Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Revenant bug list
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Bugs bugs everywhere. I noticed that sometimes my reveal fails on engi actually, will check out some stuff you mentioned.
As for stability – just like any dodge its supposed to take effect when you finish it. You dont see ranger proccing protection during dodge, but right as it finish and that apply to all classes. I know it sux but that how it is.
To be fair, that Ranger trait did originally proc at the beginning of the dodge, and people had to remind Anet of how silly that was. Hopefully Roy is still looking in here and will take notice of this.
Bugs bugs everywhere. I noticed that sometimes my reveal fails on engi actually, will check out some stuff you mentioned.
As for stability – just like any dodge its supposed to take effect when you finish it. You dont see ranger proccing protection during dodge, but right as it finish and that apply to all classes. I know it sux but that how it is.
To be fair, that Ranger trait did originally proc at the beginning of the dodge, and people had to remind Anet of how silly that was. Hopefully Roy is still looking in here and will take notice of this.
Well im up for that as it would be QoL change if not straight buff/nerf. Right now i get interrupted so i can gain stab which is silly with that change i would be able to simply dodge out of all hard cc. Downside howered is that i will have shorter duration on stab out of dodge.
If stab was raised by 1sec and applied at the start of dodge..yeah that would be win/win.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Bugs bugs everywhere. I noticed that sometimes my reveal fails on engi actually, will check out some stuff you mentioned.
As for stability – just like any dodge its supposed to take effect when you finish it. You dont see ranger proccing protection during dodge, but right as it finish and that apply to all classes. I know it sux but that how it is.
To be fair, that Ranger trait did originally proc at the beginning of the dodge, and people had to remind Anet of how silly that was. Hopefully Roy is still looking in here and will take notice of this.
Well im up for that as it would be QoL change if not straight buff/nerf. Right now i get interrupted so i can gain stab which is silly with that change i would be able to simply dodge out of all hard cc. Downside howered is that i will have shorter duration on stab out of dodge.
If stab was raised by 1sec and applied at the start of dodge..yeah that would be win/win.
You need to be able to move to start a dodge. You can’t dodge out of hard CC … what this would allow you to do is dodge through a wall our a trap that applies CC as you try and cross it. If the stability is added when the dodge starts we would be able to pass through the wall or trap and the stability would be consumed.
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.
Bugs bugs everywhere. I noticed that sometimes my reveal fails on engi actually, will check out some stuff you mentioned.
As for stability – just like any dodge its supposed to take effect when you finish it. You dont see ranger proccing protection during dodge, but right as it finish and that apply to all classes. I know it sux but that how it is.
To be fair, that Ranger trait did originally proc at the beginning of the dodge, and people had to remind Anet of how silly that was. Hopefully Roy is still looking in here and will take notice of this.
Well im up for that as it would be QoL change if not straight buff/nerf. Right now i get interrupted so i can gain stab which is silly with that change i would be able to simply dodge out of all hard cc. Downside howered is that i will have shorter duration on stab out of dodge.
If stab was raised by 1sec and applied at the start of dodge..yeah that would be win/win.
You need to be able to move to start a dodge. You can’t dodge out of hard CC … what this would allow you to do is dodge through a wall our a trap that applies CC as you try and cross it. If the stability is added when the dodge starts we would be able to pass through the wall or trap and the stability would be consumed.
Soft cc – cripple/immo/chill
Cc – knockdowns, knockbacks, stuns, dazes, floating etc
Hard cc – lines of warding, slick shoes, dragon maw etc
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Dindt testes that stuff yet but theres one interesing thing i found. If used on ally shield can provide 4sec protection to them, yet it olny provides 2 seconds to us? Im not sure if its trolling or what but from what i understand if it affects allies both way then it should do the same for us when we use it on yourself. Would someone consider it as a bug or intended?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Anyone else get a bug when using sword #3 on an enemy that blinks mid UA? I got teleported along with the ele and my revenant was totally frozen for 5-10 seconds.
Not sure if this is a bug or not but I noticed with the mace AA there seems to be a delay in attacks. It’s usually between the first and second attack of the chain, but I have noticed that sometimes the delay happens between the second and third as well. I have NOT had similar problems with the sword or staff AA.
I have better information about Momentary Pacification based on some BWE3 testing that I performed. Nothing has changed since I made this post: (about halfway down the page)
copy/paste from my feedback thread
-Momentary Pacification is located in the Salvation trait line as a Grand Master trait. The trait is supposed to apply daze to up to 5 enemies around you in a 360 radius when using an elite skill. Which it does, kind of.
Originally my testing from BWE 2 let me come to the conclusion that the Daze effect from this trait was overwriting any heavy CC that your actual elite skill may produce. After testing this under some more controlled circumstances I was able to figure out that the daze from this trait does not originate from the elite skill itself, but from the Revenant casting the skill. This mechanic has some funny effects on some of the elite skills:
Jade Winds works fine, it will apply both its unique stun named “Jade” and the daze to a target.
Rite of the Great Dwarf works as intended.
Embrace the Darkness works as intended.
Energy Expulsion does not apply the daze at all depending on where you detonate your tablet. This is because the daze will originate from the Revenant. Unless you detonate your tablet in such a way that it knocks the enemy towards you, it will not daze them.
Facet of Chaos will only apply the daze if used within a certain range of the enemy. The trait has a radius of 360, but Facet of Chaos has a range of 450. This means that when used up close the knockback from your Facet will be cancelled by the daze applied from Momentary Pacification, but if used from almost max distance, Facet of Chaos will not apply the daze at all. This is particularly frustrating because it means that running this specific trait will break your Facet by cancelling its own CC effect, or simply be a wasted trait.
I reached out to Roy through twitter for an answer to this about two weeks ago, he replied to me explaining that the player will be under the effect of whatever CC is applied to them last. As a suggestion to fix the interaction between the trait and Facet of Chaos I think that applying the daze much earlier into the cast for the Facet would allow for both to work as intended. As the timing currently sits the daze is applied after the knockback, making the hard CC from the Facet itself completely useless.
Co-Leader of the Get Fresh Crew
Hi i dont know if anyone say it but i have few thinks in my short list:
1. Why skills 1-5 costs energy and have cooldowns? If i have no energy i cant use my basic skils this i think nerf for that class. Let them have cooldowns or only energy cost.
2. Swaping legends negets effects what we use in last legend.
3. Only 2 legends to use? Sorry but i see all of players use the same build. Why? Becouse only 2 legends for fight and only to good for use.
4. Ekhem… why revenant dont have race skills? No comment.
5. Revenant need more skills in legends, all other class can change 6-0 skills using the best. We can only use that what legend is giving to us, swaping to other gives maybe 2 good skills for use and cooldown to use last legend. Elementalist have 4 elements, no swaping weapons, we have 2 legends, swaping weapon in my opinion to low legends.
6. Elite specjalist herald must be new legend for use not in the same slot what we have now 2, but in new slot, 3 slot. Other class have new skill bars, etc. Revenant dont have new bar but he must delete one for new one.
I dont know how you play pvp but i have big problems to win pvp matchs. Sorry i always are in last 2 places. When i play my necro im in 2 first places. If you have good build for pvp and good game i whanna see it. (Sorry for my bad english).
Shared Empowerment.
The trait in itself isn’t bugged, but its interaction with your facets is.
The trait has a 1sec cd and you can have multiple Facets active. However all the facets pulse at the same time no matter when you actually activate the facets. As such they all pulsate at the same second, which leads to Shared Empowerment only activating once every 3 seconds.
Now if your facets would be able to pulse at seperate times from eachother then the trait would likely work right (I haven’t tried this as it’s hard to try by applying boons between the 3sec interval and also keeping an eye on the might stacks) the trait could be too strong but then it could just get a 3sec cd so it doesn’t feel off. It might also be somewhat hard to activate the facets at the right times to get the max out of the trait that way.
This vengefull hammer cancel thing is very annoying…
Just the WvW
Sadly this trait working as intended. One effect overwrites another one which is kinda funny as it doesnt work with Ventari at all. I bielieve the daze effect should be delayed by 3seconds once youre done casting elite. But then again that may be a bit confusing.. would be better to just delete it.
Shared Empowerment.
The trait in itself isn’t bugged, but its interaction with your facets is.
The trait has a 1sec cd and you can have multiple Facets active. However all the facets pulse at the same time no matter when you actually activate the facets. As such they all pulsate at the same second, which leads to Shared Empowerment only activating once every 3 seconds.Now if your facets would be able to pulse at seperate times from eachother then the trait would likely work right (I haven’t tried this as it’s hard to try by applying boons between the 3sec interval and also keeping an eye on the might stacks) the trait could be too strong but then it could just get a 3sec cd so it doesn’t feel off. It might also be somewhat hard to activate the facets at the right times to get the max out of the trait that way.
That is intended by desing. There are other ways to get max of this trait. I personally use sigil of str for that reason as it proc nicely with sword 2might/sec.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Sadly this trait working as intended. One effect overwrites another one which is kinda funny as it doesnt work with Ventari at all. I bielieve the daze effect should be delayed by 3seconds once youre done casting elite. But then again that may be a bit confusing.. would be better to just delete it.
Shared Empowerment.
…That is intended by desing. There are other ways to get max of this trait. I personally use sigil of str for that reason as it proc nicely with sword 2might/sec.
Could you provide me the link where this has been detailed? I don’t get why they would do it this way so I would love to read up on that if possible.
Just faced an odd bug in Snowblind fractal against the final boss, facets kept instantly deactivating for no apparent reason, seems the random deactivation bug is still very apparent in some places.
Sadly this trait working as intended. One effect overwrites another one which is kinda funny as it doesnt work with Ventari at all. I bielieve the daze effect should be delayed by 3seconds once youre done casting elite. But then again that may be a bit confusing.. would be better to just delete it.
Shared Empowerment.
…That is intended by desing. There are other ways to get max of this trait. I personally use sigil of str for that reason as it proc nicely with sword 2might/sec.
Could you provide me the link where this has been detailed? I don’t get why they would do it this way so I would love to read up on that if possible.
Look in Roy post history. Someone else had already issue with that.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Sadly this trait working as intended. One effect overwrites another one which is kinda funny as it doesnt work with Ventari at all. I bielieve the daze effect should be delayed by 3seconds once youre done casting elite. But then again that may be a bit confusing.. would be better to just delete it.
Indeed it is working as intended, and I do suggest exactly what you have said later in that post. Delaying the daze or applying it sooner would fix the problem as it would still deliver the double interrupt that I was wanting to get out of this trait. I’d love to see it not get removed entirely, because it has a rather unique use in WvW/PvP, and basically acts as Dismantle Fortifications from the Devastation line, but allows you access to dodge roll condition clear and blinds, rather than the DPS focused Shiro traits.
Co-Leader of the Get Fresh Crew
Anyone else get a bug when using sword #3 on an enemy that blinks mid UA? I got teleported along with the ele and my revenant was totally frozen for 5-10 seconds.
by frozen you mean unable to walk? That would be the movebug that is given randomly just by walking, but more common with dodges and shadowsteps, which the blink is. If frozen in a different way then you’d need to clarify. The following with target seemed to have been intended even in beta (you could follow a portal apparently). On that note, it rather sucks the skill essentially fails when your target stealths >.> although I guess I get the reason for that yet ranged channeled skills would keep hitting. I’m mixed on changing this though, because that may require other changes to the skill that might be a bigger detriment. Anyways, if I misunderstood the ‘totally frozen’ then could you clarify?
Hi i dont know if anyone say it but i have few thinks in my short list:
1. Why skills 1-5 costs energy and have cooldowns? If i have no energy i cant use my basic skils this i think nerf for that class. Let them have cooldowns or only energy cost.
2. Swaping legends negets effects what we use in last legend.
3. Only 2 legends to use? Sorry but i see all of players use the same build. Why? Becouse only 2 legends for fight and only to good for use.
4. Ekhem… why revenant dont have race skills? No comment.
5. Revenant need more skills in legends, all other class can change 6-0 skills using the best. We can only use that what legend is giving to us, swaping to other gives maybe 2 good skills for use and cooldown to use last legend. Elementalist have 4 elements, no swaping weapons, we have 2 legends, swaping weapon in my opinion to low legends.
6. Elite specjalist herald must be new legend for use not in the same slot what we have now 2, but in new slot, 3 slot. Other class have new skill bars, etc. Revenant dont have new bar but he must delete one for new one.
I dont know how you play pvp but i have big problems to win pvp matchs. Sorry i always are in last 2 places. When i play my necro im in 2 first places. If you have good build for pvp and good game i whanna see it. (Sorry for my bad english).
#1, it’s skills 2-5. If they didn’t have energy cost, they’d have much longer cooldowns, they’d have to.
#2, that makes sense though, and is an intended mechanic
#3, depending on purpose you want your build to be, dictates which legends you are going to want to use, this is similar to other classes. You have some in mallyx/shiro or mallyx/jalis perhaps, mallyx is by nature more condi oriented so power generally would not use it but could), some in jalis/shiro, herald/jalis, could do herald/shiro. Ventari has uses but is more niche I think, I never cared for it at all so can’t really comment on it. This isn’t everyone using the same build or even same legends. Now, that was in general sense but for pvp, most players using same builds is generally how it goes anyways.
#4, the no racial skills, well, that would require effort for no real gain. Few people would probably even use the racial skills since in general they are… weak. Not said, they definitely need to fix the underwater legends to be split from land like it should be.
#5, Rev is balanced around these specific skills on the legends for a reason. This is why it was given weapon swap, though, because it was too restricted not having kits like engi or more ‘attunements’ like ele and not being able to change utilities.
6. You don’t have to use the glint legend with the elite spec for herald anymore than you have to put gyro’s in your utility for scrapper or shouts on reaper.
Anyone else get a bug when using sword #3 on an enemy that blinks mid UA? I got teleported along with the ele and my revenant was totally frozen for 5-10 seconds.
by frozen you mean unable to walk? That would be the movebug that is given randomly just by walking, but more common with dodges and shadowsteps, which the blink is. If frozen in a different way then you’d need to clarify. The following with target seemed to have been intended even in beta (you could follow a portal apparently). On that note, it rather sucks the skill essentially fails when your target stealths >.> although I guess I get the reason for that yet ranged channeled skills would keep hitting. I’m mixed on changing this though, because that may require other changes to the skill that might be a bigger detriment. Anyways, if I misunderstood the ‘totally frozen’ then could you clarify?
I had no ability to move in any direction. As for skills, my camera was very far away and I couldn’t see much. This occurred during an ele’s Lightning Flash.
1. Why skills 1-5 costs energy and have cooldowns? If i have no energy i cant use my basic skils this i think nerf for that class. Let them have cooldowns or only energy cost.
Tbh i have to disagree with you. Our weapon skill cd’s arent short at all in many cases. Shield and staff actually has huge cd’s, sword offhand cd’s are not different by any means from warrior and so basically any other offhand skills we have -mace and torch.
Sword 3 has the same cd as every other move similiar to it like blurred frenzy. Where we could say that we have low cd’s are skills on 2 but most of them are quite useless except hammer. So no, i cannot really agree on the short cds.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
- Hammer
-Skill 2 bugs a lot on uneven terrain, even small stone prevents it from landing a hit and stops the animation. Doesnt hit at max distance as animation indicates. It also sometimes aim in totally different direction from target (will make a vid later).
-Skill 3 miss on uneven terrain. Pressing wep swap cancels the animation
-Skill 5 when interupted let it be by ourself or enemy goes on full cd and consumes energy before the skill take effect. Animation playing 2 times…
Warriors had similar issue since launch. Highly doubt this will be fixed.
- Hammer
-Skill 2 bugs a lot on uneven terrain, even small stone prevents it from landing a hit and stops the animation. Doesnt hit at max distance as animation indicates. It also sometimes aim in totally different direction from target (will make a vid later).
-Skill 3 miss on uneven terrain. Pressing wep swap cancels the animation
-Skill 5 when interupted let it be by ourself or enemy goes on full cd and consumes energy before the skill take effect. Animation playing 2 times…
Warriors had similar issue since launch. Highly doubt this will be fixed.
Ruins? Maybe. It depends.
Phase smash? It can be fixed witohut any issues, tell you how? Right now you jump into air instead of following ground like other leaps let it be swoop, rush, rtl. The jump in the air is a reason why it doesnt work on uneven terrain. Changing that would fix this skill.
Everything can be fixed if want to. Notice that phase smash generally doesnt have many issues hitting target above you, but it has issues hitting under you. Rebember? Jump in the air during animation.
Now that i think about CoR it also can be fixed. But most likely it would change this skill a bit. But hey, its not really my problem, is it? If “professional” devs aims for esport they cannot let bugs be deciding factors in their games. Imagine that rage it one kill would be a decision between win and lose in competive game, youre there..aiming..miss..due to game bug. Time over, enemy team won due to game bug..Oh yeah i can imagine that already.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
Anyone else get a bug when using sword #3 on an enemy that blinks mid UA? I got teleported along with the ele and my revenant was totally frozen for 5-10 seconds.
by frozen you mean unable to walk? That would be the movebug that is given randomly just by walking, but more common with dodges and shadowsteps, which the blink is. If frozen in a different way then you’d need to clarify. The following with target seemed to have been intended even in beta (you could follow a portal apparently). On that note, it rather sucks the skill essentially fails when your target stealths >.> although I guess I get the reason for that yet ranged channeled skills would keep hitting. I’m mixed on changing this though, because that may require other changes to the skill that might be a bigger detriment. Anyways, if I misunderstood the ‘totally frozen’ then could you clarify?
I had no ability to move in any direction. As for skills, my camera was very far away and I couldn’t see much. This occurred during an ele’s Lightning Flash.
Yeah that would be the general movebug that has gotten so much worse the past month or 2. It triggers even on dodges now (over a year ago, maybe around 16 months ago? We had this issue really bad then. In some ways though I think it’s worse now. I was rooted for no reason, no immob, nothing and basically had to stand there for 10 seconds. Doing /dance would often allow you to move, but even that seems to not always work now.
1. Why skills 1-5 costs energy and have cooldowns? If i have no energy i cant use my basic skils this i think nerf for that class. Let them have cooldowns or only energy cost.
Tbh i have to disagree with you. Our weapon skill cd’s arent short at all in many cases. Shield and staff actually has huge cd’s, sword offhand cd’s are not different by any means from warrior and so basically any other offhand skills we have -mace and torch.
Sword 3 has the same cd as every other move similiar to it like blurred frenzy. Where we could say that we have low cd’s are skills on 2 but most of them are quite useless except hammer. So no, i cannot really agree on the short cds.
What I’m saying is, Anet WOULD increase the cooldowns if they did not have an energy cost. They would feel obligated to do so. I believe Roy stated this during a beta weekend feedback or probably before even.
Or they’d cut the output of them more than we are likely to get.
(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)
Don’t really fall in revenant bug list but definitly this stolen essence sap by thief is extremly op! When it’s supposed to give a one second slow it actually give a 7 seconds slow, enough for easily down you.
(edited by gannondorf.7628)
Nothing on down 3 skill being bugged? Vengeful Blast doesn’t pulse 4 times in a 360 radius or the text is incorrect. It might be terrain bugged as well.
Nothing on down 3 skill being bugged? Vengeful Blast doesn’t pulse 4 times in a 360 radius or the text is incorrect. It might be terrain bugged as well.
I honestly dont even understand how it is supposed to work. It says something about damage per pulse, yet i dont see any pulses. Just one big number like from from engi 3 but without knockback. Its a question to dev.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I mean warrior hammer an uneven terrain. (The vanilla hammer burst as exemple.) Those skills will miss if you fight on slope. We have been complaining on that pretty much since launch.
My biggest 2 issues are Vengeful Hammers (already listed) and Dwarf Stance (Jalis) underwater. VH is the most useful Dwarf utility. That any sort of “solid” terrain switches it off is ridiculous as well as irritating. Surely these hammers, summoned from the Mists, are ethereal as much as they are “real”?
As for underwater… Alright, we spend 90% of our time on land, and I can understand why Dwarf shouldn’t be allowed to function underwater. However, why can’t the game remember that underwater I want a choice of two stances that aren’t dwarf, whereas on land I want dwarf + 1 other?
That’s just rank bad design. And on the subject of QA, which should have flagged this up & stopped it, as an IT professional, may I just point out that this is actually QC, not QA? Quality Control is the process of making sure your product works. Quality Assurance is the process of making sure your QC works!
Whether Anet understand the difference is moot. Whatever they call their teams (if they have them), they are either rubbish or ignored. These are minor bugs affecting one class. How you can release Legendary Collections with unobtainable items, or create new crafting materials without allocating Collection slots for them in the bank is beyond me. Those are such basic & obvious QC checks that it’s utterly ridiculous that they have not been sorted out before go-live.
Bug bug and bump
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I want to point out another absolutely stupid bug with UA. First off, I’ve had moments where necros can apply conditions to me while UA is attacking. Not when I’m starting it but full on into the supposed “invulnerable state”. Second, it gets interrupted by any sort of wall or barrier skill such as fear wall on necro, elite trap and longbow 5 on dragonhunter. Third, I’ve had two separate occassions now where my camera gets disconnected from my character and my character just stands there unable to move or do anything. Both times I died as I was literally a sitting target. Combined with the silly wall and terrain bugs, it’s becoming very frustrating to use unrelenting assault…
I’d like to add one more thing to the list: Legends while underwater. Now I don’t know if this is a bug perse but it seems the legends you have on land carry on to underwater. We can only use Shiro and Mallyx underwater.
This in itself is not exactly a problem because the legends can be swapped underwater too but it’s strange that I have Glint underwater with no utility skills available and yet if I had passive facets on while on land they carry on being active underwater too.
I want to point out another absolutely stupid bug with UA. First off, I’ve had moments where necros can apply conditions to me while UA is attacking. Not when I’m starting it but full on into the supposed “invulnerable state”. Second, it gets interrupted by any sort of wall or barrier skill such as fear wall on necro, elite trap and longbow 5 on dragonhunter. Third, I’ve had two separate occassions now where my camera gets disconnected from my character and my character just stands there unable to move or do anything. Both times I died as I was literally a sitting target. Combined with the silly wall and terrain bugs, it’s becoming very frustrating to use unrelenting assault…
It counts as an evade, not invuln, and is subject to the same rules as a dodge. You can’t dodge past a fear wall, or ring of warding, or etc. The failing to hit at all just because a pebble is nearby is an issue. Careful against walls as well because you can end up stuck within in some cases.
The camera thing is an issue. You have to do an emote like /dance to ‘fix’ it. It’s a lot like the movement bug issue.
One of my personal favourites is that if you go down as you activate Vengeful Hammers, they stay up, even in defeated state and will chip away at your enemies heels as your char takes a nap. They despawn when your revived but its still funny to watch hammers spinning around a corpse
revenant – Hoogles Von Boogles
Mesmer – hoogelz
Sword 3 got me stuck inside of walls on several occasions.
I want to point out another absolutely stupid bug with UA. First off, I’ve had moments where necros can apply conditions to me while UA is attacking. Not when I’m starting it but full on into the supposed “invulnerable state”. Second, it gets interrupted by any sort of wall or barrier skill such as fear wall on necro, elite trap and longbow 5 on dragonhunter. Third, I’ve had two separate occassions now where my camera gets disconnected from my character and my character just stands there unable to move or do anything. Both times I died as I was literally a sitting target. Combined with the silly wall and terrain bugs, it’s becoming very frustrating to use unrelenting assault…
It counts as an evade, not invuln, and is subject to the same rules as a dodge. You can’t dodge past a fear wall, or ring of warding, or etc. The failing to hit at all just because a pebble is nearby is an issue. Careful against walls as well because you can end up stuck within in some cases.
The camera thing is an issue. You have to do an emote like /dance to ‘fix’ it. It’s a lot like the movement bug issue.
kitten really? Well… looks like I’m gonna have to keep being really careful when I use UA against necros running fear walls and DH traps
Still, that wall bug when its actual game terrain needs to be fixed bad. I absolutely hate using it defensively in pve only for a mob to walk into a wall or ledge and have it bug out. It makes it extremely unreliable in anything other than open spaces.
I dont even use ua in pve. It often bugs out and cancel itself on new maps for no reason.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I would like to add from the Demon Stance that Empowering Misery does not heal for each condi put on you, it will only heal per individual condition, basically if you have 10 stacks of fire it will only heal you for 1 condi. unless this is intended?
Empowering Misery
Healing Healing: 4,600
Healing Heal per Condition: 596
I would like to add from the Demon Stance that Empowering Misery does not heal for each condi put on you, it will only heal per individual condition, basically if you have 10 stacks of fire it will only heal you for 1 condi. unless this is intended?
Empowering Misery
Healing Healing: 4,600
Healing Heal per Condition: 596
yes is for each stack, would be OP otherwise (think of 20 stacks of bleeding or torment).
So either 1 or 5 stacks of burning is 500+ bonus
Wat r u, casul?
Btw, if one could post animation bugs from races it could be useful info as well. I olny play charr and theres olny one odd thing – sword 2 doesnt do spin move while moving. Is there any other stuff similiar to that one?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Btw, if one could post animation bugs from races it could be useful info as well. I olny play charr and theres olny one odd thing – sword 2 doesnt do spin move while moving. Is there any other stuff similiar to that one?
Charr master race <3
Wat r u, casul?
I would like to add from the Demon Stance that Empowering Misery does not heal for each condi put on you, it will only heal per individual condition, basically if you have 10 stacks of fire it will only heal you for 1 condi. unless this is intended?
Empowering Misery
Healing Healing: 4,600
Healing Heal per Condition: 596yes is for each stack, would be OP otherwise (think of 20 stacks of bleeding or torment).
So either 1 or 5 stacks of burning is 500+ bonus
So basically if I have 5 stacks of fire, 5 stacks of Torment, 5 stacks of poison, 5 stacks of bleeding, it will only heal for 4 condi’s x 500
I would like to add from the Demon Stance that Empowering Misery does not heal for each condi put on you, it will only heal per individual condition, basically if you have 10 stacks of fire it will only heal you for 1 condi. unless this is intended?
Empowering Misery
Healing Healing: 4,600
Healing Heal per Condition: 596yes is for each stack, would be OP otherwise (think of 20 stacks of bleeding or torment).
So either 1 or 5 stacks of burning is 500+ bonusSo basically if I have 5 stacks of fire, 5 stacks of Torment, 5 stacks of poison, 5 stacks of bleeding, it will only heal for 4 condi’s x 500
yes exactly + the basic healing + the bonus resistence if you trait for it (even with resistence the malus from poison still applies, beware )
Wat r u, casul?
I would like to add from the Demon Stance that Empowering Misery does not heal for each condi put on you, it will only heal per individual condition, basically if you have 10 stacks of fire it will only heal you for 1 condi. unless this is intended?
Empowering Misery
Healing Healing: 4,600
Healing Heal per Condition: 596yes is for each stack, would be OP otherwise (think of 20 stacks of bleeding or torment).
So either 1 or 5 stacks of burning is 500+ bonusSo basically if I have 5 stacks of fire, 5 stacks of Torment, 5 stacks of poison, 5 stacks of bleeding, it will only heal for 4 condi’s x 500
yes exactly + the basic healing + the bonus resistence if you trait for it (even with resistence the malus from poison still applies, beware
man that sucks so we really dont have much to mitigate condi’s when we cant cleanse them…
So..i have runned in this cookie. It almost felt like someone wished worked (is it Christmas yet?). I dont kow what caused it or whatever but during UA i dindt had evade frames. The situation i was in was 1v2 where mesmer was downed and a ranger. Both ranger and clone managed to hit me in evade frames.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Yeah it’s bugged. I’ve been hit by conditions while in Unrelenting Assault as well and I don’t just mean confusion proccing which is also another stupid bug.
Yeah it’s bugged. I’ve been hit by conditions while in Unrelenting Assault as well and I don’t just mean confusion proccing which is also another stupid bug.
I don’t think it evades damaging condis from certain attacks that aren’t the type to proc on crit/hit, just direct damage attacks. But I could be misunderstanding what you meant. I haven’t had a coffee yet today…
Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers
Yeah it’s bugged. I’ve been hit by conditions while in Unrelenting Assault as well and I don’t just mean confusion proccing which is also another stupid bug.
I don’t think it evades damaging condis from certain attacks that aren’t the type to proc on crit/hit, just direct damage attacks. But I could be misunderstanding what you meant. I haven’t had a coffee yet today…
Actually what seems to happen is that Unrelenting Assault does 7 strikes, after each of those strikes, there is a brief moment where you are actually vulnerable. If you look at Burtnik’s photo in this thread, you will see it proves this theory. Which you can say is counterplay to UA but at the same time, it’s really dumb as it does something similar to Beta Weekend 2 Unrelenting Assault as in it makes you dive into certain death and take hits that you have no way of avoiding if timed right.
That theory makes a lot of sense and could also explain why unlike every other channeled skill in game UA breaks on stealth (when obviously channeled abilities were meant to be a counter to stealth). Howered as far i rebember my evade on ua broke that time, dindt made full ss but i took also a hit from illusionary rogue that killed me before the last hit of ua. Weird stuff.
Interesing enough i dont get blinded from vet scouts blind field during phase smash unlike UA.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.