(edited by Geiir.7603)
Glassy WvW build
Odd set of runes to be running. Dunno if you meant for those or not lol. Anyway, other than that, you run pretty much exactly what I do. I’ve loved the Revealed Training with Mug combo. Been using it ever since the trait was released. So much fun making people explode. XD
Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA] minon – TC
Rune of the Wurm looks a good choice too. The reason I’m running travelers are because of the movement speed really. Glad to see that there are other than me who do this too! Have a ton of fun with it currently
How exactly are Valkyrie armor and traveler’s runes “pure glass?”
Yeah when I think of glass I think of the berserker signet burn build. Blow all 3 signets for 15 might and see if you can end them with the first flurry because if you don’t… you are teh ballet dancer thief.
hmm you have a trait for traps and you dotn have traps and the runes….wtf?
Updated the name to fit more. Was initially running only berserkers, and the name was just put there since this is far more glass than most WvW builds we run.
I have played the signet build too, but that is really a one trick pony. This has more sustain and chances of surviving after the initial burst.
I do not use traps. That trait was supposed to be Mug, just a wrong click on my phone. Thanks for noticing btw ^^
As for runes; I know there are better alternatives for damage, but I just like the 25% movement speed bonus.
I think you screwed up the runes xD Runes of Altruism. Just so you know.
Will try it out, I have a mix of valk and zerker tho, and pack runes.
Gw2skills.net isn’t on my side today…. I run travelers, not altruism. Ah, pack runes should work great too! Let me know your results.
I run travelers, not altruism.
I figured that had to be an accident lol. I ran runes of Speed for awhile for the extra Vitality, but Travelers aren’t a bad choice either. I know plenty of good thieves that run those.
Ah, pack runes should work great too!
I ran these for awhile too. While they are a solid choice, I figured since I’m already getting 100% crit chance on my Backstabs, and I’ve got Fury when they’re below 50%, that the extra prec bonus was kind of a waste. Entirely up to you though.
Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA] minon – TC
For movement speed try centaur and withdraw. Perma (13s out of 15s) swiftness and +175 power. This gives me damage on my runes and lets me run 3 real utilities, plus they’re like 5silver. Withdraw isn’t even a downgrade either, great skill. It’s also +8% movement when swiftness up over signet or travelers.
also, I highly, highly recommend the quickness on crit trait over furious retaliation if you’re really looking to burst em.
also, with your crit at 50% (i.e. half the time this trait does absolutely nothing), and the revealed training trait (which doesn’t apply to back-stabs) I think executioner’s would be a better trait than hidden killer. Executioner’s and revealed training work together giving you effectively 240 power when revealed and target under 50% hp
(edited by Cam Ron.4170)
also, I highly, highly recommend the quickness on crit trait over furious retaliation if you’re really looking to burst em.
Haven’t thought about trying that. I’ll have to give it a spin.
also, with your crit at 50% (i.e. half the time this trait does absolutely nothing), and the revealed training trait (which doesn’t apply to back-stabs) I think executioner’s would be a better trait than hidden killer. Executioner’s and revealed training work together giving you effectively 240 power when revealed and target under 50% hp
I originally ran that, and while the extra damage when low was nice (and I by no means dislike that trait), I found I much prefered the guaranteed burst from my Backstabs when opening and throughout a fight, since it keeps my damage fairly consistent. Also with as much as I have invested in crit damage too, it’s just felt like the better choice.
the revealed training trait (which doesn’t apply to back-stabs)
While it really only works with opening burst, there’s a little trick with Mug/Revealed Training where if you warm up your backstab JUST before stealing, Mug triggers revealed just before your backstab connects, applying the 200 Power boost to your BS. ^.^
Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA] minon – TC
I run travelers, not altruism.
I figured that had to be an accident lol. I ran runes of Speed for awhile for the extra Vitality, but Travelers aren’t a bad choice either. I know plenty of good thieves that run those.
Ah, pack runes should work great too!
I ran these for awhile too. While they are a solid choice, I figured since I’m already getting 100% crit chance on my Backstabs, and I’ve got Fury when they’re below 50%, that the extra prec bonus was kind of a waste. Entirely up to you though.
What are your experience with assassin armor? I see you gain a few more points here and there:
Assassins: critical chance 50
vs 46 on ’serker
Assassins: 1893 precision
vs 1802 on ’serker.
’Serker gives you 2461 power tho,
vs 2370 on assassins (ferocity stays the same).
Non-Ascended Glass build with 20 stacks of Might on first engagement.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I run travelers, not altruism.
I figured that had to be an accident lol. I ran runes of Speed for awhile for the extra Vitality, but Travelers aren’t a bad choice either. I know plenty of good thieves that run those.
Ah, pack runes should work great too!
I ran these for awhile too. While they are a solid choice, I figured since I’m already getting 100% crit chance on my Backstabs, and I’ve got Fury when they’re below 50%, that the extra prec bonus was kind of a waste. Entirely up to you though.
What are your experience with assassin armor? I see you gain a few more points here and there:
Assassins: critical chance 50
vs 46 on ’serkerAssassins: 1893 precision
vs 1802 on ’serker.’Serker gives you 2461 power tho,
vs 2370 on assassins (ferocity stays the same).
This was my old build. – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fZAQNAoaVlsMp8pdPx0J8PNRLRtdHEdfAXDh2PQAEiA-T1SBwAFVaw5QAkwETkHEoE8m6PYVGgSfDCTTH3fUip5IAA4EEQKgIGDA-w
I actually just changed up from that last week lol. As you noted, there were minor stat increases/decreases (-86 Power, +4% crit chance, +13% crit damage, and a negligible + to Vit). I’m honestly not sure on the damage numbers, or how much it’s changed, but so far I’m liking it better. I’ll run both sets later to check that, and report back.
Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA] minon – TC
Revealed Training works excellent if you pre-cast backstab into steal. It’s also a nice damage boost with auto attacks and shadow shot between stabs or while I get revealed from Sic’em or Analyze. I still like Hide in Shadows because of the condition removal (which this build highly lack) and the stealth it gives me (and removes yet another condition).
I just fancy traveler runes, but I agree that they are not optimal.
As for Executioner vs Hidden Killer; I really think this boils down to personal preference. My biggest concern is getting those stabs, which is why I stick with HK. Again, this boils down to player preference and style.
RT is a waste if you use those two points in Trickery. 5/6/0/0/3 has higher damage throughput than 6/6/0/0/2 because 6/6/0/0/2 doesn’t get modified by First Strikes since the +3 init from preparedness isn’t applied, unless you somehow manage to be getting in range to CnD and then out of range again for the precasted BS with steal.
4 signet burst is also a little bit of a waste. The might gain from SoM is negligible at that point and it’s a much better investment to use HiS for the condition removal/stealth if it’s necessary to precast/escape if the burst fails or you get caught by say, another thief.
Valkyrie armor with Scholar runes also allows for a substantially more reliable backstab with a ton more damage and yields a ton of survivability, and ToTC compensates for the lost precision via fury on engage. The added vitality also helps substantially against condition users. HK is of course required for this due to the lower precision.
The reason why i am not going 2 points in trickery is simply because I need those 2 points in Shadow Arts in order to deal with conditions :/ But you are right in what you are saying. It will give more damage, but I am looking at creating a viable build for WvW than can survive condition classes too.
Hey Geiir im running pretty much the exact same build as you and i love the damage! Traveler runes are pretty helpful. Could you explain how the mug and backstab combo work exactly for heavy damage output? and how have you been dealing with condi mesmers and classes with a boat load of stuns/dazes/reveals? Maybe a video
If you cast backstab and immideately hit steal (with mug) then the mug damage will be applied and you get revealed while casting backstab, so you get 200 extra power on the backstab hit.
Conditions are the nemesis and counter of this build. Rely on shadowstep and stealth to clean them. But against those that can spam conditions you need to burst them down before they can stack the conditions.
If you cast backstab and immideately hit steal (with mug) then the mug damage will be applied and you get revealed while casting backstab, so you get 200 extra power on the backstab hit.
Is this consistent? If so, that’s a very neat technique.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
If you cast backstab and immideately hit steal (with mug) then the mug damage will be applied and you get revealed while casting backstab, so you get 200 extra power on the backstab hit.
Is this consistent? If so, that’s a very neat technique.
As long as steal connects it works. But those very rare occasions when steal bug it fails :/
If you cast backstab and immideately hit steal (with mug) then the mug damage will be applied and you get revealed while casting backstab, so you get 200 extra power on the backstab hit.
Is this consistent? If so, that’s a very neat technique.
Yep. It’s been this way since RT was released.