Lock target option

Lock target option

in Thief

Posted by: ddak.3150


Perhaps this is not the right place for this “problem”, but since I’m a thief, I assume others experienced similar problem, so move it to proper section if needed.

Problem is target lock. A lot of times while doing Death Blossom, or Steal – I end up deathblossoming some other mob, or stealing from something that is not MY target.

Example: First boss in Twilight Arbor dungeon. 1. Boss is in the middle, flowers (blossoms) around him- I do steal, and I end up stealing from the flower-gas goes, dodge, dodge…
2. 3-4-5 mobs there, we focus on one-I do death blossom 3 times, and only first time I hit my target (i know it’s designed little bit like AOE, but still-I want my focus on one), then death blossom again-i hit 2nd one in the row, then third one or even go to the very last mob that is not even with that group, but totally on the other side.

Can this be implemented somehow, in future? I think others would agree with me..


Lock target option

in Thief

Posted by: Cyric.7485


Pretty sure there is an option to enable a form of target locking…

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

Lock target option

in Thief

Posted by: ddak.3150


Pretty sure? With all respect, there is no option for target locking.Your post didn’t do anything helpful .

Lock target option

in Thief

Posted by: douceline.2741


IIRC, there is an option for target locking in the options menu (I’m not at my gaming computer so I can’t actually check this myself). But I’m having the same problem as you, even though I’ve checked that box. Often my thief will just randomly target another dude mid-fight, or if I hit the hotkey to target the NEAREST enemy, instead it’ll target a RANDOM enemy (and not the closest one!)

eta: otherwise, I freakin’ LOVE playing a thief. She just derps out sometimes.

I thought maybe it was just me sucking at the game somehow, but I wonder if there’s not something up with that mechanic?

Lock target option

in Thief

Posted by: Cyric.7485


Pretty sure? With all respect, there is no option for target locking.Your post didn’t do anything helpful .

Well aren’t you delightful… Actually my post would’ve directed you to the in-game Options menu. The very first tab has a checkbox labeled Promote Skill Target which, when you mouse over it, provides a tool tip that reads “Automatically promote targets to lock targets when hitting them”.

Hope that was helpful enough for you.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

(edited by Cyric.7485)