Suggestion: Entangle Change
That would be insanely imbalanced. That would be a 60 second CD AoE immob with 20k damage that re-ensnares on contact.
WAY too strong.
Also dogs and muddy terrain.
(edited by Fluffball.8307)
I guess I didn’t clarify this; the damage would be significantly nerfed and so would the immob duration (just like it says in my OP).
It sounds nice, rangers lack an elite skill that has a cd under 120 seconds so it would a nice change.
No ty. I love the entangle as it is.
Pop it at the right time and you will wreck pretty much everyone because immobilization is so bugged. And for condi builds those bleeds are so good.
Vines should not apply immobilisation but a special debuff so you really have to destroy them and they should not disappear when someone use stealth… and they should really unblockable
Maybe Entangle should pulse every 6s and recreate vines but with the same global duration of 20s so the last vines created will only stay 2s.
There’s still be a counterplay : Don’t stay in the red circle.
And it’ll not that OP because Combustive Shot nearly done the same damage on a 10s CD during a shorter duration.
With Berzerker Amuler :
- Combustive Shot : 1400 damage + 4000 condi damage over 9s
- Entangle : 1800 damage + 4800 condi damage over 20s
With Carrion Amulet :
- Combustive Shot : 1400 damage + 6700 condi damage over 9s
- Entangle : 1800 damage + 10000 condi damage over 20s
But yes burn is easier to negate than bleed…
Little Lunavi – Ranger – Rank 4x
[CPC] Insert Coin – Vizunah Square [FR]
(edited by meikodesign.6471)
entangle?? all normal players of GW2 know how to “negate” entangle, is one of the most stupid elites i ever seen.
Well, I love entangle as it is now, if used wisely it will destroy your target, especially on a BM build because it will allow your pet to actually hit your target.
I’d agree for a change like 50% less bleed and immob duration and in exchange have it on a 90 seconds cd, considering how easy it is to get out of, 20 seconds is already a waste.
It a great skill. Yes people can get out but the ranger can reuse the vines by kiting foes back into it. Very easy to do with class that use leap skills like thieves.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
I feel like this thread is suddenly relevant today.
All hail docMed, ranger prophet.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Maybe the devs do read the ranger forum. I assumed they never did.
Spot on, good job.
It is even stronger than you suggested
EDIT: Noticed that I’m using " " in almost every post? That is how happy I am.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Spot on, good job.
It is even stronger than you suggestedEDIT: Noticed that I’m using "
" in almost every post? That is how happy I am.
Me too!
I’ll be using this skill for Immobilize and condi cover primarly, so this change is just beautiful.
To add even more, often Entangle will give good condi rangers some upperhand vs. Condimancers.
Most of them, locked in S/D can’t do much when they cannot reach you, standing on their back, resistant to condi transfer and unloading burst/CC.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
All hail docMed, ranger prophet.
lol, spot on.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
my respect for a-net has gone up significantly today. nice to see they’re taking old suggestions to heart
All hail docMed, ranger prophet.
lol, spot on.
Absolutely brilliantly done docMed.
Ya, this change will also allow rangers to take advantage of rune sets on a regular basis that involve elite-on-use-features (i.e. up every 48 or 60 seconds depending on traits).
Wow. Almost literally taken word for word.
I might need to stop bashing ANet and start praising them again as I did on release if they can deliver like this into the future.
while we are here to see that anet really reads our Posts:
the trait changes in BM i already brought up. Im sure i suggested it already before May but idk when anymore.
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. Don’t tell me you’re listening, SHOW me you’re listening.
It seems like they showed us yesterday.