Infusion of Shadow changes
i think its only the FIRST TIME….. which sucks in my opinion. if i use Shadow refuge when im at 25% hp…i get 2 init. i then use hide in shadows and up im up to 90%. i expect another 2 init. otherwise the skill isnt worth taking. blind on stealth and removing conditions on stealth. what a JOKE.
Yes, Infusion of Shadows will only grant you 2 Initiative when entering stealth and none if you are already stealthed.
The nerf is directed specifically at D/P perma-stealthing using the Black Powder + Heartseeker combo. It won’t really affect any of the others builds much at all since the increased passive Initiative regeneration will make up for any losses.
The only builds that would want Infusion of Shadows are Cloak and Dagger spamers. But I don’t see them being starved for Initative after the patch.
From my understanding, it gives initiative when you enter stealth. So that means if you combo with BP + HS or Cluster, you’ll get 2 ini from the first stealth and no ini for the subsequent applications of stealth. However, if you leave stealth and reapply it, you get the 2 ini bonus again.
The only builds that would want Infusion of Shadows are Cloak and Dagger spamers. But I don’t see them being starved for Initative after the patch.
I can’t wait to test this. If I can drop Infusion of Shadows in my D/D build, that means I can load up Blind, Healing and Condition clear on each stealth. That sounds pretty great for WvW.
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
The only builds that would want Infusion of Shadows are Cloak and Dagger spamers. But I don’t see them being starved for Initative after the patch.
This all depends on how much of an impact the improved initiative regeneration will have. It would be nice to switch Infusion of Shadow out for Cloaked in Shadow as a D/D thief.
This all depends on how much of an impact the improved initiative regeneration will have. It would be nice to switch Infusion of Shadow out for Cloaked in Shadow as a D/D thief.
I actually play D/D thief using blind, condition remove, healing instead Infusion of Shadow trait. This change don´t affect my playstyle.
What really worries me is Opportunist trait nerf. Especially when you´re putting pressure on the enemy.
Thief / Warrior / Elementalist
Problem with moving to d/d is that you are completely exposed while unstealthed and you need to mitigate damage with a larger health pool or more toughness or both instead of using blinds/evasion/stealth like d/p.
it’s easy to kite D/D thief….
on my S/D thief i kite D/D thief all day on shortbow lmao. when you get stoned stunbreak and dodge roll you should be able to dodge their whole burst. yes it was op when basilisk venom applied this hidden CC that you can’t stun break out of, but that’s no longer the case. i basically have to be no paying attention if their whole burst hits me (and doesn’t 1 shot me either)
it’s easy to kite D/D thief….
on my S/D thief i kite D/D thief all day on shortbow lmao. when you get stoned stunbreak and dodge roll you should be able to dodge their whole burst. yes it was op when basilisk venom applied this hidden CC that you can’t stun break out of, but that’s no longer the case. i basically have to be no paying attention if their whole burst hits me (and doesn’t 1 shot me either)
A S/D and SB spec can kite anything You’ve got spammable gap openers and closers, and one of them comes with a cripple.
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
If this is the case good bye getting full init from dropping refuge or using blind powder+hide in shadows right after.
Dumb change if you ask me. Thief is dead after dec 10.
it’s easy to kite D/D thief….
on my S/D thief i kite D/D thief all day on shortbow lmao. when you get stoned stunbreak and dodge roll you should be able to dodge their whole burst. yes it was op when basilisk venom applied this hidden CC that you can’t stun break out of, but that’s no longer the case. i basically have to be no paying attention if their whole burst hits me (and doesn’t 1 shot me either)
A S/D and SB spec can kite anything
You’ve got spammable gap openers and closers, and one of them comes with a cripple.
yea but at least other classes can sustain that damage like warrior w/ healing signet or other classes have ranged options that is more powerful which forces you to go melee. D/D thief has neither so its boned.