Thank you for Shiro/Dual Swords!
im so happy – DPS Dual Swords
YES NO DAGGERS!!!! woot woot woot woot!!
back he is and also somehow playable. Splendid!
OMG! Loved waking up to this! Best post ever!!!
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Looks awesome. Definitely going to make a Canthan revenant now.
I liked offhand dagger better as it was unique. Animations for dual sword arent great in this game either. Also am i the olny one disappointed by green glow? Ventari has green glow already.
. Also am i the olny one disappointed by green glow? Ventari has green glow already.
They are Jade blades, hence the green glow, which is fitting when talking about Shiro who was from Cantha where Jade is quite common.
I liked offhand dagger better as it was unique. Animations for dual sword arent great in this game either. Also am i the olny one disappointed by green glow? Ventari has green glow already.
I thought Ventari had more of a yellow glow to it? O.o?
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Make sure to check out the stream tomorrow, seeing it in game does the skills way more justice then reading about them.
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.
Roy is it safe to assume that the weapon revs gain from their elite spec is either a spear, harpoon gun, or trident? The rev’s “complete set of core weapons” has been revealed and revenants are still a useless stone underwater.
The elite spec won’t be an underwater setup, haha. Revenant will have underwater setup, just not yet. Soon tm.
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.
who’s Shiro’s voice actor?
Make sure to check out the stream tomorrow, seeing it in game does the skills way more justice then reading about them.
To be honest more interested in traits personally… and perhaps the heal skill specifics.
Make sure to check out the stream tomorrow, seeing it in game does the skills way more justice then reading about them.
Are you trying to make my head explode from excitement? Is that a devious grin I see there!? O.O
The elite spec won’t be an underwater setup, haha. Revenant will have underwater setup, just not yet. Soon tm.
Oh boy, that would have been an epic troll… though, just saying underwater combat could use some love, it really needs traits designed specifically for it across the board.
Adding an underwater specialization for each profession, at some point, could actually address that aspect of underwater combat.
Make sure to check out the stream tomorrow, seeing it in game does the skills way more justice then reading about them.
Theres no doubt sword 3 looks amazing, but im not sure if i like green glow was right choice. After all in faction trailer jade wind was purple.
And..the ones that are interesed already know all sword skills (3rd strike has 450 range/radius right?) and the Shiro icons. Hopefully the trailine is amazing with 25% movement speed in minor. I dont want to be forced to use traveler/speed runes like it happens now on guardian. Even mesmers getting +25% along with reduced soft cc duration in elite spec.
The elite spec won’t be an underwater setup, haha. Revenant will have underwater setup, just not yet. Soon tm.
Oh boy, that would have been an epic troll… though, just saying underwater combat could use some love, it really needs traits designed specifically for it across the board.
Adding an underwater specialization for each profession, at some point, could actually address that aspect of underwater combat.
It’d be awesome if they released an underwater expansion with underwater specializations (villain: the rumoured deep sea dragon). But that’s most probably a thing for the far, far future…
The elite spec won’t be an underwater setup, haha. Revenant will have underwater setup, just not yet. Soon tm.
Oh boy, that would have been an epic troll… though, just saying underwater combat could use some love, it really needs traits designed specifically for it across the board.
Adding an underwater specialization for each profession, at some point, could actually address that aspect of underwater combat.
It’d be awesome if they released an underwater expansion with underwater specializations (villain: the rumoured deep sea dragon). But that’s most probably a thing for the far, far future…
I agree.
As I have said before in other threads, what we need is for the next xpac to be the fight to take down Bubbles!!! Have lots of underwater areas, a couple more underwater weapons per class to give us more underwater build diversity… and yeah, an underwater specialization might be fun.
I have to admit, i’m rather disappointed that they have removed some underwater content from the game. Out of PVP entirely, effectively removed from wvw, etc. I was hoping they’d’ve IMPROVED it rather than removed it.
So, while I think its a great idea… I suspect it won’t happen given the trend of what they’ve done with underwater content so far.
Make sure to check out the stream tomorrow, seeing it in game does the skills way more justice then reading about them.
Are you trying to make my head explode from excitement? Is that a devious grin I see there!? O.O
I don’t think I want your head to explode, maybe excitement just up until that point though. xD
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.
I vote for Poobadoo as the underwater legend we channel – complete with some kind of licking utility skill set.
They do that and don’t really care what the weapon is.
The Revenant needs another weapon or two (and not just a shield from the elite spec) to give them a little more variety, especially given how one of the biggest criticisms of the Revenant stems from how married weapon sets are with legends.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
For elite spec Revenant will get either new set of “onehand + offhand” or new “two hand weapon”.
There is no need for more weapons, anyway we can have only one weapon equipped in combat so …
As they are changing profession specific ability (virtues have new effect, necro has new shroud), I wonder what will change with F1 Revenant ability.
So the new class is a blindfolded, dual wielding master* from the Mists?
… Yep. I’m glad I pre-ordered the game after all. This will look great alongside the Shadow Assassin outfit I just bought. Totally going for the Canthan Human look as well.
*Is there not a Mortal Kombat character similar to this? I don’t care though. Still going to be awesome.
For elite spec Revenant will get either new set of “onehand + offhand” or new “two hand weapon”.
Only a shield.
There is no need for more weapons, anyway we can have only one weapon equipped in combat so …
They also should get weapon swap.
As they are changing profession specific ability (virtues have new effect, necro has new shroud), I wonder what will change with F1 Revenant ability.
Revenant E-Spec F1: Delete Character
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Make sure to check out the stream tomorrow, seeing it in game does the skills way more justice then reading about them.
Are you going to show us the rework you did on Revenant mechanics (pls weaponswap or range swap) and other Legends?
Weapon swap isn’t needed.
I’m quite excited for the stream tomorrow. Rift Slash auto attack sounds promising. I’m looking forward to some beautiful animations. Keep up the good work.
Weapon swap isn’t needed.
Is that your mantra? Revenants are fine apart from damage? No weapon swap is needed? Traits are fine? All is well? Exactly how much Kool-Aid have you imbibed at this point?
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Weapon swap isn’t needed.
Your opinion about that differs from the opinion of the great majority here.
Revenant is the only class that can’t change skills 1-5 at the moment. This makes him unable to reset cooldowns like other classes do (well, that would also be pointless because of energy hoever) and most importantly doesn’t give you melee/ranged swap during fights.
Some bosses have phases that need you to stay ranged, then swap to melee for burst. Revenant can’t do that. Has to stay ranged full time, doing less damage, or stay melee, unable to attack all the time.
Also being ranged and kite is pretty useful on a melee spec. Gives you time to heal back.
A lot of forum specialists have heard the public’s cry for a weapon swap on Revenant and we’ve passed that along to the development team. I can’t promise they’ll add one, but I will say that in principle I agree with the premise; the Revenant needs the added customization and adaptation mid-combat that a weapon swap provides.
A lot of forum specialists have heard the public’s cry for a weapon swap on Revenant and we’ve passed that along to the development team. I can’t promise they’ll add one, but I will say that in principle I agree with the premise; the Revenant needs the added customization and adaptation mid-combat that a weapon swap provides.
Thank you very much.
A lot of forum specialists have heard the public’s cry for a weapon swap on Revenant and we’ve passed that along to the development team. I can’t promise they’ll add one, but I will say that in principle I agree with the premise; the Revenant needs the added customization and adaptation mid-combat that a weapon swap provides.
Weapon swap is not the answer. They can make him adapt by other means than weapon swap. If engi and ele could do fine without weapon swap for 3 years, why revenant would end up as exception?
A lot of forum specialists have heard the public’s cry for a weapon swap on Revenant and we’ve passed that along to the development team. I can’t promise they’ll add one, but I will say that in principle I agree with the premise; the Revenant needs the added customization and adaptation mid-combat that a weapon swap provides.
Good to hear it. Thank you for listening.
Weapon swap is not the answer. They can adapt by other means than weapon swap. If engi and ele could do fine without weapon swap for 3 years, why revenant would end up as exception?
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Weapon swap is not the answer. They can make him adapt by other means than weapon swap. If engi and ele could do fine without weapon swap for 3 years, why revenant would end up as exception?
They have kits and conjured weapons, as mentioned before. Actually very few Engineers use their weaponskills most of the time, and Elementalist’s conjured weapons are a good way to burst close range if you are a staff Ele, or to kite with ice bow if you are a dagger Ele.
Also both of them get A LOT of new skills with no cooldown. Elementalists can spam 35 different weaponskills in a row with 4 attunements and 3 conjured weapons.
Revenant has his 5 weaponskills (that are only ranged or only melee) and once those are on cooldown he can just wait.
Also once a toggle skill is activated if energy is over then you can’t even use weaponskills. That’s a huge problem.
I’ve seen a video yesterday of an Ele soloing a wyvern from HoT hero challenge. He could win only because of infinite weaponskills. He kept damaging and healing back with water attunement.
A Revenant would have just died. 5 skills, wait, wait, die.
(edited by Kidel.2057)
The Revenant needs another weapon or two (and not just a shield from the elite spec) to give them a little more variety, especially given how one of the biggest criticisms of the Revenant stems from how married weapon sets are with legends.
Not without having a weapon swap ability of some kind. If any such new weapon would be more usable with all existing legends, instead of just one, it would become a must-use, making others superfluous (alternatively it might be so weak to be useless).
Weapon swap isn’t needed.
Actually, with the current mechanic it definitely is needed.
Weapon swap is not the answer. They can make him adapt by other means than weapon swap. If engi and ele could do fine without weapon swap for 3 years, why revenant would end up as exception?
Because ele has upward of 40 weapon skills (base attunements + option for conjured weapons), while engi has kits to expand their options, perhaps?
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
The Revenant needs another weapon or two (and not just a shield from the elite spec) to give them a little more variety, especially given how one of the biggest criticisms of the Revenant stems from how married weapon sets are with legends.
Not without having a weapon swap ability of some kind. If any such new weapon would be more usable with all existing legends, instead of just one, it would become a must-use, making others superfluous (alternatively it might be so weak to be useless).
And I agree with that.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Um yeah..and what stops them from developing f2 mist weapon which would replace your 1-5 weapon skills? F2 key per legend and we are looking at 25 skills in combat..if thats your problem.
I see that some people trying to push so hard for weapon swap as they want to desing revenant to themself. Like i said in another thread, if you dont like it dont play it then. There are 8 different classes.
Revenant was sold as a class that changes utility skills, not weapon skills. Without weapon swap. And we knew about it since..january. If you cant handle it, dont play it and pick up something else. Inst that simple?
I hope that the Devs will be same active in Rangers topic.
Because it feels like: “I pray to the Spirits of The Wild, but they rarely answer”
The only reason the developers forwent weapon swap on the Revenant initially is because they felt that the ability to legend swap would give sufficient customizability and power to the class, akin to Engineer kits and Elementalist attunements. It’s fairly clear that isn’t the case, however, as they are at present overly constricted in their options. There may be other ways to resolve this problem, sure, but one such solution is certainly adding back in a weapon swap. Leave it up to the developers to decide how they want to handle the issues, as I’m confident they will.
I agree weapon swap is not the answer. Now before you all hang me for saying that, I think that the Revenant should have a range toggle, meaning that each weapon has a ranged and melee mode (eg if you where using a hammer and hit the weapon swap button it would swap to a set of melee hammer skills). Now this option would likely require a good bit of work on the part of the devs, so who knows whether they would go with this, or or just tack on a weapon swap.
I’m not suggesting ONLY weaponswap. I just want a way to reset skills from 1-5 and to swap mode between melee/ranged, as EVERY other class does.
I also suggested in other threads some kind of mode-swap tied to the legend/weapon combination. This however may be a bad thing because legendswap is needed for energy management, and you may need the other weapon mode with the current legend, or you may need to swap without changing mode. So mode swap would have to be independent from legend to work.
I also hoped for mist conjured weapons or jade weapons for Shiro.
Weaponswap just seems to be the best and easiest solution to me. Easy to implement, it’s probably just a variable in the Revenant class (software class), and it would solve everything.
Of course, weaponskills need to have no energy cost, or it’s almost useless to have swap. You would run out of energy way quicker (and still have the problem that toggle legend skills make you unable to use weaponskills)
(edited by Kidel.2057)
Um yeah..and what stops them from developing f2 mist weapon which would replace your 1-5 weapon skills? F2 key per legend and we are looking at 25 skills in combat..if thats your problem.
I see that some people trying to push so hard for weapon swap as they want to desing revenant to themself. Like i said in another thread, if you dont like it dont play it then. There are 8 different classes.
Revenant was sold as a class that changes utility skills, not weapon skills. Without weapon swap. And we knew about it since..january. If you cant handle it, dont play it and pick up something else. Inst that simple?
And if they get weapon swap? What then? Will you not buy the product since it’s not as it was initially sold?
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Um yeah..and what stops them from developing f2 mist weapon which would replace your 1-5 weapon skills? F2 key per legend and we are looking at 25 skills in combat..if thats your problem.
That would be a major mechanic redesign, which is also an option. Mind you, this one would likely make current weapoms (besides maybe swords) useless.
Besides, i don’t know where you got those 25 skills – you can have only 2 legends equipped, so it’s +10 weapon skills (total of 15). That’s still lower than ele and engi can do, and due to being tied to the legends still run in the main Revenant problem of not many customization options
Revenant was sold as a class that changes utility skills, not weapon skills. Without weapon swap.
It was also said right out that many of those features are not yet decided fully, and may be changed if devs decide that class needs them.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
As I said in another thread, forcing you to swap weapon with legendswap is a bad idea.
I may want to legendswap to heal (Shiro basically has no immediate healing skill) or to use a certain skill, or to reset energy, but I may want to keep my ranged weapon.
Normal weaponswap is a good solution. Also because weapons seem to be designed for a particolar legend, so having 2 legends and just 1 weapon doesn’t make much sense.
You all should make sure to watch the stream tomorrow.
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.
don’t even compare to ele or engi
rev has the lowest skill slots.
thief has 17, 16+steal bundle
warrior has 17 skills
ranger has 17 skills
Um yeah..and what stops them from developing f2 mist weapon which would replace your 1-5 weapon skills? F2 key per legend and we are looking at 25 skills in combat..if thats your problem.
I see that some people trying to push so hard for weapon swap as they want to desing revenant to themself. Like i said in another thread, if you dont like it dont play it then. There are 8 different classes.
Revenant was sold as a class that changes utility skills, not weapon skills. Without weapon swap. And we knew about it since..january. If you cant handle it, dont play it and pick up something else. Inst that simple?
And if they get weapon swap? What then? Will you not buy the product since it’s not as it was initially sold?
Already preorder and if they get weapon swap i will ask for a refund due to false advertising as revenant was the main reason why i bought HoT. I dont care about pve, not even a bit, and dragonhunter definitely doesnt justice 45e cost for me. Unlike many people here i been following news about revenant since january collecting scraps of datamined stuff and have seen it desing flaws back in the first beta while everyone else was screaming “revenant is op, rip everything else”.
Weapon swap is not the answer by any means. There are other possible ways to go around it, but you have to use your imagination to do so, something people lack nowdays. Hence complaining about giving rev a weapon swap as you cant come up with something else.
Lets also not forget that revenant is descripted as a brawler profession. Hes pretty much melee oriented like he was supposed to be. Ranged hammer is here in fact olny for a reason that some pve contest require ranged skills, and in this case all you have to do is equip it and bash stuff. Now its on dev head to give revenant a proper sustain so that they can survive in melee without any issues if you know how to play.
And how it would play anyway? Press ~ to swap wepaon, press f1 to swap legend?
Besides, i don’t know where you got those 25 skills – you can have only 2 legends equipped, so it’s +10 weapon skills (total of 15). That’s still lower than ele and engi can do, and due to being tied to the legends still run in the main Revenant problem of not many customization options
It was also said right out that many of those features are not yet decided fully, and may be changed if devs decide that class needs them.
If you desing an f2 key to alter your weapon skills based on legend thats additional 10 skills. Kinda like double death shroud.
The olny feature that wasnt fully decided yet was utilities set in stone.
And i agree with Roy, lets see sword/sword, Shiro and devastation traitline instead of asking for pointless and uncessesary feature.
Revenant was sold as a class that changes utility skills, not weapon skills. Without weapon swap.
It was also said right out that many of those features are not yet decided fully, and may be changed if devs decide that class needs them.
I didn’t say that; skowcia did.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
You all should make sure to watch the stream tomorrow.
I’m joking. Please keep doing it.
Man, I have to work tomorrow
don’t even compare to ele or engi
rev has the lowest skill slots.
thief has 17, 16+steal bundle
warrior has 17 skills
ranger has 17 skills
Not only that. He also has the lowest skill frequency (while thief and ele have the highest).
And not only because of the cooldowns on every skill, but mainly because of the lack of weaponswap and kits, and because of the energy cost on weaponskills.
Meaning thet whan you use a toggle skill, you’re forced to swap legend or you can’t even use weaponskills anymore, since they need energy AND cooldown.
Revenant is skills from 1 to 5, then wait. Or toggle legendary skills, do 3 weaponskills attacks and wait. A bit exaggerating here, but you get what I mean.
While elementalist can do over 35 skills in a row without waiting a second.
(edited by Kidel.2057)