Lets talk Mallyx
In the words of helseth from his stream, “Why is that guy playing mallyx? Does he hate himself”?
Autoattack till about 90 energy in Mallyx, Pop Elite, then triple stack Unyielding Anguish, swap back to Glint, block then staff 5 out. Rinse, repeat, devatasting to enemy teams. I do this constantly and it disrupts the kitten out of them .
Okay, assuming you never eat a CC in that entire sequence, Auto-attacking for 8 seconds straight(assuming Facet of Nature isn’t activated), then popping an Elite that has a 3/4 cast time, and then casting UA 3 times(a grand total of 2.25s) and assuming they stand still inside your 240 radius AoEs and absolutely no one cleanses anything, then yes, this would stack a good amount of Torment.
I hope you realize how bad this is in reality.
In the words of helseth from his stream, “Why is that guy playing mallyx? Does he hate himself”?
Autoattack till about 90 energy in Mallyx, Pop Elite, then triple stack Unyielding Anguish, swap back to Glint, block then staff 5 out. Rinse, repeat, devatasting to enemy teams. I do this constantly and it disrupts the kitten out of them .
Okay, assuming you never eat a CC in that entire sequence, Auto-attacking for 8 seconds straight(assuming Facet of Nature isn’t activated), then popping an Elite that has a 3/4 cast time, and then casting UA 3 times(a grand total of 2.25s) and assuming they stand still inside your 240 radius AoEs and absolutely no one cleanses anything, then yes, this would stack a good amount of Torment.
I hope you realize how bad this is in reality.
Looks like you don’t wvw. You gain energy while being in combat, so as soon as you’re in combat, you gain energy. Then you attack from the side, and get the entire sequence off.
I actually WvW or sPvP full time, I don’t just sit around and theorcraft. Dropping that sequence while a point is contested, also does a kitten ton of damage during a group fight for a point.
Stop theory crafting so much and play the game.
In the words of helseth from his stream, “Why is that guy playing mallyx? Does he hate himself”?
Autoattack till about 90 energy in Mallyx, Pop Elite, then triple stack Unyielding Anguish, swap back to Glint, block then staff 5 out. Rinse, repeat, devatasting to enemy teams. I do this constantly and it disrupts the kitten out of them .
Okay, assuming you never eat a CC in that entire sequence, Auto-attacking for 8 seconds straight(assuming Facet of Nature isn’t activated), then popping an Elite that has a 3/4 cast time, and then casting UA 3 times(a grand total of 2.25s) and assuming they stand still inside your 240 radius AoEs and absolutely no one cleanses anything, then yes, this would stack a good amount of Torment.
I hope you realize how bad this is in reality.
Looks like you don’t wvw. You gain energy while being in combat, so as soon as you’re in combat, you gain energy. Then you attack from the side, and get the entire sequence off.
I actually WvW or sPvP full time, I don’t just sit around and theorcraft. Dropping that sequence while a point is contested, also does a kitten ton of damage during a group fight for a point.
Stop theory crafting so much and play the game.
1. You specifically mentioned “teams”. So this isn’t really WvW now unless you’re calling entire zergs, servers, and different groups a “team”.
2. Being in combat is all fine and dandy. Having nothing but Auto-Attacks for 8 seconds straight and being uninterrupted for another 4s(again, assuming no Facet of Nature) and then having everyone sit on-point on a 240 radius AoE sounds pretty unlikely in sPvP, let alone HoT sPvP, where CC is around every corner.
3. You don’t disprove my point at all by saying that I theorycraft too much. That is the equivalent of telling me “it just works because it does”.
I don’t know your rank, who you’re fighting against(if it’s the same people you fought in that one video you posted here when trying to prove that the new EtD is good, then you’re definitely not fighting good opponents), and I don’t even have a realistic scenario to work with. All I can understand is that you managed to stay in combat until 90% energy and you were completely ignored while on-point and you started spamming skills with 0.75s cast times. No one focus-fired you and no one tried to CC you at all? I’m not even considering the group cleanses that can be thrown around.
In the words of helseth from his stream, “Why is that guy playing mallyx? Does he hate himself”?
Autoattack till about 90 energy in Mallyx, Pop Elite, then triple stack Unyielding Anguish, swap back to Glint, block then staff 5 out. Rinse, repeat, devatasting to enemy teams. I do this constantly and it disrupts the kitten out of them .
UA has a cost of 30, and the elite has a cost of 5 (and you won’t be regen’ing energy while elite is up). im not even sure you could pull off 3 UA’s at 100 energy thanks to cast times after popping EtB. even if you can stack 3 of them, you are useless for another 10 seconds or so until your energy regens back
most other condi builds can do the same amount of damage as your 3 UAs while not having that energy constraint
I also liked the old mallyx much, much more.
For what I understand the reason why they changed it, is because they dont like that mallyx players get angry at sujpporters that want to condi cleanse them.
Couldnt that being solved making on of the skills to an second uptime skill with low energy costs which also prevents yout conditions from beeing cleansed?`Or directly designing one trait like – “You get 20 % less damage from conditions but while in Mallyx allies cant condicleanse you”?
The root cause of Mallyx/trait line is the whole mechanic was changed a few weeks before HoT launched. The replacement was a “patch” at best and Elite completely gutted at worst. Roy had some good ideas but nothing has been seen in live.
i.e. Whatever happened to the base (non-moving) Torment condition getting a trait, (cough)Elite(cough) or baseline Revenant functionality that increases the non-moving damage of Torment condition?
With the exception of the two stars (Demonic Defiance which only shines because of FoN) and Unyielding Anguish (because it can be stacked in one spot, applies considerable AoE damage over time, and is a dark field to boot, why isn’t this a “leap” combo?). If either of these two were changed, the whole line/Demon stance would be in dire jeopardy.
Besides the decent traits of Yearning Empowerment and Diabolic Inferno (only good in a condition focused spec), the rest of the entire trait lines are very weak options (the master traits are all very weak/situational). There is no reason anyone focused on a pure Power or Tank-like build would take the Corruption line.
FYI – you want to fix Pulsating Pestilence? Make it a condition transfer. For every condition type transferred, give a 3% damage boost so it doesn’t kill Bolstered Anguish. Or better yet, kill Bolstered Anguish altogether and add it to Pulsating Pestilence (rename to Bolstered Pestilence ). Boom, Pain Absorption synergy.
I’m making the assumption that the unique condition-copy mechanic ship has already sailed.
(edited by Artaz.3819)
But there is ,
even if power build, minors are really good>
Torment onn crit can be seen as 10% dmg increase and with poison although its on 20s cd it makes even more not only for dmg increase but heal debuff.
Also second minor works well with sponatious destruction(gain cd is bit 2 high) only last tier traits are nothing special to power builds
But there is ,
even if power build, minors are really good>
Torment onn crit can be seen as 10% dmg increase and with poison although its on 20s cd it makes even more not only for dmg increase but heal debuff.
Also second minor works well with sponatious destruction(gain cd is bit 2 high) only last tier traits are nothing special to power builds
power builds already have other traitlines, corruption should be heavily condi focused, but as you said it works for power builds too and that isn’t right
It works better for power than condi themself. Bolstered Anguish should increase condi dmg as Mallyx in theory is a condi legend yet it improves power dmg output? What take benefit from it? Mace? No it power scaling sux and hit slike wet noodle. Mallyx? Olny leap can do some pwoer damage but thats too low. But sword? Hammer? Yeah they benefit the most.
Mallyx and corruption line is a mess that Roy never cleaned. Same for Salvation.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Using EtD increases Condition Damage by (on me 192) That’s pretty significant.
Torment onn crit can be seen as 10% dmg increase
On a power build? Not a chance.
and with poison although its on 20s cd it makes even more not only for dmg increase but heal debuff.
Poison is weak. Really weak. You’re right for the heal debuff but that is situational even in WvW/PvP as most builds have several condi cleanse counters. It’s at best a cover condition. The 33% reduction in healing is in effect, minor, in the grander scheme of things unless the Poison condition is spammable.
Hindsight is 20/20 but Torment damage (stay damage component versus mobility damage component) should have been added to the Poison condition (makes sense thematically too) once Burn condition formula was changed or make Poison the condition damage enhancer (aka Vulnerability). However, both would be huge in game balance change at this point and are likely off the table.
Using EtD increases Condition Damage by (on me 192) That’s pretty significant.
192 * .045 (at level 80) = 8.64 damage per tick of torment. If you have 20 stacks (not unreasonable), that’s ~173 extra damage per second (double if moving). I’m not certain of your build but it’s probably meh compared to the energy cost or an extra Mace 2 burn field which does substantially more dps and the mob doesn’t have to move around to get full damage output from the ability.
Using EtD increases Condition Damage by (on me 192) That’s pretty significant.
192 * .045 (at level 80) = 8.64 damage per tick of torment. If you have 20 stacks (not unreasonable), that’s ~173 extra damage per second (double if moving). I’m not certain of your build but it’s probably meh compared to the energy cost or an extra Mace 2 burn field which does substantially more dps and the mob doesn’t have to move around to get full damage output from the ability.
What about the increase to your burn damage as well… when your energy drains swap back to Glint for awhile.
Using EtD increases Condition Damage by (on me 192) That’s pretty significant.
192 * .045 (at level 80) = 8.64 damage per tick of torment. If you have 20 stacks (not unreasonable), that’s ~173 extra damage per second (double if moving). I’m not certain of your build but it’s probably meh compared to the energy cost or an extra Mace 2 burn field which does substantially more dps and the mob doesn’t have to move around to get full damage output from the ability.
What about the increase to your burn damage as well… when your energy drains swap back to Glint for awhile.
There is also poison but hardly worth even mentioning. Burn is from diabolic inferno and mace 2/runes. If you have the energy, you should be using Mace 2 or waiting for the next UA.
A stack of burn increases by ~30 damage per second for 192 condition stat (read, still no where near important enough to care about even with the latter Torment). Again, I don’t know your specific build but rarely would I ever have a Revenant build for a general condition duration or +burning condition (even with a spam mace 2 style) so it’s probably even less useful to consider.
Now, if EtD was Vulnerability condition (1s) and applied a ton of it very quickly (10 stacks per second in AoE) as well as gave 10% bonus stats, it’d be worth something for damage/energy cost/second.
(edited by Artaz.3819)
Yeah, I never bother with EtD. It is an inefficient use of energy for no real gain. I much prefer to hop around with UA to tag mobs. If you put three of them in a triangle… you just covered a massive space and it is a pain to go around (for players.. mobs run through them and lulz happen). Also, a 10% damage increase, as mentioned, is insignificant at best.
However, because I never use elite’s because they are, to me, worthless, Diabolic Inferno is useless… and we already know Pulsing Pestilence is a wasted trap as well so that leaves the silly crit thing that only suffices to help when we do not have fury on. Ultimately making the entire GM set of traits in Corruption abysmal.
In fact, the only reason you would take Corruption at all is for boon removal (PvP/WvW mainly) or torment increase via the minors (what I use it for). And I guess Demonic Defiance is okay for those few seconds where you have a condition on you or solo play but nothing else has use because of the ridiculous ICD’s on all the traits.
Realistically, I guess what we want to have is Herald, Devastation, and Invocation. I just hope Roy steps in and saves the Corruption trait line… but, sadly, they are too worried about their precious PvP and esports crap to make much-needed fixes like that. So I have kinda lost hope for Revenant being useful and mostly play my Necro and Thief at this point. This class was released too soon and is severely incomplete… but they wanted their precious deadline and did not want to look bad pushing it back to put out completed work…
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer
Realistically, I guess what we want to have is Herald, Devastation, and Invocation. I just hope Roy steps in and saves the Corruption trait line… but, sadly, they are too worried about their precious PvP and esports crap to make much-needed fixes like that. So I have kinda lost hope for Revenant being useful and mostly play my Necro and Thief at this point. This class was released too soon and is severely incomplete… but they wanted their precious deadline and did not want to look bad pushing it back to put out completed work…
Hopefully they make some changes. All the elites are trash except shiro and jalis. The no recharge deal is supposed to be made to use them on demand, but the energy cost is so high you either never have enough because you are always burning it or there are better uses of your energy (which is why its always burned). If anything, I believe the elites should be free and on a recharge timer like every other class, and leave the rest of the skills to energy management. Right now they get no play.
As far as the rework goes, I think everyone is on break after release and prepping for raids. If you look at the berserker update when warriors were calling for a warrior fix, all they did was buff the elite spec with damage modifiers, they did not touch the underlying problems of the warrior as a whole.
In order to fix the corruption trait line, they are going to have to look at retribution, salvation, mallyx, jalis, and ventari as whole, and play with how each trait line can synergize with each other (like glint) and allow mixed play between all legends. Right now, the other legends are so individualized that it allows for only one build (Shiro/Glint) in all forms of the game PvE/Dungeon/Fractal/sPvP/WvW.
Torment onn crit can be seen as 10% dmg increase
On a power build? Not a chance.
and with poison although its on 20s cd it makes even more not only for dmg increase but heal debuff.
Poison is weak. Really weak. You’re right for the heal debuff but that is situational even in WvW/PvP as most builds have several condi cleanse counters. It’s at best a cover condition. The 33% reduction in healing is in effect, minor, in the grander scheme of things unless the Poison condition is spammable.
Hindsight is 20/20 but Torment damage (stay damage component versus mobility damage component) should have been added to the Poison condition (makes sense thematically too) once Burn condition formula was changed or make Poison the condition damage enhancer (aka Vulnerability). However, both would be huge in game balance change at this point and are likely off the table.”
Im sorry, if my hammer crits for 1k-1.5k and torment hits on power build for 100ish (while standing still)+ poison 100ish that is rougly 10% dmg increase for each of this conditions on power build…
This is not related to revenant only i use this for necro power or engi especialy which stackss condi like crazy even for power build.
Torment onn crit can be seen as 10% dmg increase
On a power build? Not a chance.
and with poison although its on 20s cd it makes even more not only for dmg increase but heal debuff.
Poison is weak. Really weak. You’re right for the heal debuff but that is situational even in WvW/PvP as most builds have several condi cleanse counters. It’s at best a cover condition. The 33% reduction in healing is in effect, minor, in the grander scheme of things unless the Poison condition is spammable.
Hindsight is 20/20 but Torment damage (stay damage component versus mobility damage component) should have been added to the Poison condition (makes sense thematically too) once Burn condition formula was changed or make Poison the condition damage enhancer (aka Vulnerability). However, both would be huge in game balance change at this point and are likely off the table.”Im sorry, if my hammer crits for 1k-1.5k and torment hits on power build for 100ish (while standing still)+ poison 100ish that is rougly 10% dmg increase for each of this conditions on power build…
This is not related to revenant only i use this for necro power or engi especialy which stackss condi like crazy even for power build.
And when your hammer #2 crits for 7k+?
How is that possibly 10%, assuming your Torment + Poison actually does a total of 100ish?
Each do 100,on AA, which is normal state of attack for revenant other than herald that is indead 10% .
Also i will not bet anything here since i can not remember exact numbers(and im not in a position to confirm it) i think torement can go up to 300 dmg per tick on power build,that is not insignificant number and may couse oponent to blew his condi clear for team mates to abuse.
Very usefull if you are out of energy and skills on cd that few 300 ticks of torment.
When your hammer does hit for 7k and enemy is on 2k hp 300 hurts
I will test it tonight and give exact numbers if you want.
(edited by deda.8302)
Each do 100,on AA, which is normal state of attack for revenant other than herald that is indead 10% .
Also i will not bet anything here since i can not remember exact numbers(and im not in a position to confirm it) i think torement can go up to 300 dmg per tick on power build,that is not insignificant number and may couse oponent to blew his condi clear for team mates to abuse.
Very usefull if you are out of energy and skills on cd that few 300 ticks of torment.When your hammer does hit for 7k and enemy is on 2k hp 300 hurts
I will test it tonight and give exact numbers if you want.
That isn’t a 10% damage increase if it’s:
1. Not constant.
2. Is only “10%” on very specific attacks.
Then, in Heart of the Mists, against a Heavy Golem and Zerker gear and using Invocation/Devastastion/Herald(All damage coefficients, no boons), I got ~2000 damage on a critical with the Hammer auto and about 5600 with Hammer #2 on a critical at nearly max range.
Same thing, but with Corruption over Invocation or Devastation:
Tooltip says my Torment is going to do (80/159) damage and my Poison will do (235).
Total Damage you will do on 33% of your Criticals is 394 IF your enemy is moving.
Was that honestly worth it?
Yea, it’s “technically” more than 10% damage on auto-attacks, but not even close on Hammer #2 and you have to give up either:
A. 20% Crit Chance(Maniacal Persistence can sorta make up for it) and a Condi Cleanse/Stun Break
B. 150+ AoE Ferocity and +20% on targets with less than half health OR life siphons
C. Herald with all of its perks.
Is 394 damage really worth dropping one of those?
Let me remind you that this is 394 damage that will only proc 33% of the time and the poison only procs every 20 seconds when that 33% chance procs.
This is pathetic.
You are absolutely right,i was getting that torment dmg while using UA+ trait, not from trait only so,yes not so good for power build after all.
So the consensus is: not great for power not great for condi alright at defence? I know Roy’s a good dev and has been good to revenants. I don’t know what happened, he let Mallyx become this husk of what it was and didn’t bother to change the traits that match mallyxs condi sharing. It’s also resulting in the issue that the heavy resistance was needed for corrupting Mallyx skills but with out that it just becomes dangerously defensive and will cause issues if Mallyx gets stronger.
revenant – Hoogles Von Boogles
Mesmer – hoogelz
So the consensus is: not great for power not great for condi alright at defence? I know Roy’s a good dev and has been good to revenants. I don’t know what happened, he let Mallyx become this husk of what it was and didn’t bother to change the traits that match mallyxs condi sharing. It’s also resulting in the issue that the heavy resistance was needed for corrupting Mallyx skills but with out that it just becomes dangerously defensive and will cause issues if Mallyx gets stronger.
Because he was just a hype man, and now that we all believed the hype we won’t see him till the next expansion.
They nerfed Malyx to make Shiro look better.
Malyx still sounds better, Shiro sounds like a vacuum cleaner salesman.
There’s no arguing that in PvP, if you don’t get stunlocked, Viper Revenant can deal absolutely sick, colossal damage with conditions. Highest I’ve done with Viper setup in Conquest game was about 1 million 100k damage in total. Celestial Build comes close with about ~1 million damage.
You can see many people from top EU teams trying out Condition and Celestial Revenant right now. Just look around in the Mists.
What Mallyx needs is mostly some idea on himself, because while still fun, abilities lack flavour. They’re useful, but don’t pack as much potential for sick plays as in BWE2 and before.
What Mallyx absolutely needs and it’s also Ventari’s case – stunbreak and defense in Mace/Axe weaponset. In this meta being exposed for a second without some block, evade or similar thing is just such an incredible risk, Mace offers no defense (while all other weaponsets do – simple evade on #3 should be okay) and worst of all switching to Mallyx indeed means a lot of damage but sacraficing almost all survival against direct damage or CC lock (and CC locks are flavour of this meta) is too harsh punishment.
The reason why Shiro is so good and even Viper builds use it in PvP is that Shiro has overpowered stunbreak which other Legends do not.
Is it possible to play Mallyx builds in PvP? Yes
Is it harder to play than Shiro/Glint? Yes
Is it fun to play? Yes
Is it in good state then? No
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
(edited by Rym.1469)
There’s no arguing that in PvP, if you don’t get stunlocked, Viper Revenant can deal absolutely sick, colossal damage with conditions. Highest I’ve done with Viper setup in Conquest game was about 1 million 100k damage in total. Celestial Build comes close with about ~1 million damage.
You can see many people from top EU teams trying out Condition and Celestial Revenant right now. Just look around in the Mists.
What Mallyx needs is mostly some idea on himself, because while still fun, abilities lack flavour. They’re useful, but don’t pack as much potential for sick plays as in BWE2 and before.
What Mallyx absolutely needs and it’s also Ventari’s case – stunbreak and defense in Mace/Axe weaponset. In this meta being exposed for a second without some block, evade or similar thing is just such an incredible risk, Mace offers no defense (while all other weaponsets do – simple evade on #3 should be okay) and worst of all switching to Mallyx indeed means a lot of damage but sacraficing almost all survival against direct damage or CC lock (and CC locks are flavour of this meta) is too harsh punishment.
The reason why Shiro is so good and even Viper builds use it in PvP is that Shiro has overpowered stunbreak which other Legends do not.
Is it possible to play Mallyx builds in PvP? Yes
Is it harder to play than Shiro/Glint? Yes
Is it fun to play? Yes
Is it in good state then? No
tl;dr Mallyx is good if players don’t focus on you.
Corruption traitline is completly scrawled coz of the last second change. Embrace the darkness is not really good too. Others abilities are ok.
tl;dr Mallyx is good if players don’t focus on you.
Mallyx is good even then provided you go carrion/scavenging, and use staff / EtD
Well Shiros stunbreaker might be too strong.. Then again Thief got a new 12(traited) stun breaker with block.
That said I am sure that they gonna fix Mallyx, so just hang in there.
So it is not really Mallyx they would fix… it is the Corruption trait line; Mallyx skills, outside of the elite, are mostly fine as they are. However, just fixing that trait line does not solve the problem of synergy, which is another thing they need to fix to make condi applicable. I spent some time looking at all the possible trait-lines to add to Corruption and Herald that would help with condi and, well, none of them really do, so I went back to Devestation with a sad shrug.
The only thing we can really use from Devestation is the vuln, life-leech, and executioner-style damage… all the adept and major traits are for Shiro/power builds. If it was not for the minors and that one GM, we could not even benefit from this. Really, the increased ferocity for the group is only useful to help your teammates kill things faster as well…
Invocation might seem better, but unless you legend-swap at every instance you can, it will not help much (and I know from the BWE’s that it is a drop in damage). Also, it again relies on Fury… which is better for power builds unless condi’s can crit, which I doubt.
Salvation is so hopelessly tied to Ventari and healing that you are in a worse situation than even Devestation due to its reliance on healing and staff. I guess if you had staff as your alt weapon and did a heal-bot via Glint, it might be okay.
In Retribution, you are having to dodge-roll to get usefulness out of it… and even still, all the Adept traits are useless because condi is melee and we have gliders. That and trying to keep up retaliation just for the sake of extra might is not going to be worth it.
So ultimately, to “fix Mallyx”, they would need to fix the class as a whole and introduce some traits in other trait-lines that add condi application for weapons like hammer and staff. Sadly, the class has less synergy than every other one we already have… unless you just do what everyone else does and make yet another Shiro/Glint clone (which I refuse to do).
P.S. (haha pun) I guess this is kinda what Potato Slayer was saying… just more verbose xD
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer
(edited by Pompeia.5483)
Like Ventari, Mallyx just needs a stunbreak and changes to make the trait line work better with other legends/traits. Ventari also needs a small self-heal on tablet move too, but that’s another thread.
It’s frustrating, cause i like Mallyx and Ventari’s unique playstyles, but noone is going to run legends with no stunbreaks. The stunbreak on legend swap isn’t enough.
Corruption traitline is completly scrawled coz of the last second change. Embrace the darkness is not really good too. Others abilities are ok.
For somebody like me who hadn’t played the Revenant before launch, this entire traitline seems fine until Opportune Distraction. From that point on the traits start not being worth it in this traitline. If we were under the old system of points, nobody would go beyond 3 points into Corruption, it’s just not worth it. :/
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Since condi rev is decent/let’s say it works for PvE melee fights, what happens in ranged fights?
Or am I missing the point and this is a PvP focused thread?
Since condi rev is decent/let’s say it works for PvE melee fights, what happens in ranged fights?
Or am I missing the point and this is a PvP focused thread?
Yeah… I struggle in ranged fights with condi. Most of the time what I will do is find an opening between the boss/mob’s attacks that pummel melee and rush in using axe4, follow with a quad-cast of Anguish, then dodge roll the heck out of range again. Meanwhile, I just cast mace2 and axe5 as much as I can and, when I have control, mace3 since the ranged effect carries torment to the target. Basically… no mace-AA. So DPS suffers a bit.
However, during these times between bursts, I often swap to Glint and hit the regen, might, and fury facets to help party members. Then you can also use the heal while closing a boss/mob early to stay alive for a couple seconds and take those big attacks. This way, if the party is not already keeping those maxed on their own (it can happen), you are basically using the party to compensate for your loss in DPS.
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer
Absolutely agree, I loved the whole thematic idea of Mallyx hating you and punishing you for using his abilities, and mechanically it was a very fun idea, the main problem was other players condi-cleansing you before you can really use your conditions, so did the dev’s come up with a creative way to fix it? Of course not, just gut him, a very simple fix to that problem would be having an added effect of his elite be that you are immune to condition cleansing…But until then Mallyx the Unyielding is just a waste, even on condition focused builds because revenant really doesn’t have many condi’s, originally you would get the condi’s from other players or Mallyx’s abilities, but that last minute change just killed him…
Immobilize and stun hurts a lot when running mallyx and herald together. Makes me feel helpless.
Immobilize and stun hurts a lot when running mallyx and herald together.
Makes me feel helpless.
That’s because you’re not traited to get resistance per mallyx ability you use.
Immobilize and stun hurts a lot when running mallyx and herald together.
Makes me feel helpless.
That’s because you’re not traited to get resistance per mallyx ability you use.
You still get stunned/cc locked every 0.5 seconds.
Banish Enchantment needs to corrupt boons and apply 4 confusion.
We need access to Bleeds.
Unyielding Anguish needs to remove cripple, chill and immobilise and should be a Poison field.
Embrace The Darkness needs to be a 15% Stat increase
Pain Absorption should include conditions already on you, possibly transfer 2.
Frigid Precision should be AoE and a 3s duration
Increase Mace power damage ~33%
Mallyx stronk
(edited by vox.9027)
Banish Enchantment needs to corrupt boons and apply 4 confusion.
We need access to Bleeds.
Unyielding Anguish needs to remove cripple, chill and immobilise and should be a Poison field.
Embrace The Darkness needs to be a 15% Stat increase
Pain Absorption should include conditions already on you, possibly transfer 2.
Frigid Precision should be AoE and a 3s duration
Increase Mace power damage ~33%
Mallyx stronk
Banish enchantment used to apply bonus confusion. I feel mace is in a good spot skill wise, but it is weak on the power side and is the only weapon revenant has access to to apply condition damage.
When Mallyx was modified from its original iteration, I was perplexed by how much the community supported the changes. The leftovers in the Corruption line were not reworked to reflect the changes to the utility skills. Essentially, when I looked at the current iteration of Mallyx, I felt there was a great deal of oversight. I was fine with the warp mechanics being removed, but I don’t feel a “condition-focused” legend should be relegated to a wannabe counterplay to a non-existent condi meta. If the legend doesn’t self apply conditions, it loses all of its original design intent. Outside of Mallyx, Revenant as a whole should be examined; the class just doesn’t have the build diversity it should. 9 out of 10 Revenants I see in PvP, WvW, or PvE should NOT be running the same two legends (Shiro/Glint) practically all the time. I do hope the class is re-examined, as I would like to actually want to play it.
Venom enhancement is awful now.
The long cooldown needs to go down, a lot. Right now Malyx is only torment, with very little access to any other condi, which means that any cleans washes away all of your momemtum. And on top of that, the torment damage isn’t much to begin with.
When Mallyx was modified from its original iteration, I was perplexed by how much the community supported the changes. The leftovers in the Corruption line were not reworked to reflect the changes to the utility skills. Essentially, when I looked at the current iteration of Mallyx, I felt there was a great deal of oversight. I was fine with the warp mechanics being removed, but I don’t feel a “condition-focused” legend should be relegated to a wannabe counterplay to a non-existent condi meta. If the legend doesn’t self apply conditions, it loses all of its original design intent. Outside of Mallyx, Revenant as a whole should be examined; the class just doesn’t have the build diversity it should. 9 out of 10 Revenants I see in PvP, WvW, or PvE should NOT be running the same two legends (Shiro/Glint) practically all the time. I do hope the class is re-examined, as I would like to actually want to play it.
The problem is that Glint can buff anybody nearby easily while keeping energy regen going, and Shiro is the most DPS oriented legend thanks to Impossible Odds. That Quickness and Superspeed is the most powerful thing you can get for burning foes down fast. Ventari is pure healing, which is why he isn’t used much, Jalis is purely for tanking things, and Mallyx simply can’t compete with Shiro due to the changes to his skills.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Adding 2 things I have recently brought up on the forums to this thread as I feel it touches many of the problems with Mallyx atm.
Diabolic Inferno
Not sure if it’s a bug or intended but when you activate either Facet of Chaos or Energy Expulsion, Diabolic Inferno is not cast.
Not sure why Diabolic Inferno wouldn’t work with Facet of Chaos when it does work with Embrace the Darkness seeing as both drain upkeep. It does work however with Chaotic Release. But on a 45 second cooldown it serves next to no purpose with the Diabolic Inferno trait which should be used as frequently as possible to actually serve as a benefit.
Mace Bug
I think there may be a bug with our mace #1 skill(s) (which I’ll refer to as our auto attack or AA). The cast/attack time is off by about half a second and prevents any fluid attack options for using/weaving the #1 and #2 mace skills.
So the mace auto attack for a Revenant has 3 attacks in it’s chain.
1st Misery Swipe – 1/4 second attack time
2nd Anguish Swipe – 1/2 second attack time
3rd Manifest Toxin – 1/2 second attack time
The Mace #2 is Searing Fissure has a 3/4 second attack time and has a 3 second recharge that begins once the skill completes it’s cast.
2 full auto attack rotations for our mace is 2 1/2 seconds but it doesnt work out that way. Its more like 3 1/2 seconds. There appears to be this 1/2 second lull after Manifest toxin finishes casting.
Any way for Mallyx to provide a decent condi dps in a raid group?
Decent, not top dps… if you know what I mean.
1 Embrace the Darkness become utility skill;Unyielding Anguish become elite skill
2 Banish Enchantment: Make remove 2 boons become steal 2 boons.
3 Embrace the Darkness: This skill no longer increase 10% all stats.Pulse torment and a random condition every 1 second to nearby foes.
4 Unyielding Anguish (50 energy cost): Teleport to your foe,deal damage,and convert your all boons into foe’s conditions.
1 Opportune Extraction: Make remove a boon become steal a boon.
This is my idea of Mallyx about a month ago,but it hasn’t happened.
1 Embrace the Darkness become utility skill;Unyielding Anguish become elite skill
2 Banish Enchantment: Make remove 2 boons become steal 2 boons.
3 Embrace the Darkness: This skill no longer increase 10% all stats.Pulse torment and a random condition every 1 second to nearby foes.
4 Unyielding Anguish (50 energy cost): Teleport to your foe,deal damage,and convert your all boons into foe’s conditions.
1 Opportune Extraction: Make remove a boon become steal a boon.This is my idea of Mallyx about a month ago,but it hasn’t happened.
That would make Mallyx more OP than he already is.
That would make Mallyx more OP than he already is.
He is trash in PvE. In Spvp, he is used for high resistance uptime and easy boon stripping (so 2 of his 5 utilities), granted your resistance is not stripped.
The purpose of the post is to discuss the disconnect in both playstyle/function and effectiveness of beta-Mallyx and the half-worked release with HoT.
Yes, the legend and traitline still performs well in the same aspects (boon strip/resistance uptime), but condition damage itself outside of Mace/Glint took a huge drop to what it was before.
granted your resistance is not stripped.
You just reapply it and/or strip it if it was boon steal. That’s not a Mallyx counter as Resistance boon is basically spammed and you have a counter if the opponent (another Mallyx Rev) spams it themselves.