Hammer 2...
That hit looks like a proc from cruel repercussion, a trait that boosts damage by 50% on a 15s cooldown following a blocked attack. The trait needs to be scrapped or majorly reworked. Once that is done, hammer 2 should be reevaluated.
Is there some way to break the heck out of that? cause while that’s the worst hit I got, I was taking 9-11k hits left and right and I don’t have any blocks on my engie build…
Being able to drop 10k aoe hits every 2 seconds is out of control. And before some kitten stain says “L2p scrub” yes I know the damage falls off big time when you close the gap, but in wvw when he has friends, going deep to get 1 rev will just get you rekt by his bros.
(edited by Lurock Turoth.9085)
If you can’t close the gap, best thing you can do is try to sidestep. It does do a lot of damage, but with a little diligence, I bet you can avoid it most of the time. Maybe you shouldn’t have to, but until such time as it changes, staying out of it is your best bet. Remember that it has a long windup and goes in a straight line. At long range, you can probably strafe out of the area of effect without even needing to dodge.
So what happens is Guardians run their auras that grant Aegis. First Coalescence of Ruin you cast hits those guys plus everyone else and you get Cruel Repercussion. Then, keeping target clear so you don’t waste Cruel Repercussion on an auto attack, you wait for CORuin to come back up and then cast it again for +50% damage and that’s when, if at 1200m range, you do this kind of damage in full glass damage spec. In addition to this, as you don’t need to dual wield, you can easily also use Malicious Reprisal which will make all your attacks unblockable meaning those kittens are going to hit regardless so long as they are in the area.
This issue is largely specific to WvW because of the amount of Guardians in groups who passively apply Aegis to everyone around them in addition to actively providing it for Indomitable Courage.
It’s worth noting that in order to see these kinds of numbers you pretty much have to run full glassy PvE gear and spec. This leaves you highly vulnerable to CC and otherwise if not protected in a guardian group for stability. The base CORuin is largely fine, however Cruel Repercussion largely needs to be looked as that is causing numbers that are pretty wild with the consistent blocks you see with Guardians in play.
What I basically am seeing and hearing right now is that people are mad when they get mowed down by a skill people are apparently already predicting?
And one person actually expressed outrage at being hit too hard and continued on to say “and I don’t have any blocks on my engie build”.
And here I was just stepping to the side and avoiding it entirely.
Groups in coordinated WvW are going to work together in order to outplay you. Same with SPvP. The way I see it, taking a CoRuin in the face is just like walking into any other avoidable ranged AoE.
If anything, in terms of nerfs, I’d possibly talk about slowing it down rather than fiddling with the damage numbers.
There we go here is some official forum cancer…
I was by no means outraged, I was saying that hitting that hard vs an armored target is out of line in comparison to other high damage ability’s. My point in saying I have no blocks is that I have nothing to proc CR and I have been hit that hard when I’m the only target. I was not (as you seem to be trying to imply) saying it was op cause I cant block it. I have zero issue killing a hammer rev 1v1 1v2, my point and that of the entire thread is that its to easy for a rev to sit behind allys and ruin you.
Stepping to the side is a great idea and works much of the time, however there is this crazy debuff in the game called immobilize that makes you stand still! crazy right? when your imobed its really really easy to make coruin connect. That wouldn’t be a problem if it couldn’t take of two thirds (or more) of your hp in a single hit, but it can quite easily. And best of all you can do it every 2 seconds, meaning its really no issue if it misses cause he can just try again and again and again.
There we go here is some official forum cancer…
I was by no means outraged-
I feel you. I read this quote earlier today:
Average4umGoer:I definitely think this is the absolute worst choice in a pvp conquest scenario. I don’t play conquest, but-
I haven’t given it much thought, but-
Same post. Two paragraphs. These forums!
But anyway, I think Rev as a whole needs to be looked at before Anet starts nerfing things, as someone else previously stated. 50% damage on your next skill after a mitigated one, for example, should be considered with CoR—as well as all the other damage modifiers. And then decide what really does and doesn’t need changes, because a lot of things go into Revenant’s CoR destruction!
The Orange Asura with the Sun Kite
(edited by ToaLux.6478)
um there is no way he can hit you that hard if you have 3200 armor….. Unless he has might + bloodlust + you have vulnerability + other traits increasing dmg done to you.
Assuming his weapon strength is 1166 (Max according to gw2 wiki), the hammer 2 ability has coefficient of 2.25 (this is for the final impact which has the highest coefficient). Using the equation (acquired from the wiki):
dmgdone = weapon strength*power*coefficient / armor
dmgdone = 1166*4000*2.25/3200
dmgdone = 3279.375
This is assuming that he actually has 4000 power…. he cannot achieve this without alot of might + bloodlust + traits. This is also assuming that he doesn’t crit. So let’s assume that it’s a crit and he has 250% critical dmg (Assuming he actually can achieve this amount which is not possible without traits and other players buffing him). Meaning that we multiply the base dmg done (3279.375) by 2.5. This will make him do 8198.4375 dmg.
So as you can see, I have assumed that he has very high stats (4000 power + 250% critical dmg) and he only did 8198.4375 dmg, however this dmg does not factor in vulerability. Let’s assume that you have 25 stacks of vulerability which increases dmg done to you by 25%. The total amount of dmg that could be done is 10248.
To conclude in no kittening way do you have 3200 armor because I gave him absurdly high stats, and gave you 25 stacks of vulerability. You also said that you dont have any blocks, so there is no way cruel repercussion (rev trait) can activate. But if it did, it would do around the amount shown in your battle log (this is very unlikely because he would need absurdly high stats, you need to have 25 stacks of vul) So I determined that you are full of crap.
^ full zerk build (all ascended), scholar runes, best possible power increasing foods, all power infusions, max might, max bloodlust stacks won’t even give you 4k power… Having this and 250% crit dmg is rediculous, so if he can gets this high of stats, it makes sense that he can do so much dmg to you.
(edited by IchigoHatake.5098)
Lol, this is with cruel repercussion proc, AND the rev is full glass.
Not sure why you complain. It’s very easy to force a glass rev out of hammer and easy to beat them especially as a, engie/scrapper.
And the fact that you play an engie with 3.2k armor in WvW and complain about zerkers is laughable by itself.
This situation is similar to sitting in a node while the election meteor showers. Or not bringing stability and getting hit with a full FH trap combo..
These skills hit hard bit are highly telegraphed and have a clear counterparts.
With CoR you have to
- side step out of the way if long range
- get into melee range to avoid the dmg spike
um there is no way he can hit you that hard if you have 3200 armor….. Unless he has might + bloodlust + you have vulnerability + other traits increasing dmg done to you.
Assuming his weapon strength is 1166 (Max according to gw2 wiki), the hammer 2 ability has coefficient of 2.25 (this is for the final impact which has the highest coefficient). Using the equation (acquired from the wiki):dmgdone = weapon strength*power*coefficient / armor
dmgdone = 1166*4000*2.25/3200
dmgdone = 3279.375This is assuming that he actually has 4000 power…. he cannot achieve this without alot of might + bloodlust + traits. This is also assuming that he doesn’t crit. So let’s assume that it’s a crit and he has 250% critical dmg (Assuming he actually can achieve this amount which is not possible without traits and other players buffing him). Meaning that we multiply the base dmg done (3279.375) by 2.5. This will make him do 8198.4375 dmg.
So as you can see, I have assumed that he has very high stats (4000 power + 250% critical dmg) and he only did 8198.4375 dmg, however this dmg does not factor in vulerability. Let’s assume that you have 25 stacks of vulerability which increases dmg done to you by 25%. The total amount of dmg that could be done is 10248.
To conclude in no kittening way do you have 3200 armor because I gave him absurdly high stats, and gave you 25 stacks of vulerability. You also said that you dont have any blocks, so there is no way cruel repercussion (rev trait) can activate. But if it did, it would do around the amount shown in your battle log (this is very unlikely because he would need absurdly high stats, you need to have 25 stacks of vul) So I determined that you are full of crap.
^ full zerk build (all ascended), scholar runes, best possible power increasing foods, all power infusions, max might, max bloodlust stacks won’t even give you 4k power… Having this and 250% crit dmg is rediculous, so if he can gets this high of stats, it makes sense that he can do so much dmg to you.
…I think he just rekt this thread with math facts…
The wiki is wrong, the actual coefficient of the last hit is 2.6.
I’m not one of those people who immediately goes running for the forums to whine every time I loose a fight. But bloody hell hammer 2 is dumb, it hits way way to hard for the cool down and lack of ways to stop it.
Example: hit is on my engie with 3200 armor…
I’m all for doing epic damage while in full zerk, I mained zerk necro for years and loved the big numbers. I also know that vs someone with allot of armor my damage is gonna go to kitten, an issue that rev hammer apparently doesn’t have. Not only does it do silly damage and seem to ignore armor, unlike other 1200 range skills that will ruin you given half a chance (Kill shot, Rapid Fire, Lich form and others) its not a projectile, so many of the ways of avoiding being rekt at range are useless.I understand it has a bug that stops it on uneven ground which should be fixed (like scorpion wire lol) but good grief it needs some balancing. Either crank up the energy cost, increase the cool down, nerf the damage or do some of everything but please do something.
can’t believe how nub you guys are and the op who complains about Rev only range weapon hammer skill that has burst. first off, all of you should know that the further away you are from a slow attacking long casting bugged revenant skills the more damage you receive! second of, you dont know how to dodge? then learn to use terrain and walls so you won’t be so useless in pvp. third, there is no way for a Revenant dps to fight a group or even be useful in a group without the hammer skill 2 and skill 3. skill 4i is just a bonus to make it fair. btw you should check your runes in pvp or get fractal armors if its from wvw because that damage never happens unless you are one of those people who do not know how to change runes in pvp or have no good equipment. there is this thing called toughness that makes any revenant dps useless and out healed by passive.
There we go here is some official forum cancer…
I was by no means outraged, I was saying that hitting that hard vs an armored target is out of line in comparison to other high damage ability’s. My point in saying I have no blocks is that I have nothing to proc CR and I have been hit that hard when I’m the only target. I was not (as you seem to be trying to imply) saying it was op cause I cant block it. I have zero issue killing a hammer rev 1v1 1v2, my point and that of the entire thread is that its to easy for a rev to sit behind allys and ruin you.
Stepping to the side is a great idea and works much of the time, however there is this crazy debuff in the game called immobilize that makes you stand still! crazy right? when your imobed its really really easy to make coruin connect. That wouldn’t be a problem if it couldn’t take of two thirds (or more) of your hp in a single hit, but it can quite easily. And best of all you can do it every 2 seconds, meaning its really no issue if it misses cause he can just try again and again and again.
you are obviously a new player who do not know how weak the hammer skill 2 becomes when you are even just mid range because the animation is slow as kitten and very obvious. please learn to play and thats all most of I will ask of you, before you rage out on a class weapon that have so many flows. rework? ya get it fix but everything in it are good beside ventari…. GW2 have mechanics and your reasoning very funny and would only hurt the real Revenant players with you lies and unskilled play. I will be nice so here is a piece of advice………….. common sense my friend, try it sometimes and play the class, read the skills or kitten it, just go ask Mr. Google.
um there is no way he can hit you that hard if you have 3200 armor….. Unless he has might + bloodlust + you have vulnerability + other traits increasing dmg done to you.
Assuming his weapon strength is 1166 (Max according to gw2 wiki), the hammer 2 ability has coefficient of 2.25 (this is for the final impact which has the highest coefficient). Using the equation (acquired from the wiki):dmgdone = weapon strength*power*coefficient / armor
dmgdone = 1166*4000*2.25/3200
dmgdone = 3279.375This is assuming that he actually has 4000 power…. he cannot achieve this without alot of might + bloodlust + traits. This is also assuming that he doesn’t crit. So let’s assume that it’s a crit and he has 250% critical dmg (Assuming he actually can achieve this amount which is not possible without traits and other players buffing him). Meaning that we multiply the base dmg done (3279.375) by 2.5. This will make him do 8198.4375 dmg.
So as you can see, I have assumed that he has very high stats (4000 power + 250% critical dmg) and he only did 8198.4375 dmg, however this dmg does not factor in vulerability. Let’s assume that you have 25 stacks of vulerability which increases dmg done to you by 25%. The total amount of dmg that could be done is 10248.
To conclude in no kittening way do you have 3200 armor because I gave him absurdly high stats, and gave you 25 stacks of vulerability. You also said that you dont have any blocks, so there is no way cruel repercussion (rev trait) can activate. But if it did, it would do around the amount shown in your battle log (this is very unlikely because he would need absurdly high stats, you need to have 25 stacks of vul) So I determined that you are full of crap.
^ full zerk build (all ascended), scholar runes, best possible power increasing foods, all power infusions, max might, max bloodlust stacks won’t even give you 4k power… Having this and 250% crit dmg is rediculous, so if he can gets this high of stats, it makes sense that he can do so much dmg to you.
…I think he just rekt this thread with math facts…
Actually he didn’t, because he used a wrong way of how damage modifiers stack, or better yet, he did not use all of them. Also he used wrong damage coeficient for third hit on CoR. Even so, we can take the base damage that he calculated:
3279 (with correct damage coeficient of CoR it’s even higher).
And now we use the CORRECT way of how damage coefficients stack and ALL of those that this Rev had, we get the following:
3279 * 2,5(assuming 250% crit damage) * 1,07 (7% damage from Ferocious Agression) * 1,5 (50% damage from Cruel repercussion) = 13156 damage
Tadaaa. Without vulnerability.
So yes, damage on screenshot is possible on 3200 armor.
(edited by samo.1054)
um there is no way he can hit you that hard if you have 3200 armor….. Unless he has might + bloodlust + you have vulnerability + other traits increasing dmg done to you.
Assuming his weapon strength is 1166 (Max according to gw2 wiki), the hammer 2 ability has coefficient of 2.25 (this is for the final impact which has the highest coefficient). Using the equation (acquired from the wiki):dmgdone = weapon strength*power*coefficient / armor
dmgdone = 1166*4000*2.25/3200
dmgdone = 3279.375This is assuming that he actually has 4000 power…. he cannot achieve this without alot of might + bloodlust + traits. This is also assuming that he doesn’t crit. So let’s assume that it’s a crit and he has 250% critical dmg (Assuming he actually can achieve this amount which is not possible without traits and other players buffing him). Meaning that we multiply the base dmg done (3279.375) by 2.5. This will make him do 8198.4375 dmg.
So as you can see, I have assumed that he has very high stats (4000 power + 250% critical dmg) and he only did 8198.4375 dmg, however this dmg does not factor in vulerability. Let’s assume that you have 25 stacks of vulerability which increases dmg done to you by 25%. The total amount of dmg that could be done is 10248.
To conclude in no kittening way do you have 3200 armor because I gave him absurdly high stats, and gave you 25 stacks of vulerability. You also said that you dont have any blocks, so there is no way cruel repercussion (rev trait) can activate. But if it did, it would do around the amount shown in your battle log (this is very unlikely because he would need absurdly high stats, you need to have 25 stacks of vul) So I determined that you are full of crap.
^ full zerk build (all ascended), scholar runes, best possible power increasing foods, all power infusions, max might, max bloodlust stacks won’t even give you 4k power… Having this and 250% crit dmg is rediculous, so if he can gets this high of stats, it makes sense that he can do so much dmg to you.
…I think he just rekt this thread with math facts…
Actually he didn’t, because he used a wrong way of how damage modifiers stack, or better yet, he did not use all of them. Also he used wrong damage coeficient for third hit on CoR. Even so, we can take the base damage that he calculated:
3279 (with correct damage coeficient of CoR it’s even higher).
And now we use the CORRECT way of how damage coefficients stack and ALL of those that this Rev had, we get the following:
3279 * 2,5(assuming 250% crit damage) * 1,07 (7% damage from Ferocious Agression) * 1,5 (50% damage from Cruel repercussion) = 13156 damage
Tadaaa. Without vulnerability.
So yes, damage on screenshot is possible on 3200 armor.
If that is the case and they are going full zerk, it means they are made out of glass. Kill him before he kills you mindset, or use that cool dodge feature
Also this damage output is not possible is sPvP, not even remotely close honestly. (the build you linked to has sharpening stones, food modifiers, and might infusions) . To nerf let alone balance around WvW a specific class makes no sense simply because the stats are wildly off balance to start. sPvP is probably closest way for ANET to actually balance this game because all stats are flat lined (no ascended gear as well)
There we go here is some official forum cancer…
I was by no means outraged, I was saying that hitting that hard vs an armored target is out of line in comparison to other high damage ability’s. My point in saying I have no blocks is that I have nothing to proc CR and I have been hit that hard when I’m the only target. I was not (as you seem to be trying to imply) saying it was op cause I cant block it. I have zero issue killing a hammer rev 1v1 1v2, my point and that of the entire thread is that its to easy for a rev to sit behind allys and ruin you.
Stepping to the side is a great idea and works much of the time, however there is this crazy debuff in the game called immobilize that makes you stand still! crazy right? when your imobed its really really easy to make coruin connect. That wouldn’t be a problem if it couldn’t take of two thirds (or more) of your hp in a single hit, but it can quite easily. And best of all you can do it every 2 seconds, meaning its really no issue if it misses cause he can just try again and again and again.
Other classes can do the same damage output…. I am not understanding your arguement. If I pulled a DH and used true shot with the same build out (full zerk) and fired true shot. The damage would also be on part. (just using DH as an example, but power ranger as well with rapidshot)
Also you aren’t taking in account energy output on the revnant. There is more than just cooldown time for revs. If they don’t have enough energy they can’t use the skill.
If that is the case and they are going full zerk, it means they are made out of glass. Kill him before he kills you mindset, or use that cool dodge feature
Also this damage output is not possible is sPvP, not even remotely close honestly. (the build you linked to has sharpening stones, food modifiers, and might infusions) . To nerf let alone balance around WvW a specific class makes no sense simply because the stats are wildly off balance to start. sPvP is probably closest way for ANET to actually balance this game because all stats are flat lined (no ascended gear as well)
Yes, full zerk is what Revs in WvW raids run and please stop with the “dodge” and “sidestep” arguments already, because it only shows ignorance or narrow mindedness/fixation to only one part of the game. I won’t even bother replying to those arguments WvW raid context anymore, because if someone doesn’t understand why those “cool features” don’t work well against CoR in WvW raids, that person shouldn’t be trying to teach people “how to GW2” on forums in the first place.
This thread (ass all other threads concerning CoR) has been made with relation to WvW, so debating whether or not this kind of damage can be achieved in spvp is completely pointless.
Fact is that Anet made a skill that is beyond broken in WvW raid environment and if they’re a good developer they have to find a way to fix it. Simple as that. The fact that they did not see this coming is sad enough already, because I knew CoR is going to be the new thing in WvW as soon as I saw how the skill works. It’s a perfect skill to stack with a couple of more Revs and just fire away towards the enemy blob. Success guaranteed. And saying that nerfing CoR will only hurt Hammer in other game modes is a bad argument also. First of all it doesn’t have to, second: Hammer is not represented in other game modes AFAIK anyway and that is nothing new in GW2. Every class in GW2 has a specific weapon set that is more popular in some game modes than in others. Nothing wrong with that and Anet confirmed that will always be the case.
Other classes can do the same damage output…. I am not understanding your arguement. If I pulled a DH and used true shot with the same build out (full zerk) and fired true shot. The damage would also be on part. (just using DH as an example, but power ranger as well with rapidshot)
Also you aren’t taking in account energy output on the revnant. There is more than just cooldown time for revs. If they don’t have enough energy they can’t use the skill.
- By nature rapid shot or true shot cannot be stacked as efficiently as CoR can, there’s no way you can compare those skills. It’s not all about the damage but the nature of the skill. If you think it’s the same you can try running a WvW raid with 5 rapid shot and fire away at the enemy raid. Also don’t forget to watch them laugh at you while you do it.
- CoR energy cost is a complete non-factor.
Just like any other topic about CoR this one was also opened with concern to its state in WvW environment. Not spvp, not pve, not even WvW roaming probably. And yet again I see tons of repliers that comment on it from a completely different perspective, not having a clue how this skill actually works in WvW raid environment. It makes me wonder why people like to talk so much about things they know nothing about…
Hammer crusade continues. Guys, if you are under diamond division then you have no rights to complain whatsoever. Hammer 2 was already nerfed hard in pve due to your qq. Yet you still want to break this weapon completely when its already trash in spvp and pve? Plz.. there is a special feature called “uninstall” i suggest to try it out.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Oh, poor Samo…
What do people learn at school, this maths discussion? a Revenant runs full Zerk, ok good, to me that is as good as saying that is free food, that is free food.
Fact is, 90% of people present opinions on the internet as facts. and that it usually is true. You state that “It’s a perfect skill to stack with a couple of more Revs and just fire away towards the enemy blob” Stack a couple of revs? Oki, I’ll stack 20 Zerk Guardians and make them spam staff 1 and “It’s a perfect skill to stack with a couple of more Guardians and just fire away towards the enemy blob” See your logic? Flawed at best.
You say people can’t “full zerk is what Revs in WvW raids run and please stop with the “dodge” and “sidestep” arguments already”? And go on to say “true shot cannot be stacked as efficiently as CoR can” Oh my…. you know it can actually Track people going left or right and its projectile is faster then CoR? “Fact” is the DH does not need true shot, make 2 throw traps on of each other and just laugh, something that gives you no time to react and will down you, “Fact” is you can use Gunflame to absolutely rek things without them having too much reaction to it. CoR is a slow skill in terms of the time it takes to reach its target for the third inpulse but which time if you see a skill with big red markings and you haven’t dodged, “fact is” either you are bad, or bad, or very bad.
Anyways back to “true shot cannot be stacked as efficiently as CoR can”, I need that Jackie Chan wtf meme here, What do you mean? Efficient? Has my English failed me? I have no clue what makes a skill able to be efficiently stacked. Well anyways I will try answer that to the best of my ability, 5 zerk Rangers, One runs Frost Spirit, you put the trait for extra range, they can run Druid for the damage, Congratz you now have 5 rangers capable of 1 shotting a few backliners with your Longbow Auto-Attack, OP? Hardly.
Furthermore, You come screaming into the forum suggesting to nerf it but add absolutely nothing to discussion, no way to fix this “broken” skill and only present fantasy cases where clearly, this is a serious “Learn-to-play” issue;
*Pressure the Rev, hell it is only beserk this is quite easy, do not let it keep spamming hammer 2, you are not the ducks’ from duck hunt ya know
*Hit him with CC
- Walk to the Left or Right when you see him going for a hammer 2 (Yes it is that easy at 1200 range!)
- Throw Condi on the Rev, Revs love condi.
And for the sake of argument, do not present “opinions” and state them as “facts”
Thank you and have a good Wintersday.
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359
um there is no way he can hit you that hard if you have 3200 armor….. Unless he has might + bloodlust + you have vulnerability + other traits increasing dmg done to you.
Assuming his weapon strength is 1166 (Max according to gw2 wiki), the hammer 2 ability has coefficient of 2.25 (this is for the final impact which has the highest coefficient). Using the equation (acquired from the wiki):dmgdone = weapon strength*power*coefficient / armor
dmgdone = 1166*4000*2.25/3200
dmgdone = 3279.375This is assuming that he actually has 4000 power…. he cannot achieve this without alot of might + bloodlust + traits. This is also assuming that he doesn’t crit. So let’s assume that it’s a crit and he has 250% critical dmg (Assuming he actually can achieve this amount which is not possible without traits and other players buffing him). Meaning that we multiply the base dmg done (3279.375) by 2.5. This will make him do 8198.4375 dmg.
So as you can see, I have assumed that he has very high stats (4000 power + 250% critical dmg) and he only did 8198.4375 dmg, however this dmg does not factor in vulerability. Let’s assume that you have 25 stacks of vulerability which increases dmg done to you by 25%. The total amount of dmg that could be done is 10248.
To conclude in no kittening way do you have 3200 armor because I gave him absurdly high stats, and gave you 25 stacks of vulerability. You also said that you dont have any blocks, so there is no way cruel repercussion (rev trait) can activate. But if it did, it would do around the amount shown in your battle log (this is very unlikely because he would need absurdly high stats, you need to have 25 stacks of vul) So I determined that you are full of crap.
^ full zerk build (all ascended), scholar runes, best possible power increasing foods, all power infusions, max might, max bloodlust stacks won’t even give you 4k power… Having this and 250% crit dmg is rediculous, so if he can gets this high of stats, it makes sense that he can do so much dmg to you.
…I think he just rekt this thread with math facts…
Actually he didn’t, because he used a wrong way of how damage modifiers stack, or better yet, he did not use all of them. Also he used wrong damage coeficient for third hit on CoR. Even so, we can take the base damage that he calculated:
3279 (with correct damage coeficient of CoR it’s even higher).
And now we use the CORRECT way of how damage coefficients stack and ALL of those that this Rev had, we get the following:
3279 * 2,5(assuming 250% crit damage) * 1,07 (7% damage from Ferocious Agression) * 1,5 (50% damage from Cruel repercussion) = 13156 damage
Tadaaa. Without vulnerability.
So yes, damage on screenshot is possible on 3200 armor.
Would you please show me how the dmg coefficient is wrong?
OR HOW EXACTLY MY DMG COEFFICIENT STACKING IS WRONG? I will admit I did not include Ferocious Aggression, but 3279 * 2.5(assuming 250% crit damage) * 1.25 (25 stacks of vulerability) is 10248, which is exactly what I said it was on the post before.
But the huge point you are missing here is the fact that 4k power + 250% critical dmg is not achievable. With Assassin’s presence (+150 ferocity or 10% crit chance) and full zerk and scholar runes you will end up with 237%. Note that you have to be using full ascended gear which I doubt many people has for their revs at this point. Try getting 4k power and 250% crit dmg on the build editor, you won’t ever reach this kind of stats. If some one achieves this absurdly high stats, they deserve to be doing that much dmg, because they have 0 survivability. Also, the dmg calculations done was using the highest possible weapon strength for the hammer, so the actual dmg would be even lower.
Also the creator of this thread said that he does not have blocks, so cruel repercussion will not be activating. The only thing missing is the Ferocious Aggression, if you include that in the damage calculations, you will only be getting 10965 dmg.
(edited by IchigoHatake.5098)
Oh, poor Samo…
What do people learn at school, this maths discussion? a Revenant runs full Zerk, ok good, to me that is as good as saying that is free food, that is free food.
Fact is, 90% of people present opinions on the internet as facts. and that it usually is true. You state that “It’s a perfect skill to stack with a couple of more Revs and just fire away towards the enemy blob” Stack a couple of revs? Oki, I’ll stack 20 Zerk Guardians and make them spam staff 1 and “It’s a perfect skill to stack with a couple of more Guardians and just fire away towards the enemy blob” See your logic? Flawed at best.
You say people can’t “full zerk is what Revs in WvW raids run and please stop with the “dodge” and “sidestep” arguments already”? And go on to say “true shot cannot be stacked as efficiently as CoR can” Oh my…. you know it can actually Track people going left or right and its projectile is faster then CoR? “Fact” is the DH does not need true shot, make 2 throw traps on of each other and just laugh, something that gives you no time to react and will down you, “Fact” is you can use Gunflame to absolutely rek things without them having too much reaction to it. CoR is a slow skill in terms of the time it takes to reach its target for the third inpulse but which time if you see a skill with big red markings and you haven’t dodged, “fact is” either you are bad, or bad, or very bad.
Anyways back to “true shot cannot be stacked as efficiently as CoR can”, I need that Jackie Chan wtf meme here, What do you mean? Efficient? Has my English failed me? I have no clue what makes a skill able to be efficiently stacked. Well anyways I will try answer that to the best of my ability, 5 zerk Rangers, One runs Frost Spirit, you put the trait for extra range, they can run Druid for the damage, Congratz you now have 5 rangers capable of 1 shotting a few backliners with your Longbow Auto-Attack, OP? Hardly.
Furthermore, You come screaming into the forum suggesting to nerf it but add absolutely nothing to discussion, no way to fix this “broken” skill and only present fantasy cases where clearly, this is a serious “Learn-to-play” issue;
*Pressure the Rev, hell it is only beserk this is quite easy, do not let it keep spamming hammer 2, you are not the ducks’ from duck hunt ya know
*Hit him with CC
- Walk to the Left or Right when you see him going for a hammer 2 (Yes it is that easy at 1200 range!)
- Throw Condi on the Rev, Revs love condi.
And for the sake of argument, do not present “opinions” and state them as “facts”
Thank you and have a good Wintersday.
Where are you getting this statistics about Internet truths? You having trouble dodging then walk closer to lessen the damage and burst them coz only skill 3 is their melee defense. Just like how pros in rank play before you complain. Just saying you don’t know how to play against dps rev.
I’ll just toss this out there but the number the OP is seeing in the damage log is likely the stack of all three hits stuck together. I’ve seen this happen a few times in the combat log where all three hits happen at the same time and the game doesn’t display them separately. So they just come out as one large number.
Also, since the 5 target nerf, i’ve noticed Hammer 2 on Revs is acting VERY buggy lately. Specifically in PvE i’ve noticed that if you try to use it during the molten boss fractal ((rank 40)) and it is going through the fire fields, it will often times never hit the boss. For whatever reason, it seems to be registering some aoe fields as targets hit and counting them for the cap. Not that i really care because i’m of the opinion that you shouldn’t be using hammer in the first place outside of a very few specific reasons and rank 40 fractals is one of them.
I’m not one of those people who immediately goes running for the forums to whine every time I loose a fight. But bloody hell hammer 2 is dumb, it hits way way to hard for the cool down and lack of ways to stop it.
Example: hit is on my engie with 3200 armor…
I’m all for doing epic damage while in full zerk, I mained zerk necro for years and loved the big numbers. I also know that vs someone with allot of armor my damage is gonna go to kitten, an issue that rev hammer apparently doesn’t have. Not only does it do silly damage and seem to ignore armor, unlike other 1200 range skills that will ruin you given half a chance (Kill shot, Rapid Fire, Lich form and others) its not a projectile, so many of the ways of avoiding being rekt at range are useless.I understand it has a bug that stops it on uneven ground which should be fixed (like scorpion wire lol) but good grief it needs some balancing. Either crank up the energy cost, increase the cool down, nerf the damage or do some of everything but please do something.
Only way for this to happen is if the stars aligned.
1. You had a high stack of vulnerability.
2. You were under 50% health.
3. You blocked the previous attack.
4. The Rev was a glass pure DPS build.
All these have to be true in order for that to happen. Unless you were already down in which case you are considered to have 0 armor.
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.
So much people arguing it is not OP … just lol.
One can be nothing but biaised defending such over brokenly monster.
Crazzy aoe damage
1200 range
Not reflectable
Can be cast while moving
2 sec cool down
Coalescence simply ruined the game in wvw.
Anet really look desesperate to produce such broken stuff to make hot appealing…because face it.. all these op skills are here to make you buy.
The result however is maps full of emptiness…what a fail.
So much people arguing it is not OP … just lol.
One can be nothing but biaised defending such over brokenly monster.
Crazzy aoe damage
1200 range
Not reflectable
Can be cast while moving
2 sec cool downCoalescence simply ruined the game in wvw.
Anet really look desesperate to produce such broken stuff to make hot appealing…because face it.. all these op skills are here to make you buy.
The result however is maps full of emptiness…what a fail.
We are not defending it for ignorant reasons. We have no range skills, attack other than hammer 2 and 3. Nor weapon skill that are aoe. I have played for a while with dps rev and against it. It is not op unlike tempest, scrapper burst, dh and condi warrior. Please go play all the class and you will find out that classes have weakness against diff build and that a glass rev dps is as soft as a thief and very weak against cc specially snare.
We are not defending it for ignorant reasons. We have no range skills, attack other than hammer 2 and 3. Nor weapon skill that are aoe. I have played for a while with dps rev and against it. It is not op unlike tempest, scrapper burst, dh and condi warrior. Please go play all the class and you will find out that classes have weakness against diff build and that a glass rev dps is as soft as a thief and very weak against cc specially snare.
I agree, the fact that the rev doesn’t have other great options for 1200 range AOE damage, makes up for the moderate damage of the Hammer skills.
Not all of the attacks hit hard, the usual numbers I see with the hammer are:
#1: 4k – 8k each hit
#2: 8k – 16k each hit
#3: 5k – 12k each hit
#5: 8k – 12k each hit
These can all be dodged, and the #1 doesn’t pierce targets. I also assume the really hard hitting numbers (8k with #1, 16k with number 2) are on underlevels.
If anything, the hammer needs to be brought in line with similar ranged burst attacks on other classes. The cooldowns on these skills need to be shortened, and the damage needs to be increased lightly to make up for how easily they can be dodged.
I agree with Sunreva, actually. For a class that is summoning the mists as power it’s not hitting hard enough.
I’m usually getting 4-5k auto attacks on my full zerker revenant and it pretty much kills most classes in 3 hits but I’d like to see it do it in maybe 2 hits. Hammer 2 is only hitting for 10k on heavy armor and 18k on light armor but if it maybe had no cool down then it would be awesome as I think 2 seconds makes the skill hard to land.
I agree with Sunreva, actually. For a class that is summoning the mists as power it’s not hitting hard enough.
I’m usually getting 4-5k auto attacks on my full zerker revenant and it pretty much kills most classes in 3 hits but I’d like to see it do it in maybe 2 hits. Hammer 2 is only hitting for 10k on heavy armor and 18k on light armor but if it maybe had no cool down then it would be awesome as I think 2 seconds makes the skill hard to land.
Or you could role Longbow Ranger and 1 shot people with longbow 1 from 1500 range and at least it pierces, 18k pa-leaseeee I can go more brah? Pls buff Ranger or go Gunflame zerker and unleash a nice 22k Piercing attack on ranged, good cool down too!
Hammer 2 18k with a 50% trait? dammmn son pls nerf, pls It might be obvious seeing the red thingies walking to me at a slow pace, BUT I WONT DODGE, pls Colin Johnson nerf it, I pray evritime. hammar OP close range, hammer op long range, and now too stronk mid range. I cannot beat, all is vain.
Honestly though if anything, it is the trait that needs to be looked at, there are much harder hitting things that are better then hammer 2 in the things they do.
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359
I agree with Sunreva, actually. For a class that is summoning the mists as power it’s not hitting hard enough.
I’m usually getting 4-5k auto attacks on my full zerker revenant and it pretty much kills most classes in 3 hits but I’d like to see it do it in maybe 2 hits. Hammer 2 is only hitting for 10k on heavy armor and 18k on light armor but if it maybe had no cool down then it would be awesome as I think 2 seconds makes the skill hard to land.
Yep no cd and some love on figures: not being able to one shot everyone on a skill that can be dodged is really poor design ;-)
(edited by Kicast.1459)
I agree with Sunreva, actually. For a class that is summoning the mists as power it’s not hitting hard enough.
I’m usually getting 4-5k auto attacks on my full zerker revenant and it pretty much kills most classes in 3 hits but I’d like to see it do it in maybe 2 hits. Hammer 2 is only hitting for 10k on heavy armor and 18k on light armor but if it maybe had no cool down then it would be awesome as I think 2 seconds makes the skill hard to land.
how do you hit 10k on heavy armor and 18k on light armor? please share your build because I have been playing rev for a long time as pow and this never happened to me or any of the pro rev’s out there or maybe I am just a nub? please show us a pic of this claim of yours, I am sure you can take a pic right since you always get this damage? also hoping you know that there are also difference not just what armor you wear but also on amulet for pvp and pve gear, before you said you hit 10k on heavy armor?
We are not defending it for ignorant reasons. We have no range skills, attack other than hammer 2 and 3. Nor weapon skill that are aoe. I have played for a while with dps rev and against it. It is not op unlike tempest, scrapper burst, dh and condi warrior. Please go play all the class and you will find out that classes have weakness against diff build and that a glass rev dps is as soft as a thief and very weak against cc specially snare.
I agree, the fact that the rev doesn’t have other great options for 1200 range AOE damage, makes up for the moderate damage of the Hammer skills.
Not all of the attacks hit hard, the usual numbers I see with the hammer are:
#1: 4k – 8k each hit
#2: 8k – 16k each hit
#3: 5k – 12k each hit
#5: 8k – 12k each hit
These can all be dodged, and the #1 doesn’t pierce targets. I also assume the really hard hitting numbers (8k with #1, 16k with number 2) are on underlevels.If anything, the hammer needs to be brought in line with similar ranged burst attacks on other classes. The cooldowns on these skills need to be shortened, and the damage needs to be increased lightly to make up for how easily they can be dodged.
I dont think I understand your statement. the damage increase depending on when it gets blocked but in regular it doesn’t really hit high. I have played all class on dps settings in ranks for a long time and have never seen 12k or 18k damage. highest I have seen is on dps class that have low toughness coz they run berserker and have tons of burst while rev only have skill 2 hammer on rev. a p/p thief hitting from behind a berserker runed rev will kill it instantly if you have heal on glint on cd. a ranger can burst rev in seconds with berserker and hide or cc without a sweat, a scrapper can own dps rev unless the rev is a very good, a dh or a guardian dps can burst down a rev in 1 combo, a tempest can kill dps rev in sec if they know how to time their aoe snare and overload air coz rev pow have 15k hp, a warrior will always burst down a rev in seconds if they know when to use they knock down then HB. their combo CD is not even a problem coz they kill a target fast, while a hammer pow rev cant do as much. only reason why hammer is playable is hammer skill 2 and now it only hits 3 target not 3x on 1 target. the other damage you see is from normal attack. I do not really see anything good that hammer skill 2 complains will do good in pvp because a I see it, only Ranger and Mess and guardian burst build can do good dps on those pesky bunker/healer build specailly tempest. now we have rev but cannot survive as much as those other 3 classes. rev power build is playable because of hammer and will not be playable if you do not have it since dps build is zerker amulet and with it you have less hp and gets killed with 2 skill from anyone. pvp also will always double team so chances of survival is lower.
I agree with Sunreva, actually. For a class that is summoning the mists as power it’s not hitting hard enough.
I’m usually getting 4-5k auto attacks on my full zerker revenant and it pretty much kills most classes in 3 hits but I’d like to see it do it in maybe 2 hits. Hammer 2 is only hitting for 10k on heavy armor and 18k on light armor but if it maybe had no cool down then it would be awesome as I think 2 seconds makes the skill hard to land.
Or you could role Longbow Ranger and 1 shot people with longbow 1 from 1500 range and at least it pierces, 18k pa-leaseeee I can go more brah? Pls buff Ranger or go Gunflame zerker and unleash a nice 22k Piercing attack on ranged, good cool down too!
Hammer 2 18k with a 50% trait? dammmn son pls nerf, pls It might be obvious seeing the red thingies walking to me at a slow pace, BUT I WONT DODGE, pls Colin Johnson nerf it, I pray evritime. hammar OP close range, hammer op long range, and now too stronk mid range. I cannot beat, all is vain.
#NerfrevcuzimbadHonestly though if anything, it is the trait that needs to be looked at, there are much harder hitting things that are better then hammer 2 in the things they do.
let me enlightened you my friend. the 50% bonus damage is called cruel intention and have 15seconds CD and only works IIIFFF it get’s blocked, hammer skill 2 have 3 IMPACTS not HIT! and last impact is around 1k range from the rev, in every fight you last less than 25 seconds on both dps build for 1v1 and in team fights depending on how good your team are with positioning and learning how to focus target which rev cannot survive more than 4 second burst on rev from 2 class while rangers have signet of stone and can burst you back while in it same with warrior, and tons of other class out there who does more damage in seconds? while rev is mid tier in range class. so now when hammer 2 does not hit crit it only does 2.5k to 2.7k damage on heavy armor. wouldnt it be unfair to rev dps players to have no range use while running a low hp and only have glint and has to be glint heal to survive from other classes burst?. or are you guys just hatin on rev because you cant win against them? just want to know the real reason behind this so called op skills while ignoring burst damage from other class and not even asking for them to get nerfed. or maybe you guys forgot that rev is a dps/support class? and does not want a dps to work as dps? P/P thief does more dps with Unload but no one complains coz for them dodge is enough right? and with Rev its unfair coz of the 2 seconds cd and weakness in melee + can be dodge and DPS rev is almost as soft as a thief.
(edited by lxghostxl.5097)
Sorry, but in large-scale WvW at least, CoR is stupidly broken. And I will laugh when the inevitable nerf comes and these groups using Revs as a crutch don’t know what to do.
There’s a reason every single Rev you see in WvW runs hammer… the damage is way OP. Who wants that boring, brain dead hammer playstyle anyways? Contrast with Guard or Warr hammer which is dynamic and fun gameplay.
Not my video, but it should get the point across:
It’s just silly.
Sorry, but in large-scale WvW at least, CoR is stupidly broken. And I will laugh when the inevitable nerf comes and these groups using Revs as a crutch don’t know what to do.
There’s a reason every single Rev you see in WvW runs hammer… the damage is way OP. Who wants that boring, brain dead hammer playstyle anyways? Contrast with Guard or Warr hammer which is dynamic and fun gameplay.
Not my video, but it should get the point across:
It’s just silly.
Reason why revs run hammer is bc we dont have another ranged option and we lack stability to be in front line either. And in case if you missed it <pic> it seems to work as intended. So git gut
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Pardon me, the Revs I see camp hammer so much that I forget there are other options. As far as stab goes, do what other classes do and party up with Guards. It’s a grouping game.
But really, why frontline when you can sit back and spam 2 with great effectiveness.
Git gud? My guild makes it a point to get it done without Revenant cheese. LOL
Pardon me, the Revs I see camp hammer so much that I forget there are other options.
As far as stab goes, do what other classes do and party up with Guards. It’s a grouping game.
But really, why frontline when you can sit back and spam 2 with great effectiveness.
Git gud? My guild makes it a point to get it done without Revenant cheese. LOL
LOL! sorry but you do not make any sense on anything and why you are so upset about this Hammer skill 2 that Rev have. you sir are either a troll or maybe really new in this game and it would be allot funnier if you say you are not. why? because Rev only have this skill 2 on hammer and good range dps damage with 2 sec cd and 3/4 cast time on a game that now have tons of healers and with all class that have decent sustain while all the other classes beside thief can build tanky dps and out damage your only skill to have use in a group fight or anywhere while running a very glassy build. you have not proven anything on whatever point you think you are making and have no idea how easy this hammer skill 2 can be countered. I hope you learn to play in pvp against pro’s and see how your argument proven. I hope you can post a video of you owning players with this so called OP hammer skill 2. if you cannot do that then please stop making assumptions and learn to play PVP/WVW. I’m sure you are gonna keep on making up some stories again, but if you do not want to look like a nub using a circular argument please like i said before. post a video of you owning all the other class or just any good players 1 on 1 or group video with hammer skill 2. you should also complain how bursty all the other class are specially those droods.
So a few people have been throwing around math without doing it properly or showing the working. I’ve actually got a damage calculator that does this for me. I would attach it but the GW2 forums conveniently don’t allow .xls files. If you want to get the same results, just follow the GW2 damage calculations exactly. Final result I got at maxed might and blood lust, along with 5 boons in the build I linked was 14866 for reference.
Based on OP’s indication of EXACTLY 3200 armour and using this build:
We can only achieve numbers like that if, as someone put it before, the stars align.
The revenant would need to have:
20+ Might
20+ Bloodlust stacks
5+ boons
Have already had an attack blocked
You’d also need to be under 50% health.
The primary components are the amounts of might, the prior attack being blocked and you being under 50% hp.
If you throw perfect circumstances, so maximum might, boons, prior attack blocked, scholar runes, etc then yes, sure you can achieve a 15k hit with this, however the stars need to align and the Rev is running absolute full glass with 0 defences.
I’m by no means suggesting that Cruel Repercussions (not CoR) should be looked at, because this is where the bulk damage is coming from, but OP shouldn’t pretend getting hit for 10k+ is a super regular thing. It isn’t. As soon as you take away the block factor and the 20% while under 50% along with a bunch of the might, you drop down drastically to 6776, while still in a full glass build at max range.
Pardon me, the Revs I see camp hammer so much that I forget there are other options.
As far as stab goes, do what other classes do and party up with Guards. It’s a grouping game.
But really, why frontline when you can sit back and spam 2 with great effectiveness.
Git gud? My guild makes it a point to get it done without Revenant cheese. LOL
LOL! sorry but you do not make any sense on anything and why you are so upset about this Hammer skill 2 that Rev have. you sir are either a troll or maybe really new in this game and it would be allot funnier if you say you are not. why? because Rev only have this skill 2 on hammer and good range dps damage with 2 sec cd and 3/4 cast time on a game that now have tons of healers and with all class that have decent sustain while all the other classes beside thief can build tanky dps and out damage your only skill to have use in a group fight or anywhere while running a very glassy build. you have not proven anything on whatever point you think you are making and have no idea how easy this hammer skill 2 can be countered. I hope you learn to play in pvp against pro’s and see how your argument proven. I hope you can post a video of you owning players with this so called OP hammer skill 2. if you cannot do that then please stop making assumptions and learn to play PVP/WVW. I’m sure you are gonna keep on making up some stories again, but if you do not want to look like a nub using a circular argument please like i said before. post a video of you owning all the other class or just any good players 1 on 1 or group video with hammer skill 2. you should also complain how bursty all the other class are specially those droods.
I get it, you don’t want your precious hammer nerfed. If it makes you feel better, by all means call me a WvW noob.
Problem is, it’s not just me saying Rev hammer is OP. It’s discussed often, at least in the Teamspeaks that I use. As WvW teams add more Revs to their comp, complaints are only going to increase. Especially as they coordinate their bomb and insta down even the tankiest of players from full health. Better get used to the calls for nerfs I’m afraid.
Good news for you guys is that there are tons of other issues not just in WvW (hello banners), but across the entire game. So there likely won’t be any adjustments anytime soon.
So kick back and relax, and keep spamming that CoR. LOL
Pardon me, the Revs I see camp hammer so much that I forget there are other options.
As far as stab goes, do what other classes do and party up with Guards. It’s a grouping game.
But really, why frontline when you can sit back and spam 2 with great effectiveness.
Git gud? My guild makes it a point to get it done without Revenant cheese. LOL
LOL! sorry but you do not make any sense on anything and why you are so upset about this Hammer skill 2 that Rev have. you sir are either a troll or maybe really new in this game and it would be allot funnier if you say you are not. why? because Rev only have this skill 2 on hammer and good range dps damage with 2 sec cd and 3/4 cast time on a game that now have tons of healers and with all class that have decent sustain while all the other classes beside thief can build tanky dps and out damage your only skill to have use in a group fight or anywhere while running a very glassy build. you have not proven anything on whatever point you think you are making and have no idea how easy this hammer skill 2 can be countered. I hope you learn to play in pvp against pro’s and see how your argument proven. I hope you can post a video of you owning players with this so called OP hammer skill 2. if you cannot do that then please stop making assumptions and learn to play PVP/WVW. I’m sure you are gonna keep on making up some stories again, but if you do not want to look like a nub using a circular argument please like i said before. post a video of you owning all the other class or just any good players 1 on 1 or group video with hammer skill 2. you should also complain how bursty all the other class are specially those droods.
I get it, you don’t want your precious hammer nerfed. If it makes you feel better, by all means call me a WvW noob.
Problem is, it’s not just me saying Rev hammer is OP. It’s discussed often, at least in the Teamspeaks that I use. As WvW teams add more Revs to their comp, complaints are only going to increase. Especially as they coordinate their bomb and insta down even the tankiest of players from full health. Better get used to the calls for nerfs I’m afraid.
Good news for you guys is that there are tons of other issues not just in WvW (hello banners), but across the entire game. So there likely won’t be any adjustments anytime soon.
So kick back and relax, and keep spamming that CoR. LOL
Conrats for discovering that. You still talk like this skill is so op so I’ll take it as you’re trolling for ignoring all those other classes that does more dps and for crying on a skill and damage burst that have cd. Dont worry about me and my hammer. But hate to break it to you that hammer skill 2 spamming is not instantly killing players and are easily countered, you would never had made stupid comments like kitten go spam your hammer 2 kitten tiderp trololol. Hope you play more against pros and lets see if you will ever hear them complain against hammer 2. players like you who always jumps on conclusion and some players who say the math is and that crap like the skill is 100% working with no down time are anoying trolls in my opinion. Still waiting for your ownage hammer skill 2 in pvp and wvw.
(edited by lxghostxl.5097)
Coalescence of Ruin needs its cooldown increased to 5s and maybe energy cost to 10. Hammer is not really a problem in PvP, as hammer revs are really easy to shut down by any team with half a brain. In WvW, however, being able to spam your heaviest hitting skill behind all the other clutter every second attack is not fine.
I think the damage itself is not the problem. High numbers only occur on very specific scenarios, with trait, rune and sigil procs plus high might stacks. The problem is the spammy nature of it.
This is coming from a Revenant with experience in both PvP and WvW scenarios.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.
The problem is in WvW not PvP, it’s hard to pick something right with the hammer 2 skill it seems op in every area. It’s cooldown is way too low, the co-efficient is massively high when you look at other co-efficients from backliners like meteor shower and the cost is nothing. Then you have all the damaging traits you can pile into ur CoR(and of course you take them all because you can).
Swift Termination 20% dmg increase if target health below 50%
Targeted Destruction 7% dmg increase if target has vuln
Ferocious Aggression 7% dmg increase if u have fury
Cruel Repercussions 50% increase on next hit after being blocked
Elder’s Force 2% extra dmg per boon on you
I think you would be hitting about that number in the SS if you throw in 25 stacks of bloodlust and some might stacks. Add to this the 100% crit chance if you can get it to 60% thanks to Roiling Mists.
5 revs just sitting back in a 30 man zerg pushing 2 every 2 seconds. Welcome to WvW boiz(they might throw a 5 in there occasionally if they are bored).
[lion]~ riperonis
(edited by Chorazin.4107)
Coalescence of Ruin needs its cooldown increased to 5s and maybe energy cost to 10. Hammer is not really a problem in PvP, as hammer revs are really easy to shut down by any team with half a brain. In WvW, however, being able to spam your heaviest hitting skill behind all the other clutter every second attack is not fine.
I think the damage itself is not the problem. High numbers only occur on very specific scenarios, with trait, rune and sigil procs plus high might stacks. The problem is the spammy nature of it.
This is coming from a Revenant with experience in both PvP and WvW scenarios.
I agree on the energy use needs to get increased even if its 15pts will still be manageable that will also help make the other class player not complain about rev’s , 100% buff uptime. If cd was increased then hammer as an offinsive weapon will be useless since the proc of high dmg only happens when the requirements are met and has 45 cd for the only range offensive weapon skill that rev have because our auto is so slow. Rev feels like a warrior thief cross breed and it is what most rev players like. Finally someone who talks straight to the point while understanding the situations and skill. Thank you for understanding that revs can be killed easily to be able to do this much damage burst while waiting for all the right requirements to hit. Unlike the other people here who thinks its 100% chance to proc every 2 sec. While other class like chrono can do higher dps .with their range attack and rangers. I am defending this skill coz this is almost what happen to rangers few years back.
(edited by lxghostxl.5097)
Revenant hammer 2 is one of the biggest wildcards in the game actually. You can have two even mirror teams with evenly skilled players fight each other but if you were to swap in a hammer Revenant then that team would win hands down every single time.
A really bad player who just made a zerker revenant can stumble into a fight and do 10-14k damage every 2-3 seconds and win his side the fight with a single button press. Hell, randomly throw in hammer 3 and 5 along with 4k-5k auto attacks and it’s even worse.
They need to nerf this FOTM build everyone is running and buff everything else because right now it’s so easy to play Revenant is silly.
It’s sad that Revenant players want to be lazy and don’t want to learn any other builds.
Hammer skills range should be 700.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Revenant hammer 2 is one of the biggest wildcards in the game actually. You can have two even mirror teams with evenly skilled players fight each other but if you were to swap in a hammer Revenant then that team would win hands down every single time.
A really bad player who just made a zerker revenant can stumble into a fight and do 10-14k damage every 2-3 seconds and win his side the fight with a single button press. Hell, randomly throw in hammer 3 and 5 along with 4k-5k auto attacks and it’s even worse.
They need to nerf this FOTM build everyone is running and buff everything else because right now it’s so easy to play Revenant is silly.
It’s sad that Revenant players want to be lazy and don’t want to learn any other builds.
I disagree on the revenant difficulty. When a hammer revenant shows up in ranks, they get focused down. Even in wvw it is not a one hit wonder like players say it is. Now a days you will see tons of group that have support healer class and droods can even dps anx heals. I dont think a serkef rev is that easy and this claims has to be proven because thinking and doing are 2 different things. A serker rev is very fragile and hammer is the only viable weapkn for range and bursting coz it does not work any other way, if we buff all other skills then it will trully make a rev an easy to play class because they are now even in melee with other classes. A burst thief alaways run after a rev in team fights or a scrapper with his buddies. Making hammer useless does not balance the game at all and most people are just not used to playing against rev build. I would ask you to put up a video on how eay it is as rev against good players coz nub playing against nubs does not prove any point. I play rev all the time and never felt it is as easy as you say it is. Wonder why people wont even dont complain about those bursty thief that kills every 15 sec whle rev needs planing, waiting, and hoping no one knows how to dodge or stay out of range and use terain. Slow attack and almost 16k hp with use of energy and per utility skills require tons of it.
Strafing, if you are in range, or get to melee range if you see hammer. Problem solved. there are 2 additional counters to hammer besides the usual of dodge/blind/block etc
But i guess its easier to complain on forums rather than L2P
Strafing, if you are in range, or get to melee range if you see hammer. Problem solved. there are 2 additional counters to hammer besides the usual of dodge/blind/block etc
But i guess its easier to complain on forums rather than L2P
Clearly did not read thread lol.
There are no complaints about it in small format WvW, in a duel you can see the wind up and ur not going to get hit by the final CoR in the chain. You can push to the target and engage in melee.
The problem comes when you have 5 of them at the back of say a 30 man zerg, in fact with hammer how it is you might as well replace every backline DPS class with a rev. Zerker staff eles, get rid of them, DPS necros, cya later, no waiting for wells to come off cooldown, hammer 2 every 2 seconds!!. Replace all of them with hammer Rev’s, they are vastly superior in DPS.
If you dont play WvW a lot you are not really qualified to be talking. T1 backline for zergs or guild groups 15+ is pretty much a chain of hammer revs. You cant strafe and avoid 5-8 hammer revs CoR’ing every 2 seconds, you cant push through 30 people to
get to melee range if you see hammer
like the kittening Einstein’s on here would have you think is the counter.
In fact given the pirate ship meta you cant push at all unless you want to be blown up in about 1/2 a second.
[lion]~ riperonis
Strafing, if you are in range, or get to melee range if you see hammer. Problem solved. there are 2 additional counters to hammer besides the usual of dodge/blind/block etc
But i guess its easier to complain on forums rather than L2P
Clearly did not read thread lol.
There are no complaints about it in small format WvW, in a duel you can see the wind up and ur not going to get hit by the final CoR in the chain. You can push to the target and engage in melee.
The problem comes when you have 5 of them at the back of say a 30 man zerg, in fact with hammer how it is you might as well replace every backline DPS class with a rev. Zerker staff eles, get rid of them, DPS necros, cya later, no waiting for wells to come off cooldown, hammer 2 every 2 seconds!!. Replace all of them with hammer Rev’s, they are vastly superior in DPS.
If you dont play WvW a lot you are not really qualified to be talking. T1 backline for zergs or guild groups 15+ is pretty much a chain of hammer revs. You cant strafe and avoid 5-8 hammer revs CoR’ing every 2 seconds, you cant push through 30 people to
get to melee range if you see hammer
like the kittening Einstein’s on here would have you think is the counter.
In fact given the pirate ship meta you cant push at all unless you want to be blown up in about 1/2 a second.
First of all, WvW is a failed format and no one cares about 40 v40 balance. It is impossible to balance and nor should they try. You can say the same about the zerg running with a DH back line and blowing people up whIle tanking with F3.
In fact here is 1 counter right there.
Necross are equally as broken with Wells and marks.
Please realize you cannot balance wvw without butchering half the classes in PvE and without splitting skills between game modes