This is an argument to improve Thief versatility by enhancing x/P builds. I understand that it includes Dagger/Pistol, so it may encounter natural resistance. However, please keep an open mind and read through the reasoning before drawing your conclusion.
Thank you! :-)
1. The reason the Thief is viable in Conquest: Mobility
That’s really what the Thief is about in sPvP. To get to empty points quickly and decap them. Secondarily, to quickly get to fair fights and make them unfair. What allows this? “Out of Combat” (OoC) mobility and Vertical mobility. Unfortunately, as a weapon set, the Shortbow holds a monopoly over these, especially Vertical mobility.
2. The way to create diversity in Thief builds: Make the Shortbow redundant
While the Shortbow does have its uses, the all-but-exclusive reason it is chosen as a second weapon set is because of one skill: Infiltrator’s Arrow. What makes this even worse is that the Shortbow is a two-handed weapon, requiring the Thief to commit to its full 5 skills when it needs only one of them. If it were a one-handed weapon, it would allow much more versatility in Thief builds. So that is what this argument proposes: to give the mobility of the Shortbow to a one-handed weapon. In this way, the Shortbow retains its full capability, but is no longer a requirement for merely one skill.
3. The proposed skill and change to give mobility: Black Powder
Basically, make Black Powder work like Infiltrator’s Arrow. It becomes a ground-targeted skill. Instead of creating a Smoke Field at the player’s position and then firing a blinding projectile, it will first fire a projectile that will explode into a Smoke Field. The Thief will then shadowstep to the projectile’s impact point, ending up in the center of the Smoke Field as normal.
4. Why Black Powder is the perfect candidate
Black Powder and Infiltrator’s Arrow share many similarities…
- They are both projectiles
- They are both blinding skills
- They both have a range of 900
- They both have a radius of 120
- They both cost 6 initiative
- They are both #5 skills
- Neither of them are used for damage
5. Builds that would directly benefit from this change: D/P, S/P, P/P
All of these builds would gain inherent OoC and Vertical mobility. Their “In Combat” (IC) mobility would also be improved…
- D/P already has IC engagement mobility with Shadow Shot, but would gain disengagement mobilty.
- S/P already has both IC engagement and disengagement mobility with Infiltrator’s Strike and Infiltrator’s Return, but with the recent nerf on jump-Infiltrator’s Strike, it needs an increase in OoC mobility
- P/P stands the most to gain out of this change. While it has little use for IC engagement mobility, it desperately needs disengagement mobility. With this change, it will be able to reposition or run when being overrun.
6. How other builds would indirectly benefit from this change
This is actually the main reason for the change. By giving x/P builds the same mobility that Shortbow has, the Shortbow becomes redundant for mobility reasons. It also means that 4 of 8 Thief weapon sets will have mobility built into them. That’s half of the Thief’s weapon sets! If you need mobility, you can select any x/P or the Shortbow for one set, then take your Staff or x/D set of your choice. This means two ACTUAL combat weapon sets while maintaining mobility (viability)!
7. Why this would benefit other weapon sets more than D/P
Realistically, D/P is already THE set for the Thief to use in sPvP. However, the set itself lacks OoC and Vertical mobility, and without it, D/P cannot maintain viability. It is therefore required to gain that mobility, and the only weapon set that grants that is the Shortbow. So it is virtually required for a D/P Thief to select the Shortbow as the second weapon set. If the Shortbow was no longer required for mobility, then the D/P Thief would be free to choose any other combat weapon set instead and still remain viable.
Yes, the D/P set itself would be enhanced even more than it is, but that enhancement will not be exclusive to D/P. And the only thing it gains is mobility. However, in the current game, the D/P Thief will already have that mobility because it will also have the Shortbow.
The bottom line is that D/P is THE weapon set for the Thief if (s)he wishes to be viable. Seemingly, nothing is set to change that. However, by giving it what the Shortbow already allows it to do, other weapon sets will find much greater use and viability. And again, S/P and P/P are also getting the same enhancements. In short, the D/P set gains little more than what the D/P + Shortbow combination allows now… but the D/P Thief will gain the combat potential of other weapon sets just as those weapon sets will gain the combat potential of x/P sets.
And again, nothing is forcing D/P for other sets. A x/D Thief could just as well sake S/P or P/P for fun while still gaining the new mobility.
8. What this means for the Thief as a whole
Increased diversity. Increased combat potential by using multiple combat weapon sets while retaining the mobility that makes the Thief viable. All in all, it makes the Thief a stronger fighter by slightly improving its IC mobility, but mainly by giving more adaptability with the use of multiple combat styles due to using multiple combat weapon sets. And it does all of this simply by adding mobility to one skill… no damage increases, no evades, no conditions, no traits, etc.
9. How this affects the Shortbow’s current use
The Shortbow is not touched at all. It plays exactly the same. Players who love the Shortbow can continue to play exactly the same way as they are used to. It only makes the Shortbow a choice instead of a requirement for viability.
10. How this affects Black Powder’s current use
Black Powder can work almost exactly as is does now. It can be ground targeted at the player’s feet, allowing for the Smoke Field to be created at the player’s position as it does now. If shot at range, the player would still end up in the middle of the Smoke Field as it is now, only both the player and the Smoke Field would be at a different location. If the projectile hits a target, the target will still be blinded by the Smoke Field. Whether the projectile should retain its minimal damage is completely debatable.
The only real loss would be Black Powder’s ability to blind a target while maintaining distance. This would mainly affect P/P as it is not a melee set. If that is such an important ability, I would suggest adding a blind to Body Shot as its in need of improvement. But again, P/P would be gaining the ability to reposition or disengage, so the blind may not be nearly as necessary as it is currently.
11. Conclusion
This may not be the perfect solution. But is there a perfect solution? Personally, I see it as a very viable solution to solve many of the Thief’s problems without really breaking anything else… or, at least, a good first step.
Yes, just as with any enhancement to x/P, it will naturally make D/P stronger. However, the improvement to D/P should be rather minimal compared to the improvements to other x/P builds and to the Thief as a whole. And honestly, I don’t believe it would be a bad thing for the Thief to be strengthened in this post-HoT era.
If you do not agree with this proposal, that is completely fine. If you have alternative solutions, please present them. This is all about improving the Thief and making it more viable. However, I would request that any criticism be limited to the constructive variety. It doesn’t further the discussion to just say something would be “broken.” Suggesting alternative improvements would do much more. And that’s the goal… to improve, not keep the status quo.
Thank you! :-D
P.S. I have absolutely nothing against giving mobility to x/D sets. I just see Black Powder being so easily converted, that is why I specify it. For example, I’d be fine with mobility on Dancing Dagger or whatever other way you could do so for x/D. Personally, I haven’t been able to think of such improvements specifically, so I’ll let you guys have at that! :-)
(edited by Kageseigi.2150)