Roy, I'm going through withdrawal!!!
I’m having a hard time even logging in.
PB Officer
Agreed. What a mess. My favorite character for 3 years does pretty much nothing for me now…
What is this cruel joke?
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Have been fine tuning the looks, build and name for my rev for a while now and it’s pretty much defined.
I want to play it soon.
I can barely play anything else.
Herald of Ventari
Thankfully the fall shows are back on TV and give me entertainment enough to not think about GW2 until the 23rd.
PB Officer
Yea, I don’t feel like playing on my Ele anymore. Just doing it for dungeons every now and then and getting the dailies.
Revenant is too much fun.
Agreed. What a mess. My favorite character for 3 years does pretty much nothing for me now…
What is this cruel joke?
Hey ronpierce, you’re a ranger main too right?
I know why your favorite character for 3 yrs don’t help, because Druid is such a disappointment
Agreed. What a mess. My favorite character for 3 years does pretty much nothing for me now…
What is this cruel joke?Hey ronpierce, you’re a ranger main too right?
I know why your favorite character for 3 yrs don’t help, because Druid is such a disappointment
No, no, no. I’m a necro main. Reaper is actually super fun, but that’s the problem. Both Reaper AND Revenant makes base Necro feel boring. But even then, Revenant is more fun than Reaper… :/
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Game Designer
Glad to hear you all can’t wait until launch, me too. It’ll be here soon™, exciting times!
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.
Agreed. What a mess. My favorite character for 3 years does pretty much nothing for me now…
What is this cruel joke?Hey ronpierce, you’re a ranger main too right?
I know why your favorite character for 3 yrs don’t help, because Druid is such a disappointment
No, no, no. I’m a necro main. Reaper is actually super fun, but that’s the problem. Both Reaper AND Revenant makes base Necro feel boring. But even then, Revenant is more fun than Reaper… :/
At least your favourite specializations are the same as me
this waiting is unbearable.
2 weeks…i can JUST DO IT
Wat r u, casul?
Soooo Roy, remember that thread about possibly releasing rev early so we could start HoT with other players and get important things like hero points and waypoints?
had any thoughts about that yet? :P
Agreed. What a mess. My favorite character for 3 years does pretty much nothing for me now…
What is this cruel joke?Hey ronpierce, you’re a ranger main too right?
I know why your favorite character for 3 yrs don’t help, because Druid is such a disappointment
No, no, no. I’m a necro main. Reaper is actually super fun, but that’s the problem. Both Reaper AND Revenant makes base Necro feel boring. But even then, Revenant is more fun than Reaper… :/
This is exactly my problem I have a Necromancer main I have played since launch, and the Reaper just makes it awesome. But I also love the Revenant. I honestly am having a terrible time deciding between the two as I really only have time to play one of them.
I am thinking Revenant since I don’t have any heavy classes leveled, and I can level armorsmith and weaponsmith for the achievements. But kitten … Reaper… soo good.
Agreed. What a mess. My favorite character for 3 years does pretty much nothing for me now…
What is this cruel joke?Hey ronpierce, you’re a ranger main too right?
I know why your favorite character for 3 yrs don’t help, because Druid is such a disappointment
No, no, no. I’m a necro main. Reaper is actually super fun, but that’s the problem. Both Reaper AND Revenant makes base Necro feel boring. But even then, Revenant is more fun than Reaper… :/
This is exactly my problem I have a Necromancer main I have played since launch, and the Reaper just makes it awesome. But I also love the Revenant. I honestly am having a terrible time deciding between the two as I really only have time to play one of them.
I am thinking Revenant since I don’t have any heavy classes leveled, and I can level armorsmith and weaponsmith for the achievements. But kitten … Reaper… soo good.
Common feelings here…
It’s a fun class to play indeed. Shiro moblity is over the top though. The utility teleport needs a few seconds of CD if used on targets out of range.
6k+ PvP games
It’s a fun class to play indeed. Shiro moblity is over the top though. The utility teleport needs a few seconds of CD if used on targets out of range.
it does: using it once is fine. using it twice puts you at the target with little energy remaining and a few seconds of waiting before you can use it again (effectively a 2 second CD), using it a third time fully drains your energy and you have to either fight with no energy or switch stances, or a 4 second CDif you need to use it again.
let’s not forget that thieves also get a shadowstep with no CD and can be targeted.
energy isn’t free, much like thieves we are limited by resources instead of CDs
(edited by Calcifire.1864)
Yes, remember that energy is essentially a visual representation of cooldowns. It’s similiar to thief initiative which is just a shared cooldown pool for thief weapon skills visually represented.
Anyway, can’t wait for the Revenant.
Soooo Roy, remember that thread about possibly releasing rev early so we could start HoT with other players and get important things like hero points and waypoints?
had any thoughts about that yet? :P
How dare you give me hope more obsession! Now I will be checking the news and boards even more…
It’s a fun class to play indeed. Shiro moblity is over the top though. The utility teleport needs a few seconds of CD if used on targets out of range.
it does: using it once is fine. using it twice puts you at the target with little energy remaining and a few seconds of waiting before you can use it again (effectively a 2 second CD), using it a third time fully drains your energy and you have to either fight with no energy or switch stances, or a 4 second CDif you need to use it again.
let’s not forget that thieves also get a shadowstep with no CD and can be targeted.
energy isn’t free, much like thieves we are limited by resources instead of CDs
Guess what thief has to use all his initative(and wait 2 more secs) to use Infiltrator’s arrow 3 times(2700 range). There is nothing to swap in order to regain initiative. Thief has high mobility at the cost of being weak in even numbered fights.
While revenant is a stronger fighter with much better mobility. He can use phase traversal 2 times and he is already in range for Unrelenting Assault(45 energy only). Phase Traversal requiring a target is a big weakness but also a strength: It bypasses line of sight limitations and in WvW you can always outrun anyone using the NPCs and Walls as targets. It can roam better in SPvP than a thief if there is a target at a point and immediately deal damage and get unblockable bonuses with their teleports.
I’m not asking to remove this skill or something. I’m only asking to give it like 5s of cooldown ONLY if the target was out of range as I honestly think it should be.
6k+ PvP games
(edited by Kicker.8203)
Still waiting on that time machine…..
Revenant Team Lead & Guardian Advisor
Commander “Elscia” – Jade Quarry
I literally just run around in circles at the grove waiting to play my main.
Guess what thief has to use all his initative(and wait 2 more secs) to use Infiltrator’s arrow 3 times(2700 range). There is nothing to swap in order to regain initiative. Thief has high mobility at the cost of being weak in even numbered fights.
While revenant is a stronger fighter with much better mobility. He can use phase traversal 2 times and he is already in range for Unrelenting Assault(45 energy only). Phase Traversal requiring a target is a big weakness but also a strength: It bypasses line of sight limitations and in WvW you can always outrun anyone using the NPCs and Walls as targets. It can roam better in SPvP than a thief if there is a target at a point and immediately deal damage and get unblockable bonuses with their teleports.I’m not asking to remove this skill or something. I’m only asking to give it like 5s of cooldown ONLY if the target was out of range as I honestly think it should be.
Standard mobility of the Revenant is already pretty bad, I’d be wary of lowering it even more. When I played without Shiro (like how many Revs will be), I felt pretty slow in combat, which meant death in many situations.
Also, talking about Thief, it has plenty of stealth on top of their teleports, which is a hard counter to phase traversal when attempting to run away. Pop stealth and LOS the Rev so they can’t target you… job done. Funnily enough, it’s also a hard counter to Rev sword #3. Stealth will be very powerful vs some Revenants it seems.
(P.S. — 2 phase traversals + 1 unrelenting assault is a total of 55 energy.)
What in the world people!! This thread is not about freaking balance! Go away and stop derailing the thread.
Standard mobility of the Revenant is already pretty bad, I’d be wary of lowering it even more. When I played without Shiro (like how many Revs will be), I felt pretty slow in combat, which meant death in many situations.
Also, talking about Thief, it has plenty of stealth on top of their teleports, which is a hard counter to phase traversal when attempting to run away. Pop stealth and LOS the Rev so they can’t target you… job done. Funnily enough, it’s also a hard counter to Rev sword #3. Stealth will be very powerful vs some Revenants it seems.
(P.S. — 2 phase traversals + 1 unrelenting assault is a total of 55 energy.)
You can’t just break target and the LOS the revenant the whole game. You need to cap points without stealth. Only D/P thieves have on-demand stealth, which can be countered by revenant’s instant reveal.
It’s not just revenants teleporting on thieves. But any other class trying to disengage.
Revenant has perma swiftness without any trait investment. In shiro you also get super speed + the teleport.
(P.S. — indeed 2 phase traversals + 1 unrelenting assault is a total of 55 energy, but that doesn’t change the fact they can use them all at once.)
Sorry to Roy for discussing it here.
6k+ PvP games
Glad to hear you all can’t wait until launch, me too.
It’ll be here soon™, exciting times!
Please give the pre-orderererererers get it a few days before launch I love my Revenant and need to kill zhaitan again and catch up with the story and get it to level 80 before HoT story Dx I need my Revvy
Glad to hear you all can’t wait until launch, me too.
It’ll be here soon™, exciting times!
Please give the pre-orderererererers get it a few days before launch
I love my Revenant and need to kill zhaitan again and catch up with the story and get it to level 80 before HoT story Dx I need my Revvy
14 days left….
Glad to hear you all can’t wait until launch, me too.
It’ll be here soon™, exciting times!
Please give the pre-orderererererers get it a few days before launch
I love my Revenant and need to kill zhaitan again and catch up with the story and get it to level 80 before HoT story Dx I need my Revvy
14 days left….
Yes and the withdrawal is real
Glad to hear you all can’t wait until launch, me too.
It’ll be here soon™, exciting times!
Please give the pre-orderererererers get it a few days before launch
I love my Revenant and need to kill zhaitan again and catch up with the story and get it to level 80 before HoT story Dx I need my Revvy
yes please! even 3-4 days would be great. I like to have story up to date on my mains… not to mention it’d be nice to have some mapping and such done…
Glad to hear you all can’t wait until launch, me too.
It’ll be here soon™, exciting times!
Please give the pre-orderererererers get it a few days before launch
I love my Revenant and need to kill zhaitan again and catch up with the story and get it to level 80 before HoT story Dx I need my Revvy
14 days left….
Yes and the withdrawal is real
I feel and empty vessel.
And I can’t even channel my emotions right now.
Wat r u, casul?
Glad to hear you all can’t wait until launch, me too.
It’ll be here soon™, exciting times!
Please give the pre-orderererererers get it a few days before launch
I love my Revenant and need to kill zhaitan again and catch up with the story and get it to level 80 before HoT story Dx I need my Revvy
14 days left….
Yes and the withdrawal is real
I feel and empty vessel.
And I can’t even channel my emotions right now.
It was such an invoxicating experience everything else is plain in comparison I can’t swap yet to get my energy back so all I can do is sit here stare and wait for my F1 to work again 0% energy right now
Hardly logged in since the beta weekend ended :’( I think this expansion is counterproductive!
New bunker meta sux
Glad to hear you all can’t wait until launch, me too.
It’ll be here soon™, exciting times!
Please give the pre-orderererererers get it a few days before launch
I love my Revenant and need to kill zhaitan again and catch up with the story and get it to level 80 before HoT story Dx I need my Revvy
yes please! even 3-4 days would be great. I like to have story up to date on my mains… not to mention it’d be nice to have some mapping and such done…
This would be really great, it would be very nice to have Revenants able to explore the new content at the same time as everyone else.
2 more weeks to go!!
I don’t think I can make it! <GASP>!
2 more weeks to go!!
I don’t think I can make it! <GASP>!
yeah exactly 2 weeks today…this is getting intense ò_ò
Wat r u, casul?
I hope I won’t be overloaded with college stuff when it’s launched so I can do world completion on my rev.
Herald of Ventari
I hope I won’t be overloaded with college stuff when it’s launched so I can do world completion on my rev.
I think i’ll just do WayPoint and HeroPoints, let’s say 15m per map, 30+ maps=8h+ to be done. Fair.
Wat r u, casul?
The waiting is excruciating enough but I’m more worried about not having access to Herald right away for launch day. Would really like to be gathering hero points now.
Revenant Team Lead & Guardian Advisor
Commander “Elscia” – Jade Quarry
because allowing a class (that literally everyone who has HoT has access to) actually reach the same point as everyone else (completion of story and core world) is “special treatment”
or perhaps on launch, everyone should have their levels set to 0 and world completion removed, so everyone is on an equal footing?
because allowing a class (that literally everyone who has HoT has access to) actually reach the same point as everyone else (completion of story and core world) is “special treatment”
or perhaps on launch, everyone should have their levels set to 0 and world completion removed, so everyone is on an equal footing?
Wat r u, casul?
Day 6 – hope and will to survive fading. Little sustenance to be found. Merely scraps here and there. It is a cold day, Bob is looking grim. Their is talk of eating him if the Revenant is not released soon.
I literally only log in now to do a couple pvp dailies on my mesmer and log out.
Day 6 – hope and will to survive fading.
My right eye is twitching all day long x.o
Day 6 – hope and will to survive fading. Little sustenance to be found. Merely scraps here and there. It is a cold day, Bob is looking grim. Their is talk of eating him if the Revenant is not released soon.
Don’t give up! We can do it!!!
Wat r u, casul?
I’ve got the week off. I’m totally bored. I totally need my Revenant back.
12 days and 15 letters left
Still waiting on that time machine…..
I doubt it will be invented within the next 11 days, so you are better off waiting for HoT :-D
logged in did daily…im like I should run dungeons since gold is getting nerfed soon but bleh
gimme rev pls
9 days gone, 9 days to go…! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH