Revenant Change Suggestions

Revenant Change Suggestions

in Revenant

Posted by: Malchior.5732


So let me start this off by saying that I’m kinda just tired, a little bored even, and I’m also kinda sad with the current state of Revenant. I really love the idea of the class, but the execution has just left me no choice but no turn my beloved Revenant into a bank/farm character. I just find no fun in the class anymore.

However, I’m not going to endlessly whine about the class (I already do that enough in my guild’s chat), instead I’m going to just drop off some suggestions that I think would help the class tremendously. I wont necessarily type in “do this exactly this way”, but just some general fixes or ideas that I believe would be overall beneficial. I fully expect this to be ignored by the developers and even be buried in the forums, but I just want to type ideas, mostly for my own enjoyment. I’ll also mention that my changes are PvE focused. Sorry to the PvPers and WvW players, but I’m simply not informed enough into the current metas to make any suggestions for those modes.

With all that out of the way, lets begin with Shiro, the Devastation line, and Swords.

Now, a big problem with Sword is that it has no damage rotation really. Part of the dilemma is how the Revenant weapons work and how the off-hands are purely for utility and how the weapons also share energy.
So, for this part and the rest of my post(s), I will assume that weapons no longer consume energy, but have higher cooldowns and all utilities (except heals) have no cooldowns, but higher energy costs.

How can Sword be fixed up, assuming the changes mentioned?
For starters, make it so Sword 2 is actually reliable damage. Change it back to a single projectile and increase the damage times three. The current iteration is frustrating to use and loses damage by things that are difficult to control.

Second change is to Sword 3. Aside from making it an actual DPS increase, make it so it can focus a single target. It loses too much damage when multiple enemies appear. The entire theme for Sword should be “singling out targets”.

Sword 4 is fine. Sword 5 is technically not bad, but I personally don’t like its current iteration. Here’s my suggestion: make it a very quick dagger throw attack with decent damage, enough to be considered a small DPS increase, then if that attack lands you can activate a second skill which shadowsteps you towards the target and proceeds to activate the current Sword 5. Essentially, you will do some damage and then teleport to your target and pull them to your original location if you so wish.

Shiro Utilities
Overall, I don’t think Shiro utilities are in a bad spot. The biggest issue is the fact that Impossible Odds is worthless whenever you have a half-decent Chronomancer in your party.
What should be the Power DPS legend suddenly loses all merit. One simple way to “fix” this is by making it so IO also increases your damage by a certain amount, enough to justify its use alongside a Chronomancer.

I’m mostly okay with the traits in this line. They do what you’d expect. There’s a lack of mobility in the line despite it being advertised, but I think damage is a more important focus.
I think the only changes I would like is for Vicious Lacerations, Nefarious Momentum, and Dismantle Fortifications getting a Condition focus for synergy with the Corruption trait line. Vicious Lacerations could make it so your auto-attacks have a chance to apply Bleeds, Nefarious Momentum could make it so Shiro utilities increase your Condition damage for a few seconds, and Dismantle Fortifications could increase condition damage done to enemies with a certain vulnerability threshold or something.
Just some ideas.

Cont. in next post.

(edited by Malchior.5732)

Revenant Change Suggestions

in Revenant

Posted by: Malchior.5732


Mace is actually a pretty good weapon and most of its issues could be solved if other issues were resolved first.
Of those, Axe is one of them. It simply is not good as a condition weapon. It’s just good for utility. One change I think would help is to make it so Axe 5 leaves behind a field that pulses extra Torment, making it a little better at applying conditions.

I’m quite sad about the current state of this stance. It was the stance that originally made me love the Revenant so much, but it doesn’t feel very good to play anymore in my opinion.
I would love to see Mallyx reworked, but I admit that I don’t know what would be the best solution. Here’s one idea I’ve had, however:

Now, your “main” damage source for damage in Mallyx is the elite. The other skills are mostly for utility.
Empowering Misery, Pain Absorption, and Banish Enchantment stay the same.
Unyielding Anguish competes too much with Embrace the Darkness, so I believe it should be changed into a CC where it will work as it does now, but it will pull all enemies in a 450 radius and then pulse some Chills with no Torment, but it would pulse decent power damage; turning this into the main Power damage skill in the stance. This gives Mallyx an extra CC skill and some added reach/mob control and gives you more of a reason to take the stance in non-condi builds.

This also helps out EtD, which will now become the main damage portion of the stance. One idea was for it to apply an additional stack of a condition you apply (the Torment pulse would be reduced, however).
This would be extremely strong if it just let you double-up on all your conditions, so they would have a much smaller duration, but it would drastically increase your condi burst while EtD was active.

Another idea was to have it apply a “demon” stack whenever you apply Torment (and it also pulses Torment), which would be sorta like the Reaper’s original Deathly Chill.
It shouldn’t be that insanely strong per stack, but would be a good chunk of extra damage.

The important part is that Mallyx should be a DPS increase!

This line…is a mess.
Lets just start with basics and say that top line should be about sustain and defense, middle line should be power, and bottom line should be conditions.

Replenishing Despair is now a trait that makes it so Mallyx skills that do power damage will also siphon some health.
Venom Enhancement will have its ICD halved.

Bolstered Anguish will make it so you take reduced damage from conditions and their duration is reduced by a small amount.
Frigid Precision will make Critical hits apply Chill as it does, but will also increase your Precision by a small amount on targets with Torment.
Yearning Empowerment will now make it so that targets that stand still take extra damage from Torment (maybe not full, but quite a bit more).

Maniacal Persistence is now the top trait and makes it so conditions on you have reduced duration and you ignore movement-impairing conditions while EtD is active.
Diabolic Inferno remains the same.
Pulsating Pestilence will make it so EtD also pulses some Poison.

Well, those are ideas so far. I will write up the rest tomorrow maybe. Tell me what you think. Some stuff may seem overpowered or underpowered (many of these changes will require damage to be shaved from other areas, for example), but I think the most important thing is this:

tl;dr Shiro and Mallyx should be the DPS legends. If you want damage, you take them. Ideally, in my opinion, if you want max damage and barely any group support, you go Shiro/Mallyx.
From there, you could go Shiro or Mallyx/Glint for extra boon support at the cost of DPS if the team needs it or you could go Jalis over Glint if the team needs more CC and extra survivability or you go Ventari for a healing focus with some defensive utility.
What I want is for Revenant to be able to actually “swap roles” when needed.
For that to work, it needs a solid core to work from, I believe. Anyway, give me your thoughts.

(edited by Malchior.5732)