Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
But it seems Greatsword is getting more buffs
Uh, where is this info?
After watching that I lost hope in Rangers.
It makes me especially sad that Warrior banners, which are innately better than spirits (unkillable, better buffs, mobile), are getting buffed.
Where is this info coming from?
State of the game
I’m also willing to bet, he’s looking at old info from last patch ;o)
and Great sword isn’t getting a buff again
I know right, they got to rangers and TOTALLY spent like 1 minute on it talking about Pets in fractals and Greatsword………………WTF!!!!!!!!!! Skip over rangers and spend like 10 minutes talking about Eles and mesmers….totally lame
And they’re talking about the “state of the game” talk that’s still going on right now.
Yea, no mention of spirits, shouts ect ect.. but hey at least our pets won’t die in FOTM now grin
What is State of the game??
What is State of the game??
It is a live the devs of Anet make with some players here it will be available on youtube later on the gw2guru channel.
I was also watching it and the ranger part was sad, they pretty much said, yeah rangers need to be worked, we’ll make AR being shared with pet, ok we talked too much lets move to the classes that matter …
(edited by Belzebu.3912)
What is State of the game??
It’s in shambles. If you’re a ranger.
they said theyre looking at utilities. i HOPE this included the spirits.
This is such a useless class and they clearly haven’t a clue what they’re going to do with it.
Class doesn’t have enough escape skills? Well considering all of the skills are defensive in nature, they clearly have enough skills… the problem is the skills suck.
What the class doesn’t have enough of is damage skills like extra shots for some burst and things of that nature.
It makes me especially sad that Warrior banners, which are innately better than spirits (unkillable, better buffs, mobile), are getting buffed.
I did a facepalm at that bit. Banners are pretty kitten good compared to Spirits.
Yet they get buffed?
it looks like they dont know what to do with spirits right now. i relly dont care if they dont get agony resist, they get pwned by direct dmg anyways. pets are a little more useful but still squishy.
It makes me especially sad that Warrior banners, which are innately better than spirits (unkillable, better buffs, mobile), are getting buffed.
I did a facepalm at that bit. Banners are pretty kitten good compared to Spirits.
Yet they get buffed?
It’s like spirits are useless banners.
Only moveable with traits.
Effect only hits at 50% chance (35 without trait)
More HP only with Traits (they can take one hit more then, lol)
And Banners,
Better buffs
Effect is there at 100% chance
Pet rangers have pet? oh that dead thing that follow me i doubt that shared ar will change something just give me a button to turn pet off and as a ranger i have no problems with spirits, spirits a good! just dont use them :P
It makes me especially sad that Warrior banners, which are innately better than spirits (unkillable, better buffs, mobile), are getting buffed.
I did a facepalm at that bit. Banners are pretty kitten good compared to Spirits.
Yet they get buffed?
It’s like spirits are useless banners.
Only moveable with traits.
Effect only hits at 50% chance (35 without trait)
More HP only with Traits (they can take one hit more then, lol)And Banners,
Better buffs
Effect is there at 100% chance
Effectively depressing.
Are you surprised? Forget about rangers, they’ve been ignored for 7 months with NO signs of improving AT ALL!
It makes me especially sad that Warrior banners, which are innately better than spirits (unkillable, better buffs, mobile), are getting buffed.
I did a facepalm at that bit. Banners are pretty kitten good compared to Spirits.
Yet they get buffed?
It’s like spirits are useless banners.
Only moveable with traits.
Effect only hits at 50% chance (35 without trait)
More HP only with Traits (they can take one hit more then, lol)And Banners,
Better buffs
Effect is there at 100% chance
Normally I’d argue saying the passive banner buff is awful, but when you take into account you can pick the banner up for on demand swiftness and then regen/fury/knock back/a fourth one I don’t know/stability(elite) I gotta say spirits are just kitten.
They need to make spirits more like they were in GW1 where all allies were effected by the buff, EX: for stone spirit all allies will have constant protection until the spirits killed, but when it dies port is removed from all allies in range.
It makes me especially sad that Warrior banners, which are innately better than spirits (unkillable, better buffs, mobile), are getting buffed.
When they start giving out Protection (which Warrior sorely lacks) you can start to complain. It is not like us Warriors even wanted a Banner buff… again.
When they start giving out Protection (which Warrior sorely lacks) you can start to complain. It is not like us Warriors even wanted a Banner buff… again.
It’s not that banners are becoming OP (+170 to two stats after patch, wasn’t it?) but that banners are an innately better mechanic, believe me I have a level 80 Warrior too.
Honestly, would you slot this banner?
Banner of Protection
I know I wouldn’t.
It makes me especially sad that Warrior banners, which are innately better than spirits (unkillable, better buffs, mobile), are getting buffed.
When they start giving out Protection (which Warrior sorely lacks) you can start to complain. It is not like us Warriors even wanted a Banner buff… again.
I wanted banner buffed for my Warrior, but I feel that I’m the only banner Warrior left.
I use the green banner as a staple in my build, mainly because of the 10% crit damage.
Warriors have more pressing issues than getting our friggin’ banner buffed, that’s all.
What did you expect? They talked about us for two minutes.
The time they took to discuss each profession is directly linked to the amount of attention they are giving to the profession.
What did you expect? They talked about us for two minutes.
The time they took to discuss each profession is directly linked to the amount of attention they are giving to the profession.
No it’s not, stop being an idiot.
Two of the players interviewing the game reps were mesmer players (dunno about the 3rd) and likely the reps themselves aren’t a good representation of this particular profession. Heck, even I’ll admit that listening to the reps talk, they sounded like they were put on the spot and hardly knew what they were talking about…across all professions.
It’s a shame yeah that your profession didn’t get as much spotlight in the interview as you’d have liked, but stop lying to yourself.
You can’t get mad at them for things they did not say. That SotG was horrible! They completely skipped over elementalist’s glyphs, signets, and conjure weapons. Ranger’s, signets, spirits, and pet abilities. Warriors, shouts and signets. Thieves, all skills. Engi’s gadgets. Guardians, all skills. Necro, wells, spectral skills, signets, and corruptions. Mesmer, signets and glamour skills. I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! I ALSO CAN’T BELIEVE THEY ONLY HAD A LITTLE OVER AN HOUR TO CRAM THAT STUFF IN!… They could have easily mentioned everything!
Should be happy about what they said and that they took the time to do SotG.
Well they didn’t talk about guardians everything because they said they like where guardians are at… So, yeah….
We already got spirits, you just have to find the really good ones.
I use the green banner as a staple in my build, mainly because of the 10% crit damage.
Warriors have more pressing issues than getting our friggin’ banner buffed, that’s all.
We should take this to the Warrior forums. I think Warriors are the most balanced class in the game. My Warrior is amazing. The biggest issues I see with other Warriors is they always spec for pure damage, when they should be adding in defense.
Some weapons need fixed, and a few trait lines, but all in all I think the Warrior is the staple of balance. What I can do on my defensive build is simply amazing compared to what I can do on a Guardian with his bunker build.
Naaa their silence about the ranger class only highlights that they are working and testing many aspects of the class. They aren’t allowed to say anything because none of it has been finalised.
Doubt ranger will get a big change in this upcoming patch. It will probably be the one after that will be the big one. They still need a lot of data considering the massive changes tot he game they are planning i.e no culling!
It doesn’t look like we will be getting a buff on spirits or utilities in the next patch. They talked about it in much less specific terms than the GS. I think we’ll get the GS this patch. I don’t think they will change the LB specifically, and we might get some improvements to defensive utilities.
It doesn’t look like we will be getting a buff on spirits or utilities in the next patch. They talked about it in much less specific terms than the GS. I think we’ll get the GS this patch. I don’t think they will change the LB specifically, and we might get some improvements to defensive utilities.
Spirit of Stone could be seen as a defensive Utility….
Sorry I’m an optimist, I really wanna see my spirits shown some love xD.
This is what infuriates me. Spirits are, are no offense to ANET meant, but “lazy design” in my eyes. Instead of being a cool unique item, the are just passive buffs THE EXACT SAME THING as another set of signets. It’s Almost like we have 8 Signets out of our utilities skills, except 4 of them can be killed, and have to have traits to follow you. WTH spirits need to made into something unique.
Honestly, with having to micromanage the pet to make it affective. Having another set of passives is pretty kitten handy.
I think it is designed to accompany the pet system. Signets and spirits + pets = Win. In theory
I run a full signet build and 30 BM I do pretty well in dungeons. Pet wolf even tanks bosses though you have to call him back when you know boss is about to do a big hit etc.
Honestly, with having to micromanage the pet to make it affective. Having another set of passives is pretty kitten handy.
I think it is designed to accompany the pet system. Signets and spirits + pets = Win. In theory
I run a full signet build and 30 BM I do pretty well in dungeons. Pet wolf even tanks bosses though you have to call him back when you know boss is about to do a big hit etc.
Passive play isn’t fun for a lot of people. Some people want to be involved and active they don’t want to have half of their utility skills be passive skills, that’s boring and doesn’t make for interesting play to a lot of people. If you want boring passive play roll a 5 signet warrior, there is a reason people dump that leveling spec as Soon as possible, even though it is effective. Honestly the pet doesn’t take a high caliber of micro managing. At the most it’s 4 extra buttons, swapping for buffs, and recalling them when they get into danger. That is not really a high enough level of micro managing to warrant making half of the ranger skills passive lazy skills. Engineers and eles would talk with you about managing multiple items and skill sets, and engineers have 0 signets, eles have signets, but I can’t count on 1 hand the amount of eles I see using them.
Passive skills can be ok if they are a small selection for players to choose from, but when you make that selection half of a players options that’s when it becomes a problem, and extremely limited. This is why half of the rangers on the forum hate their utilities skills. You could slap on a brown bear and all signets/spirits (no kitten difference) and shortbow 1 things to death. Doesn’t mean it’s fun engaging gameplay that is good for the class or game.
Not an attack on you KensaiZen just saying in general.
(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)
Honestly, with having to micromanage the pet to make it affective. Having another set of passives is pretty kitten handy.
I think it is designed to accompany the pet system. Signets and spirits + pets = Win. In theory
I run a full signet build and 30 BM I do pretty well in dungeons. Pet wolf even tanks bosses though you have to call him back when you know boss is about to do a big hit etc.
Passive play isn’t fun for a lot of people. Some people want to be involved and active they don’t want to have half of their utility skills be passive skills, that’s boring and doesn’t make for interesting play to a lot of people. If you want boring passive play roll a 5 signet warrior, there is a reason people dump that leveling spec as Soon as possible, even though it is effective. Honestly the pet doesn’t take a high caliber of micro managing. At the most it’s 4 extra buttons, swapping for buffs, and recalling them when they get into danger. That is not really a high enough level of micro managing to warrant making half of the ranger skills passive lazy skills. Engineers and eles would talk with you about managing multiple items and skill sets, and engineers have 0 signets, eles have signets, but I can’t count on 1 hand the amount of eles I see using them.
Passive skills can be ok if they are a small selection for players to choose from, but when you make that selection half of a players options that’s when it becomes a problem, and extremely limited. This is why half of the rangers on the forum hate their utilities skills. You could slap on a brown bear and all signets/spirits (no kitten difference) and shortbow 1 things to death. Doesn’t mean it’s fun engaging gameplay that is good for the class or game.
Not an attack on you KensaiZen just saying in general.
Well spirits and signets will never be “active” play, spirits weren’t in GW1 doubt they ever will in GW2 (then again preps were on rangers but now they’re on the sin remake).
That being said I feel like if our signets could be used and enjoyed more by people who prefer active builds, and then I personally think spirits should be more like the rest of the summon able pets (exception of eles elementals because that’s more of a pick the tool for the job) where you’re supposed to use the active for defense/offense and then the passive play for offense/defense (obviously in the case f spirits their active should be more control oriented due to Passover being support oriented).
Honestly, with having to micromanage the pet to make it affective. Having another set of passives is pretty kitten handy.
I think it is designed to accompany the pet system. Signets and spirits + pets = Win. In theory
I run a full signet build and 30 BM I do pretty well in dungeons. Pet wolf even tanks bosses though you have to call him back when you know boss is about to do a big hit etc.
Passive play isn’t fun for a lot of people. Some people want to be involved and active they don’t want to have half of their utility skills be passive skills, that’s boring and doesn’t make for interesting play to a lot of people. If you want boring passive play roll a 5 signet warrior, there is a reason people dump that leveling spec as Soon as possible, even though it is effective. Honestly the pet doesn’t take a high caliber of micro managing. At the most it’s 4 extra buttons, swapping for buffs, and recalling them when they get into danger. That is not really a high enough level of micro managing to warrant making half of the ranger skills passive lazy skills. Engineers and eles would talk with you about managing multiple items and skill sets, and engineers have 0 signets, eles have signets, but I can’t count on 1 hand the amount of eles I see using them.
Passive skills can be ok if they are a small selection for players to choose from, but when you make that selection half of a players options that’s when it becomes a problem, and extremely limited. This is why half of the rangers on the forum hate their utilities skills. You could slap on a brown bear and all signets/spirits (no kitten difference) and shortbow 1 things to death. Doesn’t mean it’s fun engaging gameplay that is good for the class or game.
Not an attack on you KensaiZen just saying in general.
Oh I understand your point
But then the same can be said in reverse. If you don’t want passive play and want to do high damage long range active play you can roll a longbow/rifle warrior. It does far more dmg, has range, much better survival.
You can still active play with rangers though tbh, Traps and a few other skills are ok for that (lightning relfex, QF etc) but from the overall look of the ranger, it seems to be more suited to a point control class. Static gameplay over a large area. Extremly strong within that zone (traps and spirits) and when the enemy is outside the zone they can shoot with range. Definitely not a WvW designed class (unless it was for defending sieges).
I know they said that you can play any class how you want to. But it is still confined within the parameters of class design.
You can still roll a 30/30/ build and be glass and do very good damage. Just very low survival IF you get hit There is space in the class to spec for outer range combat (hanging way back from the action and bombing with longbow shows that pierces and does high burst dmg)
I main as a Guardian and see the same thing on Guardian forums. People don’t see the full potential of the class because they want the class to be how they would design it.
Rangers can do with a damage boost to offset their low dmg to survival ratio for those that like to get in the thick of it (melee rangers) but the range game, rangers are pretty powerful. The key is the pets, they cripple and CC the enemy so you can land the big hits from 1200 range. Its all about combining Pet management which is actually a really good mechanic tbh I like it a lot. Simple but affective when you consider that it goes perfectly with Signets (for mobile rangers) or spirits (for static rangers unless traited)
This is what I am seeing in the rangers design. The class isn’t broken. People just don’t want to play within the confines of the class mechanics and scream developers blood because “they” dont want to manage a pet. They want to do massive damage with range and snipe people….. roll a warrior perhaps? love that kill shot
You can’t get mad at them for things they did not say.
Yes we can. They ignored the majority of our profession’s issues yet again. We’ve had enough, our patience is gone. If they don’t read the forum, pay attention to us and actually learn about our class, they aren’t doing their jobs.
Okay. Let us return to a time period in which we just put up, keep our eyes to the floor, buy gems and accept the mediocrity the devs are offering us. Does that sound better to you?
You can’t get mad at them for things they did not say.
Yes we can. They ignored the majority of our profession’s issues yet again. We’ve had enough, our patience is gone. If they don’t read the forum, pay attention to us and actually learn about our class, they aren’t doing their jobs.
Okay. Let us return to a time period in which we just put up, keep our eyes to the floor, buy gems and accept the mediocrity the devs are offering us. Does that sound better to you?
You’re talking like the devs are out to get you or come murder your puppy.
Look, the players asking the questions in the interview weren’t ranger players. So questions about rangers weren’t asked. Why don’t you blame the interviewers for not caring about your profession? Why not blame yourself for not keeping up to date and talking with the host to give him your questions?
This is what infuriates me. Spirits are, are no offense to ANET meant, but “lazy design” in my eyes. Instead of being a cool unique item, the are just passive buffs THE EXACT SAME THING as another set of signets. It’s Almost like we have 8 Signets out of our utilities skills, except 4 of them can be killed, and have to have traits to follow you. WTH spirits need to made into something unique.
I think that’s a pretty fair and honest assessment of them. I don’t think they should be the way they are at all, I think they should be slotted and constantly running without the need for a strange looking tree thing that dies very quickly and has to be traited before it will stay with me (if it lives that long anyway).
If they were like that, the rather crap stats would actually be worth it.
(edited by capuchinseven.8395)
Sun and storm spirits are dreadful. The other two are pretty decent. If we got some minor tweaks with some serious aoe resistance on the spirits, we’d be in a good shape. It’s just astounding to me why utility changes are taking so long, because solution involves number tweaking and a bit of testing nothinf more.
And yes, spirits should follow by default. Grandmaster trait should make the boons last a little longer.
Grandmaster trait should make the spirits immune to damage … then I’d think about takeing spirits.
What’s amusing is I’m stating “Force me to spend 30 points and a grandmaster trait to make my spirits like Warrior Banners are by default”
Well with boon duration u get about 50% protection uptime for your group with stone spirit alone. For yourself u can have perma with moa and dodging.
Frost spirit makes your ele’s 3k aoe hit for 3.3k. If he hits 3 people thats an extra 900 damage. If your hammer warrior jumps in as well, and your gs mesmer drops an izerker and a shatter, your group is doing an extra 2.5k dmg. Get my drift banners cant do this
Frost field and muddy terrain are always good when retreating
(edited by nerva.7940)
Sun and storm spirits are dreadful. The other two are pretty decent. If we got some minor tweaks with some serious aoe resistance on the spirits, we’d be in a good shape. It’s just astounding to me why utility changes are taking so long, because solution involves number tweaking and a bit of testing nothinf more.
And yes, spirits should follow by default. Grandmaster trait should make the boons last a little longer.
No, the spirits shouldn’t follow by default, that just gets them killed, however the movement trait should be A LOT lower in the tree than a grandmaster, or make the grandmaster so the spirits get rooted and super buffed, but movement is default, either would be fine with me.
As for Sun Spirit it’s actually one of our stronger ones, it gives that condi person in your group easy access to burning, I can’t even count how many condi necros, warriors (idk why he didn’t have a bow), and thieves that were overjoyed that they got access to that condi.
I mean just because rangers have easy access to it doesn’t mean everyone does, so it’s good in a lot of scenarios.
As for storm… Well, it’s good in the aspect that if you use a war horn your team gets perma swiftness so they can keep on things easier and get out of bad kitten easier… But yeah it’s a pretty kitten spirit.
Sun is bad for organized groups for one reason: burning stacks in duration. When the target is called to be focused the ENTIRE group affected by sun is adding only like 400dps and thats if ure full condi specced. This is pathetic. So sun doesnt scale in any way and is quite bad.
Sun is bad for organized groups for one reason: burning stacks in duration. When the target is called to be focused the ENTIRE group affected by sun is adding only like 400dps and thats if ure full condi specced. This is pathetic. So sun doesnt scale in any way and is quite bad.
Sun scales off of the player who applies the burning not the ranger, it -can- be good, I kinda prefer the suggestion that it should give might as well as burn though, would make it a bit more useful.
Well with boon duration u get about 50% protection uptime for your group with stone spirit alone. For yourself u can have perma with moa and dodging.
Frost spirit makes your ele’s 3k aoe hit for 3.3k. If he hits 3 people thats an extra 900 damage. If your hammer warrior jumps in as well, and your gs mesmer drops an izerker and a shatter, your group is doing an extra 2.5k dmg. Get my drift
banners cant do this
Frost field and muddy terrain are always good when retreating
Yes, we can spec specifically for our spirits that die extremely easily while warrior banners are immune to damage.
Yes, our spirits have procs and activate-able abilities, Banners have several skills as well …
All banners share the same #1, #3, #4, and #5 skills when equipped:
Each Banner gives a constant bonus to those in range and has a unique #2 when equipped
Banner of Tactics:
Banner of Discipline
Banner of Strength
Banner of Defense
Battle Standard
That chance for +10% damage doesn’t really compare to 100% chance at +180 to power and condition damage or +180 precision and +10% crit damage. Throw in that you can give almost 100% up-time on fury and it’s even better. Pick up, hit #2, hit #5 to put back down … and anyone on your side can do it.
They also give swiftness in and out of combat.
All of the above can also be traited to give regen on top of what they already do. We have to trait just to get our spirits to come with us.
<edit>That 50% up-time with boon duration is making a big assumption that you are going to proc it every time it goes off cooldown
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