing became Viable for a beastmaster ranger.

im working on swapping my Cav/valk/assasins with cele mix to include more healing power in place of the Vitality stat , though i need to find a Sutiable replacement rune set for rune of exuberance , as that can’t be doubled up with " spirit to strenght " anymore.

its going to be Difficult to find a rune i may end up going back to Mad king or Pack runes, though im going to wait untill i’ve sorted my Vitality > healing power swap though i still want to maintain 19-22hp atm 21k hp .

using instinctive reactions its abvious that toughness, condi , healing builds or power, toughness, healing make the most out of this trait , the quickness and 7% conversion are ironicly more for Utility use rather than trying to use it to improve damage, more the Recovery of damage.

i also tried a saimoth Naturemagic, beast mastery and Skirmishing build with Evasive Purity as condi clear for the damaging condi poison.

used Timber with HoA and Sick um or protect me with HoTp , this granted me more than enough regen with my rune of exuberance boosting healing power to 425 with food and my 2 healing stat trinkets put it up to 512ish my Healing spring traited regen is 7.7k over 7secs + the regen from the shouts that grants swiftness.

protective warden.

with all the boons i could cast up bountiful hunter(protection,might,regen,swiftness,fury) 5% perm bonus became a strong bonus to damage when eatening the plasma (its straight up 9% boost for a good 12secs) , if i had optimised the build im sure it would become a lot stronger.

all the might from MDG transfers to the pet , i had 3k toughness and 2.32k power(without might) while still using my Cav/valk/ + cele mix of trinkets.

it became a Spotter , regen + healing bot which could deal out a very hefty chunk of damage using fury+spotter+ 30% base crit hits to deal critical damage when plasma is in effect, the second pet a Glass cannon pet like Jaguar or Lynx could be used Pick up plasma>swap pets>taunt>eat plasma>boost pet>f2 pet and quickess burst with weapons.

like one person said people havn’t found the Optimal build , though i do see the most optimal builds are Embracing pet use.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Karnac.2574


Ranger is too weak in PVP imo (aside from 1v1). When I see ranger in my team and the opposing team has none I know we will lose. 90% i’m right. It’s very unfortunate.

I think Ranger absolutely needs more survivability aside from the signet and I really hope the new ranger specialization adresses the lack of AoE Ranger currently has.

That is sad. I play sPvP exclusively and I almost always “carry” my team. I’m almost always the highest scorer also, as I capture the objectives and get the most kills. There are several other rangers that are even better than me that owns in sPvP. I’ve been on teams recently with 3 – 5 rangers and we owned the other team which had none. When I join a match and I see them on the team, I feel “guaranted win”.
I’d say the rangers you play with are either incompetent or dont care about winning the match.
Also, I switch my builds up often but I never use a LB power build. In fact, I only use combos of axe,dagger, horn and torch.
A lot has to do with the builds and skills of the rangers. The nerfs are dissapointing but not class-breaking to the point that “rangers suck”. I still enjoy my ranger. I had to tweak my builds and playstyle a little since the patch but it’s no big deal for me cuz i never was stuck on 1 meta build. I play builds that I find fun and I still am very sucessful in 1v1 and group fights on my ranger.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


it depends where one’s MMR is, Karnac. certain builds just don’t work well against better players. but I do agree that we’re better off now than we were before patch, even relative to other professions except Mesmer, which shames everyone else atm.

im seeing a lot of ineffective power builds, people still trying to pew pew with LB and nothing else. these are the people complaining generally.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Karnac.2574


it depends where one’s MMR is, Karnac. certain builds just don’t work well against better players. but I do agree that we’re better off now than we were before patch, even relative to other professions except Mesmer, which shames everyone else atm.

im seeing a lot of ineffective power builds, people still trying to pew pew with LB and nothing else. these are the people complaining generally.

Good point. I guess i dont get it because I dont use Pew Pew LB builds. In fact, I am usually estatic when i see a LB ranger on the other team cuz i know I can whip him with no trouble (depending on what build im running).
I also agree to your point about mesmers. I loose to them more now after the patch but I only lost to very very good ones pre-patch. Now I have to run an axe/axe power build or trap build to deal with them and keep their illusions down.
I think all builds an classes have the same complaint when their main build gets nerfed. This game forces you to to adapt and be flexible but most people want to just mash buttons and watch stuff die.
I even adapt on the fly during matches, switching skills and traits and pets depending on whose on the other team or whose on the point i’m running up to take.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Karnac, hotjoin counts for nothing.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Karnac.2574


Karnac, hotjoin counts for nothing.

They count for fun. Why else do you play a game??

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Mia Crazymike.1780

Mia Crazymike.1780

Rangers overall [OVERALL]… is a disappointing profession.

As long as pets are 8-bit companions, the profession will never improve.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Zatoichi.1049


Power ranger is in a slightly better spot with the addition of the beastmastery line, quickdraw, and enhanced survivability options.

Unfortunatetly other builds took two steps back

- not being able to put out big burns like other classes, as well as no torment
- lack of condi cleanse options
- no OH training
- not enough strong traits that encourage going condi

- no mobile spirits replaced by the luaghably weak spirit boon trait, cuz anet hates the"petting zoo" concept

- cant throw them anymore cuz when it comes to ranger, apparently flavor over function.
- Traps not appropriately buffed aside from spike
- still cant use trapper runes

-They still dont do anything useful

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Ofir.2405


The thing I hate about rangers right now that you need to sacrifice to much in traits and in skills so I can get a balanced build. I cant put both piercing in LB and have Remorseless, If I want Quick Draw i need to have Skirmishing trait line but the the other traits in their are useless to me.. It just feel like you either got a dps build or a bunker build and you cant combine dps and stabillity at the same time.

However, I am still having fun with my main ranger and with my current build (if I pull the skills just qucikly enough) I am able to stay alive in groups fights and 1vs1 pretty good.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Zatoichi.1049


it depends where one’s MMR is, Karnac. certain builds just don’t work well against better players. but I do agree that we’re better off now than we were before patch, even relative to other professions except Mesmer, which shames everyone else atm.

im seeing a lot of ineffective power builds, people still trying to pew pew with LB and nothing else. these are the people complaining generally.

Good point. I guess i dont get it because I dont use Pew Pew LB builds. In fact, I am usually estatic when i see a LB ranger on the other team cuz i know I can whip him with no trouble (depending on what build im running).
I also agree to your point about mesmers. I loose to them more now after the patch but I only lost to very very good ones pre-patch. Now I have to run an axe/axe power build or trap build to deal with them and keep their illusions down.
I think all builds an classes have the same complaint when their main build gets nerfed. This game forces you to to adapt and be flexible but most people want to just mash buttons and watch stuff die.
I even adapt on the fly during matches, switching skills and traits and pets depending on whose on the other team or whose on the point i’m running up to take.

Pretty sure if u went up against eura and his pew pew u may not whip him

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Mia Crazymike.1780

Mia Crazymike.1780

- not being able to put out big burns like other classes, as well as no torment

Laugh out loud @ wanting to give everything to every profession.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Karnac.2574


it depends where one’s MMR is, Karnac. certain builds just don’t work well against better players. but I do agree that we’re better off now than we were before patch, even relative to other professions except Mesmer, which shames everyone else atm.

im seeing a lot of ineffective power builds, people still trying to pew pew with LB and nothing else. these are the people complaining generally.

Good point. I guess i dont get it because I dont use Pew Pew LB builds. In fact, I am usually estatic when i see a LB ranger on the other team cuz i know I can whip him with no trouble (depending on what build im running).
I also agree to your point about mesmers. I loose to them more now after the patch but I only lost to very very good ones pre-patch. Now I have to run an axe/axe power build or trap build to deal with them and keep their illusions down.
I think all builds an classes have the same complaint when their main build gets nerfed. This game forces you to to adapt and be flexible but most people want to just mash buttons and watch stuff die.
I even adapt on the fly during matches, switching skills and traits and pets depending on whose on the other team or whose on the point i’m running up to take.

Pretty sure if u went up against eura and his pew pew u may not whip him

All depends on the build being ran vs his pew pew. Sure, i’d get owned on some builds but pew pew vs well timed evades and Sig of stone, whirling defense, strong regen and nasty pet management goes down quick. I have a trap build that melts pew pew rangers and most other classes that are not spec’d for on demand condi removal. Eles own me on that build with diamondskin though. That’s the fun of playing ranger – the veratility.
You will loose some…you’ll win most if played right. Sometimes you gotta know that you cant dance with that ele 1v1 on the point given your build…so kite till teammates arive or get out of dodge. Heck, sometimes depending on the situation, a no win battle is just as fun if it holds the point even for a small bit. No easy mode vs all other classes is all im saying.
Be willing to be flexible and understand who youre facing and Ranger is an awesome class.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Be willing to be flexible and understand who youre facing and Ranger is an awesome class.

You can’t be flexible with ranger the only build that works is pewpew survival/signet nothing else is viable because of bugged & missing traits. and that’s a shame
(offhand training missing, spirits cast is too long their active skill doesnt scale with chara stats and animation too slow, taunt not working with birds and bears pets… and so on the list is long)

(edited by RevanCorana.8942)

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Mia Crazymike.1780

Mia Crazymike.1780

You will loose some…you’ll win most if played right.

That’s everyone…