(edited by CaboSoul.1204)
Underwater legendary stances.....
Yeah for real, why do we lose our weapons swap and over half of our legends when we go underwater? I’ve not checked on Kalla but, I would have put money on being able to use Kalla underwater. :-/
I think ANet was something like “ok, guys, we did that new class and we ever added weaponswap as our players askes. We’re ready for HoT. few mins later What what? We have underwater combat in our game? Where is it?”
Well… that topic is not right.
The two underwater legend that are available underwater are mallyx and shiro.
The one that are not available are ventari, jalis, glint and kalla.
While I don’t think that kalla and ventari would work well underwater, I do think that it shouldn’t be that difficult to adapt jalis and glint.
Yeah for real, why do we lose our weapons swap and over half of our legends when we go underwater?
You can swich weapon underwater. You can only wield spears but you can use two with different stats and sigils and you can advantage of the weapon swap as happens with ground weapons. That’s since HoT release.
Yeah it’s been two years and at this point I’m gonna have to call anet on this bs. Underwater revenant is a definite shower of lack of quality and polish. Imagine a new player starting with rev. If I was starting the game and suddenly I couldn’t fight underwater I’d be extremely confused.
This is supposed to be a complete product anet, and right now it’s in the same state it was 3 years ago when it was in beta when you were literaly “still tweaking skills to work underwater”.
Get with it, this is unacceptable.
Look at weaver. Look at the immense underwater skill-list they worked through. Now look at rev, gosh im so kittened that this class gets ignored constantly
I was playing Revenant in WvW today and while being underwater I realized that we have another legend that doesn’t have underwater skills at all. What a shame :/. They’ve created so many new skills for other classes (looking at you, Weaver!) and somehow deliberately avoided the Revenant.
Yeah for real, why do we lose our weapons swap and over half of our legends when we go underwater? I’ve not checked on Kalla but, I would have put money on being able to use Kalla underwater. :-/
It’s kind of the other way around.
Revenant was originally designed like engineer to only equip a single weapon. That persists in their only having a single underwater weapon (spear) which can be used both at range or melee.
During the beta they decided to let them equip two weapons and swap on cooldown, like other professions. Because of problems revenants faced in PvP when they were wielding a melee weapon against a ranged attacker. But ANet didn’t add a whole extra underwater weapon for revs.
Imagine a new player starting with rev. If I was starting the game and suddenly I couldn’t fight underwater I’d be extremely confused.
I don’t have to imagine. I made a new one a little while back. It was even worse than you imagine.
Only two legends work underwater. You don’t start with either of them. Nor can you pick a new one until about level 11 and you can hit underwater content before that.
You also don’t regenerate energy underwater unless you have one of those legends equipped. So you can only use so many weapon attacks (except the freebies) before you run out.
I bug reported that so I hope they’ve fixed it. But seeing that problem more than a year after HoT’s release was really alarming.