When are ranger pet names going to be saved?
The answer is probably never, it’s a limitation of how ANET implemented the pet database.
They will fix this in GW3
“The answer is probably never, it’s a limitation of how ANET implemented the pet database.”
They can hold it on a local file and send it to the server when you log on or switch pets. Players can already change the name on the client and it gets sent it to the server so you wouldn’t have thought there would be any problem here at all.
“The answer is probably never, it’s a limitation of how ANET implemented the pet database.”
They can hold it on a local file and send it to the server when you log on or switch pets. Players can already change the name on the client and it gets sent it to the server so you wouldn’t have thought there would be any problem here at all.
But this solution makes sense. Anet would never dare to do anything like that.
I doubt it’s technical limit or something they can’t do. Let’s think about this. If you were in charge, with all the tasks on their master schedule, is there any reason to fix the pet name database? Maybe it would get priority during a QoL patch but they clearly have bigger priorities somewhere else.
My guess would be to expect it when they decide to overhaul the pet GUI. I’m sure that will happen in later versions because, let’s face it, it’s underwhelming they way pets are organized. Overall, the current GUI is functional for an advanced player or dev however, it is not user friendly or functional for the wider gameplay audience.
When? Haha, don’t even ask them, right? It will be a while. I bet it’s only barely on their radar.
Just name all of your pets something like “Sparky,” and it’s a non-issue.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
Just name all of your pets something like “Sparky,” and it’s a non-issue.
You mean just paste the same name in and keep it on the clipboard? That’s an incredibly awkward workaround.
Edit: Reinterpretting your question, if you mean “sparky” because it’s easy to remember I will reach through the screen and slap your face with molten guantlets. We know our pets names because we made them up. That’s not the issue.
The annoyance—yes, the bug—is making us type it in every time we switch pets. Oh I need a new pet in between dungeon phases, well, good luck typing that in without falling behind. Lol good grief
(edited by Chopps.5047)
Just name all of your pets something like “Sparky,” and it’s a non-issue.
You mean just paste the same name in and keep it on the clipboard? That’s an incredibly awkward workaround.
Edit: Reinterpretting your question, if you mean “sparky” because it’s easy to remember I will reach through the screen and slap your face with molten guantlets. We know our pets names because we made them up. That’s not the issue.
The annoyance—yes, the bug—is making us type it in every time we switch pets. Oh I need a new pet in between dungeon phases, well, good luck typing that in without falling behind. Lol good grief
As entertaining as your comment was, I think you missed the idea of my post. Naming all your pets “Sparky” is an awkward and immersion-breaking workaround, and that’s the point. We shouldn’t have to do that just so the current naming system makes sense.
It was sarcasm.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
I name my River Drake Sparky! It just seems appropriate since it does spit little lightning bolts at enemies when I tell it to!
I wonder this too….. will it ever happen?
Well here’s the down low.
Rangers are pretty low on the list for development time, and since we don’t see much in the way of patches that address the issues we bring to the forums, I’d say something like pet names would be right under “add in item hotbar” to the development list.
Not to mention, name of the pet was saved in all MMOs, even World of Warcraft from start erm…7,8 years ago?
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
Lol totally joking ab the gloves thought you were 10% sarcastic and like 90% trolling
What’s the use of us naming the pet if we cannot save it. Log in, and first thing to do is name the pet?
It already saves 4 pet names, 2 on land 2 in water, do you really switch them around that much? I mean sure you might have a pair for wvw or dungeons, but generally I keep the same 2 in place otherwise. Can always keep one of the swaps as your faithful named pet and use the other slot for trying stuff out. I can kind of see why they don’t do it for dozens and dozens of pets, I mean that’s alot of data to keep for a 3 second inconvenience to people once in awhile. I’d love for it to happen don’t get me wrong, the more convenient the better, I can just see why its not high on the priority list.
Yes, I use different pets in zerg and roam, and I use many pets in dungeons depending on if i need ranged pets or specific buffs. A ranger who doesn’t hot swap pets is underperforming.
It already saves 4 pet names, 2 on land 2 in water, do you really switch them around that much? I mean sure you might have a pair for wvw or dungeons, but generally I keep the same 2 in place otherwise. Can always keep one of the swaps as your faithful named pet and use the other slot for trying stuff out. I can kind of see why they don’t do it for dozens and dozens of pets, I mean that’s alot of data to keep for a 3 second inconvenience to people once in awhile. I’d love for it to happen don’t get me wrong, the more convenient the better, I can just see why its not high on the priority list.
I dont switch them around that much. Generally keep jaguar and lynx. Reason being though is because i don’t want to rename them lol. If you could switch pets and they kept their names i would switch them waaaay more often.
Not to mention, name of the pet was saved in all MMOs, even World of Warcraft from start erm…7,8 years ago?
This in a nutshell. Its silly that its not a feature in this game.
To be honest, there are so many broken ranger features-weapons that I would rather have them fix those first.
The answer is probably never, it’s a limitation of how ANET implemented the pet database.
No it’s not. My Reef Drake always retains the original name I gave it.
I’ve never had to rename it once, not even after major patches.
Odd.. I thought this had actually been fixed but never announced. Will have to test again.
The answer is probably never, it’s a limitation of how ANET implemented the pet database.
No it’s not. My Reef Drake always retains the original name I gave it.
I’ve never had to rename it once, not even after major patches.
That’s because you also have reef drake equipped underwater.
The answer is probably never, it’s a limitation of how ANET implemented the pet database.
No it’s not. My Reef Drake always retains the original name I gave it.
I’ve never had to rename it once, not even after major patches.That’s because you also have reef drake equipped underwater.
Yea, that’s what is happening. It confused me for awhile too when I was swapping pets around, why some pets seemed to remember who they were while others didn’t.
I’ve gotten extremely lazy in my pet swapping though, I’m either just jerking around in solo pve map completion stuff, or I’m armpit deep in some mega zerg where it just doesn’t matter what pet I have, it’s dead.
So it’s drakes, drakes all the way up and down! River and Marsh, since their F2’s actually hit things sometimes and have a little range. Bozak and Kapak respectively.
Ty Ty ty for finally doing this. The first thing I’m doing when I log in is naming all my pets!
(edited by OMNIBUS.2913)
Ty Ty ty for finally doing this. The first thing I’m doing when I log in is naming all my pets!
Like kitten seriously? Did you necro kitten post a post from 2 years ago?
Ty Ty ty for finally doing this. The first thing I’m doing when I log in is naming all my pets!
Like kitten seriously? Did you necro kitten post a post from 2 years ago?
Well it was his post to begin with!
Well people yell when a new thread gets started when others exists about the same thing.
This is an old thread and is now locked.