Personally, I’ve been having more success in PvP with Jalis than Shiro. Relatively small sample size thus far, and it may be a matter of playstyle, but it does have the following advantages:
1) CC resistance. RotGD is more expensive than Shiro’s stunbreak, true. However, if you get the RotGD to complete, that’s a benefit that’s almost always worth having, even if you might not have chosen to use your energy that way if it wasn’t being used to break a stun. Riposting Shadows is great if you just want to escape, but if you want to get back into melee afterwards, once you’ve used a gapcloser you’re close to having used 50 energy anyway. On top of that, Jalis can pre-empt through Stability (either through the road, although that probably is overnerfed, or the dodge roll) – particularly useful for securing stomps.
2) Condition removal. The Jalis heal gives you an option to get rid of multiple conditions quickly.
3) Vengeful Hammers. I didn’t like the change to this initially, but I’m definitely warming to it. It doesn’t deal the damage that Impossible Odds does, of course, but if you’re contesting a point, the damage reduction and healing can help a bit (particularly if you’re facing a MM necro or otherwise have large numbers of AI mooks to feed on).
4) Allows other build choices to be more aggressive. While Shiro is probably always going to be better from a pure DPS perspective, the typical Shiro/Glint build tends to rely on a shield to achieve the right balance between offence and defence. A Jalis/Glint build has the inherent survivability that means it can (and possibly should) replace the shield with something more aggressive like an axe (regaining some of the mobility that you lost from not taking Shiro).
On the whole, I’d probably say that Shiro/Glint is the better “roamer”, and will probably move from location to location, win 1v1s, and escape from 1vXs better than the Jalis/Glint setup does. Jalis/Glint, on the other hand, seems to work better in teamfight situations, where you can continue to support your team in both legends, and you have the survivability to withstand the often greater firepower that gets thrown around in a teamfight.
Well actually shiro was guted with the cd on phase travel. Shiro is supposed to be mobility. I’m okay with the fact that spamm phase travel was too strong. But 5 sec cd is too much too and it’s more annoying when you actually see that phase travel bug one time on three… The only interest remaining in shiro for now it’s impossible odds.
I’m running Jalis too now. Sure he is not as tanky as he must do but at last i have 3 condi removal and a bit tanky skill with vengefull hammers. Others skills are situationnal or useless.
I don’t know why the class is actually called revenant. She must be called Herald. Coz herald is just the core class. Others legends are useless compared to Glint and Glint and revenant traitline (for the shield too, best offhand weapon we have) must be used 90% of the time.
Maybe with the grace of the six gods we are going to see changes making core revenant legends and traitline(corruption,redemption and a little retribution) viable. But before one year i really don’t think it’s going to happen. Enjoy Glint guys!
I really think people way underestimate how powerful as a CC skill Jade WInd is. It has a CD of around 10 ((takes 10 seconds to regen 50 energy if you don’t use any other skill), can use it right when you swap to Shiro, and does a long hard CC over a HUGE radius. I never see an AOE CC this strong, this spammable and have such a large radius.