There's a top level tPvP Ranger!
Haha good spoted nice anyway I always believe that you play what you enjoy playing the most ( unless it is utter crap
Rangers got bad rep but they are not that weak as people want them to make they are just harder to get similar results. No big deal
But Reallllly happy to see that!!! Gz to Eurantien and great team that let him to run something which is not viewed as current meta.
YouTube channel RarizGaming Gw2/Heroes of the storm Beta
Am I good?… I’m good.
Is he good? He’s pretty kitten good. Gratz brother!
ROM mains ranger also I believe. It’s all he ever seems to stream anyway. Hes on the eu team.
Not sure if that means hes playing ranger for tourney though.
You know what is sad? We are happy because finaly 1 ranger reached somehow the top.
Just the WvW
Don’t be over dramatic, there have been tons of ranger in just about every tournament since game launch, and many on winning teams. I think the very first NA vs EU tourney had 4/10 rangers IIRC.
Every Sunday there are multiple rangers, with some teams even running 2.
Grats to Eura
Congrats Eurantien. Since you know who your competition is going to be, are you going to stick with your normal glass build? Or are you going to switch it up to a more bunker type build?
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
Don’t be over dramatic, there have been tons of ranger in just about every tournament since game launch, and many on winning teams. I think the very first NA vs EU tourney had 4/10 rangers IIRC.
Every Sunday there are multiple rangers, with some teams even running 2.
At the time when the game first launched, ranger was MUCH STRONGER than what it is now. 16~20 sec CD on demand quickness which is 100% faster action not 50% (quickness stomp, quickness burst), 1200 range SB that hits way faster than currently, pet that dish out 10k+ damage on a single use of f2, spirits that’re immune to condition and almost 100% up time, everything strong about ranger are removed/destroyed, leaving only LB ranger, which is just mediocre strong for us to play competitively.
We were a very powerful classes before, just that Anet destroyed most of it already.
Hello fellow rangers. Thanks for the support. I know that I’m not the first ranger to be on a top team but I believe I am the first that wasn’t a spirit ranger or a beast master ranger which is cool for me (albeit I did have to play those builds to stay competitive at one point).
As for my build choice, I know what my competition is and depending on the situation I will play power or condi. However, it is a team decision since our strategy has to change drastically with the different styles. I’d give you a more straight answer for what we are thinking but I don’t wanna give away all our secrets.
Am I good?… I’m good.
(edited by Eurantien.4632)
Don’t be over dramatic, there have been tons of ranger in just about every tournament since game launch, and many on winning teams. I think the very first NA vs EU tourney had 4/10 rangers IIRC.
Every Sunday there are multiple rangers, with some teams even running 2.
At the time when the game first launched, ranger was MUCH STRONGER than what it is now. 16~20 sec CD on demand quickness which is 100% faster action not 50% (quickness stomp, quickness burst), 1200 range SB that hits way faster than currently, pet that dish out 10k+ damage on a single use of f2, spirits that’re immune to condition and almost 100% up time, everything strong about ranger are removed/destroyed, leaving only LB ranger, which is just mediocre strong for us to play competitively.
We were a very powerful classes before, just that Anet destroyed most of it already.
This holds true for most classes though. Each of the classes have been toned done in one way or another. I don’t think the Ranger stands out anymore than the rest, but just my opinion.
OP – Grats.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Hello fellow rangers. Thanks for the support. I know that I’m not the first ranger to be on a top team but I believe I am the first that wasn’t a spirit ranger or a beast master ranger which is cool for me (albeit I did have to play those builds to stay competitive at one point).
My comment wasn’t directed at you, just clarifying the situation for those thinking rangers have always been useless in PvP. People forget the past very quickly. One example I love is how utterly unplayed warriors were after the 100-blade fiasco and nerf. NO one played warrior. Every class has had their heyday or nerf.
In addition to spirit rangers, and I don’t know how “top team” we’re talking, but Apex Prime ran a cele ranger Sunday, and the week before that some team I can’t recall ran 2 condi rangers. The profession always makes an appearance.
Hello fellow rangers. Thanks for the support. I know that I’m not the first ranger to be on a top team but I believe I am the first that wasn’t a spirit ranger or a beast master ranger which is cool for me (albeit I did have to play those builds to stay competitive at one point).
My comment wasn’t directed at you, just clarifying the situation for those thinking rangers have always been useless in PvP. People forget the past very quickly. One example I love is how utterly unplayed warriors were after the 100-blade fiasco and nerf. NO one played warrior. Every class has had their heyday or nerf.
In addition to spirit rangers, and I don’t know how “top team” we’re talking, but Apex Prime ran a cele ranger Sunday, and the week before that some team I can’t recall ran 2 condi rangers. The profession always makes an appearance.
What build was the cele ranger?
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
As far as I know, ranger has ended up being a part of every meta since launch. Traps → Beastmaster → Spirits → Power/Condi survival.
Now, granted, the last one listed is still kind of iffy because the lack of multiple players and the output of other classes meta builds have had a harder time sticking their landing than Eurantien and Genyen (he multi-classes afaik, he was one of the rangers Fluffball made reference to) can push to happen all by their lonesome selves, but still, it isn’t as though ranger is ineffective in the current meta (nothing truly is ineffective), the current builds we have available just have to “work harder.”
Anyhow, @Eura, Dankening is my favorite NA team, and I hope you guys do well. I want to see some highlights of you melting people and winning some 1v1s that blow up all the angry bads in chat like the last big tourny I can remember you in lol. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
The sad part is now ranger will be nerfed remember what happened when zoose got killed by a ranger last time.
I’d argue the only truly meta build for ranger was spirit ranger because even though other things have worked like traps and beast master there were better options for teams to take. Currently I would argue Condi can be viable since when played well it can win every 1v1 match up imo. Also, I’d argue power can be viable because it’s what I usually use. However, I think there is a distinction as anyone could play spirit ranger for an hour and be viable on it, that’s kind of what it means to be overpowered though.
Yes, there are other Rangers besides myself and I’m happy there are more people playing the profession. However, I think there is a distinction between playing it and being successful at the moment, given we are one of the weaker classes in the meta.
I don’t thnk ranger will be nerfed just because there is one on a top team. Spirit ranger truly deserved to be nerfed and I advocated for that. Fun fact: I was playing against Zoose on that 5 ranger team when he rage quit. I was using power though haha.
Am I good?… I’m good.
(edited by Eurantien.4632)
What build was the cele ranger?
Typical condi spec with cele amulet. It’s what I run actually, only he had a shortbow instead of axe. Gives your autoattacks bit more punch so you aren’t countered by the condi-removal meta, and healing and vit never hurt anyone.
i like the Dankening but im super skeptical about competitive ranger play atm (i know u dont care to hear this). maybe there’s something im missing though. good luck!
I’m the biggest skeptic of LBs vs the role of a super mobile thief, but even I can see how powerful they are on at least one map. I’d much rather have a good power LB than a good thief on Foefire. That team I mentioned that ran 2 condi rangers last week actually had them both on power for Foefire.
The thing about it, and it might just be my opinion, but honestly the biggest difference between choosing a power ranger and a power thief is that thief can actually be less forgiving. Not necessarily gameplay wise, but more on the scale of mental decision making. “When do I split and go for the decap, when do I jump in for the damage spike” etc.
Every player has to make these decisions to some degree, but thief is ultimately considered a bad contender at fighting somebody for a point and is considered more of what the shoutcasters have been calling a “+1’er,” only rotating to get free decaps/caps.
So if that thief gets caught on their rotation, somebody like an engi or an ele can ultimately just waste that time the thief spent doing that and null the play, which means that the thief isn’t doing damage somewhere else.
Also, if they jump in at the wrong time, they can basically get insta-downed from all of the AoE and burst players that are paying attention to the thief.
Ranger, while just as mechanically difficult to play imo, doesn’t necessarily have to make these “full body” dedications and can instead use vantage points built into the maps to harass players and points from a distance, which can allow for the “pseudo” transitivity of their damage across the map which is just as powerful as a thiefs mobility outside of the realm of going for decaps, and rangers can definitely fair better imo at taking a point from other players.
Really, outside of Sleight of Hand empowered Steal and the mobility to get a physical body on point for sneaky decaps, I don’t think that Thief has much over ranger, except for the utility of Shadow Refuge I guess. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
The thing about it, and it might just be my opinion, but honestly the biggest difference between choosing a power ranger and a power thief is that thief can actually be less forgiving. Not necessarily gameplay wise, but more on the scale of mental decision making. “When do I split and go for the decap, when do I jump in for the damage spike” etc.
Every player has to make these decisions to some degree, but thief is ultimately considered a bad contender at fighting somebody for a point and is considered more of what the shoutcasters have been calling a “+1’er,” only rotating to get free decaps/caps.
So if that thief gets caught on their rotation, somebody like an engi or an ele can ultimately just waste that time the thief spent doing that and null the play, which means that the thief isn’t doing damage somewhere else.
Also, if they jump in at the wrong time, they can basically get insta-downed from all of the AoE and burst players that are paying attention to the thief.
Ranger, while just as mechanically difficult to play imo, doesn’t necessarily have to make these “full body” dedications and can instead use vantage points built into the maps to harass players and points from a distance, which can allow for the “pseudo” transitivity of their damage across the map which is just as powerful as a thiefs mobility outside of the realm of going for decaps, and rangers can definitely fair better imo at taking a point from other players.
Really, outside of Sleight of Hand empowered Steal and the mobility to get a physical body on point for sneaky decaps, I don’t think that Thief has much over ranger, except for the utility of Shadow Refuge I guess.
This is what i’ve been saying FOREVER!
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
condi rangers are really tough
but most pro teams are so used to their old comp they don’t really inmerse themselves with the new builds
need to introduce some new blood and new builds
Huge congrats to Eura for getting 3rd place with Dankening at the WTS! I’m really happy to see a power ranger succeed at top level, and he inspired me a ton watching him play these past two years.
People keep comparing my power ranger skills to Eurantien’s, and I’m glad they do as he’s a ranger I highly look up to.
(edited by Skullface.7293)
I was amazed at the parkour on Kyhlo, jumping onto the roof of a house on the side and then with the help of his GS he launched himself right onto the elevated section on the outskirts of a side node. The shoutcasters were equally impressed.
Very good!
You earned it.
Was awesome to watch him play, for sure.
I certainly feel eura did great for a power ranger, but dankening had far greater issues. In fact I feel eura played a fairly solid game in comparison to, say, Ozie and the engie who were basically rallybait and made some questionable plays.
Overall though I feel power ranger contribution is highly dependent on a very strong team, and may be a good alternative to playing a shatter mesmer. But even then, a good thief is vastly more valuable. The thief can gank and decap much better, this remains fact. Whereas the ranger has a higher sustained dps from range and a bit of burst, which is less risky.
The other thing to notice is how easily abjured dealt with the power ranger in comparison to orng and especially the Chinese team which allowed him to basically freecast.
Definitely not trying to hate, just saying that the power ranger is extremely situational competitively and likely eura will agree with this.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
I certainly feel eura did great for a power ranger, but dankening had far greater issues. In fact I feel eura played a fairly solid game in comparison to, say, Ozie and the engie who were basically rallybait and made some questionable plays.
Overall though I feel power ranger contribution is highly dependent on a very strong team, and may be a good alternative to playing a shatter mesmer. But even then, a good thief is vastly more valuable. The thief can gank and decap much better, this remains fact. Whereas the ranger has a higher sustained dps from range and a bit of burst, which is less risky.
The other thing to notice is how easily abjured dealt with the power ranger in comparison to orng and especially the Chinese team which allowed him to basically freecast.
Definitely not trying to hate, just saying that the power ranger is extremely situational competitively and likely eura will agree with this.
100%. My team definitely made some mistakes (1 big one each game vs EU that lost it for us). I think we put up a good fight and even EU said we were scarier to fight than the Abjured. Power ranger works with mesmer simply because of portal and the high ranged dps (although I think it can work with other forms of DPS as well like terrormancer or s/f ele). However, a thief is incredibly valuable. The ability to open the game with stealth and stealth burst is HUGE. Playing without a thief means we start the game at a disadvantage. That being said, I think power ranger is VERY good vs certain comps even if they have a d/p thief because it can counter that weapon set with interrupts very easily. S/d is a different story, since it is really hard for a power ranger to lock down and necro is also very hard to kill because of plague. In the end, our biggest disadvantage vs Abjured is cleave. We can kill them, but we cannot finish them. That is what Tage brought to the table for oRNG. Once someone died he was able to come in with major cleave damage and just finish the Abjured. So lack of cleave is something that power ranger has issues with.
Do I think power ranger is good? Definitely. Does it require a good team to help you out? Of course, same with any zerker. Is power ranger always the best choice? Nope.
Am I good?… I’m good.
1 ranger out of 25 players?^ And you are happy for that?
Ranger is a totally broken class and you don’ t do anything to change the situation.
That’ s why it will be forever broken.
That’ s why gw2 ranger community is gone.
man stop the QQ
anyway where can i see the vids of the boston tourni
Samanosuke Asakura Far shiver peaks
I certainly feel eura did great for a power ranger, but dankening had far greater issues. In fact I feel eura played a fairly solid game in comparison to, say, Ozie and the engie who were basically rallybait and made some questionable plays.
Overall though I feel power ranger contribution is highly dependent on a very strong team, and may be a good alternative to playing a shatter mesmer. But even then, a good thief is vastly more valuable. The thief can gank and decap much better, this remains fact. Whereas the ranger has a higher sustained dps from range and a bit of burst, which is less risky.
The other thing to notice is how easily abjured dealt with the power ranger in comparison to orng and especially the Chinese team which allowed him to basically freecast.
Definitely not trying to hate, just saying that the power ranger is extremely situational competitively and likely eura will agree with this.
100%. My team definitely made some mistakes (1 big one each game vs EU that lost it for us). I think we put up a good fight and even EU said we were scarier to fight than the Abjured. Power ranger works with mesmer simply because of portal and the high ranged dps (although I think it can work with other forms of DPS as well like terrormancer or s/f ele). However, a thief is incredibly valuable. The ability to open the game with stealth and stealth burst is HUGE. Playing without a thief means we start the game at a disadvantage. That being said, I think power ranger is VERY good vs certain comps even if they have a d/p thief because it can counter that weapon set with interrupts very easily. S/d is a different story, since it is really hard for a power ranger to lock down and necro is also very hard to kill because of plague. In the end, our biggest disadvantage vs Abjured is cleave. We can kill them, but we cannot finish them. That is what Tage brought to the table for oRNG. Once someone died he was able to come in with major cleave damage and just finish the Abjured. So lack of cleave is something that power ranger has issues with.
Do I think power ranger is good? Definitely. Does it require a good team to help you out? Of course, same with any zerker. Is power ranger always the best choice? Nope.
I’m surprised the build I always use in WvW and PVE can actually make to the top PVP scene. However, I can imagine that this build really need the best team for it to work.
It is a very unforgiving spec, especially against any condition classes. You really have to dodge them all , or heavy CC then to death, or you’ll be the one who quickly fall.
Power ranger works with mesmer simply because of portal and the high ranged dps
That play where U took supcutie’s port as U were going down so he could res you was my favourite cuz I thought U were a goner (in addition to some of tage’s JI’s but that always looks too good)
1 ranger out of 25 players?^ And you are happy for that?
Ranger is a totally broken class and you don’ t do anything to change the situation.
That’ s why it will be forever broken.
That’ s why gw2 ranger community is gone.
This is not the right place for your post.
That being said, I think power ranger is VERY good vs certain comps even if they have a d/p thief because it can counter that weapon set with interrupts very easily. S/d is a different story, since it is really hard for a power ranger to lock down and necro is also very hard to kill because of plague.
Agreed, especially on the s/d thief part. I’ve encountered two very good s/d thieves the last week and they both just completely countered me with all the evades. It’s extremely hard to get a CC in when they’re evading and teleporting so much.
That being said, I think power ranger is VERY good vs certain comps even if they have a d/p thief because it can counter that weapon set with interrupts very easily. S/d is a different story, since it is really hard for a power ranger to lock down and necro is also very hard to kill because of plague.
Agreed, especially on the s/d thief part. I’ve encountered two very good s/d thieves the last week and they both just completely countered me with all the evades. It’s extremely hard to get a CC in when they’re evading and teleporting so much.
If you time a point blank shot at the right time you can interrupt between evade skills. That was something I was only able to do on tourney day as my normal rig as like 15 fps on average and I just can’t see fast enough to time my skills that well. Fun fact: I didn’t know that engineer gear shield had an animation when the shield timer runs out and the shield is put away until WTS tourney day because I can never see it on my computer! haha.
WTS Tournament games:
WTS Tournament games:
There are two (one shorter than the other) because the stream servers crashed at one point (what happened imbetween was we had a 2 cap, started taking our oRNG members and crashed into mid in order to get a hold of graveyard. They respawned and got Supcutie downed, and we got wiped trying to rez. The result is what you see at the beginning of the longer video).
Am I good?… I’m good.
Would a medihammer work well with a power ranger against the abjure?
ROW , banish and immobilize would allow full RF and lock down a teef and necro.
As for cleave, maybe sacrifice cc for a lightning breath and a maul should do the rest.
Haha good spoted
nice anyway I always believe that you play what you enjoy playing the most ( unless it is utter crap
Rangers got bad rep but they are not that weak as people want them to make they are just harder to get similar results. No big dealBut Reallllly happy to see that!!! Gz to Eurantien and great team that let him to run something which is not viewed as current meta.
Yeah, the synergy b/n him and SupCutie was epic and a lot of fun to watch…their effin portal plays were really awesome.
Quinn Wintersnight, Guardian
It’s really hard to lock down a s/d thief without a d/p thief. Guard and ranger miiiight work but I don’t really know as I’ve never REALLY tried it. The biggest issue for power ranger is the map rotation. Forest will always be the bane of power rangers because of all the LoS available. That’s what makes thief and dps guard so strong on that map is because they can both abuse that LoS and burst from behind walls. To have enough cleave for it to work the ranger would have to down someone at the dps guard would have to be ready to cleave. Personally, I think dps guard could work, but i’d rather swap out something for it and just be a little bit more glassy with 3 zerkers.
Am I good?… I’m good.
It’s really hard to lock down a s/d thief without a d/p thief. Guard and ranger miiiight work but I don’t really know as I’ve never REALLY tried it. The biggest issue for power ranger is the map rotation. Forest will always be the bane of power rangers because of all the LoS available. That’s what makes thief and dps guard so strong on that map is because they can both abuse that LoS and burst from behind walls. To have enough cleave for it to work the ranger would have to down someone at the dps guard would have to be ready to cleave. Personally, I think dps guard could work, but i’d rather swap out something for it and just be a little bit more glassy with 3 zerkers.
I don’t know if you saw on reddit (though I’m sure you already know), but the patch is supposedly fixing all of the teleports (thief/guardian/ele/necro/mesmer) to require LoS.
Clearly we haven’t experienced the patch yet to flesh out measurable details, but just theorycrafting/speculating, what do you think this will mean in regards to the current thief/guardian situation? Or, more specifically, do you think that it will be enough to open up that niche role where power builds will shine?
I would imagine that this change would really help out your comp versus the other comps running thief and/or medi guard, but I guess it will be highly dependent on whether or not the ground to ledge teleports are hit by the change or not. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
I played the demo at PAX that had these changes implemented but didn’t spend a lot of time playing classes with ports so I’m not entirely sure how ports are changing. If ALL ports NEED LoS then I believe power ranger will become stronger in terms of survivability. However, dual burst classes like thief/guard or thief/mesmer can still stealth up and burst a “bunker” on node which would still give a strong advantage to stealth classes. Then again, that would really only be useful on an initial opener and a burst like that mid game might be nearly impossible without the ability to teleport from behind LoS. The biggest change will be that s/d thief will no longer be god tier at killing ranged zerkers. That alone should allow for something like ranger/mesmer to really shine. All in all, it looks hopeful for ranger… but it could drastically change the meta for the game. We’ll have to wait and see.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Wow, even though it effectively eliminates our profession for PvP roaming, I will be pretty sad if they require LoS for teles. That’s such an interesting part of the game. Oh well, I guess it will just focus things on fighting more rather than running around.
Phantaram described thief as the only “required” class due to the group stealth burst. Seems a little weird because IIRC they don’t always open in stealth. Maybe I just don’t remember those first few seconds every time though.
(edited by Fluffball.8307)