Ranger sword binds to target
Please do not.
Full melee Ranger since August 2012
Poster number one is a PvE player that wants extra survivability.
Poster number two is a PvP player that uses it to stick to the target and keeping him permanently crippled.
Problem is, it interferes with dodges and other attacks. I try to get away from an opponent before he downs me, stupid kitten sword sends me right back.
Its a shame because the animation for the AA is superb.
A sharp 180 degree turn with the mouse (plus a slight nudge with one of the walking keys, if needed) instantly “unsticks” the animation for a successful dodge.
Practice makes it perfect
Rangers need a new high dps weapon to use in dungeon’s speedruns, you dont need the leaps from the sword if the boss is usually rooted in place. Necros also have a problem with speedruns because they dont have a high dps weapon that cleaves.
Until ANet fixes these issues we will still see a lot of lfg posts that says “lfm full zerk. No ranger/necro”
Poster number one is a PvE player that wants extra survivability.
Poster number two is a PvP player that uses it to stick to the target and keeping him permanently crippled.
More like: Poster number one is a PvE player that can’t turn auto attacks off, can’t use sword #3 and can’t switch weapons when needed.
Sword is the best weapon ranger has as it is and it does not need even a little change.
If I didn’t even had to think I’d roll a warrior.
Well I think OP has a point BUT only to make dodge moves more responsive instead of the waiting for the attack animation to finish (which is silly) a dodge not in the right time is a useless dodge.
The sword AA is just badly designed, stop shouting “noob” at players who are having trouble with it, since it’s NOT supposed to work like this.
You should NOT have to find ways yourself to retrieve control of your character. Game play is what matters most, and A LOT of rangers are complaing about how the sword is giving them a bad time.
AA on any weapon should be as situational as this one, in PvE you spam it ofc, but in PvP if you use it you die.
AA is something you time based on your foe, you start the chain, and stop it when you need to dodge or reposition. In PvP this is a HUGE dps nerf and self-destruct mechanism.
While being able to stick on a foe without sweat is cool it’s not really worth *not being able to actually maintain dps on a target (with the sword) without sacrificing HP.
There is nothing wrong with the auto attack on the sword. The sword gives you two evades skills. Learn to use these skills in place of your normal dodge. This weapon provide a lot of dps and a lot of stability as well as control of your target (cripple). making it easy for your pet to land its attacks.
This is why so many rangers are so awful at being a Rangers. Understand that if you do not master this weapon you enter every melee fight at a disadvantage.
This weapon is not only great for dps but can be use to disengage from a fight completely.
Tips: Learn how to tell instantly which you can use which: Dodge or evade (normal dodge can be used in the middle of the chain.)
Learn to disengage with this weapon.
Learn to fight with the auto attack on ( Higher Dps)
Learn to fight with auto targeting off. This will help you disengage as well prevent you from flight off cliffs and ledges.
Learn to position yourself don’t have to evade as much by attacking from the side of behind.
These are things that veteran ranger do automatically. Some New are old ranger don’t do some of the things veteran rangers do without thinking. It is why you get answers like L2p and noob. Its as basic as breathing for some of us and we forget even breathing can be a chore for some. like a newborn sometimes you need to spank the bottoms of the younglings you clear the air way a get them breathing on their own.
There is a slight delay In using the sword skills as a primary evade some of you will have to improve your reaction times. The average (median) reaction time is 215 milliseconds. Nothing in Gw2 require that type of reaction time.
So if you find you are truly unable to use the sword you may have to improve your reaction time.
Test it here: http://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime/index.php
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
A sharp 180 degree turn with the mouse (plus a slight nudge with one of the walking keys, if needed) instantly “unsticks” the animation for a successful dodge.
Practice makes it perfect
You still need to finish the animation to do anything else, unlike any other AA skills that can be interrupted at any moment.
Sword AA is stupidly broken, and would be trivial to fix. Remove the “leap” components from the AA, and the foot animations wouldn’t be all buggered up, and we’d be able to dodge.
Since the entirety of the game comes down to “dodge to avoid damage” people defending the sword AA are, bluntly, wrong.
More like: Poster number one is a PvE player that can’t turn auto attacks off, can’t use sword #3 and can’t switch weapons when needed.
So you wanna say you dodge with sword #3? I wanna see that…
Weaponswitch is another great idea. 9 seconds cd on backswitching if you don’t want to run double sword.
Get your arguments straight man.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
In an evade or dodge you have 3/4 or 1 second when you are invulnerable. You don’t actually have to get out of the red circle its the invulnerability that saves you.
Those of you who did Liadria know it not possible to always jump out of the red circles and its the invulnerability that saves you.
Those of you who complain about the AA are unaware of the full capability of the weapon your wielding. Sword /dagger grants the ranger 5 evades one this one weapon set. A dodge is a type of evade. Some of you are letting the wording blind you from the true. 1h sword gives you more ability to evade not less.
Some of you have been moving out of harms way before the attack lands. While it may prevent damage it is not a true evade. Some of you have played for a year and still don’t see the difference.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)
Sword AA is stupidly broken, and would be trivial to fix. Remove the “leap” components from the AA, and the foot animations wouldn’t be all buggered up, and we’d be able to dodge.
Since the entirety of the game comes down to “dodge to avoid damage” people defending the sword AA are, bluntly, wrong.
I absolutely do not want to lose those leaps. If they somehow got untied from sword 1 chain 3, I want them elsewhere.
Current uses I have:
1. Clear target, hit sword 1 four times, giving two AoE hits and two leaps past my opponent, putting me at about 600 range. Extremely useful for disengage. Combine with sword 2 for extra distance, or 3 for re-engage.
2. When attacking WvW blobs, clear target, spam sword 1, AoE damage and leap right through enemy blob to their backline. Wreak havoc.
and of course
3. Spam sword 1 to snare fleeing opponent.
So, keep all that, while keeping sword 2 and 3. Or is that “wrong”?
But the real answer is that sword 1 isn’t “AA” if you switch off “AA”. Sword doesn’t really have an AA.
(edited by Mabuse.2879)
More like: Poster number one is a PvE player that can’t turn auto attacks off, can’t use sword #3 and can’t switch weapons when needed.
So you wanna say you dodge with sword #3? I wanna see that…
Weaponswitch is another great idea. 9 seconds cd on backswitching if you don’t want to run double sword.Get your arguments straight man.
You have sword #2, sword #3 a weapon swap and if you still think youlack of evades, you can get a dagger offhand for dagger#4
On top of that if you turn auto attacks off (you should have), you can just dodge (normal endurance dodge) before the third attack of the sword chain.
I have ages to die due to sword so called “root – chain” (drunk times do not count)
More like: Poster number one is a PvE player that can’t turn auto attacks off, can’t use sword #3 and can’t switch weapons when needed.
So you wanna say you dodge with sword #3? I wanna see that…
Weaponswitch is another great idea. 9 seconds cd on backswitching if you don’t want to run double sword.Get your arguments straight man.
You have sword #2, sword #3 a weapon swap and if you still think youlack of evades, you can get a dagger offhand for dagger#4
On top of that if you turn auto attacks off (you should have), you can just dodge (normal endurance dodge) before the third attack of the sword chain.
I have ages to die due to sword so called “root – chain” (drunk times do not count)
Yeah, you can evade with sword #2 and #3 but those are not instant. Same with the normal evade if you’re at the 1. or 2. autoattack chain.
I don’t want to say it’s impossible. I just say it’s stupid. Why should I as a ranger get the most diffcult weapon to use, if I got already this stupid pet.
Srsly, if you want to deal max. damage with a warrior, you have to click 3 buttons and mash the kitten out of 1-5.
As a ranger, you have to hit like 10 buttons to deal 7 secs full damage before your first buff runs out.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
Just curious. How many other professions have to;
rely on a single weapon to do good dps,
learn when they can dodge with it,
learn when they can evade with it,
learn when they can disengage with it,
learn how to fight with auto attack off,
learn to fight with auto targeting on,
learn how to position and reposition themselves repeatedly during fights,
assuming their reaction time is good enough.
to master the use of it before becoming consistently effective in combat?
It’s great that we have found ways to use some of the swords odder mechanics for our benefit but we need to keep it in perspective with the other professions. Even the development team has remarked on making gameplay less difficult.
If there is a rework of the sword that;
keeps it’s “end combat” ability and
maintains the ability to “stick to” our target and
makes dodge better and
doesn’t affect “reaction time”
then let’s see it.
They should make it possible to cancel leap skills in the chain before they’re finished and we’re good to go.
And they could improve the traits while they’re at it.
Problem with Ranger is, we got to trait our weapons and trait our pets, while other classes have lesser traits aming for their F skills.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
How to use the main hand sword. Great video, please watch.
If you want it to stop the jump animation that roots you, turn off “auto-attack.”
See you in Tyria.
They should make it possible to cancel leap skills in the chain before they’re finished and we’re good to go.
And they could improve the traits while they’re at it.
It’s one of the problems that GW2 seems to suffer from. Animation canceling is very effective in many games. There are problems with it in gw2. It’s similar to canceling your own skill when starting an animation in order to bait your opponent.
They should just make dodge interrupt any action the character is currently taking. Mid swing if you dodge you dodge, but you don’t deal damage. Then both groups are happy.
All they need to do is make it easier for the player to interrupt the animation, without disturbing the functionality… right now if you are rooted, you are rooted and have to force yourself out of it rather than walk out of it.
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: http://tinyurl.com/oht3e9z
More like: Poster number one is a PvE player that can’t turn auto attacks off, can’t use sword #3 and can’t switch weapons when needed.
So you wanna say you dodge with sword #3? I wanna see that…
Weaponswitch is another great idea. 9 seconds cd on backswitching if you don’t want to run double sword.Get your arguments straight man.
You have sword #2, sword #3 a weapon swap and if you still think youlack of evades, you can get a dagger offhand for dagger#4
On top of that if you turn auto attacks off (you should have), you can just dodge (normal endurance dodge) before the third attack of the sword chain.
I have ages to die due to sword so called “root – chain” (drunk times do not count)
Yeah, you can evade with sword #2 and #3 but those are not instant. Same with the normal evade if you’re at the 1. or 2. autoattack chain.
I don’t want to say it’s impossible. I just say it’s stupid. Why should I as a ranger get the most diffcult weapon to use, if I got already this stupid pet.
Srsly, if you want to deal max. damage with a warrior, you have to click 3 buttons and mash the kitten out of 1-5.
As a ranger, you have to hit like 10 buttons to deal 7 secs full damage before your first buff runs out.
If you keep your eyes at the boss, and have at least an endurance dodge ready, you should not die from sword chain attack. End of story.
Also if you wanna click 3 buttons as you said and do the best damage possible then you should roll a warrior. Just because one class is for braindamaged people (no offence to warriors ofc) broken and facerolling easy, it does not mean we should make all classes like them.
This game must be the most easy and plain simple MMO nowdays and people want to make it even easier…
I’d like the best of both worlds for once. Make the attack so that you only leap to the target if you’re too far away from it to hit. That way I can strafe and attack the boss without humping its leg the entire fight.
Sword leap and cripple is a neat idea that just dosent work well in practice . Yes it is possible to work with the mechanic I suppose, but to expect to switch weapons and manually attack with say the shortbow is a ridiculous expectation. As far as pvp goes when I see a sword attacking ranger, I usually think cool, no need to really time my cc abilities/ heavy damage , just wait for the leap lol. Heres an idea…guardians have been needing soft cc forever, give them the sword mechanic so they can laugh then cry, at least they have heavy armor. Melee rangers that cant reposition without going into contortions of weapon swapping/carpal tunnel syndrome manual attacks are downed, certainly in pvp anyway. Pve it may be easier to adjust , but again, why go to the ridiculous trouble when I could play another class at least as effectively and with far greater ease?
Bottom Line sword is working as intended its not a bug. If you want to play this class you will have to step your game up. Auto targeting is like training wheels to really excel you must take this off.
Most of the classes that use weapon skill to disengage should really have this turn off (auto targeting) or you run the risk of randomly attack some near by mob or player.
Every class should not play the same way. I believe the Ranger to be the most difficult class to play well and there is nothing wrong with that. Not every class can be the Guardian.
My niece plays a Mesmer so she can feel useful. She doesn’t really have to worry about mobs or players attacking her the game treat Mesmer clones as a player for targeting purposes (the only class in the game that treats minions as players) she has so many way to disengage.
Not everyone is a Brain dead warrior who think the best way to solver anything is to smash it, break it or kill it.
Many Ranger were created thinking its an archer and can stand at range and do at the work while the pet tank for him. We are more than just archers (any class using a bow can be called an archer). To use this class effectively you must master the Sword.
Each class has different difficulty levels. It comes to much damage you can put out. How much damage you can take and how well you disengage.
Rangers are in the middle making them harder to play. We can not only rely on stealths to disengage. We can not only rely on a lot of armor or extra health bar to keep us alive. We can not only rely on dealing enough damage to kill our foe before they kill us.
We in fact have access to all of these thing we just don’t just don’t abuse one of them like all the other classes.
You cant play a Ranger like the other classes. With the other class you learn on gimmick and your golden. Rangers must learn them all.
The sword as it is now is the bane of Mesmers it lets you stick to them like glue and with the cripple he will never be to far. Should you need to run away the sword will allow you to disengage.
The are so many passive aspect of this game that people complain about. Yet We have people complaining about the removing auto attack and auto targeting. We have the so many way to select targets. Nearest enemy, next enemy, previous enemy, Promote skill target. If your not using at least half of these then you need to step your game up.
If you rely on auto targeting then a Mesmer is more likely to eat you alive auto targeting treats clones like players.
There is so much lazy and passive playing some of you expect everything to be that way. I do use auto attack but I press the 1 key on my naga with every attack it helps me to keep timing.
As Rangers we have options we don’t rely on one mechanism to stay alive as such. We should be harder to predict and counter the sad part is most of us are very predictable and easy to kill. That is the player not the class. With another class you can do maybe one or two things better but you can not do everything a ranger can.
Learning this weapon is only a small part. It is a high dps weapon and it is a weapon that allows us to disengage and has high evade ability. This weapon brings so much to the table its a shame that all ranger have not harnessed the power it contains.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
How about a compromise. No leap when you are standing inside your target xd
Just curious. How many other professions have to;
rely on a single weapon to do good dps,
learn when they can dodge with it,
learn when they can evade with it,
learn when they can disengage with it,
learn how to fight with auto attack off,
learn to fight with auto targeting on,
learn how to position and reposition themselves repeatedly during fights,
assuming their reaction time is good enough.
to master the use of it before becoming consistently effective in combat?
Several of these points apply to the thief.
I’m not saying the sword isn’t clunky. It’s clunky. But I don’t want to lose those leaps.
Hey, here’s an idea:
replace the leaps with haste/superspeed (+100% movement speed), obviously only for the duration of the chain attacks. It’s alot more useful, you’ll be able to stick to your target while having a lot more control of your character.
The leap allow you to make jumps you wouldn’t be able to even with haste. Haste would be a down grade.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
Many Ranger were created thinking its an archer and can stand at range and do at the work while the pet tank for him. We are more than just archers (any class using a bow can be called an archer). To use this class effectively you must master the Sword.
Wonder where they got that idea….
Sarcasm aside, the built-in leaps on sword can be annoying. I really don’t need that animation root while I’m standing 1 ft from my target. A rather ham-fisted approach would be to simply create a version of the #1 chain that doesn’t have the leaps and let players decide which version they would like to use.
Many Ranger were created thinking its an archer and can stand at range and do at the work while the pet tank for him. We are more than just archers (any class using a bow can be called an archer). To use this class effectively you must master the Sword.Wonder where they got that idea….
Sarcasm aside, the built-in leaps on sword can be annoying. I really don’t need that animation root while I’m standing 1 ft from my target. A rather ham-fisted approach would be to simply create a version of the #1 chain that doesn’t have the leaps and let players decide which version they would like to use.
Yep cept the fact that only sword is actualy decent dps to begin with is kind of absurd. they need to empower longbow, shortbow, axe to at least be equal or make it so DPS becomes on par with the control and support roles. They wanted us to play diverse build what i see right now is a single meta build used by everyone and prety much no diversity or choice of skill path at all.
Break the mold
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
a new post about an old problem….
agree 100% Kyubi
Ranger has an awful lot of qol changes required.
agree 100% Kyubi
Ranger has an awful lot of qol changes required.
At this point, it wouldn’t even really qualify as QoL changes.
Since pet AI will remain mostly useless for the foreseeable future, they’d have to move power back to the ranger from the pet. They’d have to re-balance all the weapons, utilities, elites, pets, and heals, which would also necessitate changing A LOT of traits.
Basically, it’d end up being closer to a class redesign.
If you have any suggestion how the sword gameplay (or any other waepon) could be smoothened I would appreciate it if you could post your suggestion in my thread I’ve opened, so we can keep all suggestions at one place.
kyubi is right tho
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
(edited by xXxOrcaxXx.9328)
I dunno, man. After they admitted pets are kinda janky, but they can’t and probably won’t fix them, it’s hard for me to accept the idea that swords are working as intended. It just feels like another broken thing about this class that we’re expected to learn how to adapt to instead of wanting to be fixed.
And hey, some people probably like that and consider it some sort of challenge. But personally, it just raises all sorts of red flags that we have to put up with kitten no one else does simply because ANet made it work “good enough.”
1HS AA is kittened due to the games mechanics, but you CAN learn how to use it and be effective. Its dumb and annoying, but if youre willing to learn it pays off. I took the time to learn it and it became 10x better, but once you play another toon and then go back to ranger is feels frustraiting. If you main Ranger and use it often it will be no problem, sadly I play all 8 of my classes pretty evenly
well the pets certainly need a redesign. There are other builds that are fun to play but need greater flexibility in trait choices. Traps for example, could be viable if they reorganized a bit , condensing traits into 1 and moving it to mid tier. Power ranger would be closer to viable if signets always affected ranger and pet as well as some on demand condition removal. Hardly a redesign as far as those go. BM on the other hand is &*()d till they change pet ai. As far as sword, well some people, for whatever strange reason, seem to like it. Imo it dosent work well but I would certainly be satisfied with another melee option that was similar (without the leaps ofc).
(edited by dylan.5409)
Many Ranger were created thinking its an archer and can stand at range and do at the work while the pet tank for him. We are more than just archers (any class using a bow can be called an archer). To use this class effectively you must master the Sword.Wonder where they got that idea….
Sarcasm aside, the built-in leaps on sword can be annoying. I really don’t need that animation root while I’m standing 1 ft from my target. A rather ham-fisted approach would be to simply create a version of the #1 chain that doesn’t have the leaps and let players decide which version they would like to use.
Anyone remember when there were “Bunny Thumpers”? When interrupt rangers could be almost as good as Mesmers? Touch rangers? And the good ol “Splinter-Barrage” R/Rt builds?
Sometimes I miss them. And then I think what Retaliation would do to my Splinter-Barrage build and go “nope”.
Many Ranger were created thinking its an archer and can stand at range and do at the work while the pet tank for him. We are more than just archers (any class using a bow can be called an archer). To use this class effectively you must master the Sword.Wonder where they got that idea….
Sarcasm aside, the built-in leaps on sword can be annoying. I really don’t need that animation root while I’m standing 1 ft from my target. A rather ham-fisted approach would be to simply create a version of the #1 chain that doesn’t have the leaps and let players decide which version they would like to use.
Anyone remember when there were “Bunny Thumpers”? When interrupt rangers could be almost as good as Mesmers? Touch rangers? And the good ol “Splinter-Barrage” R/Rt builds?
Sometimes I miss them. And then I think what Retaliation would do to my Splinter-Barrage build and go “nope”.
Well, that depends on how many splinter barrage rangers there are and if its pre-nerf splinter weapon.
If its five or more of the former and the latter is a yes, plus some coordination: the blob is now dead.
Many Ranger were created thinking its an archer and can stand at range and do at the work while the pet tank for him. We are more than just archers (any class using a bow can be called an archer). To use this class effectively you must master the Sword.Wonder where they got that idea….
Sarcasm aside, the built-in leaps on sword can be annoying. I really don’t need that animation root while I’m standing 1 ft from my target. A rather ham-fisted approach would be to simply create a version of the #1 chain that doesn’t have the leaps and let players decide which version they would like to use.
Anyone remember when there were “Bunny Thumpers”? When interrupt rangers could be almost as good as Mesmers? Touch rangers? And the good ol “Splinter-Barrage” R/Rt builds?
Sometimes I miss them. And then I think what Retaliation would do to my Splinter-Barrage build and go “nope”.
Well, that depends on how many splinter barrage rangers there are and if its pre-nerf splinter weapon.
If its five or more of the former and the latter is a yes, plus some coordination: the blob is now dead.
That sounds a lot like some areas in particular I would really abuse the heck out of Splinter-Barrage going in. I think the most fun was during some parts of Urgoz runs.
Still, that’s one build which made use of the bow in GW1 which can be remembered fondly. Interrupt rangers make two, but a lot of the others I recall seeing would kind of often bank on other methods than using the actual bow.
Of course, back then there were . . . interesting things in PvE you could do with a bar full of pet skills. Like dismantle the Doppleganger without getting touched Never have to shoot an arrow.
So it’s not new for rangers to be really good when not using bows.
Many Ranger were created thinking its an archer and can stand at range and do at the work while the pet tank for him. We are more than just archers (any class using a bow can be called an archer). To use this class effectively you must master the Sword.Wonder where they got that idea….
Sarcasm aside, the built-in leaps on sword can be annoying. I really don’t need that animation root while I’m standing 1 ft from my target. A rather ham-fisted approach would be to simply create a version of the #1 chain that doesn’t have the leaps and let players decide which version they would like to use.
Anyone remember when there were “Bunny Thumpers”? When interrupt rangers could be almost as good as Mesmers? Touch rangers? And the good ol “Splinter-Barrage” R/Rt builds?
Sometimes I miss them. And then I think what Retaliation would do to my Splinter-Barrage build and go “nope”.
Well, that depends on how many splinter barrage rangers there are and if its pre-nerf splinter weapon.
If its five or more of the former and the latter is a yes, plus some coordination: the blob is now dead.
That sounds a lot like some areas in particular I would really abuse the heck out of Splinter-Barrage going in. I think the most fun was during some parts of Urgoz runs.
Still, that’s one build which made use of the bow in GW1 which can be remembered fondly. Interrupt rangers make two, but a lot of the others I recall seeing would kind of often bank on other methods than using the actual bow.
Of course, back then there were . . . interesting things in PvE you could do with a bar full of pet skills. Like dismantle the Doppleganger without getting touched
Never have to shoot an arrow.
So it’s not new for rangers to be really good when not using bows.
Indeed. Urgoz, FoW, Tombs, Battle of Turai’s Procession margonite farming, etc.
Rangers had a lot of good bow builds in GW1. Splinter Barrage, interrupts, R/P with “Go for the Eyes!” + “Find Their Weakness!” + Keen Arrow, condi pressure with rework Incendiary Arrows (I’m still bitter they reworked it), MelShot rangers, CripShot rangers, and some goofy PvE only builds that defy a meta-name. I was fond of Prepared Shot personally. Opened bow builds up to skills they normally couldn’t use well because of energy costs that weren’t reduced by Expertise.
As for non-bow builds, most just abused the crap out of Expertise. R/W RaO Hammer was one, R/W stance tanks, R/N touchers, and R/D EscapeScythe were some among others.
And pets…
Pets could freakin HURT if you spec’d for it, both in PvE and some formats of PvP.
Those were good times. The whole build was focused on the pet and the player was basically playing the pet.
Everything about the sword is fine, they just need to have dodge override the attack animation. None of this “you need to move the mouse 180 degrees and click a move button then dodge” nonsense.
How about a compromise. No leap when you are standing inside your target xd
That’s actually a genius idea. What if they just stop leaping on stationary targets.
Those were good times. The whole build was focused on the pet and the player was basically playing the pet.
Always was funny to just run around with a couple defense skills and auto attack while my Dire Crab mauled someone to death just as fast as a war could. Plus, the selection of pets was awesome. I loved my dire rat and crab. Not to mention the huge-kitten Rainbow Phoenix.
I don’t mind sword but I had an odd one today where I was focused on attacking a necro and all of a sudden I went off in left field and hit his shadow fiend. Not even sure why, the player wasn’t even near it.
You either didn’t select your target or you changed target without realizing it.
on another note
Sword has so much more potential if you don’t use auto targeting. Most good thieves do use it. They select each target. Better target selecting in WvW will help a lot with keeping your pet alive. Pick the target on the edges this will stop your pet fro dieing instantly because they ran in to the middle of the zerg.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)