So unexcited
Well that’s ok, but you do realize you don’t HAVE to play as a healer with the druid right? you can play full condi, power, whatever and just heal as an additional mechanic, like when you enter celestial form you can use the nb 2 ability to cleanse condis, nb 3 to daze and explo, nb 5 to root etc. On that note I would highly recommend that you check out the theorycrafting threads around here to see the immense potential druid has for pretty much every build.. Also sorry but I have to do this: “I should of” → “I should have”
No, anri, you give up a third trait line that could go towards NOT being a healer. There’s only two traits in that Druid line that ISN’T about being a Healer. The glyphs are horrible. Plain and simple there’s no reason to take them. ESPECIALLY THE KNOCKBACK GLYPH. What a stupid idea. You don’t spec to Druid if you want to DPS. You spec to Druid if you want to be a Healer. It’s really like that. Put glitter on a kitten and it’s still a kitten … now it’s just a shiny kitten .
I eagerly await your thread in a couple of months after you’ve bought the expansion telling us how great it is or giving feedback on the content. Because you will buy it. Nobody takes the time to write a 6 paragraph essay about something they have no interest in.
True Ark Bladesteele, I probably will buy it, but only when its on sale and because I want to try out new non-PvP zones with my RANGER, not my DRUID.
I have interest in this game which is also true. I wrote this post to hope they make the Druid a class I actually want to play before its release. If they do, then I’ll buy it the day it comes out. If not, then I won’t.
Glitter Pop
I personally think Druid is a great idea, and it’s still entirely possible to make a high damage spec Druid using gear and the other two trait lines. If we weren’t able to swap weapons, Druid would have been a terrible choice. As it stands, we can, so I’ll probably end up running a combination of celestial/zealot. I do kinda wish they had given staff damage on auto attack, and I think they still might.
Obviously your definition of high dps and my definition are two astronomically different things. Lemme guess, you think a nomad shout warrior is high dps??? Nevermind, I already know the answer.
Eh…equip your Druid with a SB. High DPS.
Eh…equip your Druid with a SB. High DPS.
Can’t tell if srs or trolling…
So, I’m a jerk for stating the obvious difference in our view of what is high dps and what isn’t.
No, you’re a jerk for suggesting I think something I don’t.
Ok, what is your idea of high dps build then? I mean, since you have provided anything to point to what you think of a high dps build…
Keep calm and ranger on.
Since the discussion in this thread has derailed and is no longer constructive this thread is now closed.