Purpose of LoS on Shadowstep?

Purpose of LoS on Shadowstep?

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


What exactly is the purpose of requiring LoS on a shadowstep mechanic?

For the actual Shadowstep utility, as often as not, I get the red “marker” when I try to escape from a hotspot. I don’t understand it. I can easily Steal or Infiltrator’s Strike into the exact same position, but I can’t Shadowstep there.

I just played on Legacy, fighting on the Waterfall mound. I was getting a lot of AoE and springing a lot of Guardian traps. I instinctually dodge, and use Withdraw when needed. But then more AoE/traps pop up, so I try to just get out of there. I tap the Shadowstep key, but I keep getting the red marker and messages, not being able to get off the point. Even the little fence on the South side was blocking me from shadowstepping out.

I don’t understand the need for such requirements. I can walk there without jumping.

And another related issue, did they change Shadow Trap’s failed ports? I used to at least get ported toward the intended destination even if I got obstructed. I may end up next to a wall halfway there… or only 5 feet from where I started… but at least I moved toward the destination. After several failed (obstructed) attempts, when Destroy Trap or Shadow Pursuit, I don’t move an inch, but my trap still goes on cooldown.

I do wish they would fix the failed shadowsteps… it really is ridiculous, and seems to be getting worse. If you don’t move with Infiltrator’s Arrow, you shouldn’t lose initiative. Shadow Trap should be a true teleport, but at least move the Thief or allow multiple tries instead of doing nothing and putting the skill on cooldown.

But alas, such terrible issues never seem to be fixed.

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

Purpose of LoS on Shadowstep?

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

I duno, the path findings are crap I once stole to a warrior on a hull in wvw, teleport ed to him but did not “steal” nor did mug trigger because he was “obstructed” … go figure lol

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Purpose of LoS on Shadowstep?

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


I duno, the path findings are crap I once stole to a warrior on a hull in wvw, teleport ed to him but did not “steal” nor did mug trigger because he was “obstructed” … go figure lol

I have been obstructed on a shadowstep by a silly dead yak.

Purpose of LoS on Shadowstep?

in Thief

Posted by: xXBurningEmberXx.6085


Well back before hot you could tp to anywhere within range pretty much. This allowed thieves to do this glitch where they could teleport over the wall of sm. There were also other various glitches that allowed thief to get to places where it shouldn’t be. Ofc anet being anet they made these stupid obstruction errors so that you couldn’t do this anymore. So now we can’t tp across rivers or if there’s a blade of grass in the way it gives an obstructed error. Also it made projectile based tp’s not work the same as norm tps. Now ante ofc can’t FIX the issue. That’s unheard of. Anet ACTUALLY fixing something rather than taking a shortcut. So, this is what we get…

Purpose of LoS on Shadowstep?

in Thief

Posted by: yiksing.9432


Aside from Shadowstep, it also messes up sword 2 and shortbow 5 on bridges, staircase and a fallen wall zone in wvw.

Purpose of LoS on Shadowstep?

in Thief

Posted by: martin.1653


Needing LoS for shadowsteps is really silly. I mean, we’re already breaking physics here by making people teleport, why no allow them to teleport up on the wall. It could introduce a lot of interesting gameplay. Thieves can’t port whole armies into SM, but could live up to their name if they could infiltrate and do various shenanigans if nothing else. Few could possibly kill the Lord if other team isn’t careful.

Purpose of LoS on Shadowstep?

in Thief

Posted by: Taxidriver.2043


everything used to work fine till they put in LOS for arrow cart after that nothing works right for shortbow and teleport skill.