(edited by MUDse.7623)
BUFF thief
as this is now in thief forum n not in pvp forum anymore..
i do think a daredevil in the right hands playing em is fine in WvW roaming , dunno ’bout spvp or pve.
i actually didnt want to play thief after HoT launch but kitten many ppl say thief is superbad atm i couldnt resist but checkin it myself, so i upgraded my thief to daredevil n roamed a few h n then recorded every encounter i had within 30 min roaming. i made alot of mistakes (like just using my steal at start of fights instead as an interrupt and to get the additional dogge/initative). but i do think if a good thief (im experienced but not good) would be playing in my stead he would have won every fight but the last one. ( ofc the opponents were not good, but well thats actually what u meet in wvw)
i think if u buff thief and so the daredevil a good daredevil could become OP in wvw roaming(not that it was balanced anytime). so in my opinion u rather need to cut down other classes to get the thief on their level again.
edit: i would like to be able to use staff skills + shadowstepping skills -somehow doesnt work for me
Your logic implies that DD is an upgrade so why not nerf the upgrade? CiS back at master and SE revert are not buffing DD.
The Dhuumfire thread
Your logic implies that DD is an upgrade so why not nerf the upgrade?
nope it doesnt imply that DD is a upgrade, i said DD is fine in wvw roaming. so a spesific build for a specific situation. problem in this game is that many balancing changes r made for all aspects of the game so it would also affect a roaming DD. => demand buffs that dont affect a roaming DD or demand specific buffs or changes or what ever allways in the context u want it buffed.
CiS back at master and SE revert are not buffing DD.
i was not talkin about CiS or SE mine was a general statement that IMO a DD is fine for roaming in wvw atm.
as this is now in thief forum n not in pvp forum anymore..
i do think a daredevil in the right hands playing em is fine in WvW roaming , dunno ’bout spvp or pve.
i actually didnt want to play thief after HoT launch but kitten many ppl say thief is superbad atm i couldnt resist but checkin it myself, so i upgraded my thief to daredevil n roamed a few h n then recorded every encounter i had within 30 min roaming. i made alot of mistakes (like just using my steal at start of fights instead as an interrupt and to get the additional dogge/initative). but i do think if a good thief (im experienced but not good) would be playing in my stead he would have won every fight but the last one. ( ofc the opponents were not good, but well thats actually what u meet in wvw)
i think if u buff thief and so the daredevil a good daredevil could become OP in wvw roaming(not that it was balanced anytime). so in my opinion u rather need to cut down other classes to get the thief on their level again.
edit: i would like to be able to use staff skills + shadowstepping skills -somehow doesnt work for me
I’m pretty sure killing Aurora Glade plebs don’t constitute to the viability of Daredevil. The fact that you’re landing all those Vaults isn’t even suprising, its a testament to how bad your opponents are.
You actually want recognition for pulling off 1v1 against those joystick users? Here’s your cookie. You wouldn’t last beyond your spawn if you were on Deso.
I’m pretty sure killing Aurora Glade plebs don’t constitute to the viability of Daredevil. The fact that you’re landing all those Vaults isn’t even suprising, its a testament to how bad your opponents are.
You actually want recognition for pulling off 1v1 against those joystick users? Here’s your cookie. You wouldn’t last beyond your spawn if you were on Deso.
i already admitted that the opponents were not good n me neihter , no i dont want a cookie or recognition, if i wanted that i would record a week or so and make a short vid out of it as u sadly dont face many really good ppl in wvw. if i meet once every 3 weeks a good opponent in wvw where i need a stronger build for 1 vs 1 ..i really dont mind.
actually i was on deso 1-2 weeks ago n i got pretty far from spawn with pistolwhip spamming – 0 skill high reward coz there r tons of even worse players then me rdy to give me some loot.
but hey as u r there and have those super strong opponents on ur wvw maps , pls make a video for me how u get rekt 24/7 only coz ur class is to weak n not of personal mistakes to prove me wrong
@ MUDse: Were any of those roamers from KISS, probably? No offense, but AG just got a giantic influx of lower ranked servers but:
I’m currently on deso and what I see is just as good/bad as everything I knew from bronze – silver tier EU. I just defeated 4 viz silver ranks after another; guard, ele, warrior and something I don’t know. As a D/D thief. But I do think that lags might have helped with that and the fact that a D/D thief is a precious little unicorn which people haven’t met yet.
@ MUDse: Were any of those roamers from KISS, probably?
No offense, but AG just got a giantic influx of lower ranked servers but:
I’m currently on deso and what I see is just as good/bad as everything I knew from bronze – silver tier EU. I just defeated 4 viz silver ranks after another; guard, ele, warrior and something I don’t know. As a D/D thief. But I do think that lags might have helped with that and the fact that a D/D thief is a precious little unicorn which people haven’t met yet.
yes 2nd fight the reaper was from KISS – dont get tho what about em?
thats point there r bad players on every servers wvw and they r the majority.
if i as a bad thief can just spamm other same bad ppl to death without em hittin me..then ye i think i dont need buffs.
yes 2nd fight the reaper was from KISS – dont get tho what about em?
thats point there r bad players on every servers wvw and they r the majority.
if i as a bad thief can just spamm other same bad ppl to death without em hittin me..then ye i think i dont need buffs.
That was a joke – I have been in that guild and on the server they’ve been on.
When thief wasn’t nerfed into the ground (before June 23th) I have been able to do the same like you as a D/D thief in pvp (with some exceptions if the opponent team was really good) – so I guess there are bad players everywhere.
I would give it some time before judging actually, as currently wvw is more laggy than usual and people try to adjust to their new classes/builds – or the opponent classes/builds – when the June patch hit people were saying “way too much damage everywhere” then things settled but no one dared to rez anyone anymore as that was certain death. Now they again realize that there was a power creep which might not have been that good.
I kid you not I swear this thread was from the pvp subforum. That or I’m trippin’ again.
Buffed my thief put it in its underwear weaponless at a crafting station!!! I better watch the multiple crafting masteries on it though or thief crafting will get shafted.
Honestly I am frustrated .
I only play Thief, because I like him. In PVE everything is fine, I can deplete the defiance bar all by myself, easily. This is a nice role and thing… though every elite spec does more dmg as me, I can still do alot of things.
now in PvP:
Before Addon I could try to go 1v1 against every class! And it was a 50/50 chance mostly. If someone was truly better then me, I died easily and that is fine with me…
But now every frickin’ player who uses an elite spec just outright kills me without a glance! All time, always… Not even +1 works in a good way, decapping is more of a thing for shiro.
Not talking about our elite spec, did not try this out, but every core spec I used is for the trashbin at the Moment. So much for ‘elite spec is only for a different play style’-
No it is not!
wow, just wow anet.
everytime i fight someone i feel like a little girl scratching my opponent. No real dmg and no good survivability and i thought a thiefs role was dealing dmg at least. No, the only thing we got is mobility, but nothing else.
please buff this weak class, i can’t stand it anymore, looking at other classes outperforming in every aspect….
i just tried DH and my gosh… guardians must be really happy now.
and now anet, please make thief players happy as well. we are frikking sad like since ages. JUST DO IT ANET!
Guys guys guys. You’re forgetting one important aspect of the game! Map exploration and kitten! Thief is my go to class for exploring maps (including the HoT ones) cause thief is one fast mofo. (sarcasm over) Yeap thief is weak in everything but running away and around. But at least I can explore maps fast so I got that going for me, which is nice.
Guys guys…
Quit crying and wasting nerves (some can’t regenerate…), just re-roll. I recommend a revenant, Shiro S/A feels like an assassin try that.
Guys guys…
Quit crying and wasting nerves (some can’t regenerate…), just re-roll. I recommend a revenant, Shiro S/A feels like an assassin try that.
It’s very hard to let the character I’ve been on for the past two years go. But yeah, I know things look grim. But I refuse to accept that plus 1 is the designed role of thief – I cringe when I hear and see that as I’ve been a pretty good fighter back in the day – but can’t anymore – not alone of the nerfs btw, it’s also bugs “You say you used CnD? Oh yeah, your initative is gone, but the opponent didn’t feel it although he didn’t dodge or evade” (50+% of the times), lags, stealth related bugs “Oh, you stealthed, well yeah this NPC sees through it and hits you with his 5k auto attacks for the duration of your stealth (after SR)”, tinkering with the camera “What, you were able to turn your mouse after a CnD and BS in one go? Too bad, now you have to get your mouse up and do 2 turns” (I work on that endlessly as everything is constantly changed, so sometimes I am able to get everything back to how it has been before, but that takes me 1-2 days, a week after that everything is changed again and I have to adjust my mouse setting once again).
The above is a load. If I were more competitive I would scream and smash my stuff.
Judging by the silence from the devs and the repeated nerfs plus the “buffs” that are really nerfs (yay Improv nerf) I’m pretty sure they either don’t care or don’t have a Dev that plays or has ever played a thief or rogue in this or any other game. Thus they simply make up some red headed step child roll and call it good. If they understood what a rogue is does and stands for they’d understand how to build it. Yet at this point they cant even read or reply to post let alone code an answer.
all i can say is the dev mention some p/p is being reworked. so maybe rickoshet. and evade skill.
regarding dmg. after playing with maraduer i dont think we need more dmg (even though other class has better dmg modifier – LB guard 2.5k hit on AA common )
i think thieves even with 3-4 dodges need more ability to sustain a fight especialy in pvp
protection – maybe put it on the elite traitline on some trait. after you evade attack we get 3 sec of protection 5 sec cd
or dmg mitigation like take 20% less dmg from weaken foes – in know the dev suggested something like that
every other class has protection or dmg mitigation trait/rune or all of them. we cannot fight against 60% less dmg (i remember hitting bunker ranger for 100 dmg on my AA i just luagh with him)
also gives us might option or skill which can open up hybrid build or more risky builds. like pistol main hand give might (which will buff both condi and power aspect)
atm against bunker i cant do kitten. and now ranger and mesmer can play bunker.
and yes its hard 1v1 where we should be the best. but we dont