Has this been attempted? (WvW frontline)
I used to play like this:
The ferocity crit nerf destroyed that, there’s no possibility to play like this anymore; you’ll die to conditions with your 14k HP – But: I’d love to be proven wrong.
I used to play like this:
The ferocity crit nerf destroyed that, there’s no possibility to play like this anymore; you’ll die to conditions with your 14k HP – But: I’d love to be proven wrong.
Haha Dirty, I was gonna link one of your videos from way back then too. Or was gonna dig up one of Baddie playing thief in the melee.
Anyways, why not drop the SA traits, use s/p, which would give you the blinds and put the points into acro for more evades instead?
That’s more something I’d use instead. Probably drop the accuracy sigils as well due to the fury uptime. You gain an extra evade and vigor on heal use. Food now lifesteals, which assuming you’re in a fight cleaving with sword or sb ends up being better than mango regen. Extra initiative, more dodges, the ability to cleave with pistol whip, more hp to avoid melting to condis.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer
(edited by Helly.2597)
I frontline thief all the time. Lately been using 2/0/0/6/6.
Full zerker armor, and 2-3 soldier jewelry. I bounce between Withdraw and HiS for heal, then Shadow Step, IS and SoA. Dagger storm elite.
I have frontlined on just about any build there is, even full glass. It’s all about knowing your positioning and never going balls deep without an escape plan. Builds also depend greatly on what you are fighting. The build above is good for pug fighting, against a decent guild group I may go more tanky.
The toughest spots are the choke point/ wall fights. Because you don’t have many escape options.
I used to play like this:
The ferocity crit nerf destroyed that, there’s no possibility to play like this anymore; you’ll die to conditions with your 14k HP – But: I’d love to be proven wrong.Haha Dirty, I was gonna link one of your videos from way back then too. Or was gonna dig up one of Baddie playing thief in the melee.
Anyways, why not drop the SA traits, use s/p, which would give you the blinds and put the points into acro for more evades instead?
That’s more something I’d use instead. Probably drop the accuracy sigils as well due to the fury uptime. You gain an extra evade and vigor on heal use. Food now lifesteals, which assuming you’re in a fight cleaving with sword or sb ends up being better than mango regen. Extra initiative, more dodges, the ability to cleave with pistol whip, more hp to avoid melting to condis.
I’m not the guy in the videos
Problem will be the conditions.
I’m not the guy in the videos
Problem will be the conditions.
Sad day, for a second thought Dirty still played.
Condition problems depend on the ability for condi cleanse from your allies, if you’re having issues maybe run -duration food. Condi cleanse will always be an issue for thieves. Unless they’re using SA and just sitting in stealth.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer
I’m not the guy in the videos
Problem will be the conditions.Sad day, for a second thought Dirty still played.
Condition problems depend on the ability for condi cleanse from your allies, if you’re having issues maybe run -duration food. Condi cleanse will always be an issue for thieves. Unless they’re using SA and just sitting in stealth.
Your 14k HP will be a problem with condis and also the runes and you won’t really be stealthed in a zerg, so the SA traits won’t work. I’m still running with zergs and it kind of worked for quite a while yesterday (valk/zerker thief) but in general the condi removal from your allies isn’t enough (I have been one of the last alive before april, afterwards I was the first to die).
But, like I said, I’d love you to prove me wrong.
Edit: I have been soldier’s with rune of the melandru and 06440 before april last year.
(edited by Jana.6831)
Messed around with your gear choices for a few minutes to improve your stats a bit
I’m sure it can be tweeked more, maybe use rune of the worm instead of exhuberance and bump that ferocity up a good bit, would probably cost less too.
Maybe also consider changing your build around. Venom share would be pretty hilarious when hitting the other zergs backline.
(edited by Jim Hunter.6821)
You can play frontline thief even full glas, the question is, does it make sense to play a thief in that role? The answer is no, it doesn’t.
My main is thief and i love the class to death but it just isn’t very viable in zerg vs zerg. I have tried so many different specs even full glas and some tankier setups (to be honest you don’t feel much difference in survivability anyway so just go full glas with a bit of valk) and the truth is you spend more time positioning than actually doing damage (what your main objective is) to the point where a 0 0 6 6 2 guardian vastly outdamages you because he can actually tank enough to deal his dps.
Thief has it’s niche in GvGs but in zerg fights? Not really, better to play a guardian or something.
My roaming build has nearly 2.8k power, 2.7k armor, 38% crit rate, 195% crit dmg, 16.8-17.1k hp depending on world bonus and is a SA thief. So I think you could do better than those stats. IP sucks.
You can play frontline thief even full glas, the question is, does it make sense to play a thief in that role? The answer is no, it doesn’t.
My main is thief and i love the class to death but it just isn’t very viable in zerg vs zerg. I have tried so many different specs even full glas and some tankier setups (to be honest you don’t feel much difference in survivability anyway so just go full glas with a bit of valk) and the truth is you spend more time positioning than actually doing damage (what your main objective is) to the point where a 0 0 6 6 2 guardian vastly outdamages you because he can actually tank enough to deal his dps.
Thief has it’s niche in GvGs but in zerg fights? Not really, better to play a guardian or something.
It does make sense as no one blasts better than thief and to be honest, I think that there should be a possibility to play like that, I’m still pretty mad that anet took that away from me. And I don’t know how they did it exactly as I’ve been a worse noob back then. They nerfed rune of melandru and crit damage but there must’ve been something else.
You can play frontline thief even full glas, the question is, does it make sense to play a thief in that role? The answer is no, it doesn’t.
My main is thief and i love the class to death but it just isn’t very viable in zerg vs zerg. I have tried so many different specs even full glas and some tankier setups (to be honest you don’t feel much difference in survivability anyway so just go full glas with a bit of valk) and the truth is you spend more time positioning than actually doing damage (what your main objective is) to the point where a 0 0 6 6 2 guardian vastly outdamages you because he can actually tank enough to deal his dps.
Thief has it’s niche in GvGs but in zerg fights? Not really, better to play a guardian or something.
It does make sense as no one blasts better than thief and to be honest, I think that there should be a possibility to play like that, I’m still pretty mad that anet took that away from me. And I don’t know how they did it exactly as I’ve been a worse noob back then. They nerfed rune of melandru and crit damage but there must’ve been something else.
Same story here…
Can’t really pin-point (though the speed and range nerfs to claster bomb did “help”) after which nerf I couldn’t be on the front-line with my shortbow/dagger-storm/signe of malice (or any other setup), but yeah it’s mainly the reason I stopped playing.
It might not have been the nerfs themselves as me just becoming more aware of what other classes are capable of in comparison and the constant stream of nerfs that really didn’t help me hanging on (bit depressing when every consecutive patch was a nerf).
O well…
Going to play some HoT when it comes out, try out the revenant, finally craft my legendary, and then quit for good. Unless something catches me in between all that – doubtful.
Same story here…
Can’t really pin-point (though the speed and range nerfs to claster bomb did “help”) after which nerf I couldn’t be on the front-line with my shortbow/dagger-storm/signe of malice (or any other setup), but yeah it’s mainly the reason I stopped playing.
It might not have been the nerfs themselves as me just becoming more aware of what other classes are capable of in comparison and the constant stream of nerfs that really didn’t help me hanging on (bit depressing when every consecutive patch was a nerf).
O well…
Going to play some HoT when it comes out, try out the revenant, finally craft my legendary, and then quit for good. Unless something catches me in between all that – doubtful.
No, the april patch really destroyed me being able to run with the zerg – I just don’t know why.
I’m lagging for now 5 months which nerfs’ me even further and there is no answer to why (long story (hey, it’s been 5 months)). And that will be the reason I will quit as it’s frustrating to die to upleveled assaulter rangers.
And I love my thief to bits, really – ask anyone who knows me.
Btw what legendary? I can remember we had an incinerator thread a while ago but.. incinerator?
Same story here…
Can’t really pin-point (though the speed and range nerfs to claster bomb did “help”) after which nerf I couldn’t be on the front-line with my shortbow/dagger-storm/signe of malice (or any other setup), but yeah it’s mainly the reason I stopped playing.
It might not have been the nerfs themselves as me just becoming more aware of what other classes are capable of in comparison and the constant stream of nerfs that really didn’t help me hanging on (bit depressing when every consecutive patch was a nerf).
O well…
Going to play some HoT when it comes out, try out the revenant, finally craft my legendary, and then quit for good. Unless something catches me in between all that – doubtful.No, the april patch really destroyed me being able to run with the zerg – I just don’t know why.
I’m lagging for now 5 months which nerfs’ me even further and there is no answer to why (long story (hey, it’s been 5 months)). And that will be the reason I will quit as it’s frustrating to die to upleveled assaulter rangers.
And I love my thief to bits, really – ask anyone who knows me.Btw what legendary? I can remember we had an incinerator thread a while ago but.. incinerator?
Incinerator is my initial goal for a legendary, considering the pistol and bow are a joke, sword is meh. Maybe the new legendaries will make me switch from incinerator to something else.
Oh another reason I stopped playing was because thieves are/were so good at scouting that I would often be asked to scout when that was the last thing I wanted to do and it felt like a punishment (boring, not rewarding at all), kind of like being told to peel bags upon bags of potatoes… All I wanted to do was be on the front-lines and slaughter by the dozens and have the warm fuzzy feeling of spamming F to pick up all the loot bags off my dead enemies (and get heaps of crap to vendor/salavage), not one person per hour of scouting and be getting a (single) loot bag containing trash (literally, those “trophy” items). I guess a warm “thanks” is what keeps people scouting, and maybe their own personal preference of being alone/solo/small group.
(It’s not so much of dominating by mass versus 1v1, no, I don’t care/mind dieing/losing. Scouting and 1v1’ing just seems slow, boring, and unrewarding… while zerging is fast-paced (when engaging enemy zerg(s)), fun/“intense” (having commanders yell “Balls Deep guys!! Balls Deep!!” when we charged at enemy zerg(s)), and rewarding (even if you die, chances are you still picked up some loot bags))
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
Incinerator is my initial goal for a legendary, considering the pistol and bow are a joke, sword is meh. Maybe the new legendaries will make me switch from incinerator to something else.
Oh another reason I stopped playing was because thieves are/were so good at scouting that I would often be asked to scout when that was the last thing I wanted to do and it felt like a punishment (boring, not rewarding at all), kind of like being told to peel bags upon bags of potatoes… :( All I wanted to do was be on the front-lines and slaughter by the dozens and have the warm fuzzy feeling of spamming F to pick up all the loot bags off my dead enemies (and get heaps of crap to vendor/salavage), not one person per hour of scouting and be getting a (single) loot bag containing trash (literally, those “trophy” items). I guess a warm “thanks” is what keeps people scouting, and maybe their own personal preference of being alone/solo/small group.
(It’s not so much of dominating by mass versus 1v1, no, I don’t care/mind dieing/losing. Scouting and 1v1’ing just seems slow, boring, and unrewarding… while zerging is fast-paced (when engaging enemy zerg(s)), fun/“intense” (having commanders yell “Balls Deep guys!! Balls Deep!!” when we charged at enemy zerg(s)), and rewarding (even if you die, chances are you still picked up some loot bags))
Bolt is the only sword in this game I like, so I also have bolt although I only use sword in fractals – kind of a waste. But most people I know agree that incinerator is the coolest legendary – well most people I know are thieves ;)
I was never asked to do anything actually which is pretty cool. I get you though – most people have no clue about how awesome thieves are for group/zergplay (if that were possible anymore).
While I was still able to be a zergthief I killed 20k people in wvw within 4 months. the last year i have killed an additional 10k maybe – great. I really love the adrenaline rush from zergfights. And I do miss the bags – I have to be that careful in zergs that i won’t get them anyway.
Roaming can be boring, yes, but I made a lot of friends on opposing servers – whenever you see two enemies standing next to each other (chatting) it’s two thieves.
And roamers are the best wvw players in my opinion – try to counter our early evening roamer zerg – even organized guilds can’t ;)
Incinerator is my initial goal for a legendary, considering the pistol and bow are a joke, sword is meh. Maybe the new legendaries will make me switch from incinerator to something else.
Oh another reason I stopped playing was because thieves are/were so good at scouting that I would often be asked to scout when that was the last thing I wanted to do and it felt like a punishment (boring, not rewarding at all), kind of like being told to peel bags upon bags of potatoes…
All I wanted to do was be on the front-lines and slaughter by the dozens and have the warm fuzzy feeling of spamming F to pick up all the loot bags off my dead enemies (and get heaps of crap to vendor/salavage), not one person per hour of scouting and be getting a (single) loot bag containing trash (literally, those “trophy” items). I guess a warm “thanks” is what keeps people scouting, and maybe their own personal preference of being alone/solo/small group.
(It’s not so much of dominating by mass versus 1v1, no, I don’t care/mind dieing/losing. Scouting and 1v1’ing just seems slow, boring, and unrewarding… while zerging is fast-paced (when engaging enemy zerg(s)), fun/“intense” (having commanders yell “Balls Deep guys!! Balls Deep!!” when we charged at enemy zerg(s)), and rewarding (even if you die, chances are you still picked up some loot bags))
Bolt is the only sword in this game I like, so I also have bolt although I only use sword in fractals – kind of a waste. But most people I know agree that incinerator is the coolest legendary – well most people I know are thieves
I was never asked to do anything actually which is pretty cool. I get you though – most people have no clue about how awesome thieves are for group/zergplay (if that were possible anymore).
While I was still able to be a zergthief I killed 20k people in wvw within 4 months. the last year i have killed an additional 10k maybe – great. I really love the adrenaline rush from zergfights. And I do miss the bags – I have to be that careful in zergs that i won’t get them anyway.
Roaming can be boring, yes, but I made a lot of friends on opposing servers – whenever you see two enemies standing next to each other (chatting) it’s two thieves.
And roamers are the best wvw players in my opinion – try to counter our early evening roamer zerg – even organized guilds can’t
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against roamers… Just I, myself, can’t do it compared to everything I’m losing by staying in a zerg.
From time to time I still do a couple sPvP matches, that’s as small-scale I can go. (Though I tend to focus on other things then 1v1’ing or 1vX in sPvP)
X.x Revenant might make me come back to WvW’ing, considering it’s already beefier than a thief by having medium HP and heavy armor… but yeah, have to see when it comes out really.
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against roamers… Just I, myself, can’t do it compared to everything I’m losing by staying in a zerg.
From time to time I still do a couple sPvP matches, that’s as small-scale I can go. (Though I tend to focus on other things then 1v1’ing or 1vX in sPvP)X.x Revenant might make me come back to WvW’ing, considering it’s already beefier than a thief by having medium HP and heavy armor… but yeah, have to see when it comes out really.
You got me wrong: I’m not telling you to go roaming, I was rather thinking aloud as I’m still quite a bit sad that I can’t do what I used to do.
I’m not excited about the extension at all – in my opinion it would be better to adress current issues and not adding tons of new ones to make things worse. With that I mean balance and not just balance between thieves and other classes but in general. I don’t mind being the underdog but if the only chance is to outskill each and every other player it’s kind of meh. And also some other stuff which is wrong with GW2 at the moment, in my opinion – I’d rather have that solved than a shiny new expansion.
And I honestly don’t care about anything but thief – and I knew it from the moment I first used death blossom ;)
(edited by Jana.6831)
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against roamers… Just I, myself, can’t do it compared to everything I’m losing by staying in a zerg.
From time to time I still do a couple sPvP matches, that’s as small-scale I can go. (Though I tend to focus on other things then 1v1’ing or 1vX in sPvP)X.x Revenant might make me come back to WvW’ing, considering it’s already beefier than a thief by having medium HP and heavy armor… but yeah, have to see when it comes out really.
You got me wrong: I’m not telling you to go roaming, I was rather thinking aloud as I’m still quite a bit sad that I can’t do what I used to do.
I’m not excited about the extension at all – in my opinion it would be better to adress current issues and not adding tons of new ones to make things worse. With that I mean balance and not just balance between thieves and other classes but in general. I don’t mind being the underdog but if the only chance is to outskill each and every other player it’s kind of meh. And also some other stuff which is wrong with GW2 at the moment, in my opinion – I’d rather have that solved than a shiny new expansion.
And I honestly don’t care about anything but thief – and I knew it from the moment I first used death blossom
I know you weren’t pushing me to roam or anything, just meant to say that I don’t hate roamers.
:D Well maybe they hope that by adding new stuff will cover up old problems/make people forget.
As for balancing things, the expansion is a perfect excuse to put in more work into all classes, to balance, adjust, fix, and possibly rework them. If they don’t do it around that time (2 months before/after expansion), then really I doubt they will ever do it.
Yeah, you’re right, it would be rather stupid to do it now – but one thing with anet is; they don’t tone down anything by a notch, they go full blown overboard and I don’t expect this to change, so balancing stuff with then 3 weaponsets, 9 classes and a bunch of masteries will be even worse than trying to balance classes now. And not just classes also whether the power conditions have in pvp and wvw is really what they wanted them to be. But maybe all of that is really easy – I just don’t expect it to happen.
Anet, please make zerg thieves a thing again! (<— my not offtopic)
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against roamers… Just I, myself, can’t do it compared to everything I’m losing by staying in a zerg.
From time to time I still do a couple sPvP matches, that’s as small-scale I can go. (Though I tend to focus on other things then 1v1’ing or 1vX in sPvP)X.x Revenant might make me come back to WvW’ing, considering it’s already beefier than a thief by having medium HP and heavy armor… but yeah, have to see when it comes out really.
You got me wrong: I’m not telling you to go roaming, I was rather thinking aloud as I’m still quite a bit sad that I can’t do what I used to do.
I’m not excited about the extension at all – in my opinion it would be better to adress current issues and not adding tons of new ones to make things worse. With that I mean balance and not just balance between thieves and other classes but in general. I don’t mind being the underdog but if the only chance is to outskill each and every other player it’s kind of meh. And also some other stuff which is wrong with GW2 at the moment, in my opinion – I’d rather have that solved than a shiny new expansion.
And I honestly don’t care about anything but thief – and I knew it from the moment I first used death blossom
Death blossom? Yup, zerger thief all right.
Wanting to have a zerg/front-line thief is also the reason I would take a great sword over rifle as the new weapon… Just gives a bit more hope about being able to be on the front-line again, as a thief. (I’ve tried as a warrior and guard, just didn’t appeal. :| Maybe revenant will.)
Successfully derailed this topic!
Death blossom? Yup, zerger thief all right.
I did use SB and D/D in zergs, or am still using it – D/D mostly for daggerstorm back in the day but I can’t really do daggerstorm like I used to and also the sigils I use now are different from those I had then.
Anyway, I love death blossom and am still using it – my 1vs1 buddy always falls for it. Well, one time I killed him because he was amazed how cool death blossom looks with incinerator – I understand that actually.
Unicorn (d/d relying on death blossom and SoM, daggerstrom) build was pretty fun.
Or just straight up shotgunning clusterbomb…
Unicorn (d/d relying on death blossom and SoM, daggerstrom) build was pretty fun.
Or just straight up shotgunning clusterbomb…
I use it to reposition, so I’m standing in front of him, he storms towards me, I use death blossom, CND and backstab.
Being a former clicker has got its advantages at times ;)
Edit: Because that was kind of cryptic: I have been a clicker when I created my thief and I really had troubles keeping up with him and also fighting against multiple mobs as Short Bow would’ve been ideal for that but placing aoe circles takes quite a while when clicking. So I used death blossom for more than 1 enemy. Hence my former 06440 setup so I could dodge more often, also to reposition.
(edited by Jana.6831)
I used to Frontline all the time on thief.
As long as you got a good group who’s cleansing your conditions and providing enough stability then spammable clusters that hit for 4 to 5 thousand are an awesome asset.
… I don’t understand how people can play clicking on their skills…
… I don’t understand how people can play clicking on their skills…
Well, it was enough for ranger who I mained until I created my thief.
And I do have some advantages from that time – the biggest advantage to me would be that I would be able to play with my keyboard alone but I can’t.
… I don’t understand how people can play clicking on their skills…
Well, it was enough for ranger who I mained until I created my thief.
And I do have some advantages from that time – the biggest advantage to me would be that I would be able to play with my keyboard alone but I can’t.
Just get one of those weird and not comfortable looking mice with 20 thumb buttons (like Razer Naga, but there are worse…). :| Then you will be able to play with 1 hand and have one free hand to do stuff… stuff… god the internet as ruined me…
… I don’t understand how people can play clicking on their skills…
Well, it was enough for ranger who I mained until I created my thief.
And I do have some advantages from that time – the biggest advantage to me would be that I would be able to play with my keyboard alone but I can’t.Just get one of those weird and not comfortable looking mice with 20 thumb buttons (like Razer Naga, but there are worse…). :| Then you will be able to play with 1 hand and have one free hand to do stuff… stuff… god the internet as ruined me…
Well, I said “I have been a clicker back then” ;). Got a shiny razer naga hex for my birthday a year ago. I have medium sized female hands and my left hand is rather useless. I still use the keyboard for half of a movement, that’s kind of unintentionally, but I can perfectly kite with strifing – and I still do it, although I also use the mouse for turns. But since I’m used to reposition with dodges and deathblossom I still do it, well I got back to it actually, death blossom is pretty good.
And don’t bother explaining stuff you do with hands to me, all of my friends in this game are male ;)
… I don’t understand how people can play clicking on their skills…
Well, it was enough for ranger who I mained until I created my thief.
And I do have some advantages from that time – the biggest advantage to me would be that I would be able to play with my keyboard alone but I can’t.Just get one of those weird and not comfortable looking mice with 20 thumb buttons (like Razer Naga, but there are worse…). :| Then you will be able to play with 1 hand and have one free hand to do stuff… stuff… god the internet as ruined me…
Well, I said “I have been a clicker back then”
. Got a shiny razer naga hex for my birthday a year ago. I have medium sized female hands and my left hand is rather useless. I still use the keyboard for half of a movement, that’s kind of unintentionally, but I can perfectly kite with strifing – and I still do it, although I also use the mouse for turns. But since I’m used to reposition with dodges and deathblossom I still do it, well I got back to it actually, death blossom is pretty good.
And don’t bother explaining stuff you do with hands to me, all of my friends in this game are male
:| I drink with my free hand if i have a free hand… other stuff doesn’t seem to work well during gaming.
Especially when reading QQ posts…
I pick my nose with my free hand.
That’s about as exciting as it gets.
(No I don’t… but i do feel dumb reading some of the posts.)
… I don’t understand how people can play clicking on their skills…
Well, it was enough for ranger who I mained until I created my thief.
And I do have some advantages from that time – the biggest advantage to me would be that I would be able to play with my keyboard alone but I can’t.Just get one of those weird and not comfortable looking mice with 20 thumb buttons (like Razer Naga, but there are worse…). :| Then you will be able to play with 1 hand and have one free hand to do stuff… stuff… god the internet as ruined me…
I never touch my keyboard while playing
the orbweaver just looks like a section of a keyboard…
:/ I’m sticking to my G15 (old kitten , and I don’t use the 18 macro keys in games) keyboard and my G9x mouse. Logitechs are nice… If they ever die on me, might try razer stuff or SteelSeries (sensei mouse).
the orbweaver just looks like a section of a keyboard…
:/ I’m sticking to my G15 (old kitten , and I don’t use the 18 macro keys in games) keyboard and my G9x mouse. Logitechs are nice… If they ever die on me, might try razer stuff or SteelSeries (sensei mouse).
It sorta is with 20 keys, a joystick, and 2 thumb buttons. I use the joystick for movement and all the other skills (1-0, call target, etc) are tied to the keys. I never touch my standard QWERTY though I guess i should have said.
the orbweaver just looks like a section of a keyboard…
:/ I’m sticking to my G15 (old kitten , and I don’t use the 18 macro keys in games) keyboard and my G9x mouse. Logitechs are nice… If they ever die on me, might try razer stuff or SteelSeries (sensei mouse).
Careful switching to razer, there was a huge thread https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/tech/Mouse-losing-focus-right-click-to-turn-not-working-Merged/page/11#post3934637 detailing problems with not being able to right click turn only in this game. About 90% of the people having problems used razer (myself included). Anet keeps deleting the threads because apparently that is how problems are solved but if you do a search you will still see them popping up https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Issue-with-Razer-mouse/first#post4638904
When I had a razer it would work fine for a couple months and then they would release a patch or update and right click turning would stop working for months at a time.
I really wouldn’t want to change my main to a revenant but it really seems like it’s going to be the thief’s next predator ==
I have no problems running in the blob. I actually do better there than solo roaming because the condition removal is better than what my thief has on its own. Maybe bad blobs won’t help much, but any finishers off a light field and I’m better off than I normally am.
Learn to survive well enough without depending on SA for its utility and doors open. I’ve been contracted a few times for my frontline ganks and commander killing speed. You won’t be of any use to the blob if you can’t down a high-profile target instantly and still suffer from low hp and lack of skill to escape or keep killing more people.