Malyx - Suggestion Thread

Malyx - Suggestion Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Hello everyone,

I know that there’s already a lot of posts about this, but I’d hope to provide a more general thread were we can discuss new idea’s for Malyx.

Original Malyx Intention
Malyx originally was about manipulating conditions. (I think) Because I think Malyx does not really have the potential of doing a lot of condition damage since Torment just doesn’t do a lot of damage. For reference:

Torment damage (without condition damage) = 16 (32 while walking)
Torment damage (with 1500 condition damage) = 84 (while walking 168)

Of course we can apply more torment and stuff, but I still don’t believe that this will get anywhere near the level of, for example, burning. EDIT: See Torment-Burning comparison below: Though I must admit that the confusion application can have some potential.

The Problem
Currently the old Malyx has been changed where Embrace the Darkness has been changed such that it does not copy any condition anymore. This was changed because support classes would clean conditions on Malyx and it wouldn’t be able to do any copying of conditions anymore. Personally I believe that removing this leaves Malyx a bit as a lack luster. I mean we can use Resistance to survive condition attacks (which is nice), but there’s not really a lot of ways to do damage now with Malyx. (Not power, and just mediocre condition damage)

Just one suggestion, I heard on some other threads
This is just a suggestion: Maybe we could apply an effect that while using Malyx (or Embrace the Darkness) you’re unable to remove any conditions? I think that would solve the issue between supportive players and Malyx-players while allowing Malyx player to counter conditions to some extend. (Right now only Necro’s can counter condition damage.)

What do you guys think? Any other suggestions maybe? I am not sure how hard it is to implement things. Just I don’t believe that -8 energy upkeep for 6 seconds of torment and 10 percent stat increase is really worth it (expecially for it being an elite skill). But that is just my opinion!

EDIT: Burning-Torment comparison:

Torment damage (without condition damage) = 16 (32 while walking)
Torment damage (with 1500 condition damage) = 83.4 (while walking 166.8)
Burning damage (without condition damage) = 131
Burning damage (with 1500 condition damage) = 364

So basically burning is between 4 and 2 times as weak as burning. (Which is better then I initially thought.)

(edited by Strategist.6132)

Malyx - Suggestion Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: Thermaltron.6829


Embrace the Darkness

I’ve been wondering about an idea where EtD sort of works like a reverse Corrupt Boon

Now, it wouldn’t convert the conditions when in EtD; it would give you the associated boon when you are under the effects of a condition while in EtD. While in EtD and under the effects of boons, you would send out the corresponding conditions. As an example, if you had Regeneration, then you’d be sending out Poison to those around you.

Which conditions give you which boons and what sort of conditions (and number) that get sent out for having boons would have to be subject to balance.

I thought this could have a few benefits.

1. It would give a feeling of getting stronger. The more conditions are applied to you, the more boons you’d get. Maybe as an addition EtD could give an increase to condition dmg and duration by X% for every condition currently on you?

2. Being in a party isn’t so tough on EtD. Sure you might be having conditions cleared, but your party might also be giving boons, which can fuel EtD. It so would also have synergy with Glint, but again, would have to be balanced.

3. There is still counter play (I think/hope?) in that you can remove the boons from the Rev. Granted, other revs can give out perma boons, so you’d have to balance for that and make sure it doesn’t become OP.

Edit: Maybe the interval that your outgoing conditions are applied could be based on the number of conditions you have on you. This way, you’ll still send out conditions (slower-ish?) for having boons on you, but if you are also suffering from conditions, then you’ll send them out faster. Just to make things like Runes of Lyssa not as good.

(edited by Thermaltron.6829)

Malyx - Suggestion Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: Gashead.9162


I was playing a herald w/ mallyx and glynt last beta weekend, and I’ve to say that the condi damage I was putting out was fantastic. Note that mace #2 also adds some burning, so it’s not like we’re married to only stacking torment. The thing to consider also is that those torment stacks last pretty long compared to a bursty pile of burning. I was thinking of my torment stacks more as sustained damage, and the occasional addition of 3-4 burning stacks from mace2 as a small burst. I see no need for a change to the condi setup on the weapon.

That said, I’m really disappointed about the loss of condi spreading. It was pretty much what was guaranteeing that I’d be rolling rev as soon as HoT comes out. I agree that there should be something implemented to keep condis from being cleared while embracing the darkness, but even if nothing was done other than to bring back the condi spreading, I’d still take that….

Malyx - Suggestion Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: Bitoku Kishi.8346

Bitoku Kishi.8346

Why not just make Mallyx skills output more conditions, without having to rely on you having conditions… like have the elite just pulse out several conditions every few seconds to enemies within a short range around you? I know it may simplify the concept of the theme a bit, but it’s one easy way to compensate it out.