Since thief and the word buff often bring tears and anger I suppose this may be a waste. That being said I feel sword #2 needs a buff and a very specific one at that. Now many of us remember the days when sword #2 was a stun breaker. I do not want those days again. We may also remember the days when the infiltrator’s return portion of sword #2 had a extreme range. I do not want that back either. What I would like is the secondary portion of sword #2 (conditional removal) to be buffed.
So how should it be buffed?
Glad you asked. My proposal is that the second portion of sword #2 Infiltrator’s Return be allowed to remove 2 additional conditions at the cost of 2 initiative per condition removed. That is if you remove 3 conditions it would cost you 6 initiative.
Why is it needed?
Well as many of us know much of our damaging condition removal (burning poison bleeding) is tied to 3 skills and 2 trait. Hide in shadows, Shadow Return, and Signet of Agility are the skills. The issue with HiS is that it has a relatively long cd, does not remove torment, and pigeon holes your heal. Shadow Step is also one of our main stun breakers and only removes conditions on the return portion. The cd is 50 seconds untraited and only removed 3 conditions. SoA is good when you are surrounded by many players but is lack luster in solo play. Pain Response, and Shadow’s Embrace are the traits. The main issues with pain response are the cd (30 seconds), the health threshold 75% (given the small hp pool thief has playing with threshold skills is very difficult see last refuge), tier (20 point investment) and the fact it does not remove torment. Shadow’s Embrace has no real issues. It is a cheap investment and works well. That being said the only build that can truly maximize the condi management are stealth heavy builds. There in lies the rub.
S/P and S/D both tend to be played as evasive builds (despite the fact S/D does have access to stealth through CnD). In the case of S/P many players choose to play it with no stealth at all limiting condi burst management options. If sword #2 were to be buffed as I propose it would alleviate some of the risk from conditions with playing these builds but still would cost enough to make it something to debate using in a battle.
Why it won’t be OP?
The keep this short the cost. The initial Infiltrator’s Strike cost 3 initiative. If you were to be dotted up with 3+ condis it would cost a total of 9 initiative to remove 3 of them. That is 75% of the base bar. Heavy cost for a useful skill. The cost additionally means that a heavy opportunity cost arises in a situation where you want to run. S/D and S/P both have limited mobility compared to other thief specs often relying on Infiltrator’s Arrow to get around. The cost for IA is 6 initiative. So in some cases this would present the question whether run of fight given the heavy cost.
Why it is good for those who hate stealth?
Whether you think it is OP or not some people simply hate stealth (thieves included). This change would promote builds that do not heavily build into stealth but still want some form of defense vs condi burst. It would take some of the burden off stealth to be the catch all defensive tool and place it elsewhere. This would also not be a buff to stealth burst builds but evasive hopefully shifting some player away from shadow arts and opening up some builds.
Why I hope you will support this?
Many patches see thief either getting nerfed heavily or buffed in places we do not need to be buffed or want to be buffed. I think my proposed buff has a place. I feel given the cost and what it will be buffing it will not be “OP” but balanced and will buff sets that are not particular popular. I think a buff like this not linked to stealth but other defensive tools would lead to opening builds. It will likely not draw the anger of the community and would give thieves wary of leaving SA, D/P some options.
Thank you for reading & please show your support if you like my idea.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele