D&D -> GW2

D&D -> GW2

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


Part of the fun of playing a Thief is dreaming how to make it better. So here’s another bone to chew on…

There are plenty of Dungeons & Dragons references and functions in Guild Wars 2 already. Why not add some more for the Thief?

Here are some to consider. Some would be traits, others would be effects/boons. Some would have cooldowns, some would not. Let your imagination go wild!

If an outgoing successful strike does not trigger a critical hit, re-roll to see if it triggers a critical hit.

If an incoming successful strike triggers a critical hit, re-roll to see if it does not trigger a critical hit.

Sneak Attack
Power is increased when an ally is nearby.

Uncanny Dodge
If an incoming strike would reduce health by 25% or more of maximum health, take half damage instead.

Take half damage of an AoE attack.

Reliable Talent
Entering combat resets a used utility at random.

Automatically cleanse Blindness.

Immune to critical hits.

Stroke of Luck
An incoming lethal strike places health at 1 instead of downing the Thief.

Supreme Sneak
Standing motionless slows the Stealth duration reduction rate.

Thief’s Reflexes
Automatically evade a triggered trap. Gain immunity to that specific trap (if it operates on a duration).

Every successful strike is an automatic critical hit when the Thief’s health is full.

Death Strike
A strike that opens combat hits with increased Ferocity.

Second Wind
Standing motionless increases initiative and endurance regeneration rates.

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

D&D -> GW2

in Thief

Posted by: Lexander.4579


this reminds me that to refresh the health of this game it would be good to increase for every class the amount of operational specializations to 4 or 5, increase the pool of available specializations up to around 10 and perhaps add some passive traits for classes and/or races

or optionally, greatly increase the amount of trait lines in every existing specialization adding perhaps some more interesting choices than just “pick 1 trait out of 3”

why am i posting this here? because the character combat design as a whole is badly bottlenecked by the limited choice of existing specializations and this thread suggests some traits which could be bread and butter of new specializations (for thief)

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

(edited by Lexander.4579)

D&D -> GW2

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


it would be good to increase for every class the amount of operational specializations to 4 or 5

This is how I feel every time I change builds with the Thief. It’s like it’s always lacking just one more thing. If only I could choose one more certain trait from a 4th trait line. Or just one more utility. For example…

Hard to Catch for non-Acrobatic builds
Shadow’s Embrace for non-Shadow Arts builds
Roll For Initiative for trapper builds

I don’t even have to list Preparedness, do I?

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *