[Suggestion] Show buffs/debuffs from Pet

[Suggestion] Show buffs/debuffs from Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Sena.2761


Basically the exact thing the title says. Currently your active buffs, conditions, things like nourishment and whatnot are displayed above your UI on the right side of your screen.

Simply allow the same thing for the pet on the left, above their’s. Maybe color it differently to help differentiate. At the moment it’s kind of unreasonable to click on my pet mid-combat to see when Sic Em is about to wear off, how many stacks of Might it has, etc.

Would just be a nice Qol to help in microing.

[Suggestion] Show buffs/debuffs from Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


It’s been suggested many times by the community. I hope Anet will at the very least grant Rangers this. While we are on the topic, kiwituatara.6053 suggested this before and included a nice concept of boon & condition location on the UI.

Disclaimer: Image modified by kiwituatara.6053 / original thread


Will update once Path of Fire releases.

[Suggestion] Show buffs/debuffs from Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Lfg.5604


That looks like an awsome UI. Got my vote for implementing it.

[Suggestion] Show buffs/debuffs from Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Sena.2761


It’s been suggested many times by the community. I hope Anet will at the very least grant Rangers this. While we are on the topic, kiwituatara.6053 suggested this before and included a nice concept of boon & condition location on the UI.

Disclaimer: Image modified by kiwituatara.6053 / original thread

Well, if enough people ask them for it hopefully they’ll listen.