Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Let's see your Revenants!
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I need help…
Should I be Human or Asura? A little background, basically ALL of my characters are human male. Generally speaking, I just feel like armor looks good on them. However, I’ve always kinda wanted an Asura, but they’re less armor-friendly. But I came up with this concept look that I think is pretty cute, looks like a little hero, and I love their animations. Only problem is I’m a bit concerned with longevity of interest. Help.
Which of these do you guys actually like more?
I think it’s always good to spread the love over different races, especially since i find there are only a few different types of armours that i like per weight class, so switching up race can help.
Does anyone know if we can test other races on rev on the upcoming test weekend??
I need help…
Should I be Human or Asura? A little background, basically ALL of my characters are human male. Generally speaking, I just feel like armor looks good on them. However, I’ve always kinda wanted an Asura, but they’re less armor-friendly. But I came up with this concept look that I think is pretty cute, looks like a little hero, and I love their animations. Only problem is I’m a bit concerned with longevity of interest. Help.
Which of these do you guys actually like more?
Does anyone know if we can test other races on rev on the upcoming test weekend??
thats what i want to know, want to hear a Anet dev say yes >:|
From the blog:
“Players who have pre-purchased the expansion will see a new button appear on the character creation screen that allows them to create and play a fully geared, level-80 beta character of any race for the duration of the weekend.”
That does not explicitly include revenant, true, but if revs were limited to human only I’d expect that caveat to appear in that line or immediately afterwards.
My charr revenant, Boof.
Poor Charr, driven mad by the voices in his head.
I can’t hop on the beta yet, can anyone confirm that you can play revenant on any race?
I can’t hop on the beta yet, can anyone confirm that you can play revenant on any race?
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
My new Asura Revenant, Betatester Abyx.
EDIT: Included pics of final version once Scarlet gear shows up in TP
(edited by Headcase.4618)
(edited by Kidel.2057)
Figured out the look I’m going to use when Revenant comes out. TMNT Donatello! Staff Rev obviously
Using a shield as his “back piece” for now just as a placeholder until Anet inevitably gives us a turtle shell backpack. winkwinknudgenudge
That’s amazing
+1 nice job
Finally a heavy armor class that I actually enjoy playing.
Pariah Axisdirge. Revenant of the Axis warband. Like all my Charr, it uses technology to either mimic, stabilize, or augment magical capabilities. In this case, he is a fractal copy of a deceased warband member, and the armor stabilizes him in the ‘real’ world outside of the mists. The only thing his look is missing is the fractal sword, but I should get that soon enough.
Like Taku.6352 above, I’m also excited to finally have a heavy class I enjoy playing.
Full album here:
Snippets attached
(edited by Elan.7523)
That’s amazing
+1 nice job
The lack of sylvari is disturbing.
The lack of Norn is even more so!
My first is a human, my second is an asura, and my last will be a sylvari. 3 rev’s for 3 specs.
Here is Sticky the Tortured
Charr as usual got short end of stick..the face i wanted to choose clip with blindfold. I hope it will be fixed before release
Not a great shot but I made this guy as a throwaway to test Shiro and didn’t focus on getting pics of him. In game shots with his ambrite hammer are far too zoomed out. He did look nicely glinting gold metal in game; I used Brass or Bronze for the dye, with Shadow Abyss for the cloth areas and … Flare? for the glowing parts.
Figured out the look I’m going to use when Revenant comes out. TMNT Donatello! Staff Rev obviously
Using a shield as his “back piece” for now just as a placeholder until Anet inevitably gives us a turtle shell backpack. winkwinknudgenudge
LOL OMG THATS AWESOME!! Donny is the best!
Took advantage of testing during the BWE to play around with a couple of ideas.
First is a Charr that builds on the Mistward armour set since I quite like how it looks but I threw in some Charr cultural to make it fit better.
Originally was planning on doing all gold/steel to match the Hero’s swords from the WvW tournament but the green glowing effects in the Assassin legend kind of threw that out the window so I switched the weapons to Dragon’s Jade (which fits Shiro better thematically anyway) and changed some of the armour colours to match the weapons. I’ve since realised from testing that Sword/Axe fits how I use Revenant better so I’ll have to work something out for the Axe model.
The second look is for a Sylvari and is entirely made up of cultural/TA armour without a blindfold. I based the colours around the orange and black (terracotta antique, I think?) ascended weapon skins and took advantage of the fact that Sylvari skin changes the colour of some of the cultural/TA pieces. It’s a bit hard to capture how it looks in screenshots because all of the gear has the pulsing glow Sylvari get with cultural armour.
Figured out the look I’m going to use when Revenant comes out. TMNT Donatello! Staff Rev obviously
Using a shield as his “back piece” for now just as a placeholder until Anet inevitably gives us a turtle shell backpack. winkwinknudgenudge
LOL OMG THATS AWESOME!! Donny is the best!
Thanks! I managed to reserve all four Hamato brothers names as well, can’t believe they weren’t taken!
Going to add this beauty on Herald
I have all the stuff except the Stag chest
Can’t wait to get my hands on a fresh heavy armor class
I absolutely fell in love with the idea of using the Tormented hammer along with Embrace the Darkness, funny enough it turned out to be the perfect combination for my playstyle in wvw so I built around that. Oh, yeah, I COULD post a screenshot, but I actualy took the time to draw my pretty charr rev~
While I am not particularly looking forward to Revenant at this point, I do have my look picked out.
what set is this? looks great!
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
I wanted to go for a fire and brimstone look for my Norn Revenant. I’m pretty happy with how the look came out although I might still play around a little bit with my shades of red – which by the way don’t show up too well in these screenshots because the lighting is poor (I will fix that for screenshots this weekend).
I would also like to note that the look still isn’t completely done. The armor skins are, but the weapon skins are not. I just recently started playing the first Guild Wars, and I am hoping that before HoT drops that I can get together enough Hall of Monument points to unlock the Fiery Dragon Sword skin to complete the look.
I need help…
Should I be Human or Asura? A little background, basically ALL of my characters are human male. Generally speaking, I just feel like armor looks good on them. However, I’ve always kinda wanted an Asura, but they’re less armor-friendly. But I came up with this concept look that I think is pretty cute, looks like a little hero, and I love their animations. Only problem is I’m a bit concerned with longevity of interest. Help.
Which of these do you guys actually like more?
So, I realize that this is about a month late, but if you still want input my vote is on Asura. Firstly because a little bit of diversity in races is fun, but also because every beta test thus far revenants have been hard focused in PvP and Asura’s are harder to spot.
That aside, you can do some really cute things with Asura’s in heavy armor. My guild leader made his warrior look like an a very tiny Storm Trooper from Star Wars . . . which apparently I don’t have a single screenshot of despite have over 500 GW2 screenshots.
While I am not particularly looking forward to Revenant at this point, I do have my look picked out.
what set is this? looks great!
Upcoming Revenant specific set for HoT.
So, here’s my first attempt at building a beta Rev. Hair and boots are still very much WIP, and once I get my hands on those delicious fractal swords I’ll probably change the glowy bits to match those too.
That said, I wanted to go for somewhat of a Warcraft demon hunter feel here, hence the top. What do you think?
looking for a “dark knight” yet not soo bulky look for my charr reve, this is how i want her to look in HoT, with a couple of jormag breath swords or if i can get my hands on it chaos swords, the rest being pit fighter chest piece, charr cultural t2 helm and t3 shoulders, revenant gauntlets and studded plate leggins and boots
This is my rev, imagine him with a the fractal back item instead of that one and bolt. I have the back item now done and am working on getting zap. Otherwise this is exactly how I want him to be.
Here’s mine, undecided on hair color, the white is just a place holder. Will experiment more later, maybe black or blond.
Meet My Sweet Linnëa! Just waiting for HoT release to get my Tormented shield+Crystalline sword (nostalgia) to her.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
here are mine !! haven’t decide quite yet which race im gonna roll .
(edited by ThalToz.9132)