Sword change thoughts.
We already have a weapon with a leap gap closer, greatsword. I would prefer to see something different done with the #1 auto attack chain, remove the leap and put in something such as a condi or boon, or boon strip. As for the other 2 skills, i would just like to see the maneuvers cleaned up so it all feels smooth and not clunky.
Personally I almost never use sword because of the #1 chain keeps you locked in place. I end up always sticking with greatsword when im solo, or a/w if im grouped. I would like to be able to roll sword but that #1 chain is just insufferable.
(edited by Jasper Defthand.3018)
Actually i thought about some different idea to improve the sword skills.
#1: no leap on the final chain but apply vuln on hit or weakness on crit(the idea of superspeed or swiftness is pretty good though)
#2:As you said the leap on the first step of tzhe chain, but the second would be cool if it was the old #3, for example you jump in with a snakejump (apply poison or torment or weakness) and after wards you can do the evade inside the battle to get arround your foe.
And Finally the #3: The Hornet sting evade + leave a poisontrail field behind you to combo with and applying Torment(for example)
It doesnt matter if the Greatsword has a gap closer and the sword would get one too, the warrior has Plenty of gap closers and 3 of them are on weaponskills (including bursts)
Another Suggestion of mine is to give the Ranger a Hunterweaponskill.
Like the stealth skill of the Thief but this skill works similar to opening strike. Your first strike in combat is your Hunterskill #1 and it is replenished when leaving combat.
For example: You can put the leap of the sword chain on this Skill to get your beloved gap closer.
Or you can put a short immob on the Shortbow #1 Hunterskill.
etc etc.
This would give this class a lot more skill and build variety, which is needed because the skills of the Pets are only two you can use at the same Time.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
All I want is to have the ability to move around my target FREELY & in melee max range.
Surely the superspeed idea is outstanding, right?
Surely the superspeed idea is outstanding, right?
As long as there is zero rooting, yes :-)
Serpent Strike needs an upgrade. We need stability during the evade, apparently, because I often get cc’d when I’m supposedly evading attacks, which makes no sense, but happens all too frequently. The evade roll needs to go more towards the target, then snap around to their back quickly on the attack