Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


I’m sticking with the assumption that anything that is considered “Challenging Group Content” won’t be over in 30s or less.

+1. Plus if it’s anything that you have to do with random people, you have to get quickness by yourself.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


do you mind a question? Since when PvE = dungeons or meta group?
good thing I directly mentioned “Verdant Brink” and “trash mobs”. I should probably also add exploration, solo play, pug groups, group events and so on.

Why would any trash mob or dynamic event matter? You could go in naked, mash your 1 button and pick up your loot bag/chest even if defeated while doing so.

Open world pve is irrelevant.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Since VB is not as you described and deeper and higher areas have been said to be more difficult, I don’t think so.

Berserker may even not be the best meta for pve after hot.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Taverius.8645


You can basically run this trait without giving up any damage in your max DPS setup and hand out 6-7 stacks of AoE might permanently. You don’t even need to use the glint legend to pull that off.

2-3 might. Its only 5 seconds of might, 2 times every 3 seconds at most.

If you use Impossible Odds for DPS (you should), you’ll be putting up 5.75s of might every second without any runes or food. Just putting on a strength sigil will proc several even if you aren’t applying any other boons. The Golden Dumplings should be enough to proc the trait on cooldown.

Just using a STR sigil and STR runes will get you up close to 8 stacks of might. Glint aspects aren’t the only way to proc the trait.

Impossible odds doesn’t apply boons to allies, so it doesn’t proc the trait.

You count as an ally like in the rest of our traits for professions. It’s just generally how we word descriptions.

In which case you can trigger IO and get an extra 5 might at the cost of -10 degen.

Again, look at the cost of getting 5 might for your party with Empowering Might and this.

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(edited by Taverius.8645)

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Since VB is not as you described and deeper and higher areas have been said to be more difficult, I don’t think so.

Berserker may even not be the best meta for pve after hot.

In which case it will be sinister, another glass build.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


I think the trait should be buffed and moved to GM tier. Removing the ICD and allowing it only to proc per boon and not per stack (so 3 stacks of Might on an ally = 1 stack for you not 3) would make it a good GM choice. As previewed I don’t think the Herald GM traits are good and are in need of work and this would be a good start.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
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