Ranger's last stand.

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


Well, being nerfed here and there, we as rangers are still holding the last stand in the water. I won’t say ranger is invincible in the water, but the fact is , no matter in spvp or wvw, my ranger never lost any 1v1 fight under the water.
Best pet for ranger? I would say shark w/o doubt, but unfortunately it’s water fight only. Only in water I can feel the power of the pet.

(edited by CRrabbit.1284)

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: takatsu.9416


lol my ranger never lost against any big swarm of mobs either XD and constantly solo champion underwater things. Things are just weaker in water and ranger’s survivability is also quite strong so while it doesn’t show anything, it is cool. I’ve seen other classes go down but i haven’t personally

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


I guess in next patch, ranger’s (or pet’s) damage in water will be cut to 1/2 since this is the real OP side of ranger. So for now, rangers, get your fish fork and go deep inside water, that’s the real space Anet designed for us, before it’s too late…

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: Expansive.3716


I really do not like the ranger in water. Just terrible IMO

The speargun is slow and is so weak. That weapon could really use some work. The animals underwater are pretty decent and they actually helped me survive countless times. Whereas on ground, I don’t really need to use my pet as a crutch to keep me alive

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: BlusterWolf.2103


T T how dare you post this on the forum, now after next patch we wont even have our last stand.

Forty Milliseconds…rangers who remember…know…

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


I partially agree with Expansive. Underwater combat feels rather underwhelming thanks to the limited selection of weapons. Harpoon gun feels a little weak and the spear is “okay” at best. Underwater pets, on the other hand, are pretty awesome. The shark and the jellyfish are SWEET!

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


Our standard pet bear works fine in the water too lol

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: DoomBunny.2903


Ranger underwater PvE is amazing. Jellyfish are OP against mobs that don’t move. They can tank dear infinitely from the blind spamming and constant regen. Oh, the Harpoon Gun is pretty good, too. Sure beats some of the other junk underwater weapons some professions are stuck with.

Also, I think we can all calm down about the SB “nerf.” If A-Net really wanted to nerf the Shortbow, they would have at least tried to cover it under some reasoning as to why they did so. The “fixed a glitch” excuse doesn’t exactly sound like a good cover-up. Honestly, I’d guarantee someone put an extra zero somewhere in the 40 ms fix, and he’s probably sitting in a corner panicking over the Doomsday he’s brought about.

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rachel Spahr.8307

Rachel Spahr.8307

Oh I agree that the Ranger Harpoon Gun is the second best underwater weapon to the Mesmer Trident.

Personally, I’d like to see the Long Bow redesigned with the harpoon gun in mind. Instead of Long Range Shot, which does more damage the further it goes — making the LB situational and useless in dungeons and sPvP maps, it should work like the HG Splinter Shot (maybe rename it glass arrow after a similar skill in GW1) which would do consistent damage to the target, but add AoE damage to adjacent foes the further it is shot. Barrage should change from area targeting to around a target targeting like HG Feeding Frenzy.

Those two changes alone would make LB a much more versatile weapon, and a good alternative to SB.

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: Seras.5702


Oh I agree that the Ranger Harpoon Gun is the second best underwater weapon to the Mesmer Trident.

Personally, I’d like to see the Long Bow redesigned with the harpoon gun in mind. Instead of Long Range Shot, which does more damage the further it goes — making the LB situational and useless in dungeons and sPvP maps, it should work like the HG Splinter Shot (maybe rename it glass arrow after a similar skill in GW1) which would do consistent damage to the target, but add AoE damage to adjacent foes the further it is shot. Barrage should change from area targeting to around a target targeting like HG Feeding Frenzy.

Those two changes alone would make LB a much more versatile weapon, and a good alternative to SB.

Dude, if my LB had the functionality of my Harpoon Gun I’d be so happy. I love having an aoe dot field, a kill shot, and splinter shot. I just hate the physics of fighting underwater, but I love my harpoon gun.

And my shark. He’s a beast.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: Bigwolf.4203


Ranger is the way

Bigwolf – The Oscure [OSC]

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Oh come on guys. So now the Ranger has to play underwater because of “unintentional” massive nerfs above ground?

I hope you guys are being sarcastic.

I’d like to see you level to 80 just doing underwater quests, then you will see how boring boring can be.

Underwater is only interesting now because you don’t do it much.

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


@Rachel, I wouldn’t want barrage to be an AoE-on-target skill like the piranha attack thing on Harpoon guns. As it is every rock,stone,bush,decoration gives either a “Not in line of sight” or “Obstructed” that I wouldn’t want to deal with. Just imagine how you’re gonna hit people at the gates standing at the ramparts. Totally impossible.

Area-targeted ensures at least some of the people out of LoS can still be hit, that’s what AoE is for.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows