I’ve setup my items for more balanced build with high survivability, high burst damage and high condition damage.
Build Link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMEQNAV3fjAVR2ZWWWs2BilCBFo2jMxpzzUwfGdxGpVB;TMArFGZsFA
I’ve found with a good mix of “Jewels/Orbs/Sigils and Nourishment I was able to give a nice balance between Critical/Condition and general damage from normal hits. The pet also plays a big role without spending any points in Beast Mastery.
This build offers great survivability; I’ve mixed a combo of cc with fairly large amount of dodge to keep me out of harms range. E.g. Lightning reflexes + Dodge back 2x + Quick Shot (3sec swiftness) puts me miles out of range and lets me use my Trolls Ungents and Elite (Rampage As One)if need be. I also change my pet to Krytan Drakehound when I’m trying to escape tricky situations, using Immobilize and cripple.
Phase 1: Main combo for this build, proc Quickening Zephyr + Sharpening Stone + Pets Skill + Winter’s Bite, you must proc all 4 skills at once followed with throw torch then weapon swap to your short bow (you will gain swiftness and fury for few seconds), then use Crippling Shot followed with Concussion Shot.
This is your main combo, the whole combo can be done under 4 seconds of Quickening Zephyr.
Once you’re onto the shortbow you will most defiantly gain the bonuses from your Sigil of Strength with a average 3-5 stacks of might.
This gives your shortbow massive damage boost at the beginning of fights and with high critical chance to get that burst damage that all condition builds lack. Note your pet will also stack Vulnerable and Weakness from Winter’s Bite.
Make sure while using this combo you are charging your foe, closer you are higher the chance you will land your hits.
Phase 2: Now you’re on your shortbow focus on stacking bleeding+ poison and dodge when needed. At this point most of the time your target is on the back foot and is trying to ether escape/dodge/heal, now this combo doesn’t work as effective vs thief’s and mesmers, I’ve found burst this combo when you have the chance.
Now you don’t need to keep repeating this combo in fights but it’s very good way to start the fight. The rest comes down to play skill.
Tower Defending and Attacking: I will change to my longbow over my shortbow and change utility skills to 3 traps Spike/Flame/Poison and my elite to entangle, I will use my torch a lot with bonfire followed with rapid fire from the longbow. I will quickly go into my traits and change Quick Draw to Trapper’s Expertise.
You should still be able to maintain high survivability while still dealing high burst damage. Gives great crowd control and you can throw your traps + barrage on the walls to help keep walls clear.
The 3 traps can be thrown on the inside of gates if defending and they will hit anyone on the side in range.
The Items I use are as follow.
• Rampager’s Armor with Chrysocola Orb
I use Medium Whispering Coat which gives me more condition damage.
• Knights with Berserker Jewels
• Assassin Backpack with Berserker Jewel
Weapon Set 1:
• Axe with Sigil of Corruption
• Torch with Sigil of Smoldering
• Sigil Bonuses: Gain+10 condition damage each time you kill a foe. (Max25 stacks) and +10% burning duration.
Weapon Set 2:
• Rampager Shortbow with Sigil of Strength
• Sigil Bonuses: 30% chance on critical: Gain Might (10 seconds) no cool down.)
• Plates of Fire Flank Steak (+100 power +70 condition damage) you won’t lose this effect on down.
• Berserker Longbow (Tower Defending or shooting over walls)
• Berserker Greatsword
• Power: 1,990 + 35 per Might stack
• Precision: 1,925
• Toughness: 1624
• Vitality: 1,000
• Attack: 2,990 (this will change based on Power and Condition Stacks)
• Condition Damage: 871 + 250 (Sigil Stacks) + 35 per might stacks
• Critical Chance: 52%
• Critical Damage: 39 shortbow and 48 longbow
• Armor: 2,688
• Health: 15,922
Twitch – Aussie Streamer