Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

@Durzla You are talking to guy for whom defense and survi (and suport) is most important thing :P
as first two I’m satisfied with ranger, for the third I made alt guardian for buffing machine :P
Problem with Your build are thieves and some other classes that get nearly constantly to the melee.
PS. I didn’t quote because wall of tekst would be too big :P

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


@Durzla You are talking to guy for whom defense and survi (and suport) is most important thing :P
as first two I’m satisfied with ranger, for the third I made alt guardian for buffing machine :P
Problem with Your build are thieves and some other classes that get nearly constantly to the melee.
PS. I didn’t quote because wall of tekst would be too big :P

There’s quite a few ways to shake a thief as a ranger with bow/bow, but yeah it’s certainly trixy.

I too play more of a supporty build on my ranger, just using Bow/Bow as an example xD

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Molch.2078


Isn’t this thread supposed to be about dungeons? There is no need to speak about PvP.

And in PvE, melee is king. The end.

If you play GS/Sword+Warhorn – full zerker ofc -, ranger is okay. Not imba, but no reason to kick. But 99% of the ranges I see use SB/LB. And thats just bad in dungeons. I prefer 4 man melee instead of 4 man melee + 1 range.

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

There are a lot of bad rangers out there who don’t know how to control their pet or how to switch it even, they have a hard time surviving anything and only auto attack with longbow or shortbow… Kinda like how most thieves are crap in dungeons, I feel the same about rangers…you can have a lot of sustained DPS and AoE as a ranger, just that shortbow doesn’t really do that…

Shortbow should be your “oh kitten I’ma gonna die if I don’t get back” weapon not one that “I’ma half afk and watch game of thrones while we do this dungeon” kind of weapon.

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


Rangers are really good in PvP, but in PvE our best dungeon options are to do pretty much what a warrior does and do less damage at that.

The best way to fix that without becoming OP in PvP would be to fix the PvE content. (We’re all still waiting for main hand axe and LB buffs though :P)

In dungeons, rangers are good at movement, conditions, rezzing* and surviving.
*Just kidding, they killed Search and Rescue by restricting it to downed allies. Pets were doing something useful they said. Can’t have that they said.

Either way, take the other three and focus PvE dungeon balances on those:

Movement: Add more situations where 1 or 2 players need to get to point A and B alive.

Conditions: Raise the toughness and lower the vitality of many enemies and all bosses. Condition damage ignores toughness, but it’s horrible against vitality tankers. Why is it that most (it seems like 90%+) of the enemies in dungeons have average armor and a massive HP pool?

Surviving: Well no changes need to be made for this, surviving is a really great thing to have on our side even now.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Well that was my next question…

How Viable would ranger actually be at getting dead people back up in combat?
Even with Quickness, it feels REALLY REALLY slow still for me. Is there any Trait/Gear specs that would make it viable or are we just plain doomed b/c most of the people that always die in our party, always died right in Melee Range to the boss (and no one else can pull the boss out that range?).

Is it even possible to Taxi ourselves back “out of combat” in a fight to regain that triple Rezzing speed? I’m guessing it’s not? When anyone in our party is still in Combat, we can’t even switch skills now? (there goes my old Sure-fire tactic for beating Lupicus by switching skills between stage 2 & 3!!)

I can tell You because I once have been forced to this
1. Only rangers that have many many toughness can be viable in rezzing dead teammates.
2. Start rezzing from the guys that have some rez bar replenished (if no one have just start that one that seems to be most usefull
3. Distract Boss – that’s very important – Sometimes sacrifice Pet to stop boss for a phew second behind is very good option – Spirits also can be helpfull there (if you don’t have Spirit Unbound trait)
4. Don’t let boss hit you when You are rezzing – If boss comes – go to the next member trying to slow down boss in the middletime
unfortunatelly none of this advises can make it when You face AC bosses called “Ghost Eater” nor “Colussus Rumblus” and party get wiped with only You standing – that was possible before the patches that make them “killable by method” – Ghost Eater just will spam with deadly AoE and Colussus are making his AoE on the whole room – not only in ring at 1200 range of him

That was patronizing in just how no-duh basic those tips were, …and didn’t answer my actual questions about a gimmick build for faster/safer Rezzing. I’m guessing this is another case where a really well played Thief is just a lot better.

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

Rangers are really good in PvP, but in PvE our best dungeon options are to do pretty much what a warrior does and do less damage at that.

The best way to fix that without becoming OP in PvP would be to fix the PvE content. (We’re all still waiting for main hand axe and LB buffs though :P)

In dungeons, rangers are good at movement, conditions, rezzing* and surviving.
*Just kidding, they killed Search and Rescue by restricting it to downed allies. Pets were doing something useful they said. Can’t have that they said.

Either way, take the other three and focus PvE dungeon balances on those:

Movement: Add more situations where 1 or 2 players need to get to point A and B alive.

Conditions: Raise the toughness and lower the vitality of many enemies and all bosses. Condition damage ignores toughness, but it’s horrible against vitality tankers. Why is it that most (it seems like 90%+) of the enemies in dungeons have average armor and a massive HP pool?

Surviving: Well no changes need to be made for this, surviving is a really great thing to have on our side even now.

You know we are still godd at rezzing – just the role have been reversed – let the pet distract boss and me rezz party members
with tah condi dmg – I agree

@ilr we are no thiefes, and we Won’t stealth us nad rezzed party member – but this can be also good thing – for example bosshave 1/10 of his hp and perform something tat nearly wiped party with only rangi alive – would You really want deaggro boss (what thief would have done with his stealth) to replenish all his hp bar, or keep boss in fight to not replenish those and still rezz party.
about rezzing while boss fight – that’s all You need to learn. Really. there is nothing more than just "distract him in another place with pet/sprit/ whatever You have and rezz somebody – and then distract boss by Yourself and let the buddy rezz rest of party. That’s all – rest is practice training of this rule

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


… Maybe in a “I can catch you at this moment, so let me be a good guy and get you on your feet real fast” kind of way? Perhaps?

You… you all aren’t really talking about making bow/bow support builds and how you can rez in the middle of combat… are you? <_>’

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cempa.5619


While the game mechanic insists on being able to play both melee and ranged ‘roles’ people are not that way….Some like to play 100% ranged and some like to play 100% melee and some don’t mind a mix.

Design a class like ranger that is best when using both melee and ranged and people will have problems!

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

… Maybe in a “I can catch you at this moment, so let me be a good guy and get you on your feet real fast” kind of way? Perhaps?

You… you all aren’t really talking about making bow/bow support builds and how you can rez in the middle of combat… are you? <_>’

1. If You want make it faster, Use quickness You have.
2. I’m talking about high survi build’s which I play – You know, 3k armor etc (Yes and still talking about ranger – I have 3k+ armor on my ranger )
and we are talking just why name of topic is false sentence

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


1. If You want make it faster, Use quickness You have.
2. I’m talking about high survi build’s which I play – You know, 3k armor etc (Yes and still talking about ranger – I have 3k+ armor on my ranger )
and we are talking just why name of topic is false sentence

Pre-Nerf: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Quickness&oldid=544360

…when it used to last 4 seconds + 3 from swap from Pet.
Do the math: 2×7=14 -vs-1.5×9=13.5 … :\
So we do less compressed rezzing in 9 seconds that used to only take 7…

They did all this b/c ppl were exploiting only for Stomps in sPvP.
No one at Anet’s stupid enough to say giving us more Quickness for rezzing in Dungeons would break dungeons (esp after THEY’RE the ones who are realeasing all this ridiculous “Ascended” power-creep we never needed in the first place). The problem I’m guessing is everyone at Anet’s also too lazy/busy with other crap we don’t need either, to make us viable Rezzers or atleast letting S&R do something more useful** than the stupid Rez-Sigs that none of the other classes run Either. (which also got nerfed for sPvP).

It’s GW1 all over again as usual with lack of skill splits screwing over certain classes while Power Creep just makes their competing classes into Gods in “Elite PvE”.


  • **Something more useful: running in & Dragging the dead player about 30ft back from where they died “Lassie/Hollywood” style.

(edited by ilr.9675)

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

1. If You want make it faster, Use quickness You have.
2. I’m talking about high survi build’s which I play – You know, 3k armor etc (Yes and still talking about ranger – I have 3k+ armor on my ranger )
and we are talking just why name of topic is false sentence

Pre-Nerf: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Quickness&oldid=544360

…when it used to last 4 seconds + 3 from swap from Pet.
Do the math: 2×7=14 -vs-1.5×9=13.5 … :\
So we do less compressed rezzing in 9 seconds that used to only take 7…

They did all this b/c ppl were exploiting only for Stomps in sPvP.
No one at Anet’s stupid enough to say giving us more Quickness for rezzing in Dungeons would break dungeons (esp after THEY’RE the ones who are realeasing all this ridiculous “Ascended” power-creep we never needed in the first place). The problem I’m guessing is everyone at Anet’s also too lazy/busy with other crap we don’t need either, to make us viable Rezzers or atleast letting S&R do something more useful** than the stupid Rez-Sigs that none of the other classes run Either. (which also got nerfed for sPvP).

It’s GW1 all over again as usual with lack of skill splits screwing over certain classes while Power Creep just makes their competing classes into Gods in “Elite PvE”.


  • **Something more useful: running in & Dragging the dead player about 30ft back from where they died “Lassie/Hollywood” style.

the quickness where nerfed because of thiefs that launched quickness and packed 25stack might backstab nuking nearly everyone – or those that was spaming unload with quickness and also was nuking every single target.
but we still can efficiently rezz ppl – that just need a little more time now.

and remeber – that official info about quickness nerf tells’ that quickness was nerfed because someplayers on specific builds whith quickness on them was able kill all bunker in the game in just a seconds.

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: tigirius.9014


It’s mostly due to the AI and pet weakness actually so their defenses definitely need buffing because some bosses use AOEs alot so running behind the boss doesn’t help, they don’t move when in an AOE zone so they die, and AOE’s are generally OP anyways in a game with almost ALL AOEs so pets of all kinds, turrets, spirits, summons, etc need a global immunity to AOE damage I’m voting 80% across the board.

But it’s also the bleed/condition stack problem.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

@tigirius that idea with immune to AoE would be (I’m afraid so) much OP.
and yet I never met boss in either PvE/dungs that would kill my pet with just AoE’s – in WvW buffed supervisors was only NPC issue for my pet.
and pet will die I’f You’re not beastmaster – maybe my pet is so tough because I invesded in it so many traitpoints? (and don’t use ANY skill/trait whatever, that is transferring conditions from anybody to my pet – I have my regens [many many regens] to negate conditions for the next chance of heal from them and my pet from all of it have just one – and that is not enought to keep it elive vary long with many stacks of bleed – which i can withstand – livetime record was half minute with 25 bleeding stacks – and it drawns only 50% on my hp )

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ratty.5176


One trick that helped me in GW2 a lot was rebinding all the F1 – F4 keys to shift-1 through shift-4 – so I can use those keys now as fast as I use my core abilities. For my pet that means switching what it is attacking or triggering the ‘F2’ skill are actions I can do with very little hand-movement (all my keys are actually arranged on a nostromo pad, if not, I’d have rebound everything on my keyboard into a tight circle to keep my fingers from needing to stretch).

I must admit I never enjoyed my Ranger until I got my new mouse. Having all the pet controls on a little joystick by my thumb makes the class very playable.

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ratty.5176


Is it even possible to Taxi ourselves back “out of combat” in a fight to regain that triple Rezzing speed? I’m guessing it’s not? When anyone in our party is still in Combat, we can’t even switch skills now? (there goes my old Sure-fire tactic for beating Lupicus by switching skills between stage 2 & 3!!)

You can switch stuff normally if you personally are OOC. I quite often switch from D/D to S/F on my Elementalist when the Ascalonian Captain is at 60% by running to the wall, while the rest of the team is still fighting him.

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

@Ratty I’m afraid that now works – eventually not works in AC – while all party guys exept me was in fight I couldn’t change equipped weapon

about that taxi out of combat – when we are last man standing You don’t want to – You want to rezz ppl and not deaggro boss because then he will replenish all his hp

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


We just did 48 FOTM with two rangers in party the other day. Permanent uptime on reflection among the rangers and guardian. We finished in about one hour despite our warrior having 20 AR.

drops mic and walks away

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

(edited by Chopps.5047)

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


We just did 48 FOTM with two rangers in party the other day. Permanent uptime on reflection among the rangers and guardian. We finished in about one hour despite our warrior having 20 AR.

drops mic and walks away

Perma reflection? How so? I know there’s 2 WD, and 1 Wall of Reflection, but was that enough to have perm?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I think we had two guardians and two rangers. It felt like permanent, if not it was close.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


If I wouldn’t read this forum, I would’ve never noticed that Rangers supposedly suck. I play in a huge guild and we never ever talk about priority in classes. OK, maybe one Guardian should be in the party, but that’s almost always the case (I usually play Guardian).

We ran fractals (me only until 28, but others in our guild 30-80, and we never had a problem with Rangers or other supposedly weak professions. Also did the ‘hardest’ dungeons (e.g. Arah P4 pre-patch) with a Ranger, and she now has the Dungeon Master title.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Shadowy Dawn.4703

Shadowy Dawn.4703

I keep hearing about this bad “rep” but I have never had an issue getting into groups, or leading a group in a dungeon. I even have received numerous compliments in dungeons.

Maybe it’s the GW1 title, I’m not sure but I think it’s all in how you playin the environment. Maybe majority of rangers are using LB and SB and standing in one area? This is a game all about moving around, and mechanics.

I normally run a solid SB, LB, trap build and never have much issue.

Unless majority of people are just extremely nice and don’t say anything, but knowing how people are, I doubt it.

I couldn’t agree with this statement more. I run traps, longbow/shortbow and occasionally longbow/sword&horn. I run a complete power/precision/crit damage with ascended (exotic armor and weapons obviously) and full ranger runes on top of all that. Granted there isn’t a real burst built into this build but when I have spike and flame trap on a group plus arrow storm and have my flame sigil proccing literally every 3 seconds I have major aoe.

Warriors up front need a heal no prob my fern hound has some help for you that I can micromanage, not to mention his knockdown and cripple. Oh, you want more damage instead of healing let me bring out my jaguar to stack vulnerability and bleed on the target. I have one target i want to spike down? Shortbow for the win. I need to avoid attacks and be elusive? Sword/Horn.

Not to mention this entire time my build has a 85% critical rate and does 256% damage on a critical. Not to mention if I pay attention and place myself well I can engage multiple targets constantly with Piercing Arrows. A LB/SB build is perfectly viable and a ranger doesn’t ever have to switch IF they know how to use each weapon to its fullest.

Sorry for the rant but I grow tired of the rangers suck and dont contribute much argument. A bad warrior isn’t necessarily going to be able to contribute much just like a bad ranger wont be able too. Granted a good warrior is extremely useful, but in my opinion a good ranger can be just as useful. Long story short I fully believe that rangers are a great class that is harder to be really good at than most but when done correctly can be a very solid character.

Don’t get me wrong I would like to see some things buffed/tweaked for the ranger. A buff for spirits to add more utility options would be great, and the option to flag pets would be very nice for soloing/dungeons. But knowing how well I play my ranger and how much fun I have with it I simply just do not buy the whole “rangers suck”/“bad” rep thing.

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

@ShadowyDawn – when I came first time at this forum and stiil didn’t have 80 lvl on my ranger – I saw masive amounts of this “fix rangers, rangers sux” thing.
At those moment I laughet out loud and started to think that most ppl that is posting on official forums are just noobs that cannot play – at those moment even without this 80 lvl I have no problem with anything (except explo mods in AC because ppl was kicking because of lvl ) I was able efen to solo content for 3 lvls higher than mine (for example with guardian I had problem with some mobs that was 1 lvl higher than mine, and with engi that was suicide to go alone – somethimes for content with SAME lvl as mine)

I agree with almost everything You’ve told exept that thing I’m running different build :P
and with that warrior – I have once failed AC explo because ONE of warriors (4 warriors + ranger party) was very bad….

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


We just did 48 FOTM with two rangers in party the other day. Permanent uptime on reflection among the rangers and guardian. We finished in about one hour despite our warrior having 20 AR.

drops mic and walks away

Perma reflection? How so? I know there’s 2 WD, and 1 Wall of Reflection, but was that enough to have perm?

Consecration last longer / offhand recharge Traits

PS: lol @ +3 mobs proving rangers don’t suck. Take on multiple +5 / +6’s and we’ll talk