Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: Othayuni.7369


Okay—look. I’m a fellow concerned ranger. My level 80 ranger on tarnished coast is my only character. I’ve put everything in to him; he’s guild wars 2 to me. And he uses a shortbow. So I’m feeling the change. And I do think it was inappropriate. And I do think it needs to be reverted.

Towards the end of the 40ms thread someone named Wolfius was brave enough to fairly respectfully call us babies for the way we’ve been handling this, describing babies as people throwing a fit when they don’t get something they want immediately and, honestly, yes, I have to agree. A -lot- of us are being babies.

Not because we’re asking for shortbow to be given its old power back, or power anew. That needs to happen.

And not because we’re questioning arenanet for how they’ve handled communicating with us about the recent nerf. Those are good questions to ask.

And not because we’re going on and on passionately about it. We should. As long as this is an issue, it needs to be talked about.

A lot of us are being babies because we’re resorting to tactics like saying “our class sucks now”, “guess we’re all forced to go warrior”, “looks like that’s it for me and guild wars 2”, “guess arenanet doesn’t care about its playerbase”, “if only they did”, “can’t wait for a game with devs that actually care”, etc etc etc.; these are not productive sentiments. These are childish attention-grabbing tactics being used on developers who -know better- than to listen to that sort of thing. For god’s sake, we don’t need to start smashing plates and flipping tables to be noticed; in fact, all it does is make us less credible and less able to be taken seriously. I’ve been proudest of the people who have been able to voice their concerns clearly and relentlessly but also maturely and respectfully.

How many of us have seen—maybe pretty obscure, but—the peanuts sketch in which Lucy asks Charlie Brown if he thinks she’s pretty, and after staring nervously at her for all of half a second she promptly bursts in to a fit of rage saying, “You didn’t answer me! That means you don’t!”

Same thing, guys. Development processes are -not- as instantaneous and reactive as a lot of us are treating them. I wholeheartedly approve of fighting to make these changes happen but I am exhausted and honestly annoyed by all of you people so eagerly jumping on a reason to feel abandoned, neglected, and scorned that just isn’t there. And if I may be for a moment be vulgar what the hell is this kitten about implying Arenanet hates rangers? That is truly unfathomable. No developer alive has a marketing incentive to deliberately disdain a certain class; it’s all a balancing effort. And what’s more, once you actually get skilled at PvP and start playing it like an action game I’ve found that arenanet has made a pretty unusually well-balanced game ESPECIALLY for an MMO and I don’t -slightly- begrudge them tripping here and there along the way as they figure things out.

Should they communicate more with us? I’d love that.

Should they explain what gives about claiming the change was to fix an animation bug and then implying they weren’t being honest about their intentions re: nerfing it? Of course. I’d like to have a dialogue with them. I want to know what happened.

Should we continue arguing for a stronger shortbow? Absolutely. A stronger ranger on the whole? I sure wouldn’t complain.

But should we keep having every other post on the topic be some fearful, sensationalized remark of accusing arenanet, degrading the game and all around pursuing a sense of martyrdom in a desperate grab for attention out of what seems to me to be the lack of bravery and patience to actually organize your thoughts in a way that sounds respectful and reasonable?

I think not. I think it’s a useless expenditure. I observe it hurting the community and doing nothing to help the game. And maybe some of you would argue that there’s no point since the game is “doomed now”. Then -leave-. I actually have the patience to talk about this, as do many of my colleagues. I want our voices to be actually heard.

Finally I’d like to give a big shoutout to all the people who -did- express their views maturely, rationally, and argue their case, which was a very pleasingly high percentage (on the whole I’d offer a sense of about half, though this isn’t based on data). You guys make us strong, and thank you.

(edited by Othayuni.7369)

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fayte.1803


O’k I’m sorry, but what the heck does that have to do with the previous thread? In case you were wondering they said it was a nerf to fix the animation, then later said that it was a damage nerf, read the previous thread if you are still able too, many people were calm and collected but of course we can’t control the opinions of others….In anycase what people got furious about was the fact they outright lied to us about the nerf fixing an animation that no one…or anyone thats come forward has seen.

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: Turtles All The Way Down.5608

Turtles All The Way Down.5608

It doesn’t take bravery to call someone a baby on the internet. For example, if I were to call this post a giant wall of text by someone from an RP server that wouldn’t take courage on my part at all.

Furthermore since ANet’s tactics so far have been to ignore the ranger forum and hope we all stop complaining, I think not stopping our complaining is exactly what we need to do to make sure ranger gets changes.

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: apeik.7391


turtles might be correct…squeaky wheel…gets the grease.. yep.

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Truly well written post. Hope more people will read it despite it being a rather huge wall of text!

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: Othayuni.7369


Furthermore since ANet’s tactics so far have been to ignore the ranger forum and hope we all stop complaining, I think not stopping our complaining is exactly what we need to do to make sure ranger gets changes.

I said that a bunch of times throughout my post. We do need to keep talking about this.
We should not quiet down until we’re satisfied. But we should also be handling that responsibly. Some of us have been. Many of us haven’t.

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


Squeaky wheel reporting!

That was a whole lot of text in the first post. I didn’t read it, and I’m a roleplayer – I like to read!

Turtles hit the nail on the head (and with less text). We need to keep complaining and not let up! ArenaNet has shown they can be open and communicate with their players, but why is the Ranger community different? It boggles my mind!

I can’t take my Ranger seriously in the end game because I know I’ll be limping along, and not because I lack in skill.

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


cant calm down / focus when they deleted our one calm and focused thread.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: takatsu.9416


I agree, +1. And even though many people think the ranger class is not viable, and completely useless, I beg to differ and quite a number of other rangers can still hold their own no matter what bugs or nerfs… and will be even better if things get fixed up. But this thread shouldn’t go into that talk!! XD

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: Othayuni.7369


Hey, you guys got that I’m saying -keep- complaining, just do it responsibly, right? I’m hearing some confusion about that.

TL;DR for those who don’t want to read the whole ramble: Really glad we’re speaking up about this, frustrated with how immaturely/unfairly some people are going about this, want to call for people to stay reasonable, stay rational, and stay strong.

(edited by Othayuni.7369)

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: Digital Dragon.2697

Digital Dragon.2697

I agree with the original post. Alot of people are raging over this change, and not in a constructive way. I don’t get why people say they’re going to quit…the game is FREE. You already bought it, quitting won’t affect them in any way. Instead of pointless threats (quitting, changing classes, etc) act mature about it.

I applaud the people who have treated this matter calmly, and feel sorry for those who raged about it. A few bad apples in this forum can look bad for all of us.

Yes, it's a real issue, but can we please calm down/focus?

in Ranger

Posted by: Raffoon.2549


Well I’m not going to say that I quit, but I’ve certainly been playing a lot less lately. Maybe that’s not all due to this change, but it sure doesn’t help my inclination to play.

And of course Anet wants people to keep playing. Beyond the fact that they want people to experience what they’ve made, it makes sense financially too. Yes we’ve paid for the initial game, but I’m sure plenty of people are purchasing gems as well, which is only happening if people continue to play.