Buff wish list

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Coolguy.8702


Hey all since thieves are in a really bad spot right now and pretty weak weak compared to some other classses, i was thinking if maybe we could all start a buff list in the hopes of getting devolepers to read this. Please add on to the list if u can

1.)Have prepardness be baseline, it just feels too mandatory
2.)Increase dps of backstab, it just feels too low, even ranger lb autoattack does more dps…
3.) have parcenous strike steal 2 boons.
4.)Make infiltator strike (but not return) be instant
5.)Make it so if you miss cloak and dagger you wont lose the 6 initative
6.)Make shadow refuge give protection, as of now there is just so many ways to counter this ability and it feels more high risk low reward
7.)Revealed training should have toughness instead of power..
8.)The traps really need some work done,
9.)Have sig of sgility refil 150 endurance if you take daredevil

Like i said keep on adding to the list, theres def more things that need to be buffed, but i dont have enough time to list em all

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


3.) have parcenous strike steal 2 boons.

Wow! Inspiration for a new Thief Elite Spec! :-D

Charlatan Priest

*Parsonage Strike:"
Transforms the target into a holy house. Thief breaks in and steals two boons, then sets fire to the house. Transformation ends when downed or cleansed by a Water skill or combination. Costs no initiative, but condemns the Thief’s soul to eternal punishment.

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Lock this thread please.

Can’t allow these toxic, trollish, whinning attitudes going on on these forums.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Overworld.9613


7.)Revealed training should have toughness instead of power..

Revealed training giving power is kinda necessary for a few playstyles, having it give toughness if the source of revealed isn’t you (thus it’s someone else) might be a relevant choice now other classes can cause reliable revealed.

Secretly creative

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Coolguy.8702


3.) have parcenous strike steal 2 boons.

Wow! Inspiration for a new Thief Elite Spec! :-D

Charlatan Priest

*Parsonage Strike:"
Transforms the target into a holy house. Thief breaks in and steals two boons, then sets fire to the house. Transformation ends when downed or cleansed by a Water skill or combination. Costs no initiative, but condemns the Thief’s soul to eternal punishment.

Sorry that was a typo, what i ment to say was larcenous strike on s/d steal 2 boons

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Coolguy.8702


7.)Revealed training should have toughness instead of power..

Revealed training giving power is kinda necessary for a few playstyles, having it give toughness if the source of revealed isn’t you (thus it’s someone else) might be a relevant choice now other classes can cause reliable revealed.

It depends on the build, though itd be best if revealed training had some toughness to it cause thiefs are really squishy right now

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

I wanna post my idea, but its a near full rework/buff thing involving the removal of the power budget stuck in shortbow 5 (where 80% of it is). Is that k lol?

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


I really want SB to be buffed. +100% dmg to 1 and 3, +50% velocity to 2, + 100 poison time for 4,

(edited by fumcheg.1936)

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


eh, might as well throw my two cents.

1.)Have prepardness be baseline, it just feels too mandatory
2.)Increase dps of backstab, it just feels too low, even ranger lb autoattack does more dps…

agree with first, don’t disagree with second. wouldn’t beg for a backstab buff, but wouldn’t think it’s uncalled for if it gets a slight buff.

3.) have parcenous strike steal 2 boons.

with how hard it is to actually get to this skill in S/D, i don’t mind.

4.)Make infiltator strike (but not return) be instant

it… already is? i mean, the hit component isn’t, but the teleport, which is the important part, is.

5.)Make it so if you miss cloak and dagger you wont lose the 6 initative

nope. that would be broken. i’d like to see it apply a small radius AoE (like seriously small, like they have to be able to count your nose hair close) blind before landing though.

6.)Make shadow refuge give protection, as of now there is just so many ways to counter this ability and it feels more high risk low reward

of all the thief skills in the game, SR is not the one that needs to be buffed. its healing pulses on downed allies are really strong, and it can be cast from a fairly long range.

7.)Revealed training should have toughness instead of power..

i like this. though for something that lasts 4-6 seconds every god knows how long, it would have to be a significant amount of toughness.

8.)The traps really need some work done,

i haven’t played with it myself, but apparently all thief traps are actually pretty solid when combined with trapper runes (or DH runes for the power people, i imagine)

9.)Have sig of sgility refil 150 endurance if you take daredevil

i’d much rather have it stay 100 endurance but break stun, and then have hard to catch (that acro master trait that refills endurance) proc this signet instead of having its own effect, because then you can pair it up with signets of power for cooldown + might.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Buff wish list

in Thief

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


now for my personal list. this is usually where i ramble about death blossom, but they finally fixed its evade frames. i’d also complain about unload, but daredevil can really help the set’s issues (even though you can’t have both dash and a leap finisher at the same time, so you have to pick between high mobility P/P or stealth P/P). i already threw in my signet of agility buff suggestion in the previous post, so i’ll go to the thing that’s annoying me the most right now:

staff. nearly all its skills need some tuning.

  • weakening charge needs to lose that rooting precast, it’s literally impossible to hit someone running from you with it, which is ironic, given the skill’s name. it would be a really good DPS skill on PvP if it didn’t require people to stand still.
  • debilitating arc. take the cripple off, or don’t, but give it something more. my personal suggestion is a daze. i’d also like to seee it take you further away from combat. you barely get out of melee range with it right now.
  • dust strike. daredevil is an elite spec that is constantly going through the target, which means any directional skills clash with it. fist flurry needs a setup anyway, so it’s not a problem, but dust strike is meant to be defensive, and yet it’s really bad at it. make it a circular AoE, or at least a semi-circle. semi-circle would still not be ideal, but it would be better than a line.
  • vault. it’s not particularly good as a movement skill because of its range-to-initiative, because of its bugged max range (seriously, fix that. 99% of the time vault will only leap 500 range when you aim at max range, even on flat terrain), because it kinda sorta roots you at the end, making you lose momentum (like, you get to the end point of the skill, but you still have to fall down, deal damage, and get up before you can move). the problem is that the skill compensates for all those flaws by having absurd damage values. it’s another mass damage skill on the set, only this time with an evade and more movement at the cost of a lot more initiative.

i’d much, much rather have vault’s damage toned down (provided weakening charge can be reliably used to hit moving objects, like players), and its range toned up. keep it a good damage skill, just don’t make it the damage skill. i want to use vault to chase enemies, or to cross a teamfight safely, or to run away without burning all my dodges. what i don’t want is to spam vault on a CC’d player because it does more damage than anything else on the kit. it’s like if cloak and dagger spamming was more reliable than a backstab rotation, or heartseeker below 33% health.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell