Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Ok, I need one you nerd types (more nerdy than me) to explain or enlighten me on duration times. let me give some back ground.

ok with 36% cond duration food, tool tip says 6.75 sec bleed on #1 pistol
add 10% from weapon sigil i get 7 sec
then if i add 45% from armor runes it doesn’t go up any and stays at 7%.

I thought this may be a tooltip error. But took all armor off went and shot some mobs I get 6s bleed on 6.75 tooltip
add pistol/10% still 6 sec on a 7 sec tool tip
add 1st piece of 15% armor and i get 7secs
add 2nd piece of 15% armor get 7 secs
add 3rd piece of 15% armor get 7 secs

So……seems like somethings not factoring in. Not just the tooltip seems to be wrong but the actual bleed i place seems to be wrong.

If anyone could help me clear this up would be great.

1 last thing, do the bleed ticks round? meaning if i have 7.75 sec bleed is this 7 ticks? or am i getting 75% of that last tick worth of damage. example, pretend mine do 100 per tick……do i get 700 total or 775total in damage?

Im sorry for being as clear as mud and as long winded as my wife when she tells me about her day or flowers or feminine products.

thanks for help!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Harrier.9380


As I understand it, they only increase in full seconds, so 6 sec, 7 sec, 8 sec etc, rounded down. So if you have say 7,75 sec, it’ll still be 7 sec.

At least that’s what I’ve heard on a Buildcast a while back, feel free to correct me if im wrong.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


I believe it’s because 1 stack = 1 tick per 1 second. So if it has a 7.75 sec duration you’ll get one on 7 seconds but the duration will run out before anything happens in that last .75 seconds.

So once you get passed 7 seconds in duration focus on something else as it’s just wasted (unless you can get to the next full second of duration).

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


OK guys, I apologize for being anal and OCD here but got some new data.
I think the armor runes are what is bugged, when taking them off i get no change what so ever.

my tool tip #1 skill is a 4 sec bleed (naked, no traits loaded)
after adding 30% from traits, 45% from armor, 20% from weapons(just found today u can use 2 and they stack), and 40% food
Thats 135% of the original tool tip.
That should technically be a 9.4 sec bleed but the actual bleed I get on a mob doesn’t even hit the 8 sec mark. Always a 7 sec bleed.
I reported this as a bug but thought you guys may know something I don’t.
To be able to go from 7 to 8 or even 7 to 9 would be an incredible difference in my build. thanks for help!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Don’t look at the tool tip it’s useless. I got messed up trying to figure this out too. It goes by full seconds. If you use vital shot, the base is 4 seconds or 4 ticks. For every 25% (condition dur + bleed dur) you get 1 more tick.

It rounds down. From my own testing having over a whole second nets you 1 extra tick on all stacks. So with 10% duration on a 4 sec vital. 1 shot, you get 4 ticks. 2 shots you get 9 ticks. 3 shots you get 13 ticks. Not sure why that is but other than that anomaly, it goes by whole second breakpoints (25% for vital).

I have 75% base with gear giving me 7 ticks per vital. Runes aren’t bugged since I hit 75% exactly with runes/sigils/traits and hit 7 ticks.

edit: It could be that the food is bugged? 95% base would still be 7 ticks.

edit2: try removing your armor and see if you still get 7 ticks with food or if it drops further then we know if food is bugged or if there is a cap.

(edited by Stiv.1820)

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Tolfast.6289


Strange, I just tried it in the mists.

4sec = 4 ticks
4.25sec = 4 ticks
4.5sec = 5 ticks
4.75sec = 5 ticks.

It seems that >=.5 rounds up to an extra tick, < .5 rounds down.

(edited by Tolfast.6289)

Condition Duration/Bleed Duration

in Thief

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


yea i went with 45% from my armor, 10% from just 1 weapon-not both, and actually striped all my traits out of cond duration line and added 36% food to make up. so thats 91% and it appears that it puts me right over the 7 sec bleed duration threshold on vital shot. if i add everything back in, I get 131% and it still wont reach the 8 sec bleed duration threshold. so im going with more defense and not using the power/cond duration trait line.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight