Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


Just wanted to get a thread on this out. It looks like when they fixed the bug with the trait Flanking Strikes, in the trickery tree, getting double cooldown reduction from the Trickster trait, they did so by removing the status of Flanking Strikes as a trick type “skill”. What this means is it no longer can be recharged using Improvisation, which when coupled with the now extended cd makes for an underwhelming trait. All other skill using traits for thief get this type of benefit (IE trap on heal skill .ect) from Improvisation, and without it, Flanking Strikes has an even harder time competing with the other adept trait options. Thanks!

Update!: After some additional testing, I’ve come to find that Trickster No longer reduces the CD of Flanking Strikes at all. Despite updating the tooltip in the trait panel, it does not actually reduce the CD at all.

TLDR: Flanking Strikes can’t be Improv’ed, Nor is it affected by Trickster at all since the bug fix. Makes me a sad panda.

(edited by Xeyon.6419)

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: kash.9213


That’s really unfortunate if true, I saw no reason to take that trait on it’s own without Trickster. If it doesn’t synergize with Trickster, none of the modifiers on it are going to kick in to even measure this traits worth, it’s a no show at this point if you’re correct. Which would also mean you might as well take Thrill of the Crime and at that point, you might as well also take Bountiful theft and run the same build everyone else does. Hope you’re wrong.


Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


I agree, there not being any synergy between trickster and flanking makes both infinitely less attractive. Pretty please Anet, make flanking strikes a trick type skill again.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

Like I’ve been saying- only reason to take this line (unless you really want the augmented steal) is for preparedness. Anet makes it baseline, sudden build diversity ensues, they realize how bad this line is minus 4 or 5 selectable traits. Profit?

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


I wouldn’t go so far to say its a bad line all together. The grandmasters are bit lackluster at face-value, outside of the daze on steal, but still have their uses. Caltrops on dodge can be really good in a few semibunker condi builds when coupled with signet of malice. Pressure Striking (torment on interrupt) is pretty lame though, and is almost never used, now along with flanking and trickster.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

That’s what I meant though. Unless you specifically want either condi or steal boons, this line is not yours to pick. Unfortunately, regardless of build, you have to take it for Preparedness. I hate this line, I’m tired of this line, I even leave all the traits blank unless I plan to use them. Especially the daze gm because it gets me killed via Mirror of Anguish 50-60% of the time.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


I agree preparedness is the most attractive part of the tree, but I wouldn’t say that makes the tree bad. Every class a profession mechanic oriented tree that has a passive that is more attractive than most the tree.

Either way, the tree desperately needs this bug with Flanking/Trickster fixed. It is alot harder to argue Trickery isn’t a bad tree without the traits synergizing with each other.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Kicker.8203


noone used that even with the 40% cd reduction. 20% is bad . Then what is 0%?

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Nohvic.7436


This makes me kinda sad. This totally ruins my build.

Anet. I know you are cool people. We know you are cool people. Just some things need to be fixed. K?

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


I agree, this is a very sad, sad problem. And @Kicker, I agree, it was hardly used despite being 40% reduction, which says alot. I honestly thought it was intended because of that, the trait needs that kind of reduction to even be considerable.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

It was hardly used because it showed how much hate Thief has when Warrior/Ranger have a 15s icd, Mesmer has kitten icd (now 0. perma quick is balanced), when Engi can get far more value from a utility skill over a trait, and when Guardians had it on 30s (now kitten , oh big deal) in an aoe party friendly manner. Legitimately, this Trait is garbage. Sorry to say. It needs to go icd 30s (and thats being generous) with it working as a trick icd skill for it to be worthwhile. But uh, guys, nerf thief remember? Too op.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


Agreed, the trick status was really the best thing going for it. The cooldown was alot more reasonable with improv since you could double down on it.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


Sad. Barely used Flanking and Trickster BEFORE… never going to now.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Lumpy.8760


lending my voice here!!!! Flanking Strikes can be important in a build that uses Improvisation because it can count as one of the 6 skill types when only up to 5 can be equipped, unfortunately it’s unaffected by Improvisation completely

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


Like I’ve been saying- only reason to take this line (unless you really want the augmented steal) is for preparedness. Anet makes it baseline, sudden build diversity ensues, they realize how bad this line is minus 4 or 5 selectable traits. Profit?

Sleight of hand / lead attacks is pretty mandatory in pvp as well.

As long as DA is obviously superior to CS, steal is going to heal, do damage, apply poison, apply weakness (via the poison), potentially reset some heal/utlities/elite, and give you 2 stolen items. Reducing the CD on steal ~15 seconds is much too vital to be ignored, especially considering the alternative lines range from bland to dumpster fire.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Like I’ve been saying- only reason to take this line (unless you really want the augmented steal) is for preparedness. Anet makes it baseline, sudden build diversity ensues, they realize how bad this line is minus 4 or 5 selectable traits. Profit?

Thrill of the Crime.

I could leave it and be willing to lose preparedness. I can’t leave it and lose ToTC.

Flanking Strikes : Bug/Unintended Behavior

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

So no one would experiment with no builds if we suddenly didn’t have to take trickery to maximize our ability “cooldowns”. I would. I’d drop it instantly. Take a stunbreak from acro, healing from sa, more damage from crit…something.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.