Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Can we please also add nerfs to AC’s and Siege Rams? I’ve killed so many people with those it isn’t funny. Oh, maybe also focus on Guardians – especially in Edge of Mists and the Skyhammer map. I can’t tell you how many times I have killed 3 or more at once watching them fall to their death.
Oh – let us get high ledges and castle walls added to the list.
Thread poster needs to L2P is all. Same story yet different day.
1500 range is offset by low DPS under 1200, plus the attacks are ridiculously easy to dodge (they are slow firing, slow traveling, and you have lots of time to see them coming from 1500 away).
That’s already been mentioned. So has dodging, reflection, blocking, and the fact that 1500 range can be covered in about 3 seconds by most professions. Also the fact that rangers have terrible defenses if specced for longbow. The problem here is that the OP doesn’t actually give the responses more than a cursory glance, and wonders why we get upset with him. It’s the online equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling “la la la I can’t hear you 1500 range OP!”
I am not doing that at all and i am listening. I will stop writing.
1500 range is offset by low DPS under 1200, plus the attacks are ridiculously easy to dodge (they are slow firing, slow traveling, and you have lots of time to see them coming from 1500 away).
That’s already been mentioned. So has dodging, reflection, blocking, and the fact that 1500 range can be covered in about 3 seconds by most professions. Also the fact that rangers have terrible defenses if specced for longbow. The problem here is that the OP doesn’t actually give the responses more than a cursory glance, and wonders why we get upset with him. It’s the online equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling “la la la I can’t hear you 1500 range OP!”
I am not doing that at all and i am listening. I will stop writing.
But you are not listening. That is the frustration and why people feel you are trolling. There is high risk with reward (e.g. challenge per your sig) when playing a power ranger in open field.
While range gives you an advantage it is limited to people with poor situational awareness or fights that you start the dance. Of course there are camp and tower advantages but all that goes out the door once the fight starts and you are noticed.
Range and damage come with a price. Once the enemy engages you chances are high you have bingo defensive tactics and you are in a fight or die situation. People have said how to close the gap and also provide ways to retaliate or reflect your incoming damage. Heck, there is a video here a few posts down on main page whereas a ranger is taking a camp facing two rangers.
Notice they both dodge…
Seriously though – stay on the out skirts and pick people off. But once the fight comes to you let me know how that range works.
reflects are a risk, if retaliation were not garbage it would also be a risk to rangers. the only profession that would have a hard time fighting back would be a necro due to lack of reflects and poor mobility.
Retaliation is actually a problem for the ranger…
… Ever tried to blow no.5 into a Zerg? I usually had to blow my heal and hide because I lost over 10K hp just from that. 350 damage multiplied by 5 that’s somewhere around 1800 damage per second… And it lasts for a while. And signet of stone won’t soak it up.
Retaliation is actually a problem for the ranger…
… Ever tried to blow no.5 into a Zerg? I usually had to blow my heal and hide because I lost over 10K hp just from that. 350 damage multiplied by 5 that’s somewhere around 1800 damage per second… And it lasts for a while. And signet of stone won’t soak it up.
this is true
254 damage x5/s for 10 seconds
not counting those guards/thieves who are causing you bleed/burn just by hitting them. against an organized zerg, a rangers barrage will generally kill them 100% of the time without a heal active. even then, it’s still incredibly dangerous considering it does literally no damage
the only time people even bother to dodge a rangers’ barrage is because they think it’s an arrowcart and panic
I am not doing that at all and i am listening. I will stop writing.
Yes, you are, because you continue to maintain that 1500 range is a significant advantage to overcome. Guess what? Thieves can get to you from 1500 range instantly (technically, they can get to you from 2100 units in 1.5 seconds while evading for the entire duration). Over any terrain, even if they’re crippled or chilled. And once they do, you die.
Guardians can reflect your rapid fire back at you, cover 300 range in 0.75 seconds with a dodge, and start shooting you with scepter or staff as they move into melee range. The closer they get, the lower your damage becomes and the more of an advantage they have. They also have easy access to a ranged immobilize as well as protection and stability. You lose that fight, too.
Engineers can hit back from 1500 range (with a large AoE, too), as well as cause blindness and poison while doing so. They can also stack vulnerability better than rangers can.
Rifle warriors can do strong DPS from 1200 units (just one dodge away from 1500) without being nearly as fragile as a longbow ranger. They also get an extremely powerful rifle attack with 1500 range. They also get stability and can catch a longbow ranger pretty easily, covering 1500 range distance in less than 2 seconds. Warrior rifle also has better access to cripple than ranger longbow, and isn’t weakened at shorter distances.
Mesmers can hit from 1200 range, and again they just dodge once to get that close. Alternatively, they can stealth or use a clone as a meat shield in order to do so. Either way, they 1500 range advantage doesn’t even get you one free shot. Mesmers also have better cc than rangers.
Staff elementalists have reflection and weakness in their earth line and swiftness, blindness and stun in air. They have better damage and better utility at long range than a ranger does, but they have to since they can’t switch to a short melee range weapon. Either way, in a long range duel the elementalist probably has the advantage here.
Do I need to go on, or do you get the idea? 1500 range doesn’t actually give rangers an advantage against an aware and skilled foe, and balancing something based on how it fares against unskilled players is a bad idea.
Hey guyz …
… Haven’t you realized that the OPer is not interested in facts? =D
You have known for a long time that he doesn’t really care, the numbers here are already stated, explained and proved – and you know he still goes in circles with a statement that has been denied over and over again.
I hereby release you from your duty to lose your precious time here =D
Feel free to move on =D
I don’t see your justification valid just by killing 8 players in 5 mins in WvW, more explaining on detail how you’ve done it perhaps? Are they engaging? Are they low level players? etc etc Are they new players or veteran players? Killed them on 1v1? What class are they?
Unless arena reverse back the ninja nerfed on the velocity of arrow, i may agree with you. Atm, big no.
I was in keep while enemy zerg attacking it: i was only ranger attacking in range while my server party was attacking with close range. That is how i experience the long range 1500 easy kill: i keep spamming #1 until it kill enemy. The class i kill are- ranger, mesmer and warrior. I do not know what level they are because wvw is automatically level 80. I do not know if they are veteran player: just enemy player.
I made other suggestion for ranger longbow speed increase and have longbow ranger range decrease to 1300. I think it is ok fair trade?
So you had a postion where a Ranger is most effective with no draw backs because of a large WALL blocking Melee combataints and the opposing Zerg ignored you by not pressuring you or ONTHER ranger Pbs’ing your Channel attacks to prevent deaths or even the opposing zergs fault for not having (atleast one person with a Reflect Wall to prevent the Impending doom of you firing down from a Postion that gives you the Advantage because you are a Ranger where Melee is your bane)
you had all the factors in your favour and Lb has nothing to do with it , A zerker Ele could do the same and Kill a Lot more than 8 players while defending a Wall vs a Stupid Zerg fighting on a Gate Guarded by a defending zerg where your zerg has Drained the opposing zerg of Defensive skills , Leaving them open to your Ranged Bombardments.
does that about sum up your problems because i don’t see any,
I do remember. It was nice, but not so “big”. I’m hoping for some real care & fix patch.
Remember my Ranger Overhaul v2?
Since most of it was centered around underwater combat, which they later decided to abandon seem like they kind of shafted ranger there.
I “wonder” why no AN member brave enough to answer our prays…
nor why did they let all of this happen…
glassbow is absolutely the weakest glass in the game. mesmers, thieves, medi guards and even power necros have a lot more utility and arguably better APPLIED damage than the glassbow. there is a lot of risk to playing one, not enough rewards imo. glassbows are shut down hard by just about all other viable zerker specs in the game (if theyre paying attention and training the ranger).
glassbow is almost a competitive spec. it needsa lot more utility and survivability to be viable in high end pvp. as things stand currently, ranger needs the extra range to survive. but even that is not enough.
finally, ranger is one of the lowest skill cap profs in the game, so if you want something more complex and rewarding, I suggest the shatter Mesmer.
glassbow is absolutely the weakest glass in the game. mesmers, thieves, medi guards and even power necros have a lot more utility and arguably better APPLIED damage than the glassbow. there is a lot of risk to playing one, not enough rewards imo. glassbows are shut down hard by just about all other viable zerker specs in the game (if theyre paying attention and training the ranger).
glassbow is almost a competitive spec. it needsa lot more utility and survivability to be viable in high end pvp. as things stand currently, ranger needs the extra range to survive. but even that is not enough.
finally, ranger is one of the lowest skill cap profs in the game, so if you want something more complex and rewarding, I suggest the shatter Mesmer.
I disagree with the low skill cap argument for ranger.
Power ranger has some of the highest skill cap, depending on how glassy you are.
If you go full glass (30 25 15 0 0), you basically can have at most ONE condition removal, which is very hard to use thanks to it’s small radius and require you to swap pet to reliably use it within range(SoR). If you take healing spring over other heal, your sustain drops significantly because the cool down is very long and the heal amount is not that impressive. (Plus it’s not viable in WvW roaming)
You can, of course, dump 30 in nature and sacrifices 3~4 skill choices for survival skills. sacrificing mobility (SotH) and other useful utilities. You also lose around 33% dps if you move the stat from Power or Skirmish line away.
(Tested in the Mist already. Golem indestructible takes 33 secs when go for 30 25 15 0 0, and 51 secs if go for either 30 0 10 30 0// 0 25 15 30 0 )
You’re very vulnerable to condition if you go for fall glass, as well as weak to direct burst class too. Thief and mediation guardian can gap close to you in 0.5 second and sustain your burst through dodges and blocks, while you have to try really hard just to survive, relying on your pet and your stealth and melee weapon. Also, both thief and mediation guardian can immobile you while you don’t have many method to deal with it. (lighting reflex or one time use SoR) Offensive warrior can outlast the burst and reliably chip you down and can gap close you infinitely. Elementalist has bunch of reflection on their weapon skills, as well as invulnerability, cleanse, stability, protection to deal with your projectile and CC. Condition necromancer can withstand your burst with high toughness, remove your RaO, land a chill on you and you can never escape, and just chain fear you to death thanks to ranger’s lack of condition removal and stunbreak. Engineer can you multiple blocks on shield and tool kit to gap close you, and then chip you down with confusion and numerous other DoT.
Overall ranger really need to try alot harder to compete these classes if all of them are in similar skill level. Therefore, I do not agree ranger is a low skill cap class. Dominating clueless noobs is not the way to define low skill cap.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
If LB base range were boosted up to 1500, and arrow velocity to current’s ~170%, + some DMG, we were good for arching. Then yet have to do something with melee, survivality & pets.
ATM it’s pretty pathetic.
I never know how unchallenge range long range is with experience in wvw. I find 1500 too much no risk for ragner class range. Standard long range is 1200, what i do not understand is do ranger class need that +300 range to be effective as a long range class?
In wvw, all i was doing is spam longbow skill #1 and i feel this is too much not having risk for a range class. I am chock that i kill 8 player in 5 minute just for being in 1500 range: i find that problematic not accept for challenge play and require no risk play. No class should have easy advantage + with 0-little cooldown.
In Pve and Pvp: i see same effect and it should not be that way at all.
Last: there is no excuse, there is no reason for that class to have +300 advatage over standard 1200 range especially can spam with very low cool down.
Suggestion again: make ranger class range be 1300 range for challeng play and risk play.
Ranger class need have risk not have over advantage: i remember too, they have pet that can go long range: it make no sense giving ranger 2x long range- rangerpet+high mobility for ranger= too much no risk, too much no challenge
Conclude: Easy acess and easy advantage need to have risk and concequence.
Consider change to ranger range arena net
Dear god….. how many classes are you claiming to be OP now? This is at least the 3rd or 4th. Maybe play the game for a few more months before deciding everything that kills you is OP.
Maybe he’s playing a PvE boss! I bet he’s lupi or something and everything can solo him!
I disagree with the low skill cap argument for ranger.
Power ranger has some of the highest skill cap, depending on how glassy you are..
I don’t think you quite understand what skill cap is. it’s basically the time and effort required to learn proficiency with a spec/prof. the more tools and CD’s are needed to generate effectiveness, the higher the skill cap. for example, triple kit engies have a high skill cap.
glassbows don’t have many tools and the spec is simple. you have to basically manage a handful of cooldowns and maintain range, but mostly youre pressing a few buttons to generate an effect. the rest is all about learning the game mode, positioning, and timing, which aren’t related to mechanical skill, but to game sense. glassbows require a lot of game sense.
rangers are in a bit of a rough shape competitively because they don’t have the toolset required to “get better” and become more effective. the prof is limited by the tools, not the player, so it has a low skill ceiling. something like a d/d ele is limited by the player, not by the toolset. the player has many, many tools at his disposal which he can learn over a long period and get much better over time. therefore, the spec has a higher skill cap.
I hope this helps in your understanding.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
I disagree with the low skill cap argument for ranger.
Power ranger has some of the highest skill cap, depending on how glassy you are..I don’t think you quite understand what skill cap is. it’s basically the time and effort required to learn proficiency with a spec/prof. the more tools and CD’s are needed to generate effectiveness, the higher the skill cap. for example, triple kit engies have a high skill cap.
This one always bothered me … What actually is a “skill-cap” ? Skill required to play the subject into perfection MECHANICALLY, or skill to play the subject THE MOST EFFICIENT/COMPETITIVE way?
Because let’s say … There is a class that is mechanically worthless… But has the potential through other means like … Let’s say Range, right?
Range without damage is worthless… But if you are able to maintain the range at all times – you can’t be touched and it would equal being played into perfection … But without a single mechanic like stability / cleanse – which means you don’t need any skill about using abilities.
But you need the skill to know when to use them, what to counter, when to bait and when not to and when you can’t afford to use them.
Does it mean harder to be played (you have to outplay much more mechanically powerful classes) or harder to use your abilities efficiently (more cooldowns, require better reflexes, require ability sequence…)?
It’s obvious that mechanically most powerful would be elementalists. As well as they require high skill-cap to track their cooldowns and combo their abilities.
But if Ranger has to win – he has to literally track his enemies patterns, just to be able to outplay him through sheer “counters = evades” and “windows = opportunities to press the button”. Isn’t the requirement to know this stuff a skill-cap for the class, too?
To the poster above, it is a losing argument. I agree 100% with what you said because, well, it actually makes sense. But at the end of the day like the other poster above you can’t really change their opinion. Much like that of the OP.
Each class has risk vs. reward in WvW and PvP but they are not all equal. As you pointed out a Ranger running full DPS with very little defenses in open field WvW has to play smart. How smart? Almost like a 4th meta in the game I call hide n’ seek. Last night when I played I was pretty sure I didn’t have any magical bubble surrounding me that gave me a pass and deflected all incoming attacks nor was I alerted when enemy players, regardless of numbers, chased me down…
Rangers have equal risk vs. rewards along with every other class. Guardian DPS running triple meditations gives up a lot of health and armor to do that damage. Why is that any more risk than a Ranger doing the same thing? I’d almost argue that the Ranger has it tougher due to less blocking and tools available to sustain.
1 skill with a long range doesn’t make this class OP when a simple double tap / dodge negates all incoming damage. If the masses don’t understand this simple game mechanic, for any incoming damage, then they are really playing the wrong game.
Simply put – Dodge plays a major role in this game. Those that learn it quick usually do well. Those that don’t, well, free loot bags.
To the poster above, it is a losing argument. I agree 100% with what you said because, well, it actually makes sense. But at the end of the day like the other poster above you can’t really change their opinion. Much like that of the OP.
Each class has risk vs. reward in WvW and PvP but they are not all equal. As you pointed out a Ranger running full DPS with very little defenses in open field WvW has to play smart. How smart? Almost like a 4th meta in the game I call hide n’ seek. Last night when I played I was pretty sure I didn’t have any magical bubble surrounding me that gave me a pass and deflected all incoming attacks nor was I alerted when enemy players, regardless of numbers, chased me down…
Rangers have equal risk vs. rewards along with every other class. Guardian DPS running triple meditations gives up a lot of health and armor to do that damage. Why is that any more risk than a Ranger doing the same thing? I’d almost argue that the Ranger has it tougher due to less blocking and tools available to sustain.
1 skill with a long range doesn’t make this class OP when a simple double tap / dodge negates all incoming damage. If the masses don’t understand this simple game mechanic, for any incoming damage, then they are really playing the wrong game.
Simply put – Dodge plays a major role in this game. Those that learn it quick usually do well. Those that don’t, well, free loot bags.
Thank You! for understanding I also want to say: there is only 2 dodge compare with no dodge limit in other mmo game. Like you say play smart but how smart can you play when there is limit with only 2 dodge? Example: if there is 1+ ranger attacking in 1500 range, 2 dodge will not save you but if dodge was not limit. than it would make sense. I hope you understand.
Last, i always see player post and player say that dodge, dodge but they do not want admit how limit dodge is so until than, dodge is very bad excuse until Arena net increase it; if they want.
Newsflash – they don’t balance for WvW, and if you want a no risk class then you wouldn’t pick ranger, you’d pick thief or certain warrior builds, who can disengage for the most part when they want.
Newsflash – they don’t balance for WvW, and if you want a no risk class then you wouldn’t pick ranger, you’d pick thief or certain warrior builds, who can disengage for the most part when they want.
I did not know ranger was not risk class until i experience it. You are correct with thief and warrior
To the poster above, it is a losing argument. I agree 100% with what you said because, well, it actually makes sense. But at the end of the day like the other poster above you can’t really change their opinion. Much like that of the OP.
Each class has risk vs. reward in WvW and PvP but they are not all equal. As you pointed out a Ranger running full DPS with very little defenses in open field WvW has to play smart. How smart? Almost like a 4th meta in the game I call hide n’ seek. Last night when I played I was pretty sure I didn’t have any magical bubble surrounding me that gave me a pass and deflected all incoming attacks nor was I alerted when enemy players, regardless of numbers, chased me down…
Rangers have equal risk vs. rewards along with every other class. Guardian DPS running triple meditations gives up a lot of health and armor to do that damage. Why is that any more risk than a Ranger doing the same thing? I’d almost argue that the Ranger has it tougher due to less blocking and tools available to sustain.
1 skill with a long range doesn’t make this class OP when a simple double tap / dodge negates all incoming damage. If the masses don’t understand this simple game mechanic, for any incoming damage, then they are really playing the wrong game.
Simply put – Dodge plays a major role in this game. Those that learn it quick usually do well. Those that don’t, well, free loot bags.
Thank You! for understanding
I also want to say: there is only 2 dodge compare with no dodge limit in other mmo game. Like you say play smart but how smart can you play when there is limit with only 2 dodge? Example: if there is 1+ ranger attacking in 1500 range, 2 dodge will not save you but if dodge was not limit. than it would make sense. I hope you understand.
Last, i always see player post and player say that dodge, dodge but they do not want admit how limit dodge is so until than, dodge is very bad excuse until Arena net increase it; if they want.
Oh, I understand. It comes down to how you set up your builds, runes, food, and of course sigils. They all play a role so you are not limited to just two dodges. As I said if the Ranger built for pure damage chances are high they have very little defenses. Thus my risk vs. reward comment. So I don’t think Arena Net needs to fix it because they want to you make a choice. Endurance – use it wisely
So yes, I do understand. But also know that the damage output from Rapid Fire wasn’t increased. So I did mention dodge but as already been stated you can also use the land, NPC’s, and creatures to also help avoid RF.
Nothing is free and you do have to make some choices. I don’t think any class in the game ignores that part but that is just my opinion.
To the poster above, it is a losing argument. I agree 100% with what you said because, well, it actually makes sense. But at the end of the day like the other poster above you can’t really change their opinion. Much like that of the OP.
Each class has risk vs. reward in WvW and PvP but they are not all equal. As you pointed out a Ranger running full DPS with very little defenses in open field WvW has to play smart. How smart? Almost like a 4th meta in the game I call hide n’ seek. Last night when I played I was pretty sure I didn’t have any magical bubble surrounding me that gave me a pass and deflected all incoming attacks nor was I alerted when enemy players, regardless of numbers, chased me down…
Rangers have equal risk vs. rewards along with every other class. Guardian DPS running triple meditations gives up a lot of health and armor to do that damage. Why is that any more risk than a Ranger doing the same thing? I’d almost argue that the Ranger has it tougher due to less blocking and tools available to sustain.
1 skill with a long range doesn’t make this class OP when a simple double tap / dodge negates all incoming damage. If the masses don’t understand this simple game mechanic, for any incoming damage, then they are really playing the wrong game.
Simply put – Dodge plays a major role in this game. Those that learn it quick usually do well. Those that don’t, well, free loot bags.
Thank You! for understanding
I also want to say: there is only 2 dodge compare with no dodge limit in other mmo game. Like you say play smart but how smart can you play when there is limit with only 2 dodge? Example: if there is 1+ ranger attacking in 1500 range, 2 dodge will not save you but if dodge was not limit. than it would make sense. I hope you understand.
Last, i always see player post and player say that dodge, dodge but they do not want admit how limit dodge is so until than, dodge is very bad excuse until Arena net increase it; if they want.
Try to roam “solo” in T1 EB and see how unforgiving glass ranger can be against any decent player with decent build. (cond necro, invisible thief, dodging S/D thief, , condition warrior, mediation block guardian, those are all extremely hard fight and hard counter.)
Newsflash – they don’t balance for WvW, and if you want a no risk class then you wouldn’t pick ranger, you’d pick thief or certain warrior builds, who can disengage for the most part when they want.
I did not know ranger was not risk class until i experience it. You are correct with thief and warrior
Please stop posting such generalized statements. Ranger as a class has risk. You have to make sacrifices with traits, utilities but even with weapon choices. You can’t have it all. That is the risk rangers have to make. There is no risk in pressing the 2 button on your keyboard, true. But from your posts it seems you didn’t experience how bad things can go for a glassbow ranger if a player survives your initial damage.
On the subject of dodge, if people are willing to post their build, then they will be given other advice. Sadly, most people come to the forums and post sentences like: “We all know that rangers are broken, nerf them ANET!”.
I did not know ranger was not risk class until i experience it. You are correct with thief and warrior
I’m looking forward to improving my skills after watching your videos of unedited no-risk total domination in ranked PvP matches. When can you post them?
I was in keep while enemy zerg attacking it: i was only ranger attacking in range while my server party was attacking with close range. That is how i experience the long range 1500 easy kill: i keep spamming #1 until it kill enemy. The class i kill are- ranger, mesmer and warrior. I do not know what level they are because wvw is automatically level 80. I do not know if they are veteran player: just enemy player.
I do want to point out that this is the guy’s experience of the longbow. From what I’ve read I’m certain that he had not actually “killed” these players but “tagged” them and the melee zerg killed them. I could of ran through with the lootstick on my guardian and gotten credit for kills on each player in that zerg but not do any significant damage.
DarkSyze, just because you get experience points and loot does not mean that you yourself killed them or had any significant impact on the fight. Try removing yourself from the zerg and getting kills with your “easy mode, no risk” ranger while roaming 1v1s.
There’s a reason why rangers aren’t part of the meta in zerg/GvG play, regardless of 1500 range. In fact, it has a negative effect as you’re out of range of zerg buffs and not contributing to the support of the back lines. Though, this is stuff you’re supposed to learn as you play and get better.
All of you saying its fine, kitten. how is 1800 range, 2-3k auto attack, with rapid fire channel through stealth fair????!?!?!?!?!?
Pfft people make me sick.
And yes it is 1800, even 2100 if used on upper ground
All of you saying its fine, kitten. how is 1800 range, 2-3k auto attack, with rapid fire channel through stealth fair????!?!?!?!?!?
Pfft people make me sick.
And yes it is 1800, even 2100 if used on upper ground
Seriously, play one while solo queing in SPVP , or roam in T1 wvw server “SOLO” before you say anything. Pretty sure any decent players and their mom know how to fight power ranger.
(BTW, even in zerg fight, ranger does next to nothing during big scale zerg fight. You can have 1800 range, yet you’re still contributing nothing)
Newbies these days…
(edited by Aomine.5012)
All of you saying its fine, kitten. how is 1800 range, 2-3k auto attack, with rapid fire channel through stealth fair????!?!?!?!?!?
Pfft people make me sick.
And yes it is 1800, even 2100 if used on upper ground
Because I’m full glass with very limited condi removal and there’s this thing called dodging.
1500 range is offset by low DPS under 1200, plus the attacks are ridiculously easy to dodge (they are slow firing, slow traveling, and you have lots of time to see them coming from 1500 away).
That’s already been mentioned. So has dodging, reflection, blocking, and the fact that 1500 range can be covered in about 3 seconds by most professions. Also the fact that rangers have terrible defenses if specced for longbow. The problem here is that the OP doesn’t actually give the responses more than a cursory glance, and wonders why we get upset with him. It’s the online equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling “la la la I can’t hear you 1500 range OP!”
I am not doing that at all and i am listening. I will stop writing.
Good. You need to play more. Looking at your post history you’re currently advocating nerfs on Warriors, Engineers, Thieves, and Rangers. Please do us, and especially yourself, a favor and learn how to play the game instead of trying to get classes nerfed because you have problems fighting them.
All of you saying its fine, kitten. how is 1800 range, 2-3k auto attack, with rapid fire channel through stealth fair????!?!?!?!?!?
Pfft people make me sick.
And yes it is 1800, even 2100 if used on upper ground
I’m away from the game for 4 months and come back to find people are still making this stupid argument?
Except for a handful of skills which have their ranges hard-capped (e.g. all ranger shortbow skills are capped at 900), every ranged attack can hit further than its indicated range. There’s a Anet dev post somewhere saying it was intentionally designed this way, and ranged attacks can hit a certain percentage beyond their tooltip range.
So it makes no sense to compare on the basis of actual range because they’re completely proportional to the tooltip ranges. If ranger longbow can actually hit up to 1800 range, or 2100 from high ground, then elementalist fireball can actually hit up to 1440 range, or 1680 from high ground.
So KISS. Just use the tooltip ranges. They correctly give the range comparisons in all equivalent cases. Throwing the actual ranges or high ground ranges into the argument either shows your ignorance of the game mechanics, or reveals your bias – by incorrectly comparing non-equivalent cases (e.g. 1800 vs 1200), you trick people into mistakenly thinking ranger has a bigger range advantage.
(edited by Solandri.9640)
1500 range is offset by low DPS under 1200, plus the attacks are ridiculously easy to dodge (they are slow firing, slow traveling, and you have lots of time to see them coming from 1500 away).
That’s already been mentioned. So has dodging, reflection, blocking, and the fact that 1500 range can be covered in about 3 seconds by most professions. Also the fact that rangers have terrible defenses if specced for longbow. The problem here is that the OP doesn’t actually give the responses more than a cursory glance, and wonders why we get upset with him. It’s the online equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling “la la la I can’t hear you 1500 range OP!”
I am not doing that at all and i am listening. I will stop writing.
Good. You need to play more. Looking at your post history you’re currently advocating nerfs on Warriors, Engineers, Thieves, and Rangers. Please do us, and especially yourself, a favor and learn how to play the game instead of trying to get classes nerfed because you have problems fighting them.
It is not i am having problem with them because i like challenge. What i find problem is how they have more advantage without any effort and consequence. It is common sense for any game designer to not design a profession by give high it high advantage without have penalty, concequence and risk. Like one of the designer say, “it is complete suicide without having any risk”
I advocate and will always advocate for challenge: I will never advocate for no challenge. Having maximum advantage with no or almost no effort, no risk, no consequence and less penalty is instant fail to fun.
Last: How do these class; thief, engineer, ranger and elementalist is reward for doing almost nothing? While other class have to work 10x time harder for reward?
That is not Challenge!
Example: Marathon Race! – 8 runner— 4 runner using steroid, other 4 not using steroid, marathon end..
What 4 runner win?
What 4 runner lose?
(Remember: the marathon race require challenge and effort).
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Still waiting for those videos, dear Darksyze. The ‘problem’ would be demonstrated much more clearly.
I did not know ranger was not risk class until i experience it. You are correct with thief and warrior
I’m looking forward to improving my skills after watching your videos of unedited no-risk total domination in ranked PvP matches. When can you post them?
1500 range is offset by low DPS under 1200, plus the attacks are ridiculously easy to dodge (they are slow firing, slow traveling, and you have lots of time to see them coming from 1500 away).
That’s already been mentioned. So has dodging, reflection, blocking, and the fact that 1500 range can be covered in about 3 seconds by most professions. Also the fact that rangers have terrible defenses if specced for longbow. The problem here is that the OP doesn’t actually give the responses more than a cursory glance, and wonders why we get upset with him. It’s the online equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling “la la la I can’t hear you 1500 range OP!”
I am not doing that at all and i am listening. I will stop writing.
Good. You need to play more. Looking at your post history you’re currently advocating nerfs on Warriors, Engineers, Thieves, and Rangers. Please do us, and especially yourself, a favor and learn how to play the game instead of trying to get classes nerfed because you have problems fighting them.
It is not i am having problem with them because i like challenge. What i find problem is how they have more advantage without any effort and consequence. It is common sense for any game designer to not design a profession by give high it high advantage without have penalty, concequence and risk. Like one of the designer say, “it is complete suicide without having any risk”
I advocate and will always advocate for challenge: I will never advocate for no challenge. Having maximum advantage with no or almost no effort, no risk, no consequence and less penalty is instant fail to fun.
Last: How do these class; thief, engineer, ranger and elementalist is reward for doing almost nothing? While other class have to work 10x time harder for reward?
That is not Challenge!
Example: Marathon Race! – 8 runner— 4 runner using steroid, other 4 not using steroid, marathon end..
What 4 runner win?
What 4 runner lose?(Remember: the marathon race require challenge and effort).
So once again you spout your broken rhetoric while ignoring the arguments. How about you address the actual points being made? Better yet why don’t you show us how OP the longbow is by dueling me or fighting anyone else with half a brain in a 1v1.
Standing off to the side of a zerg fight and tagging people doesn’t make a weapon over powered. If you really believed there was no risk when playing longbow you wouldn’t be afraid to 1v1.
1500 range is offset by low DPS under 1200, plus the attacks are ridiculously easy to dodge (they are slow firing, slow traveling, and you have lots of time to see them coming from 1500 away).
That’s already been mentioned. So has dodging, reflection, blocking, and the fact that 1500 range can be covered in about 3 seconds by most professions. Also the fact that rangers have terrible defenses if specced for longbow. The problem here is that the OP doesn’t actually give the responses more than a cursory glance, and wonders why we get upset with him. It’s the online equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling “la la la I can’t hear you 1500 range OP!”
I am not doing that at all and i am listening. I will stop writing.
Good. You need to play more. Looking at your post history you’re currently advocating nerfs on Warriors, Engineers, Thieves, and Rangers. Please do us, and especially yourself, a favor and learn how to play the game instead of trying to get classes nerfed because you have problems fighting them.
It is not i am having problem with them because i like challenge. What i find problem is how they have more advantage without any effort and consequence. It is common sense for any game designer to not design a profession by give high it high advantage without have penalty, concequence and risk. Like one of the designer say, “it is complete suicide without having any risk”
I advocate and will always advocate for challenge: I will never advocate for no challenge. Having maximum advantage with no or almost no effort, no risk, no consequence and less penalty is instant fail to fun.
Last: How do these class; thief, engineer, ranger and elementalist is reward for doing almost nothing? While other class have to work 10x time harder for reward?
That is not Challenge!
Example: Marathon Race! – 8 runner— 4 runner using steroid, other 4 not using steroid, marathon end..
What 4 runner win?
What 4 runner lose?(Remember: the marathon race require challenge and effort).
Please, just try one, try it while you que up in rank que and see how “powerful” and how “no risk” it is. Also, instead of hiding behind zerg, try to roam by yourself in T1 (BG JQ TC) Eternal Battlefield and see how “powerful and no risk” you are.
“I’m not interested in those”, or “I’m not good at ranger so it doesn’t count” is not a valid excuse. If it’s as powerful as you claimed, even newbie should have no problem controlling one and succeed right?
Just try it before you make any more comments.
You’ll find out that higher range =/= no risk or easy mode.
What 4 runner win?
What 4 runner lose?
i’m not sure of the correlation, but the non-steroid users probably won
steroids aid in building muscle mass, not stamina
I have a lvl 80 thief, necro, ranger, and warrior.
When I first hit 80 on my warrior I created a “sniper”. It was all about doing the most physical damage with my rifle in a single hit (aka Kill Shot) which has a what? Oh that’s right, a 1500 range. I remember I was with a small group (4 of us in total) and we came across a guardian. The guardian still had half hp and started to run. Yup, 15K crit (100% crit chance) dropped them instantly. Did a 20K crit on a thief, who had entered stealth at the time the shot happened, dropping them from full hp.
To be a problem at 1500 on a ranger a few things have to line up.
1. The ranger must invest a minimum of 4 trait points in the power line to take the trait. Warrior gets the 1500 KS by default but does need to build up adrenaline.
2. Be a zerker build (same as the warrior).
3. Actually hit with every shot of RF. Warrior gets it in just one single shot. Not one way is better than the other. The one shot is an all or nothing and can be dodged. Dodging RF mean reducing the damage instead of negating altogether but as a channel, it allows for more reaction time to dodge unlike KS which can come as a surprise.
Then there is my thief. Oh wow, talk about easy mode in WvW. The best advantage is not having to commit to the fight. Not going your way? SR and GTFO. I can get far enought to OOC and then waypoint before the stealth even wears off. I started off with a physical damage build but switch to a condi build and wow. OP as hell (fault of condi builds not thief). I recently went back to physical damage because I found it more fun.
I have never had a problem closing the gap on a ranger with my thief. I also don’t run glass so I’ve never had a ranger (even a zerker one) down me with RF from full hp. Also helps that my physical damage build is d/p and so pistol #4 will stop RF the moment it starts.
Yet on my ranger (combo knights and zerker) I run LB + S/Wh. QZ + Wh #4 + RF on a thief usually means one dead thief. Seriously, don’t run glass and if you do and get bursted down don’t go crying on the forums for a nerf to the class that burst you down.
My necro is a power/wells necro so does very poor in one on ones. It’s for zerg busting. Even still, I’ve won my fair share of 1v1 vs all other professions.
Even so, I don’t have much problem with a ranger. My wells are ground targeted. I use a staff with larger marks and unblockable. DS auto for great range damage, DS #2 works wonders as a gap closer. 300 units is very short and easy to beat to get my ranged attacks on them.
I advocate and will always advocate for challenge: I will never advocate for no challenge. Having maximum advantage with no or almost no effort, no risk, no consequence and less penalty is instant fail to fun.
Lb requires full glass with little to no skills or traits devoted to survival. Even a glass melee ranger can wreck them against all but the best LB players.
Glass ranger is the one build that requires the absolute most skill to make work. Your understanding of risk vs reward and “effort” is so skewed I can’t really get a gauge of what you really think balance even is.
Rhangers OP, they shoot arrows from afar.
Why must u homogenisize classes, just cuz 1200 is a standard must the raaanger be the same?
It is not i am having problem with them because i like challenge. What i find problem is how they have more advantage without any effort and consequence. It is common sense for any game designer to not design a profession by give high it high advantage without have penalty, concequence and risk. Like one of the designer say, “it is complete suicide without having any risk”
Hate to break it to you kiddo, but game balancing DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU.
The games designers have to take into account WAY MORE than what you think, in your extremely limited experience, is “challenging”. Like I said, stop posting, go play the more because with every silly post you illustrate more and more you that you lack sorely in knowledge of what challenge actually is in this game.
I advocate and will always advocate for challenge: I will never advocate for no challenge. Having maximum advantage with no or almost no effort, no risk, no consequence and less penalty is instant fail to fun.
Lb requires full glass with little to no skills or traits devoted to survival. Even a glass melee ranger can wreck them against all but the best LB players.
Glass ranger is the one build that requires the absolute most skill to make work. Your understanding of risk vs reward and “effort” is so skewed I can’t really get a gauge of what you really think balance even is.
Here is better example:
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
omg thif too op guys i play on my rangur and when i press skill 2 he just jump and cc me and 2 shot and i die, make range bigger plz, like 3500 range at least cus op thif kill me
//on a serious note, all classes have their situational advantages and disadvantages. The game around pvp is fairly balanced and all classes are more or less viable
//on a serious note, all classes have their situational advantages and disadvantages. The game around pvp is fairly balanced and all classes are more or less viable
Agreed. Well, except for a condition Guardian…
met a warrior in wvw the other day who ran faster than I could shoot ’m… That 1500 range that you keep saying is OP is only as such when it is long range. Most professions have a bunch of gapclosers that can easily cover 1500 range.
//on a serious note, all classes have their situational advantages and disadvantages. The game around pvp is fairly balanced and all classes are more or less viable
Agreed. Well, except for a condition Guardian…
well guardian sucks with condies because every build they got is a hybrid.
Burning hurts, regardless of condi damage.
It is not i am having problem with them because i like challenge. What i find problem is how they have more advantage without any effort and consequence. It is common sense for any game designer to not design a profession by give high it high advantage without have penalty, concequence and risk. Like one of the designer say, “it is complete suicide without having any risk”
Hate to break it to you kiddo, but game balancing DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU.
The games designers have to take into account WAY MORE than what you think, in your extremely limited experience, is “challenging”. Like I said, stop posting, go play the more because with every silly post you illustrate more and more you that you lack sorely in knowledge of what challenge actually is in this game.
I do not know where you get idea “game balance revolve around me”? I am player like you: i am not special So it is us player to report what is not fun and not challenge in the game so Arena net fix it and improve.
If you want me to pretend there is fun and challenge in game balancing than it will not happen. As a player/consumer: I want Arena net to make game balancing fun and challenge with effort and risk, is it wrong for me to see this way?
Do you know fun and challenge prolong company life? Do you know fun and challenge expand company growth? So just because i want fun and challenge, that all of sudden, i am “make game balance revolve around me”
See this… this is all want: you see? this is not about my experience or about me, this is about us working with arena net: Team Work. I hope you understand.
“The Fun Factor”
“Leading a big company means never allowing a company to take itself too seriously.” – Jack Welch
“A Big Element of Your Business Strategy”
“What made you go into business and succeed in the first place? Was it fun and passion? Similarly, if you lose your passion or drive you’re going to lose business.
As business today is about passion and winning and creating new things, fun has become a big element in the business strategy of many highly successful businesses. People are unlikely to be creative if they don’t like their own company, and vice versa. “Nobody motivates today’s workers. If it doesn’t come from within, it doesn’t come. Fun helps remove the barriers that allow people to motivate themselves,” says Herman Cain.
No one should have a job they don’t enjoy. “If you don’t wake up energized and excited about tackling a new set of challenges, then you might be in the wrong job,” says Jack Welch.
“Innovation Must Be Fun”
“How important Is fun to innovation? Humor and fun at work are no longer optional, but critical to building an inspiring and engaging workplace which drives innovation and team performance. Many innovative companies adopted fun as one of their core values or guiding principles to lighten things up”.
“Hackathon” at JotSpot
“My sense is that innovation can, in reality, get quickly lost in a start up ? especially once that startup is launched,” says Joe Kraus, Founder of JotSport.7 This happens because the company is short staffed and the company is trying to get customers in as many ways as possible that it’s very easy to squeeze innovation out of the system and instead get focused exclusively on customer-driven development. You go from a company with a lot of great ideas and big visions, to a company with a year-long roadmap and no real sense of “I-came-up-with-this-great-idea-which-I-built-over-the-weekend-and-look-how-cool-it-is”.’
“Making Your Customers Laugh”
? Surprise To Win: 3 Strategies
“Why would people want buy from you if they don’t enjoy doing so? Making what you have to sell fun to buy is simply taking the whole process one step further. “If you can make your customers laugh, and excite them with your vision of what life can be, they are not going to walk into your outlets, but run into them. Running a successful business should be fun for you, and there’s every reason why you should be able to communicate that sense of fun to your customers. Certainly, if you aren’t having fun, you probably aren’t running a successful business.”1
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
I’m going to just go out on a limb and say you ignored everything everyone wrote or suggested or provided factual information on why our Range and Rapid Fire is not over powered. Furthermore, that the damage has not been increased with the change to Rapid Fire months back.
Seriously, what is the real beef with the Ranger and their range?
Is it that you personally feel over powered by using it? If so, then switch out Long to Short and the problem is solved.
Is it that you personally feel it is easy to kill enemy players on your server? Transfer then.
Is it that you personally feel it is OP in large group fighting or on the Edge of the Mist maps? Don’t join the zergs or know Edge of Mist is nothing more than the farm and exp train.
Is it that you personally feel it is OP in sPvP? Then only join ranked games. Play, and come back next week and pass me your name and ranking. I’m pretty sure you will come back and say how wrong you are.
Shorter side of my answer. Ranger has to range. Target has to react. Arena net has provided everyone with skills to avoid getting insta-gibbed.
I’m going to just go out on a limb and say you ignored everything everyone wrote or suggested or provided factual information on why our Range and Rapid Fire is not over powered. Furthermore, that the damage has not been increased with the change to Rapid Fire months back.
Seriously, what is the real beef with the Ranger and their range? i have no real beef with ranger class.
Is it that you personally feel over powered by using it? If so, then switch out Long to Short and the problem is solved. Not bad suggestion at all but wvw require long range most.
Is it that you personally feel it is easy to kill enemy players on your server? Transfer then. No No, i personally feel it is too easy for ranger to have +300 advantage point with only using 1 skill that is all.
Is it that you personally feel it is OP in large group fighting or on the Edge of the Mist maps? Don’t join the zergs or know Edge of Mist is nothing more than the farm and exp train. I feel it is OP when only ranger using long range.
Is it that you personally feel it is OP in sPvP? Then only join ranked games. Play, and come back next week and pass me your name and ranking. I’m pretty sure you will come back and say how wrong you are. I am still learning spvp: i am not expert experience but using only long range to kill enemy player, require no expert experience.
Shorter side of my answer. Ranger has to range. Target has to react. Arena net has provided everyone with skills to avoid getting insta-gibbed.
I agree with you, but remember: only if you are extreme mobility class- thief and war, there will not be enough time to react. I understand ranger is a range class but i think +300 range is just too much that is all.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Um…I’m pretty sure on my Guardian I can use close that gap rather quickly ‘AND’ withstand that auto attack or rapid fire. In fact, I do rather regularly And if I’m lazy and engaging a sleepy Ranger then I’ll toss up Wall of Reflection and watch them blow half their health, recovery spells, then I’ll join the dance, lock them down, and pretty much force a respawn.
It isn’t about agreeing but probably more of a perception issue with you and the class? I’m still trying to understand if you are actually playing the Ranger and find it too easy which is a viable argument at your skill level. Or, if you are usually on the receiving end of the range and don’t find it funny or amusing. Due to ignorance on how to recover and engage the dance.
If you play and bored then there are a few other classes you can try and maybe enjoy the game. I’d believe it would be time better spent if truth be told because you would be learning ‘AND’ having fun.
On the other hand if it is because you are on the receiving end and don’t know how to recover and dance, then plenty of people provided you ways to adapt. That, in turn, comes with your rate of comfort, skill at GW2 in general, and time. And that my fellow GW2 player, happens with all classes.
GW2 is built for comfort, not for speed.
Darksyze, if you have trouble closing down gaps, maybe you should ask some tips to that guy who thinks there’s actually too much mobility in that game and it should be nerfed:
His name may sound familiar.
All of you saying its fine, kitten. how is 1800 range, 2-3k auto attack, with rapid fire channel through stealth fair????!?!?!?!?!?
Pfft people make me sick.
And yes it is 1800, even 2100 if used on upper groundSeriously, play one while solo queing in SPVP , or roam in T1 wvw server “SOLO” before you say anything. Pretty sure any decent players and their mom know how to fight power ranger.
(BTW, even in zerg fight, ranger does next to nothing during big scale zerg fight. You can have 1800 range, yet you’re still contributing nothing)Newbies these days…
tell that to the Dragonbrand zerg i melted in wich i got 122 kills
2000 range+ piercing arrows is ridiculous i dont know about you but i auto around 2900-3600 per shot #2= 8k-13k damage
what Valid justification can you come with for ranger needing 2000 range when others have at tops 1200 ?
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