Random ideas for some thief skills.
bump ftw >_>
The venoms idea is actually not terrible. It’d make it very similar to guardian virtues but more offensive. The others just seem a tad ridiculous.
IMO Scorpion Wire currently isn’t bad when it works. The main problem with it is getting it to work since it gets obstructed by everything including air. If they could fix that one issue, Scorpion Wire would be usable as a weak knockdown and interrupt.
Personally (assuming the pathing issue is fixed for SW), for me I wish Scorpion Wire would would pull more people at once (ala Kohler in AC) or increase the CD to say 60 seconds but allow you to use it 3 times (instant cast) before going on CD.
The concept of p/p is very clunky, and i feel most skills need a change or added effect to improve the set. Needs to be more to it then sec then spam unload, Headshot at the odd time, and auto when you got 0 initiative.
- Make Vital shot into a 3 chain combo, first 2 shots are bleeds, then the 3rd shot deals decent direct damage, and/or extra damage based on;
a) if target has a condition (either flat rate or per condition), or
b) based on target’s health.
- Body shot is pretty much accepted as a horrible skill, opportunity cost just doesn’t work with that effect it gives by itself.
a) Give Body shot second condition, like weakness, or torment would be nice, or
b) Make it a fire aoe around you( gun powder explodes out of you gun like black powder, but then ignites falling to the ground), last for a few seconds and stacks vulnerability to those while in it (falling burning powder weakening the armour when it lands on it, sort of makes sense right :/ ?), in addition to the stacks of vulnerability that fires out.
Can be used put burn on targets at range. and give pistol a unique niche with having 2 combo field and the projectile finishers. Cast time of this could have a bit lengthy as not to be too strong.
- For Unload, some one on these forum once suggested being able to dodge while doing it, for the cost of extra endurance, be kinda op, but cool at the same time, and would help with the survivability of p/p a bit.
Vital shot doesn’t really need a massive change, just a slight increase in its base damage and a reduction in its after cast would solve a lot of issues with it currently.
Body Shot i agree is a horrible skill but i don’t think AOE fire ring is a good change. It’s as if you’re trying to make the pistol more like the shortbow when the pistol should be more of a ranged single person option. I think simply adding torment and increasing the duration of the vulnerability stacks as well as making it a full physical projectile finisher is all it would need to be fixed.
Unload, though i would love for it to have a dodge like short bow’s evade shot attached to it or a condition, currently with the right traits to ini regen and ankle shots, this would make unload go out of control. If it did get an evade it would have to be a small evade that only lasted 1/4 second like DeathBlossom (which btw DeathBlossom should have 1/2 second evade since you are in melee and the skill lasts 1/2 second) .