PvP Sigils: Air, Blood, Fire, or Force?

PvP Sigils: Air, Blood, Fire, or Force?

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


So the Sigil of Air took a 20% damage reduction in PvP. Does this change the best choice for sigils for Crit-Thieves?

Does anyone have the math for the those four sigils in particular?

Thank you! :-)

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PvP Sigils: Air, Blood, Fire, or Force?

in Thief

Posted by: ErebusVindictus.6514


I don’t have the math here, but I still run with Force/Air as it doesn’t feel too different. But with the nerf, Fire or Blood might come out on top now.

NA – Teef main – IGN Tensatsu
Kittenhunters are mean.
Warriors rock.

PvP Sigils: Air, Blood, Fire, or Force?

in Thief

Posted by: bluri.2653


Air/Fire for thief has always been superior, only time force would ever scale better is if you consistently sit on the target

Sindrener – Rank55 Dragons/Orange Logo/Team Aggression

PvP Sigils: Air, Blood, Fire, or Force?

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


A lot depends on the weapon set. As example if I have a high crit build and use P/P I might prefer force as it will affect every attack on the Unload and add to the Crits that occur.

If I am on staff and use the AA attacks a lot with cleave and quickness than again force would be preferred.

If I am and d/p and generally have only one target on any given attack air is likely better.