www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
So I was kitten ing around on my engineer for my daily, when all of a sudden I get insta-downed. Now, as a reference point, this scenario happened in a 2v3, and it was versus a spirit ranger, minion necro, and hammer warrior. So there’s lots of screen clutter going on between minions and visuals and screen clutter from stuns/dazes. The point is, and yes I’m making a few excuses, but paying attention to the storm spirit wasn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world in this scenario.
The ranger starts rapid firing me, the pet is biting my ankle, it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle at that point, and then all of a sudden I’m on the ground. I look through the battle log and I see what you’re looking at on my battlelog in the screenshot; a storm spirit crit me for just about 5k damage WHILE I had almost 2.9k armor.
Now, normally I’m not an advocate for ranger nerfs since I do main ranger, but I mean, this is a tad ridiculous to be doing that type of damage in an AoE radius on a build that doesn’t even have to build glass cannon.
Admittedly I’ve been abusing the crap out of my spirit build whenever I play my ranger, but being on the receiving end of it for once, I do have to say that it needs some serious adjusting; at the very least removing its ability to crit.
I am going to put out there ahead of time though that I would prefer not to see the build nerfed without other positive changes for the ranger class, because the ranger could use a good few changes to kill the “Apex Predator” build problem we suffer from (at least in a pvp setting). But this definitely needs to be fixed as soon as possible, along with many, many other balance issues that plague the game of course.
Wait….you are complaining about a 5k crit? Do I have that right?
Wait….you are complaining about a 5k crit? Do I have that right?
I can’t tell if this is an elaborate troll or if he’s actually serious about it.
Wait….you are complaining about a 5k crit? Do I have that right?
I can’t tell if this is an elaborate troll or if he’s actually serious about it.
That’s why it is kind of sad….either way.
Still scratching my head here.
Wait….you are complaining about a 5k crit? Do I have that right?
Unless you live in a country that does not provide its citizens the freedom of speech, then yes, I believe you do have that right
Wait….you are complaining about a 5k crit? Do I have that right?
Unless you live in a country that does not provide its citizens the freedom of speech, then yes, I believe you do have that right
This is as funny as the idea to “align” the spirit active with our wet noodle weapons skills.
I have to agree with JROH.
A bunker build doing insane damage. Lucky that Spirit very rarely Crit’s or there be uproar on the forums already. It’s same boat as Warrior’s, big kitten tank with heaps of gank.
But in saying that look at thief’s look at mesmers. 2 classes that can go full GC and still tank well due to stealth and there escape.
Yeah, you got shafted by the super rare spirit crit. Don’t worry that much, 5k would have come from the warrior if you didn’t die that quickly.
By his own admission the Ranger was rapid firing. With a Warrior and Necromancer there too it’s very likely he had 25 stacks of vuln on himself. In addition to this, the Warrior very likely had given the Ranger and his Spirit several stacks of might and fury. I’m really not that impressed with a 5k hit.
5k with a cooldown of 20 seconds… and you kinda have to go melee when you pop it to actually hit.
So an 18K hp character was instadowned by a 5k crit? Despite log showing taking lots of other damage by other sources over a period of time. Yet this poor engineer claims to be wandering around doing dailies and minding his own business.
In my testing a few months ago, Max storm spirit crit on medium armored golem was around 8k if the spirit had 25 stack might. It sounds like if that storm spirit is giving a lot of hard crits then they deserved it given they must have been buffing it with might and (I’m guessing) fury. Otherwise it was just an off chance lucky hit.
Storm spirits are one of those things that will hit you once in a lifetime with a big hit but otherwise they are really underwhelming. Kind of like lightning :p
It’s incredibly situational to see Storm Spirit’s burst hitting for that much.
I got crit by a warriors kill shot for 14k of my 17k hp yesterday. Nothing to see here (,- -),
5k crit dmg lol that is what? asingle swing of a hammer warrior?
Jcbroe, The Spirits Crit Rate is based off its on, whatever that is…How do I know this?
Because with 60% crit rate on one of my setups, I thought that the pet could not crit..why? Because I only ever seen it crit once or twice after a crap ton of testing.
:—————-D .
Because with 60% crit rate on one of my setups, I thought that the pet could not crit..why? Because I only ever seen it crit once or twice after a crap ton of testing.
Pet crit rate is based on the pet’s precision, not the ranger’s. The cats and birds have higher precision, so will crit more often.
For the spirits, I’m guessing they have the default base 4% crit rate.
Because with 60% crit rate on one of my setups, I thought that the pet could not crit..why? Because I only ever seen it crit once or twice after a crap ton of testing.
Pet crit rate is based on the pet’s precision, not the ranger’s. The cats and birds have higher precision, so will crit more often.
For the spirits, I’m guessing they have the default base 4% crit rate.
i know pet crit rate is based off the pet, i’m referring to the Spirit
Pretty sure it needs fury to crit. I think it has zero precision
This guy clearly hasn’t fought a good GC thief with survivability much higher than a ranger with full tank
This guy clearly hasn’t encountered the condi mesmer meta builds that’s been plaguing Gw2 as of late
This guy clearly hasn’t encountered a hammer/longbow warrior
Or he would have never made this post
I agree. Storm Spirit DPS is too high for a bunker/support spec. The storm spirit needs to scale with power to lower its DPS to put the condi spirit ranger in its place as a bunker/support spec, not a bunker/support/burst spec.
I agree. Storm Spirit DPS is too high for a bunker/support spec. The storm spirit needs to scale with power to lower its DPS to put the condi spirit ranger in its place as a bunker/support spec, not a bunker/support/burst spec.
So, it’s okay for other classes to do this, but not for ranger? Sounds like you could be a good hire for Anets balance team…
And one skill, with ONLY a 5k crit hit is not all that much considering what else is out there on other classes…
The Ranger could have been spec’ed into Nature Magic, but had everything else in power and/or crit (which still wouldn’t affect the spirit anyways). Like others have said; with the warrior and necro there, the ranger using rapid fire, there would have been a lot of stacks of vuln not to mention the huge possibility of buffs from signets, weapon skills for Fury and Might, etc. that could have easily been stacked.
It’s pretty much one’s own kitten fault for getting hit by the underwhelming range of a spirits active in the first place by a rather underwhelming amount of damage in the bigger picture of things.
5k crit dmg lol that is what? asingle swing of a hammer warrior?
This made me lol ^^
5k crit dmg lol that is what? asingle swing of a hammer warrior?
Sad but actually true lol… With 100% crit dmg and roughly 1900 power if built up might before it , you can easily stun the opponent and deal that almost that much dmg with 3 of the hammer skills as you would have roughly 100% crit chance with the stun and that’s if the even had melandru and lemongrass.
Doesn’t matter, this is the same reason BM got nerfed, was a tanky condi class with burst. Should not be a part of a bunker/support class. 3k base damage that can crit upwards of 8k is not ok. It should scale with power so power spirit rangers might be a possibility but it should never do that much damage on a tanky/condi spec. Warriors should do that much damage because they are wearing a zerker their issues lie in their heal/CC not their damage. But NO CLASS should be able to wear a settler’s ammy and do a power burst.
Yes, you’re right, BM did get nerfed , and it’s only a matter of time before spirit gets nerfed again too yet mesmer will still walk around with a bunker condi spec pushing 3k’s on the swordsman every 3seconds and never get looked at. Guess that’s the price rangers pay for being over-tweaked. The sad part is after that nerfing, pets will still never be looked at and traits still won’t synergize properly to allow for more power builds. Everybody looks at the one thing that stands out that’s good for the ranger but ignores the 100 things that is blatantly wrong with it, well the dev team atleast does and that’s obvious proof.
(edited by Ryan.8367)
Keep in mind the limited radius of the storm spirit active. It is also dodge-able. Yes, you heard right — dodge-able. What? You were CC’d down? That’s horrible! It’s not like you’ve been CC’d and spiked before! I know, let’s nerf the spiker! That will put things in there place. Please excuse the fact that you were in a 1v3 and expected to survive. Because that is irrelevant.
hillarious ! Remember the last time we heard "bunkers doing INSANE damage " ? Yep, I do , our pets got gutted
Why are we nerfing ranger again? Because it can do a 3k on a 20s cooldown with a utility? Suddenly that’s called power burst? That’s odd. I didn’t know that was what burst was.
Maybe because we rangers are not used to seeing such big numbers on damage, where as other classes see that as nothing more than ordinary XD
Why are we nerfing ranger again? Because it can do a 3k on a 20s cooldown with a utility? Suddenly that’s called power burst? That’s odd. I didn’t know that was what burst was.
You are a Ranger.
You will take your nerf and you will like it!
Clearly that other guy is advocating pets scale with gear! I’d gladly accept the storm spirit only critting for 3k in a bunker/regen condi spec if it meant it would crit for 20k in my glass full zerker power build!
I get what Eurantien is saying though, no class should be able to bunker down and deal that much damage, but some can and do, and sad enough the ranger will always be looked at first in this regard because of it’s role in sPvP. I just hate the fact so much of the ranger in all aspects of the game are looked at because of performance in PvP because spirits are much different in WvW than in PvP by far.
Time to nerf the thief then … HUZZAHH!
That isn’t right. Clearly rapid fire and pet damage need a buff.
In all seriousness, that spirit has a terrible passive ability. The active is the only redeeming feature. You’re complaining because a ranger was able to slip in an aoe with a large windup because of all the chaos on the screen.
I bet we see this….
Nov. 12th Path Notes:::
“Storm Spirit : Call Lightning This skill is no longer able to make critical hits.”
Sadly, that’s probably going to happen just because of this sPvP complaint. So I say in advance, gg on our future nerf.
Clearly there are people out there who are just being rude to be rude, and would rather try to debate my experience with the game (I probably have much more play time and experience, especially competitive experience, with this game than they do) than actually try to be constructive.
But that’s okay, I’m not here to argue with them.
The issue that people are missing, is that even if the storm spirit DOESN’T crit, it still hits for about 3k damage.
Now, this isn’t a huge issue in itself, until we acknowledge the fact that you don’t even have to build any stats towards power damage or crit damage or etc. You can build full bunker and have a utility doing very high spike damage (very high for being a full toughness/healing power/condition damage, for example) on a decent AoE radius with a fairly short cooldown.
And for all of the “obviously you don’t play warrior/thief/etc” posts, please, show me a screen shot of a warrior/thief with a settler’s amulet, or even no amulet, hitting for 3k in one hit.
So no, the issue isn’t necessarily that the storm spirit can hit for a good amount of damage, it’s the conditions in which the storm spirit can hit for that amount of damage, aka, not having to build for any amount of direct damage stats whatsoever.
And for the people just attacking my opinion and disagreeing because it is a ranger nerf, I’m sorry to say this, but if you can’t approach an issue with a level head and remove your bias when assessing something about your class, and would rather just scream “buff buff buff,” then you will never see a level of balance that you like in this game.
What’s the range on the storm spirit’s attack?
Because I know opponents can see them. If this is happening because you can’t be bothered to stay out of melee with a pet that either can’t move at all, or simply NEVER actively pursues opponents, my sympathy drops to something less than nil.
We’ve been told over and over melee character deserve their massive damage compared to ranged because they face more risk. Well here it is: Risk.
Two things: I gave you a level headed response and the spirit A) needs fury to crit 3k and needs 25 stack might to hit 8k, not to mention be in range
This is on a ability that the enemy can kill, launch, stun, daze, or interrupt on a 20s cooldown.
In light of these facts, jcbroe, why does it need a nerf? Because it killed you one time? I need more substance. I bet that’s why you’re getting knuckleheaded responses. Where’s the actual argument again? It’s not a free 8k, not even a free 3k.
Clearly there are people out there who are just being rude to be rude, and would rather try to debate my experience with the game (I probably have much more play time and experience, especially competitive experience, with this game than they do) than actually try to be constructive.
But that’s okay, I’m not here to argue with them.
The issue that people are missing, is that even if the storm spirit DOESN’T crit, it still hits for about 3k damage.
Now, this isn’t a huge issue in itself, until we acknowledge the fact that you don’t even have to build any stats towards power damage or crit damage or etc. You can build full bunker and have a utility doing very high spike damage (very high for being a full toughness/healing power/condition damage, for example) on a decent AoE radius with a fairly short cooldown.
And for all of the “obviously you don’t play warrior/thief/etc” posts, please, show me a screen shot of a warrior/thief with a settler’s amulet, or even no amulet, hitting for 3k in one hit.
So no, the issue isn’t necessarily that the storm spirit can hit for a good amount of damage, it’s the conditions in which the storm spirit can hit for that amount of damage, aka, not having to build for any amount of direct damage stats whatsoever.
And for the people just attacking my opinion and disagreeing because it is a ranger nerf, I’m sorry to say this, but if you can’t approach an issue with a level head and remove your bias when assessing something about your class, and would rather just scream “buff buff buff,” then you will never see a level of balance that you like in this game.
This is a problem for all pets and minions in the game. They don’t scale with gear. They do a static amount of damage completely controlled by ANet that the player has no impact on outside of things like might, vuln, and fury.
I personally don’t see how this spirit could be an issue when your jaguar is hitting for 600 every 2 seconds or the bird’s F2 ability is double tapping for about the same each hit.
Now if you’re advocating that Ranger pets should scale off their master’s stats so bunker Rangers are using bunker pets with low damage, I’m all for that. But please keep in mind that most bunker Rangers are actually bunker condi spec’d so a pet which scales down due to your lack of power and crit will scale up due to your abundance of toughness and condition damage which only makes things worse on that end.
So what’s your complaint really? Do you feel the spirit is doing too much damage and it should be nerfed? Do you feel it’s doing too much damage for a bunker spec and pet scaling should be implemented? And if it is the second one, why don’t you have any concerns with the normal pet which behaves the same way?
Clearly there are people out there who are just being rude to be rude, and would rather try to debate my experience with the game (I probably have much more play time and experience, especially competitive experience, with this game than they do) than actually try to be constructive.
But that’s okay, I’m not here to argue with them.
The issue that people are missing, is that even if the storm spirit DOESN’T crit, it still hits for about 3k damage.
Now, this isn’t a huge issue in itself, until we acknowledge the fact that you don’t even have to build any stats towards power damage or crit damage or etc. You can build full bunker and have a utility doing very high spike damage (very high for being a full toughness/healing power/condition damage, for example) on a decent AoE radius with a fairly short cooldown.
And for all of the “obviously you don’t play warrior/thief/etc” posts, please, show me a screen shot of a warrior/thief with a settler’s amulet, or even no amulet, hitting for 3k in one hit.
So no, the issue isn’t necessarily that the storm spirit can hit for a good amount of damage, it’s the conditions in which the storm spirit can hit for that amount of damage, aka, not having to build for any amount of direct damage stats whatsoever.
And for the people just attacking my opinion and disagreeing because it is a ranger nerf, I’m sorry to say this, but if you can’t approach an issue with a level head and remove your bias when assessing something about your class, and would rather just scream “buff buff buff,” then you will never see a level of balance that you like in this game.
Not sure who is screaming buff buff buff on spirits. They were nerfed and seem to be in a pretty good spot. You forgot there’s a huge animation on spirits for a reason, it’s an indicator to get away from it or you can also kill it and then move away to avoid it’s death effect. People are more interested in facerolling than actually using tactics and then look so confused when they took damage from a spirit due to said facerolling without looking at your surroundings. People forgot that spirits don’t have alot of hit points also, so downing the spirit should be the first thing on your agenda against a spirit ranger so it doesn’t keep happening. Just my thoughts until it’s nerfed, then you can proceed to ignore the spirit and faceroll the ranger like you would already with their pets against a ranger, don’t worry bud – everything will be alright in the end.
Note: There’s also a big difference and a fine line between screaming ‘buff buff buff’ with ‘fix fix fix’. Most of the ranger stuff is broke, not underpowered.
Two things: I gave you a level headed response and the spirit A) needs fury to crit 3k and
needs 25 stack might to hit 8k, not to mention be in range
This is on a ability that the enemy can kill, launch, stun, daze, or interrupt on a 20s cooldown.
In light of these facts, jcbroe, why does it need a nerf? Because it killed you one time? I need more substance. I bet that’s why you’re getting knuckleheaded responses. Where’s the actual argument again? It’s not a free 8k, not even a free 3k.
Chopps, it doesn’t need fury to hit for 3k. It hits for a base 3k. Its crits for 5k.
And the argument is that it shouldn’t be doing that kind of damage without any power investment. It would be no problem if it hit for the amount of damage from a person built glass cannon, or semi glass cannon, the way thieves/mesmers/warriors HAVE to in order to be able to do the amount of damage they do.
For the purposes of what I’m trying to get at, I’ll post a bunch of pics.
Only runes are active in that pic, this pic shows traits:
First example:
AoE with all Spirit Traits, no amulet:
Two things: I gave you a level headed response and the spirit A) needs fury to crit 3k and
needs 25 stack might to hit 8k, not to mention be in range
This is on a ability that the enemy can kill, launch, stun, daze, or interrupt on a 20s cooldown.
In light of these facts, jcbroe, why does it need a nerf? Because it killed you one time? I need more substance. I bet that’s why you’re getting knuckleheaded responses. Where’s the actual argument again? It’s not a free 8k, not even a free 3k.
Chopps, it doesn’t need fury to hit for 3k. It hits for a base 3k. Its crits for 5k.
And the argument is that it shouldn’t be doing that kind of damage without any power investment. It would be no problem if it hit for the amount of damage from a person built glass cannon, or semi glass cannon, the way thieves/mesmers/warriors HAVE to in order to be able to do the amount of damage they do.
For the purposes of what I’m trying to get at, I’ll post a bunch of pics.
Actually mesmers doesn’t need to spec burst for their swordsman to hit high numbers, nor their warlock
Last one, trying to show off max range:
Two things: I gave you a level headed response and the spirit A) needs fury to crit 3k and
needs 25 stack might to hit 8k, not to mention be in range
This is on a ability that the enemy can kill, launch, stun, daze, or interrupt on a 20s cooldown.
In light of these facts, jcbroe, why does it need a nerf? Because it killed you one time? I need more substance. I bet that’s why you’re getting knuckleheaded responses. Where’s the actual argument again? It’s not a free 8k, not even a free 3k.
Chopps, it doesn’t need fury to hit for 3k. It hits for a base 3k. Its crits for 5k.
And the argument is that it shouldn’t be doing that kind of damage without any power investment. It would be no problem if it hit for the amount of damage from a person built glass cannon, or semi glass cannon, the way thieves/mesmers/warriors HAVE to in order to be able to do the amount of damage they do.
For the purposes of what I’m trying to get at, I’ll post a bunch of pics.
Actually mesmers doesn’t need to spec burst for their swordsman to hit high numbers, nor their warlock
Same situation, no traits, no amulet, swordsman damage. Doesn’t look anywhere close to storm spirit:
Nerf it, doesn’t matter to us… Ranger is a class that has been nerfed so much in the past year, it really won’t even affect much honestly, still kittenty subpar spirit build that’s only used in PvP for a specific role which is a minute percentage of the entire Gw2 playerbase, it really won’t make much of a difference.
Oh yea , while you’re complaining to them, can you ask anet to give us some viable power builds too? We have none, if you haven’t noticed.
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