Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: Hello Cat.7964

Hello Cat.7964

Played on xbox controller forever becuz i suck at standard mouse keyboard but the xbox controller limits u too much u dont get the most out of the game..Jus purchased razer naga 2014 and i main teef mostly s/d can anyone experience wvw teefs help me set up comfortable keybinds wvw roam dueling is mostly what i do thank you

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: lujate.5432


Have you thought about a http://www.razerzone.com/gaming-keyboards-keypads/razer-orbweaver or something similar?

“Queen of Cheese Builds”

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


To answer your question more directly, I’ll give you my own keybinds.

Note that what I use may not be comfortable for you, I only use it because it’s comfortable for me. Also, I’ll assume you have the 12 button thumb pad, not one of the 9 or hexagon shaped ones and such.

At any rate, I generally bind all the numeric keys to the same number. That is, I bind keyboard 1 to thumb pad 1, keyboard 2 to thumb pad 2, &c. So I can press 1-5 on my naga for the respective weapon skills, 6 for the heal skill, 7-9 for utilities, and 10 for my elite skill. This also means I don’t have to rebind those keys in the options menu, which I like.

Then I bind 11 on the naga to the – key, and I set the – key in the game options to be used for weapon swapping. So I hit 11 on the thumb pad for weapon swapping.

12 on the naga is set to the = key, and I set the = key in the game options to be used for dodging. Thus I just hit 12 to dodge.

For accessing the F1-F4 skills, I simply make use of the left shift key, which is pressed by my pinky finger on my left hand. In the game options, I change the F1-F4 skills to use Shift+1 – Shift+4, meaning I can hold the shift key and use 1-4 on the naga to access those skills. This prevents me from having to assign new buttons for those.

For other keys, I have z set to look behind, x for about face, and I have shift by itself set to AoE loot (although that’s mostly just for convenience). I also have ctrl set to highlight objects, and I play with player nameplates set to always on.

I have the target nearest function set to the mouse wheel click, and the next target function set to shift+mouse wheel click (I forget if mouse wheel click is called mouse 5 in game or whatever). That’s probably the more awkward thing I do. One could easily set it to the c key or something.

I also set my stow weapon function to shift+z.

All the other keys are pretty much standard.

This setup allows me to maintain my left hand on WASD at all times, manipulating the spacebar with my thumb (obviously) and the shift and ctrl keys with my pinky. The only time I move my fingers off of WASD is to access things like the z, x, f, and r key. I also use q and e for strafing sometimes, though one can easily just use a and d with holding right click.

So that’s basically my setup. If you’re not sure what to do, you could maybe start with that and then tweak it if you feel parts of it are too awkward. In particular, you might find the use of the middle mouse wheel clicking to be annoying, or maybe you prefer the dodge button to not be as far away from your resting position for your thumb. I know some people like to have the dodge button assigned to something like the shift key, although this doesn’t work for my setup since I don’t want to dodge when I go to try and access my F1-F4 skills. Also, since you’re a thief, you’ll only have an F1 (and soon to be F2), so you might find a different method for accessing your steal to be more convenient. I chose the setup I did because I needed to have a way to access F1-F4 since I play all professions, though mainly engineer.

You’ll have to just test it out and find what works for you. I decided on these keybinds from weeks of experimentation and practice. I ultimately settled on the keybindings I described because I felt it allowed me to maintain the full range of my character’s mobility while still having complete access to all my skills, which was the whole point I got a naga in the first place (i.e. I used to move fingers off of WASD to hit skill keys).

Also keep in mind that if this is your first time using one of these mice, you’ll have to go through an adjustment period of probably a few weeks where you get accustomed to using it. When I first started using a naga, it was really awkward and kind of clunky, but it became very natural after a good few weeks of using it consistently. If you feel something isn’t working right, you can always play around with how the keys are bound.

(edited by Yamsandjams.3267)

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: Hello Cat.7964

Hello Cat.7964

thank you i’ll try things

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

I use a naga as well.

I keep my number keys the same as my naga keys and dont use 11 or 12. I use WASD for movement and have bound Q to call target, E to weapon swap, and T assist target.

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: ypy.2865


My configuration is:
Naga 1-5 : F1-F5
Naga 6-10: keyboard 6-10
Naga 11-12: keyboard 10(I don’t use them actually)

So basically I use move with WASD, use my weapon skills and change weapons with the keyboard and for everything else there’s Naga.

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


My current bind settings are based on certain builds, so they may not make too much sense.

Naga 1-5: Respective 1-5 keys.
Naga 6: Profession skill 1 (F1)
Naga 7: Elite utility (0)
Naga 8-9: Currently unused
Naga 10-12: Utilities (7-9)

Mouse Wheel Right: Dodge
Mouse Wheel Left: Weapon swap
Front Center Button: Look Behind

Again, it may not make too much sense. My keyboard binds supplement my mouse binds, though…

Q: Profession Skill 1 (F1)… I almost never use the mouse for it. But with the upcoming changes to stealing, I may use Naga 6 for the F2 function.

CTRL: Heal skill

Shift: Interact

Z: Stow Weapons

I use Naga 9 bound to swap weapons when I use my full signet “assassin” build. So my opening combination would go as follows…

7: Basilisk Venom
10: Assassin’s Signet
11: Infiltator’s/Agility Signet
12: Signet of Shadows
9: Weapon Swap
6: Steal
5: Cloak and Dagger
1: Backstab
2: Heartseeker
2: Heartseeker
2: Heartseeker

It did form a nice, little pattern, though it does get quite complicated to use. I haven’t used it for a while, so I unbind keys that I find get in the way. I haven’t got the best finger control in the heat of battle :-P

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* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: vaxjani.9073


My keybinds are:

e/r/t/f/g : Weapon skills (in this order)
q/Mouse 1-3 : Profession skills (in this order, so only q for steal)
Mouse Wheel Click : Weapon swap
Mouse Wheel Right : Dodge
Mouse Wheel Left : Healing skill
Mouse 4-6 : Utility skills (in this order)
Mouse 7 : About face (180° turn)
Mouse 8 : Look behind
Mouse 9 : Elite skill
Mouse 10 : Call target
Mouse 11 : Take target (select the last called target)
Mouse 12 : Stow/draw weapons

And also what Yamsandjams said:

Also keep in mind that if this is your first time using one of these mice, you’ll have to go through an adjustment period of probably a few weeks where you get accustomed to using it. When I first started using a naga, it was really awkward and kind of clunky, but it became very natural after a good few weeks of using it consistently. If you feel something isn’t working right, you can always play around with how the keys are bound.

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War/Ranger/Thief Roaming Vids

Razer Naga 2014 Mouse Keybind Help

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Mine is pretty straightforward:

Normal use:
wasd = movement; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 = skills 1-5; 6 = heal
Utility 7 = Naga 1
Utility 8 = Naga 2
Utility 9 = Naga 3
Elite = Naga 6
SwapWeapons = Naga 8
Lock Target (Deselect Tap) = Naga 9

I got fairly used to the default keybinds and in general have been playing MMO’s for years, so I have gotten familiar with a lot of the more standard MMO control schemes involving the left hand, thus I use fewer bindings. My hands are on the smaller side, though, and GW2’s need for pressing 7/8/9/0 in action-based combat made me need a new mouse. I originally looked into a Hex, but a friend of mine got one, I got the chance to try before I bought, and it felt cheap and low-quality.

My experience with Razer has been poor, however. I’m on my third naga in a year, and the LED’s on my current one have had some failure issues for a few months. The others just were DOA and simply stopped working after the first few weeks of use. Their customer support is worthless, and I’m happy I purchased mine from Amazon and bought a warranty; the DOA was replaced by Amazon with free overnight shipping on the return and the new one, and the third party company got my third model with little trouble. I heard back from Razer regarding the DOA one about three months later, stating that they would RMA it but it would take an additional 8-12 weeks. Talk about bad service.

I’m looking to purchase from other companies in the future. Just my experience, though.