Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


Everyone who doesn’t agree can flame away. End of the day this skill is ridiculously overpowered. Which is why 90% of WvW thieves including myself just spam it over and over.

This skill is giving every glass cannon spec thief HUGE damage mitigation. I barely take any damage while doing it, thanks to reflecting projectiles.

Can’t be crowd controlled, thanks to stability.

Added bleeds and cripples because hey let’s just add more on top of an already amazing skill?

If all goes wrong: Stealth/Bow port/Skill port/Any of the stealth/port skills and you’re gone, free and clear 90% of the time.

Considering anyone chasing you would have to be a thief to even do anything, and also considering everyone you just Dagger Stormed is half dead.

I’ve come to the conclusion that this skill is lame and overpowered to add to my already great skill set. Hell I kill people just by throwing knives at them and not even going melee sometimes. If I have to go melee I just pop Dagger Storm.

Lol. I mean if you don’t want to agree, whatever. However, I will admit it, I am overpowered. It WAS fun now it’s just cheese. I see no reason to go any other build as I am probably better than a ranger at range thanks to all my escapes/stealth/dagger storm.

My brother and I had a group setup of like 5-6 thieves all doing dagger storm. LOL. I mean were you guys actually being serious with this skill Anet? I am not even trying to flame it just feels so ridiculously OP.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


i rip stability and thief goes down in half a second. oh and you can try to stop shooting
the end

I see you added “oh you can try to stop shooting” how does this do anything for me on the receiving end of a DS? lol I mean obviously you aren’t gonna keep shooting something you can’t hurt but the point is thief should not be tanking ranged shots for 8 seconds.

Do you have to rip something from half the other characters “aoe” skill just to compete with them?

That’s my issue I guess, if anything guardians should have gotten a “shield” while doing a whirlwind attack.

I don’t even pay attention to my bar when I am Dagger Storming as everyone is just running or dying.

If someone has ripped stability from me it didn’t do much :P Perhaps I need to run into u.

(edited by Snowgoons.6349)

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


idk i usualy rush intro daggers when they do dagger storm
as an guardian i love when daggers use it and not stealth away

no.1 WvW kills

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


80% people are still blowing their ranged cooldowns onto a spinning thief.
And do mind that it is an elite with 90 seconds cooldown. And unless you are actually shooting one, its damage is far from warrior’s or guardian’s spin. And what is cooldown on those?

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


idk i usualy rush intro daggers when they do dagger storm
as an guardian i love when daggers use it and not stealth away

I’d love it as a guardian too, funny one of the only classes that can handle it is the more pure tank class :P

I am not saying everyone should be able to kill a thief during a DS but, something needs to be done. In a game promoting balance and many ways to complete certain objectives, I don’t know why we are seeing 90% of thieves use the same elite skill.

80% people are still blowing their ranged cooldowns onto a spinning thief.
And do mind that it is an elite with 90 seconds cooldown. And unless you are actually shooting one, its damage is far from warrior’s or guardian’s spin. And what is cooldown on those?

Warriors and Guardians don’t have stealth. Also 90 seconds is VERY short for an elite skill. This is also why it’s the best elite for a thief. If you aren’t going against a guardian it’s a guaranteed win a lot of the time. They soak up the cripples and bleeds then try to run while you come out of DS and just throw daggers to keep them close finish them with heart seeker.

You cannot give a character that can stack 10+ seconds of stealth, a warrior or guardian like whirlwind skill. Then on TOP of that skill, add bleeds, cripples, stability, immune to range.

This has proven to be a terrible idea as the current state of WvW = 90% DS’ing thieves. Running in packs at times all DS’ing a 6+ man group down.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


When I see a thief dagger storming, I combo them with my Mesmer and they typically die instantly.

It’s really a red flag for me: “this person is not dodging, kill now lolol”.

Please, more dagger storming, tyty.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


When I see a thief dagger storming, I combo them with my Mesmer and they typically die instantly.

It’s really a red flag for me: “this person is not dodging, kill now lolol”.

Please, more dagger storming, tyty.

There are definite counters, but still. It’s just a lame overall skill, just like allowing thief to stack stealth was lame overall.

Just like how ranger and sylvari grasping vines are lame overall. How you gonna put in a crowd control skill that I have to destroy to get out of that I can’t even target 70% of the time?

Way off topic. lol.

Bottom line is, compared to everyone’s elites DS is definitely up there with moa form and grasping vines lameness. I play a mesmer and a thief and can still respect the lameness :P

I don’t remember ANet ever promoting the notion of balance in WvWvW. In fact I am pretty sure they explicitly stated the opposite, and that for multiple reasons we should expect it to not be balanced. Why is anything horribly overpowered because it’s super effective in a portion of the game that, by definition, we should expect to not be balanced at all?

When tPvP is horribly imbalanced because of Dagger Storm I’ll show concern. Until then I’m not feeling it, especially if one of the primary uses of the skill is “Jump in to a zerg and DS while no one can see you because of rendering issues”.

PS: Using a skill once every 90 seconds does not constitute “spamming”.

Newsflash: It’s overpowered in tpvp as well, just not as overpowered as the instant kill you backstab cloak and dagger specs….lol I assume you must know this since you obviously claim to play sPvP?

Oh.. and PS: if you mash a button everytime that button is available to use, you are spamming said button.

(edited by Snowgoons.6349)

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


men. ds is there (on most thieves bars) BECAUSE
1) its largest aoe skill
2) it provides some protection during channel
3) it is one of very few aoes that are not limitied by 5 target rule.
4) given MOST players are dumb, a thief is ALWAYS more likely to encounter someone who will try to shoot him in DS = usefulness of skill increases
edit: there are people that are not only getting captured by vines, but also those that cant kill them?

(edited by Ichishi.9613)

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


men. ds is there (on most thieves bars) BECAUSE
1) its largest aoe skill
2) it provides some protection during channel
3) it is one of very few aoes that are not limitied by 5 target rule.
4) given MOST players are dumb, a thief is ALWAYS more likely to encounter someone who will try to shoot him in DS = usefulness of skill increases
edit: there are people that are not only getting captured by vines, but also those that cant kill them?

I don’t understand ur listing why it’s overpowered but trying to say it’s not overpowered because of it’s utility?

As for the grasping roots comment, I just cloned and killed 4 people on my mesmer sitting in ranger vines at the entrance of a tower. Maybe it’s yet again a rendering issue not being able to see or click what the comp isn’t seeing, but 4 kills later I can confirm that ranger vines CAN BE pretty lame as well.

I’ve not only been stuck in them multiple times, I haven’t been able to do damage to them as well. They seem pretty bugged as I have missed being caught in them only to teleport and have them on top of me.

there are a few legitimate complaints about thieves, but dagger storm isn’t one of them. the only thing wrong with DS is the horrid animation, and it is conceptually ridiculous… wouldn’t you be much, much LESS stable if you were twirling around like a stupid fairy?

Few legitimate complaints about thieves and DS isn’t one of them yet… you list 2 complaints with DS? 1 being the animation and the other it having bundled stability?

Am I being punk’d or how are these people agreeing with me trying to disagree with me lol?

(edited by Snowgoons.6349)

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You do realize that while doing it you’re still vulnerable to melee and AoE damage right?
It’s not OP, you will be killed by anyone who’s not so bad to not know what the skill does.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


The fact that most other elites of most other professions are plain bad does not mean that all elites must be bad.
If we talk about it, my understanding of what elite skill is – the main skill around which whole build is created. Sadly, A-net decided to destroy that.

I dunno Ichishi it’s a two way street, you can’t have plain bad elites on some chars and good elites on other chars. While you say the plain bad ones doesn’t mean all elites should be bad, the same could be said with regards to the bad elites. There should not be any elites that are bad, and there should not be any elites that completely dominate. You have good valid points. I respect this.

However DS is still OP in it’s current state I can’t sit here and say moa morph is 100% fair because it’s a “better elite” and not all elites should be bad. Everyone still complains.

You do realize that while doing it you’re still vulnerable to melee and AoE damage right?
It’s not OP, you will be killed by anyone who’s not so bad to not know what the skill does.

Are you not understanding how stability works? It’s not about being good or bad. It’s not about your personal experience. It’s about the class as a whole. Stealth stacking/easy getaway/and massive range aoe whirlwind skill that blocks ranged damage and prevents u from being cc’d (because for some reason stability was added to a skill where you are twisting around the entire skill) DOES NOT MIX.

(edited by Snowgoons.6349)

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Daggerstorm is not over powered. That’s just crazy talk.

Just another noob thief…

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Sa Da Tay.6542

Sa Da Tay.6542

I wish threads like this could be only replied to if you didn’t have a man crush on the class.

Yes +1000000 to the original poster. Thief Dagger Storm has been and always will be until changed. OVERPOWERED.

Let the river of tears flow in from thieves trying to say it’s not overpowered.

Then let’s check that river of tears to see how many are running dagger storm.

I bet you it will be a high %.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


I wish threads like this could be only replied to if you didn’t have a man crush on the class.

Yes +1000000 to the original poster. Thief Dagger Storm has been and always will be until changed. OVERPOWERED.

Let the river of tears flow in from thieves trying to say it’s not overpowered.

Then let’s check that river of tears to see how many are running dagger storm.

I bet you it will be a high %.

Lol. That’s what I am saying man. These people know it’s overpowered and know why, but they try to look under every stone for some reason to say it’s not overpowered. “Well I own them on my guardian” that doesn’t mean anything? Maybe the thief you fought was new?

The bottom line that thieves are unwilling to accept is that the skill has far too much utility while dealing out great damage, for a class that already has far too much utility.

Hell before a recent patch I was able to hide 25 seconds of the downtime in perma stealth lol.

It’s completely and utterly hilarious to watch people on these forums defend anything under the moon, in an effort to not get nerfed.

All my chars have something overpowered and I would gladly point them all out lol.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Sa Da Tay.6542

Sa Da Tay.6542

Exactly Snowgoons,

Like you said, if it wasn’t overpowered 90% of people wouldn’t be running it.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

OP probably shoots at Daggerstorming Thieves.

Because that’s where half the damage comes from. It’s also easy to counter by simply doing melee damage.

It’s also one of the few abilities that discourages people to bunch up into zergs. It’s an anti-zerg ability and the game needs more of them rather than less.

Powerful? Maybe….but overall good for the game. It’s also easy to counter for anyone who reads the ability description.

It also happens to be a dozen times better in WvW than it is in sPvP or even tPvP. That’s where you’ll see a lot more Thieves Guilds and the occasional Basilisk Venom.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: fractal.7039


Every class has one elite ability that is over the top….
Hell Mesmer has 2….

..so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Payneful.7934


Idk about WvW, but in sPvP dagger storm is not good. Players in WvW are generally not good at PvP as I have witnessed and will just spam their projectile shots at the thief killing themselves. Any good PvPer would switch to a melee weapon or use non-projectile abilities on the thief while laughing at them.

Another problem with using dagger storm is retaliation. It will destroy you.

I can definitely see how thieves guild and basilisk venom would not be good for WvW though.

Payne [PTC] Thief
Pancakes To Celebrate

(edited by Payneful.7934)

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Manta.7962


sPvP also has that thing where the conflicts are much smaller and Daggerstorm isn’t nearly as good when it hasn’t got so many targets to work with. In WvW most Thieves take it mostly because the alternatives aren’t good. Thieves’ guild just gets murdered and basilisk venom is simply awful. There’s the racial elites too much they tend not to merge well with the thief’s style and offer little in the way of survivability.

In fact, I tend to forget that I even have Sylvari skills.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


DS is easy to handle. Stop shooting, move away, find cover if available. The projectiles radiate away from the theif on a linear path, thus the farther away you are, the more dispersed they become.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


Which is why 90% of WvW thieves including myself just spam it over and over.

Oh you can spam it? Down with that kitten! Oh, wait, 90 second cooldown…

Are you not understanding how stability works?

Are YOU not understanding how stability works? It’s a boon that prevents (MOST) CC. Boons can be ripped quite easily, and the thief can’t hide this one with another boon because using another skill would stop dagger storm. And for that matter, do you not understand how projectile reflection works? Dagger storm barely does any damage if you stop shooting. Most of the daggers flying off of it are only a visual effect.

I wish threads like this could be only replied to if you didn’t have a man crush on the class.

I wish threads like this could only be created if you pass an in depth class knowledge test. Hint: Threads like this wouldn’t be created.

Let the river of tears flow in from thieves trying to say it’s not overpowered.
Then let’s check that river of tears to see how many are running dagger storm.
I bet you it will be a high %.

So you’re saying the ones that use the skill are the ones most likely to defend it? Well kitten, son! Call the press! It’s not like they’d be the ones more knowledgeable about the skill than some noob that can’t figure out how to stop auto-attack.

Exactly Snowgoons,
Like you said, if it wasn’t overpowered 90% of people wouldn’t be running it.

90% of warriors in pvp use Signet of Rage for their elite. Does this mean its OP? No, it means the other two are absolutely dreadful in similar situations. Hell, at least 80% of the warriors I run into have Signet of Rage, “Fear Me”, “Shake It Off”, “For Great Justice”, and Mending. But according to ArenaNet, warriors are the most balanced class and are the stick by which all other classes should be measured.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Shooopa.5632


You’d have to be really, really terrible to not be able to handle someone using dagger storm.

It’s a really an awful skill when you get down to it because not only are the daggers thrown in completely random directions, but you CAN NOT DODGE.

You CAN NOT DODGE through its entire duration.

A thief who gives up their mobility for any significant period of time is a blood smear on the ground.

User will be infracted for this post.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Artanis.4160


My brother and I had a group setup of like 5-6 thieves all doing dagger storm. LOL. I mean were you guys actually being serious with this skill Anet? I am not even trying to flame it just feels so ridiculously OP.

So you’re saying any other class, with any kind of damaging AOE that does any decent amount of damage, if all 5-6 people of that same said class all with the same built all casting that said “AOE” no one dies? only thieves are able to do this with their Elite ability that is on a 90 sec cooldown? OMG the sky is falling everyone run for cover.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Redscope.6215


80% people are still blowing their ranged cooldowns onto a spinning thief.
And do mind that it is an elite with 90 seconds cooldown. And unless you are actually shooting one, its damage is far from warrior’s or guardian’s spin. And what is cooldown on those?

By “guardian’s spin” I’m assuming you mean Whirling Wrath. Yeah DS does more damage than Whirling Wrath if you’re standing next to the player on both skills. And if you’re referring to Whirling Axes on the warrior, DS does just about the same damage with the exception of being able to CC the warrior.

The only “Whirling” attack that DS doesn’t do as much damage as is Whirlwind Attack on a greatsword warrior. And only because that’s a 4-hit, straight line, uncontrollable movement skill that lasts all but .5 seconds.

I’m not going to argue for or against DS, but I hate when people bring up random unfounded arguments about balance based on falsehoods and completely irrelevant information.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Adein.2031


As others have said, counter with melee, ground targeted aoe, boon removal, cripple, root, etc. It’s only good against people that don’t know what to do.

You can counter it with almost anything except shooting projectiles.

Adein – SLAY – Thief – Ehmry Bay

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


Rip the Thief’s stability, then CC him. He is now dead. Problem solved.
Steal (when traited) rips boons, Flanking Strike rips boons, certain sigils rip boons, the list goes on and on…
DS is also an elite and has a 90 second cooldown. What’s the cooldown of Whirlwind Attack and Whirling Wrath?

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: brandon.6735


Rip the Thief’s stability, then CC him. He is now dead. Problem solved.
Steal (when traited) rips boons, Flanking Strike rips boons, certain sigils rip boons, the list goes on and on…
DS is also an elite and has a 90 second cooldown. What’s the cooldown of Whirlwind Attack and Whirling Wrath?

Whirling Axe is 20 secs
Whirling wrath is 10secs


Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Bottom line is, compared to everyone’s elites DS is definitely up there with moa form and grasping vines lameness. I play a mesmer and a thief and can still respect the lameness :P

Well, that’s a good thing: powerful, potent, counterable.

More elites need to be as strong.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


This is only overpowered if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Which means it’s not overpowered—just that the individual who thinks it is needs some more practice.

That’s all there is to it.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Ruin.3461


80% people are still blowing their ranged cooldowns onto a spinning thief.
And do mind that it is an elite with 90 seconds cooldown. And unless you are actually shooting one, its damage is far from warrior’s or guardian’s spin. And what is cooldown on those?

By “guardian’s spin” I’m assuming you mean Whirling Wrath. Yeah DS does more damage than Whirling Wrath if you’re standing next to the player on both skills. And if you’re referring to Whirling Axes on the warrior, DS does just about the same damage with the exception of being able to CC the warrior.

The only “Whirling” attack that DS doesn’t do as much damage as is Whirlwind Attack on a greatsword warrior. And only because that’s a 4-hit, straight line, uncontrollable movement skill that lasts all but .5 seconds.

I’m not going to argue for or against DS, but I hate when people bring up random unfounded arguments about balance based on falsehoods and completely irrelevant information.

Except Dagger storm lasts far longer than any of these skills. Let’s look at Whirwind Attack, which “lasts all of .5 seconds” and does more damage than DS during those .5 seconds. That would be 16 times the dps even if the damage was the same. Going by your statement that the damage of whirlwind is far higher…

Do note that I’m not arguing for or against dagger storm, just pointing out that this argument is flawed.

Tier 1 Casual

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Dokt.5729


The man’s right, Dagger Storm is easily countered by any form of immobilize, people just fear the twirl aspect of it and assume range is the safe measure which piles on the skills deceptive utility. And most thieves use this because it outshines other elites by a wide margin not only for aoe buy escape as well.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: SexyBeast.2768


Can you teach me how to spam a skill with a 90s cool down? Can’t wait! gonna be so OP

But srs, I don’t find it OP at all, and theif is only class I play. I don’t even use it.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Burrid.4739


Every class has one elite ability that is over the top….
Hell Mesmer has 2….

Name one of the elementalist.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Which is why 90% of WvW thieves including myself just spam it over and over.

This is where I stopped reading

ROAM | Oink | TLP

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


Every class has one elite ability that is over the top….
Hell Mesmer has 2….

Name one of the elementalist.

Tornado is to melee as Dagger Storm is to ranged. Double the recast but also double duration. And you get nifty skills to use while in tornado mode such as an AoE blind.

Fiery Greatsword is also pretty kitten

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Daggerstorm isn’t over powered. Remember. Stability doesn’t protect against immobilize.

All the times I’ve used daggerstorm in a one on one situation. It does horrible damage and I’m a glass cannon crit spec. I’d rather use guild of thieves.

If I see a thief trying to use daggerstorm on me. I simply shadowstep TOWARDS them, immobilize and spam melee. Dead thief.

Running away from daggerstorm is never a good idea. That’s probably what most are doing wrong.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Tulisin.6945



In WvW most Thieves take it mostly because the alternatives aren’t good. Thieves’ guild just gets murdered and basilisk venom is simply awful.

A thousand times this. Basilisk Venom is a pretty terrible elite unless you’re specifically building Venom synergy and Thieves’ Guild isn’t much use in large-scale combat while having an eternity of a CD to boot.

Give thieves more viable elite options and you’ll see less of them choosing Daggerstorm.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Burrid.4739


Every class has one elite ability that is over the top….
Hell Mesmer has 2….

Name one of the elementalist.

Tornado is to melee as Dagger Storm is to ranged. Double the recast but also double duration. And you get nifty skills to use while in tornado mode such as an AoE blind.

Fiery Greatsword is also pretty kitten

Double the duration indeed, but 3 times less attacks…
Have you ever played with or against an elementalist with tornado?

So with tornado I can do 800 damage every 3 seconds for 14 seconds. That’s 3200 damage in 14 seconds, so 230dps. My autoattack hits for around 1000 every second, so that’s 1000dps.
This 230dps however is when I can actually catch the target. The radius of tornado is 230 range, so most of the time a second hit doesn’t go off because I’m not at my target’s location fast enough.
Granted, it is an aoe, but the radius is terribly small and if you knock foes back, they are scattered, so you can only target 1 anymore. Also, we don’t get a reflect projectiles, so whenever you see a tornado, it’s an easy target. Defenseless and powerless… (also it never seems to crit).

My thief with the same stats as my elementalist, hits for 500-1000(crit) damage every second, 8 seconds long. Plus it gives 8 bleeds of 250 damage each. So averagely I do 8k damage in 8 seconds or 1000dps. However, the elite cripples targets, has a very high radius, even has projectile reflection and hits unlimited targets.

How do these 2 even compare? Tornado is a joke. I was taking a point at kyhlo and another elementalist started attacking me, he casted tornado and literally I was only getting 200 damage every 3 second, if it even hit me (most of the time it didn’t). My hp was untouched at the end because I regenerated faster. Of course I just killed him, he was helpless…

The fiery greatsword is less usefull indeed, but not that great. Autoattack does as much as my normal autoattack. Can be used to charge someone I guess, and for an extra meteor shower.

(edited by Burrid.4739)

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: dank.3680


As already mentioned, you can still use immobilizes on them. You can still aoe them. You can still melee them, Mesmers can use any of their skills on them basically lol.. As a thief, when in a group fight and someone starts using DS, I shadowstep to them, cnd, backstab.. Like easymodex said, its a big sign going KILL ME I’M NOT STEALTH OR DODGING.

Because a lot more people have gotten awareness and started using immobiles or melee, I use DS a lot different myself.. Most of the time it’s when I’m running from a zerg and I already created a small gap and I’m trying to mitigate ranged damage while I wait on CD’s or initiative. Other times its to help prevent someone I’ve downed from being ressed. Frankly I end up dodging out of DS early a lot of the time as I only use it for specific purposes and mostly its to buy time..

In the early stages of the game you used to be able to down zergs with it.. But anymore unless the group is full of complete noobs it won’t happen, and in that case I could have ran around spamming cluster bomb and killed them quicker.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Burrid.4739


And you know, together with signet of malice, a thief can’t be killed during those 8 seconds. You can say: yea but if you go melee they are a sitting duck.. NONSENSE!
8 seconds of invulnerable damaging god mode.

Me and a team mate just got a thief to low hp, he popped dagger storm together with his passive signet of malice and his hp got so fast to full I couldn’t believe it :/

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Ensign.2189


Most elites in this game are ridiculously bad. Dagger Storm is one of the few I think is in a good place.

Its strength is how effective it can be against large groups of opponents, especially large groups trying to retreat; I run the skill for how effectively it allows my pack of dudes to clean up their retreating pack of dudes.

If the other team isn’t retreating or preparing to the skill is kind of marginal. The power of the skill is the AoE cripple coupled with the projectile reflect which counters the tentative ranged poke you get so much of in WvW stand-offs. You’ll explode very quickly if the other team is brave and will jump you instead, since the damage from dagger storm really isn’t all that impressive and you’ll have to break it to evade and live.

I’m also pretty amused by how hard necros counter dagger storm.

In small fights the skill is marginal; in a thief duel you’ll beat a spinning thief with heartseeker spam, for starters.

I think Dagger Storm is one of the few elites that’s in a really good place, up there with the Mesmer’s Time Warp, the Ranger’s Entangle (targeting bugs aside), the Warrior’s Signet of Rage, and the Engineer’s Mortar (for WvW at least). Signet of Rage is kind of dumb for an elite but at least the power level is appropriate. The only elite I’d complain about from a power level perspective is Polymorph, as uncounterable 10 second CCs are all kinds of stupid.

I’m really unimpressed with any other elite in the game. Most of them are all kinds of terrible, and most of the other usable ones just poop out minions to make 1v1s one sided. They definitely need some balance work here; they can’t afford to have giant piles of garbage in the elite slot when there are only 3 options available.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


maybe they should nerf whatever attacks it is you’re using.
considering dagger storm glass cannon or not does pretty crap damage and if its hitting you for a lot it means your range is being reflected back.

so yeah, nerf whatever ranged abilities it is you’re using

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


And you know, together with signet of malice, a thief can’t be killed during those 8 seconds. You can say: yea but if you go melee they are a sitting duck.. NONSENSE!
8 seconds of invulnerable damaging god mode.

Me and a team mate just got a thief to low hp, he popped dagger storm together with his passive signet of malice and his hp got so fast to full I couldn’t believe it :/

wow thats amazing considering signet of malice does horrible healing.
or maybe he had such little hp it looked like signet of malice is op.

Ill go for the later.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Shadow Phage.9084

Shadow Phage.9084

there are a few legitimate complaints about thieves, but dagger storm isn’t one of them. the only thing wrong with DS is the horrid animation, and it is conceptually ridiculous… wouldn’t you be much, much LESS stable if you were twirling around like a stupid fairy?

Obviously, the rate of rotation has given the thief significant angular momentum, which is what provides the stability.

And on topic: Daggerstorm isn’t an awesomely over-powered elite. It simply happens to be the only elite worth a kitten in moderate/large-scale WvW fights. Thieves Guild would die to AoE in 3 seconds, and Basilisk Venom is single target.

Using DS in a 1v1 is rather bad, unless the other player dumps their entire ranged burst into DS (then DS is both hilarious and decent). Thieves Guild will do a much better job of both shut down and damage in almost every 1v1.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


…Me and a team mate just got a thief to low hp, he popped dagger storm together with his passive signet of malice and his hp got so fast to full I couldn’t believe it :/

He popped Dagger Storm?

It has a 7.5 second channeling time. Seven and a half seconds and neither you nor your friends managed to interrupt it, or maybe even, who knows, kill him?

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


…Me and a team mate just got a thief to low hp, he popped dagger storm together with his passive signet of malice and his hp got so fast to full I couldn’t believe it :/

He popped Dagger Storm?

It has a 7.5 second channeling time. Seven and a half seconds and neither you nor your friends managed to interrupt it, or maybe even, who knows, kill him?

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Mandra Madador.1709

Mandra Madador.1709

Everyone who doesn’t agree can flame away. End of the day this skill is ridiculously overpowered. Which is why 90% of WvW thieves including myself just spam it over and over.

This skill is giving every glass cannon spec thief HUGE damage mitigation. I barely take any damage while doing it, thanks to reflecting projectiles.

Can’t be crowd controlled, thanks to stability.

Added bleeds and cripples because hey let’s just add more on top of an already amazing skill?

If all goes wrong: Stealth/Bow port/Skill port/Any of the stealth/port skills and you’re gone, free and clear 90% of the time.

Considering anyone chasing you would have to be a thief to even do anything, and also considering everyone you just Dagger Stormed is half dead.

I’ve come to the conclusion that this skill is lame and overpowered to add to my already great skill set. Hell I kill people just by throwing knives at them and not even going melee sometimes. If I have to go melee I just pop Dagger Storm.

Lol. I mean if you don’t want to agree, whatever. However, I will admit it, I am overpowered. It WAS fun now it’s just cheese. I see no reason to go any other build as I am probably better than a ranger at range thanks to all my escapes/stealth/dagger storm.

My brother and I had a group setup of like 5-6 thieves all doing dagger storm. LOL. I mean were you guys actually being serious with this skill Anet? I am not even trying to flame it just feels so ridiculously OP.

Here is how you counter DS. You can: Stop ranged attacks, roll, LOS, move back a bit (moving away can decrease the chance of you getting hit by the flying daggers), attack them in melee if you can keep up to them, you can still hurt them while they DS.

If you’re a proper glassy build for ultra damage, I would just move back wait till you’re done twirling come back in and continue. Not allot of people have that reaction time, or awareness to immediately dodge.

Make sure you’re basing your OP experience from fighting experienced players.
I can fight a newcomer and kill him and write about how awesome my class is.


Just give it a sec.
Don’t run in to it head first.
Practice against the Thief dummy in the Mists. She does DS in her fights most of the time.
She actually is more of a challenge than majority of the player base I encounter.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Even as a thief, one of the squishiest classes, if I see someone use daggerstorm I just run at them and start hitting them with melee. Damage must be so high…

It’s only good vs someone who starts shooting ranged at them, which thankfully for daggerstormers many do.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


maybe they should nerf whatever attacks it is you’re using.
considering dagger storm glass cannon or not does pretty crap damage and if its hitting you for a lot it means your range is being reflected back.

so yeah, nerf whatever ranged abilities it is you’re using

I like this suggestion. I vote Rizzy for president of good points.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Except Dagger storm lasts far longer than any of these skills.

Over the same period of time, DS does more damage. DS lasting longer than these skills just means it does even more since they’re shorter.

The one exception being Whirwind Attack on the warrior’s greatsword skill set.

Let’s look at Whirwind Attack, which “lasts all of .5 seconds” and does more damage than DS during those .5 seconds. That would be 16 times the dps even if the damage was the same. Going by your statement that the damage of whirlwind is far higher…

Whirlwind Attack’s DPS is much higher than many skills in this game, assuming you get hit by all 4 attacks. And unless you’re standing in a ‘perfect’ spot, that most likely isn’t going to happen.

Even so, that’s not relevant. My point was that comparing all spin attacks and assuming they were all equal is irrelevant. It seems you’ve skipped over that and read what you wanted into my post.

Do note that I’m not arguing for or against dagger storm, just pointing out that this argument is flawed.

You don’t need to mock me because you didn’t understand my point.