Mirrored weapons - thief passive
Hmmm, for P/P, let’s see….
I know!
+150 range.
50% chance each bullet bounces
Still want this back!
Hmmm, for P/P, let’s see….
I know!
+150 range.
50% chance each bullet bouncesStill want this back!
That would actually work really well considering that the trait was lost with the update
This would not only bring it back, but potentially bring it back stronger?
I think the idea is really cool because then it makes you have to choose if you want the buffed set or if you still think something like p/d or d/p would be a better option.
I would like to address something really quick:
Your suggested d/d buff would be ridiculous as you’d essentially be giving perma stealth to any d/d thief without having there be an animation for it. That imo would make d/d completely overpowered as it’d be the whole issue fighting the dueling d/p meta only without the bp field to give you a clue where the opponent is.
What I would suggest over the free stealth is allow CnD to blind on a successful hit and increase the hit range for the skill so it’s more reliable for d/d burst to use.
I think Lord has the right idea with p/p buff so I’ll leave that as it is.
A better buff for d/d would be either increased end regen or a built in blind proc (similar to guardian’s passive block)
DD lacks mobility / survivability compared to other dagger sets. Daredevil creates a decent option for conditions, but power D/D doesn’t really need more stealth or damage. Adding some extra END or blind to either set would increase potency without being broken. Honestly though, I prefer the blind.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
I think the idea is really cool because then it makes you have to choose if you want the buffed set or if you still think something like p/d or d/p would be a better option.
I would like to address something really quick:
Your suggested d/d buff would be ridiculous as you’d essentially be giving perma stealth to any d/d thief without having there be an animation for it. That imo would make d/d completely overpowered as it’d be the whole issue fighting the dueling d/p meta only without the bp field to give you a clue where the opponent is.What I would suggest over the free stealth is allow CnD to blind on a successful hit and increase the hit range for the skill so it’s more reliable for d/d burst to use.
I think Lord has the right idea with p/p buff so I’ll leave that as it is.
Increase range can only do so much imo
Compared to the increase in aoe and reveal since hot was released, dd needs a way to get into combat undetected to do the critical damage needed to take out a foe
The blind should be a baseline to allow for greater movement/damage avoidance as dp seems to always be a better option compared to dd – especially when paired with daredevil
A better buff for d/d would be either increased end regen or a built in blind proc (similar to guardian’s passive block)
DD lacks mobility / survivability compared to other dagger sets. Daredevil creates a decent option for conditions, but power D/D doesn’t really need more stealth or damage. Adding some extra END or blind to either set would increase potency without being broken. Honestly though, I prefer the blind.
Blind should be baselined with cnd as to stop a hit going out once steath is aquired
Dd’s main problem is landing cnd on moving targets in wvw/pvp
As stated above, dp with always outshine dd in all regards
If more stealth were to be had with modifiers that are based around doing greater damage from stealth/also making it easier to get into stealth for the power based burst weapon that is main hand dagger
This would put dd on par with dp – especially considering all the reveal that was introduced