It’s just me, or this weapon set is still useless? How do you even land larcenous strike? Like “hey, fully booned guardian, I’m dashing all around you for half a second, can you pretend you didn’t notice so I’ll land my new super oh so good 1/2 sec cast move that will leave you boonless afterwards? And please, can you avoid popping blocks after my first dash or even slightly moving around?”
And then, where does the damage from this set come from anyway? Am I supposed to stay there and autoattack? Or maybe I have to keep dashing and teleporting around around with Flanking Strike and Infiltrator strike dealing little to no damage?
The only good thing on this set is Shadow Return for removing conditions and Infiltrator’s Strike to chase. Not that it mattered, considering how low my damage was.
I feel so useless with this set. I can’t kill anybody even if I rip off their boons. Tried that with rangers. Assuming I have both boon removal and condition removal this should be an easy matchup. Well, is not. Not for me anyway.
The only thing I could do was killing someone with about 20% hp left. Yeah. I could do that even with nerfed mug. So what is my role in a fight, aside managing to rip off two boons (Corrupt Boon says hi) if the target fell asleep on the keyboard and being super fast at getting onto targets just to be slaughtered half a second later?
So what does this set offer?
-Low Damage
-Teleport on target
-Condition Removal
-Slow, highly predictable and easy to miss boon removal
-Stealth (to do what?)
-An interrupt that takes 1 sec to hit (C&D+Tactical Strike)
-Stealth doesn’t deal damage, meaning you have to expose yourself to attacks to deal damage.
Is anyone else trying s/d? What are your feelings about this set?
And what are devs thinking about thieves? “We want to increase thieves’ spike damage”. They kill mug. They give boon removal to the lowest damaging set. We were low rated in tpvp already, why in the world did they nerf us?
Meanwhile Mesmers still spike like crazy and make themselves hard to target (yes, I can spot the real one instantly but good luck making your attacks land in a cloud of clones thanks to our great targeting system, same goes for MM necros), elementalists can chill, weakness, launch, stun, immobilize, knockdown, rangers condi you all the time while getting protection, regen, vigor, guardian is still a hard undying kitten (actually, I’m fine with this one).
I hate conditions on thief, I’ll never use them so P/D is out of question. I had a D/P build but it took forever to kill something (about 6000-7000 dmg every 5-something seconds) and the only thing it was good at was surviving. Now that build has to face +33% revealed. I liked also the classic spike build. Now mug doesn’t crit and heals me when I’m starting the fight so I’m full health already.
Time to adapt again? Yeah, time to adapt to use another class. I’ll stick with engineer Static Discharge for a while. Assuming they wont nerf it before they make thief playable again… if they ever will.
By the way, thief was my main in both pve (yeah, an hard life for me) and pvp. More than 850 hours on it last time I checked… about two months ago. I loved my character, it breaks my heart to think about shelving it but as it stands now I don’t see anything that could make it worth to play. Maybe I’ll move to a RP server, if such thing even exists.
(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)