got a question on skill sets and a certain skill.

got a question on skill sets and a certain skill.

in Ranger

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


just needa little bit of help on wat skills to get first for my skill points if u could do them in order to important to last plz and aswell i see sum rangers have a arrow like buff on thier character ikittenno the name or when do i get tht buff plz lemme kno aswell in advance thanks guys ^^

got a question on skill sets and a certain skill.

in Ranger

Posted by: Freky.1903


Depends on what way you want to run your character.

You could just save them till later levels.

got a question on skill sets and a certain skill.

in Ranger

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


lol tht doesnt help me at all x.x but anyway i have another question if some 1 could answer wat would be the best shortbow to run with a power shortbow or condition ?

got a question on skill sets and a certain skill.

in Ranger

Posted by: takatsu.9416


it really depends on what you’re aiming for. Think about what style you’d want to play? what style fits you best? I personally run power/precision, and hard dps build lol. i don’t like beating around the bush. though conditon builds are fun and effective. You could go condition and traps and long range stuff.

I am running power so mine is power shortbow. You could also go condition but with condition i think you’d be doing a lot of traps and other condition skills as well.

it all depends on what you want to do.

In the beginning i don’t think skills for survival is as important as i don’t remember having any issue with surviving or mobs throwing down lots of conditions like in Orr. So I think i went with all offensive abilities. like damage dealing combo field traps. as you progress through the game, the mobs will start throwing down some condition stuff and you will need your stun breaker lightning reflexes, signet of renewal, etc etc.

I don’t spend much time with skills regarding my pet because i’m not a pet based build. I deal damage alongside my pet, melee and long range and as such i clear mobs out fast before either of us gets in trouble.

so i left pet based skills last. protect me is a useful skill but usually i don’t need it unless im in tight situations like dungeons or pvp/wvw

(edited by takatsu.9416)