This is my (quite long) feedback on the revenant currently. The main problem with the profession in my opinion is the mobility, casting time and energy management.
I’ll start off with my most annoying thing about the revenant: The casting time. Some skills are just too easy to dodge due the animation combined with the casting time such as hammer #5. Other skills are just too slow for it’s damage and almost any burst will negate you to counterburst due the slowness and just makes you instalose the fight due no mobility. This is a big issue on the hammer skills.
- #1 Auto attack is soooo slow. I almost feel like i’m tickling people by spamming 1. Whereas mesmer has good auto attack support, hammer just totally lacks on this part. This is due that the hammer attacks are not well designed for PvP. I feel like they work like mesmer attacks due the piercing, but deal a lot less damage, are slower and hit less time resulting in less ‘’crit sigil’’ procs. This all adds up into a very weak auto attack.
My suggestion: Reduce the casting time to 0,5 seconds. This skill should have it’s casting time by traveling, not by casting it.
- #2 With such low cooldown and energy usage there’s almost no reason to not use this skill if it’s not on cooldown. Meaning it almost replaces the auto attack. While I absolutely hate how much certain skills cost of energy, this skill surely could be improved. Sadly there’s no CC effect that knock enemies up in the air, so I’d say: increase the cooldown to 6 seconds, increase the energy cost to 10, give every pulse a stun that increases it’s duration (0.5 – 1 – 1.5) with range and reduce the casting time to 0.25 seconds. This skill should have it’s casting time by traveling to the enemy, not by casting it.
- #3 This skill is nice, but lacks some things. For example it causes you to eat all damage on the way and it’s very slow while it’s effects aren’t that amazing. In general the skill needs an evade during the cast so you don’t eat all damage on the way. This skill can be made into 2 things imo:
1. Allow skills be casted during the cast of phase smash. Like this you can combo it with other skills to create very long casting skills and with it’s cooldown this opens up the possibility to make skilled combo’s. Along with this the casting time needs a reduction to 0,75-1 second.
2. Reduce the casting time to 0,25 seconds and make it so you actually leap to the place and stay there, rather than leaping back. Cause chill on the starting spot of the leap, cause blast on the end and remove 1 condition.
- #4 The casting time… oh my… The absorb field feels a little bit buggy on the edges and it seems like you actually have to exactly face the enemy to block the projectiles. Honestly this skill should either be instant, or have a 0,25 seconds casting time. Like this you can react to certain skills much easier and combine it with the auto attack much better to life steal.
- #5 Well here we go again… Casting time: Once npc’s can side step your stuns you can be pretty sure something isn’t working as it should. The casting time should be around 0,75 seconds, the hammer drop down should require 0,5 seconds making the skill go 0,5 seconds faster and being able to cast during the hammer drop down time. Like this you can combine this skill with #2 much better and makes it a little bit harder to dodge since currently it can even be side stepped so easily.
(edited by BlackDevil.9268)