Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


yeah i know that.

bottom line: what we see in game is not what is actually happening. LAG? i dont know? bug? i dont know. is it normal? def not.

Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: DrYamak.9364


@phoenix yeah i get what you mean. i am a very good thief. what you see in the video never happens. what is happening is either lag or something else that i cant explain bc what im seeing in game doesNOT match what i see in the playback of the recording. on the video you see me CND after i stealth…literally right after. thats not what i saw in game. what i saw is no stealth so i CND to try get stealth. get it?

You are very bad thief. Self proclaimed guru continue to spread rumors about himself. Stop it and l2p at least.

Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


who proclaimed i was a guru? i didnt.

dr yamak. also stop following me its kind of creepy. u have no facts …. no skills…no video. you ahve nothing but troll comments. hater

Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: Static.9841


There’s definitely an issue, I’ve been playing Thief since launch and have 3 of them with different builds and I sure as hell know the timing between revealed and being able to restealth but there has been a problem with C&Ds lately with it just not acting as it should.

@Travlane Sorry bro, a couple of those were -definitely- your own fault. At one point you used the stealth you gained from steal then simply screwed up the timing between revealed and your C&D.

Saying “The video doesn’t show what happens” is kind of bunk, I fraps most of my play and the video absolutely does show what transpired at that moment. I’m not running a low end machine, I’m running a watercooled Death Star powering monster. It’s kind of like a bank raider trying to claim that the CCTV doesn’t show what really occured because of the video framerate on the camera!

Also, I’m glad I’m not the only person who roams to Drink the Sea

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: DrYamak.9364


who proclaimed i was a guru? i didnt.

dr yamak. also stop following me its kind of creepy. u have no facts …. no skills…no video. you ahve nothing but troll comments. hater

You did this. I have enough facts. Your video crap, and prove that you are bad player. I don’t follow you, this is you wright stupid posts almost in each thread. And i am not your hater i am your big fan) You wright so funny posts, continue to do it, entertain thieves community.

(edited by DrYamak.9364)

Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: Lantz.7240


Haven’t noticed to much in random Spvp but torneys it seems to miss a lot. Getting really kitten ed since without it I am very venerable.

Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: PolyTonality.3452


So much ego….

It’s impossible to tell whether there actually is an issue or just people looking for something to blame for their poor performance.

Can we have less of the “I’m amazing” and more of just facts? I personally couldn’t care less how good you think you are. If its a bug then it should be replicable. So give us the information so we can replicate it. Don’t brag, don’t whine, just give facts. If I actually had more information I might be inclined to believe it. Right now all there is is a couple people saying “it happens, I swear”, which isn’t terribly useful.

Learn to write bug threads.