Please fix underwater combat
The legend slots need to work like the utility slots on other classes so they get auto swapped when you enter water. On other classes you can have different skills for your heal thru elite utility for land/water. The game just needs to treat the legend skill slot like the utilities and you can set the two underwater and it auto-swaps when you get back on land.
Even though it’s obvious this class is rushed out, the under-water capability of Revenant is not so bad though.
If you enter Revenant in Herald form, you keep all the buff on you in the water.
Revenant’s Spear is actually a very good weapon. It has range attack at 1 and HIGH DAMAGE 0 CD melee attack at 2, and control + high damage at 3 4 5.
Because of the feature of 0 CD #2, this underwater weapon has arguably the highest dps among all the underwater weapons.
However, I do agree we should be able to save legend choice of entering water and switch back to original choice when on land.
I also think Herald should be able to use underwater as well, considering we can keep all the boons when we enter water.
To add to this, the Revenant has two weapons slots for underwater but we can only use one type of weapon. The second slot is not needed, unless they intend to give us another weapon.
~~~Gaiscioch Guild~~~
To add to this, the Revenant has two weapons slots for underwater but we can only use one type of weapon. The second slot is not needed, unless they intend to give us another weapon.
Having a 2nd slot is always better than nothing.
You can put stacking sigils or on swap sigil on it, and swap it just for the effct.
Do you ever see ranger using LB / LB just for Quick-Draw Barrage spam?
From the individual perspective Mallyx/Shiro underwater isn’t any worse than Glint/Shiro. However, you won’t be buffing your party so much. I’d recommend at least one change to your traits. Assuming you have the Devastation/Invocation/Herald lines, underwater is a good time to take Fierce Infusion to generate a little extra fury from activating your heal skills. I swap legends on cool down just like with Glint/Shiro, but instead of activating facets, just pop the elite Embrace the Darkness to get a 10% boost to all your stats. Finally, put a strength sigil on your spear to help with might stacks. As for swapping weapons and weapon swapping sigils, not even going to bother, I’ve just got the one ascended spear and unless the drop rate on ascended weapon chests drastically increases, there’s simply no budget for any more ascended spears.