Lock target option
Pretty sure there is an option to enable a form of target locking…
Pretty sure? With all respect, there is no option for target locking.Your post didn’t do anything helpful .
IIRC, there is an option for target locking in the options menu (I’m not at my gaming computer so I can’t actually check this myself). But I’m having the same problem as you, even though I’ve checked that box. Often my thief will just randomly target another dude mid-fight, or if I hit the hotkey to target the NEAREST enemy, instead it’ll target a RANDOM enemy (and not the closest one!)
eta: otherwise, I freakin’ LOVE playing a thief. She just derps out sometimes.
I thought maybe it was just me sucking at the game somehow, but I wonder if there’s not something up with that mechanic?
Pretty sure? With all respect, there is no option for target locking.Your post didn’t do anything helpful .
Well aren’t you delightful… Actually my post would’ve directed you to the in-game Options menu. The very first tab has a checkbox labeled Promote Skill Target which, when you mouse over it, provides a tool tip that reads “Automatically promote targets to lock targets when hitting them”.
Hope that was helpful enough for you.
(edited by Cyric.7485)