Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


i have an ideea:
make BS unblock-able and make it so it is consumed if you miss (eg. target dodges)

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


Yeah nice idea break builds like Pistol/dagger, culling is the problem we don’t need anymore silly nerfs.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Kamata.5762


I don’t understand. You’re saying it’s ok for a thief to spam BS from stealth even when the opponent has taken the trouble/lucked out to avoid it once? Given that landing a single backstab for huge damage can easily determine the outcome of a fight, is it fair that a thief gets multiple chances to land it with no penalty?

Far from making it a “stupid skill”, it will promote skilled gameplay and weed out those thieves who don’t take the trouble to ensure that it lands by forcing the opponent to blow their CDs first. As it stands right now, spamming BS takes no skill and has no cost.

The damage is not so high to justify what you are asking.
A single backstab can’t determine the outcome of a fight, unless you are fighting upleveled undergeared characters.
Triple BS damage and your request will make sense.

Abilities that put out even more damage than Backstab:
Kill Shot
Churning Earth
Fire Grab
3 illusion Mind Wrack
100 Blades

Abilities that still go on cooldown if you miss/evade/block them:
Kill Shot
Churning Earth
Fire Grab
3 illusion Mind Wrack
100 Blades

So your point is?

Abilities with a longer range than Backstab;
Kill Shot
Churning Earth
Fire Grab
3 illusion Mind Wrack
100 Blades

Abilities that damage multiple targets in an area;
Kill Shot
Churning Earth
Fire Grab
3 illusion Mind Wrack
100 Blades

Abilities that do not require specific orientation relative to the target;
Kill Shot
Churning Earth
Fire Grab
3 illusion Mind Wrack
100 Blades

I don’t understand what your point is either.

Abilities with the same range as backstab:
mind wrack
170 more range – fire grab

easily evaded abilities since you see them coming:
Kill Shot
Churning Earth
Fire Grab
3 illusion Mind Wrack
100 Blades

Abilities that require coordination to land:
Churning Earth
Fire Grab
3 illusion Mind Wrack
100 Blades

I dont see your point either

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


IMO you have the opportunity to block/dodge/whatever on the c&d… I do this ALL the time… and it pwnts thief’s ini… so it’s fine that the thief doesn’t become revealed on the backstab portion as easily… specially considering that the thief’s opponent still has opportunities to avoid the backstab even if the c&d isn’t avoided.

With d/p you give up the higher c&d damage and incur a higher ini cost for guaranteed stealth… and they can still avoid the backstab.

It’s really not hard to avoid a backstab and at worst force them to frontstab -.- It would be ridiculously easy if they only had that one attempt. It’s fine as is looking at it from both POV’s.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


If I’m in stealth and my opponent throws up a block, what am I supposed to do, wait it out? Those blocks(aegis) last more then 3-4 seconbds, If blocked attacks revealed, there nothing I can do, this suggestion would actually break stealth, I don’t this this suggestion was well thought out imo.

Umm…yeah. If your opponent has the presence of mind to save a block skill till you stealth, then you were outplayed. I’m astonished that you seem to think you have a god given right to land a backstab regardless of counters the opponent throws up.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: ninja.4139


Umm…yeah. If your opponent has the presence of mind to save a block skill till you stealth, then you were outplayed. I’m astonished that you seem to think you have a god given right to land a backstab regardless of counters the opponent throws up.

You should be saving the block skill for a heart seeker, a CnD, or a death blossom, and blocking is not the only counter and was never intended to be a hard counter to back stab. It’s already easy enough to stop a back stab with skills like Updraft and Illusionary Wave or just avoid it completely with blink, lightning flash, and other step skills.

Or you could just, you know, not leave your back open to them? That works for all professions.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Umm…yeah. If your opponent has the presence of mind to save a block skill till you stealth, then you were outplayed. I’m astonished that you seem to think you have a god given right to land a backstab regardless of counters the opponent throws up.

You should be saving the block skill for a heart seeker, a CnD, or a death blossom, and blocking is not the only counter and was never intended to be a hard counter to back stab. It’s already easy enough to stop a back stab with skills like Updraft and Illusionary Wave or just avoid it completely with blink, lightning flash, and other step skills.

Or you could just, you know, not leave your back open to them? That works for all professions.

A “block next attack” skill is a hard counter to any other single hit skill in the game. Why should BS (or any stealth skill) be any different? You can’t just wave it away and say “use something else!”. Why should I?

Or take a skill that gives you 2 secs of invulnerability that roots you to the ground. You save up for it to prevent a backstab, you see 4 or 5 “invulnerable” messages pop up but as soon as it’s over, you get hit. You saved and blew your CD for nothing with no benefit.

Landing a BS this way takes no skill. Weed out the spammers and make the thief play smartly by timing stealth and backstab when the opponent is vulnerable…like all the rest of us do. For example, I don’t MOA a guardian when he has aegis up. You can’t just spam skills and land them with no downside. Doesn’t work that way.

(edited by bhagwad.4281)

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Riko.9214


Well let’s see. ways to avoid backstab:
1) block longer than 2s (no skill required)
2) 2 dodges (no skill required)
3) aoe blind for more than 2s (no skill required)
4)invalnurabiliti for more than 2s (no skill required)
5) aoe knockback (almost no skill required)
6) 1 dodge + smart move (some skill required)
7) aoe cripple (skill required)

U might want to have buttom “defeat the opponent” with some cd and than call it outplay when you saved that cd for some fight, but it’s fortunately not the case.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Well let’s see. ways to avoid backstab:
1) block longer than 2s (no skill required)
2) 2 dodges (no skill required)
3) aoe blind for more than 2s (no skill required)
4)invalnurabiliti for more than 2s (no skill required)
5) aoe knockback (almost no skill required)
6) 1 dodge + smart move (some skill required)
7) aoe cripple (skill required)

U might want to have buttom “defeat the opponent” with some cd and than call it outplay when you saved that cd for some fight, but it’s fortunately not the case.

No class has all of these things at the same time. And yes – if you save up one of these to prevent a BS, that’s presence of mind and skill. The thief was outplayed and shouldn’t be allowed to land it again.

Also, all these skills have cooldowns. Make them spammable like BS and I will have no problems, you can bet on that!

It’s also amusing that you recommend two dodges to counter a single one hit spammable skill. And two dodges is also no guarantee you won’t be backstabbed. But that’s another issue.

It’s interesting that you equate countering a BS with “defeat opponent”. Are you really that much of a one trick pony that if your stealth attack doesn’t land once you lose the fight? If so I imagine you have some bigger issues than an upcoming BS nerf. Good players will not be put down so easily. So…false analogy.

Believe it or not, using one skill to counter another (like BS) is a valid form of play.

(edited by bhagwad.4281)

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


No class has all of these things at the same time. And yes – if you save up one of these to prevent a BS, that’s presence of mind and skill. The thief was outplayed and shouldn’t be allowed to land it again.

Believe it or not, using one skill to counter another (like BS) is a valid form of play.

btw you are countering BS and indeed you prevent BS to damage you (1 2 3 times … as long as you counter it) it shouldn’t have nothing to do with stealth.
It would be like blocking a Fierce Blow and also put in cooldown Backbreaker. Nonsense

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No class has all of these things at the same time. And yes – if you save up one of these to prevent a BS, that’s presence of mind and skill. The thief was outplayed and shouldn’t be allowed to land it again.

Believe it or not, using one skill to counter another (like BS) is a valid form of play.

btw you are countering BS and indeed you prevent BS to damage you (1 2 3 times … as long as you counter it) it shouldn’t have nothing to do with stealth.
It would be like blocking a Fierce Blow and also put in cooldown Backbreaker. Nonsense

Fine. I have no issues with BS having a CD. Or for it to be replaced with a normal skill set after one use. I just assume that would require a complete reworking of the entire stealth mechanic. If you find that a better solution though, I’m all for it.

I’m glad to see constructive suggestions come up to deal with this.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


I think it would be amazing to see BS as a charging skill … press 1… hold … hold … hold … fire! The more you hold it the more initiative you will use and the more damage you will deal.
If you want to go for “the big shot” and you are countered you’ll be without initiative….

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Riko.9214


As I mentioned before there are a lot of ways to avoid BS (may be too many, I didnt name all, there are still fear and different leaps and all classes can stealth also). On skilled player its almost impossible to place BS if only he aware that you are coming, so for the sake of balanse BS need to buffed not vise versa.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


As I mentioned before there are a lot of ways to avoid BS (may be too many, I didnt name all, there are still fear and different leaps and all classes can stealth also). On skilled player its almost impossible to place BS if only he aware that you are coming, so for the sake of balanse BS need to buffed not vise versa.

Oh yeah of course! “For the sake of balance” BS needs to be buffed!

Naturally. Just to you know…maintain balance and all

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


but then, ppl will still complain about the insta-gib skill …

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Dirty Dova.6490

Dirty Dova.6490

I disagree with invunerable and blocks those lasts about 3-4 seconds that is as long as a stealth not fair if the thief misses they should be killed for being mentally kitten Although if you evade it then you timed it right and did good. Not saying its hard to evade a backstab just should unstalth them

I have a lvl 80 ele thief and warrior also a lvl 52 mesmer. I understand what op is and isnt.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: ninja.4139


A “block next attack” skill is a hard counter to any other single hit skill in the game. Why should BS (or any stealth skill) be any different? You can’t just wave it away and say “use something else!”. Why should I?

Or take a skill that gives you 2 secs of invulnerability that roots you to the ground. You save up for it to prevent a backstab, you see 4 or 5 “invulnerable” messages pop up but as soon as it’s over, you get hit. You saved and blew your CD for nothing with no benefit.

Landing a BS this way takes no skill. Weed out the spammers and make the thief play smartly by timing stealth and backstab when the opponent is vulnerable…like all the rest of us do. For example, I don’t MOA a guardian when he has aegis up. You can’t just spam skills and land them with no downside. Doesn’t work that way.

Spamming backstab can already be punishing since it makes it more likely you’ll just stab them in the face instead. People don’t just sit there when they realize you’re behind them, they’re still actively trying to avoid you. And the block skills are still useful. You can use the block and then dodge roll as soon as you see a blocked attack. You can dodge roll out of the evasion skill too to buy even more time. It makes sense in a one on one situation, but still, I feel this would just make it too punishing for thieves in a group fight when he’s getting attacked by two or three people at once. Not to mention latency (generally that’s only when you’re chasing someone thats running from you though).

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


I disagree with invunerable and blocks those lasts about 3-4 seconds that is as long as a stealth not fair if the thief misses they should be killed for being mentally kitten Although if you evade it then you timed it right and did good. Not saying its hard to evade a backstab just should unstalth them

The thing is those defensive skills have long cooldowns whereas a thief can stealth very frequently. So even if one backstab is countered, another will be coming very soon. I’m not complaining about the frequency of stealth here though. Just that using a skill with a long CD to mitigate the damage of a single backstab is hardly gamebreaking and is quite a reasonable thing to expect.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


but then, ppl will still complain about the insta-gib skill …

And we’ll reply “l2p”

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Dirty Dova.6490

Dirty Dova.6490

I have actually gotten good enough on my thief where i can cloak off of a just cloaked thief. You know he is going to come up behind you so turn and get ready to stealth. Or just when you expect a bs turn around and the damage is reduced a lot

I have a lvl 80 ele thief and warrior also a lvl 52 mesmer. I understand what op is and isnt.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


I have actually gotten good enough on my thief where i can cloak off of a just cloaked thief. You know he is going to come up behind you so turn and get ready to stealth. Or just when you expect a bs turn around and the damage is reduced a lot

in 1v1 … and in 10v10 ? you won’t even know he’s there…

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Dirty Dova.6490

Dirty Dova.6490

I have actually gotten good enough on my thief where i can cloak off of a just cloaked thief. You know he is going to come up behind you so turn and get ready to stealth. Or just when you expect a bs turn around and the damage is reduced a lot

in 1v1 … and in 10v10 ? you won’t even know he’s there…

That is the role of thief …. He is suppose to be in the shadows hiding and then kill people. If you have ever played assassin’s creed you can get caught by like 7 people in a row and he will most likely get away. Btw in a 10v10 im pretty sure a backstab thief would get hit by enough aoe. That he will back off eventually

I have a lvl 80 ele thief and warrior also a lvl 52 mesmer. I understand what op is and isnt.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Umm…yeah. If your opponent has the presence of mind to save a block skill till you stealth, then you were outplayed. I’m astonished that you seem to think you have a god given right to land a backstab regardless of counters the opponent throws up.

You should be saving the block skill for a heart seeker, a CnD, or a death blossom, and blocking is not the only counter and was never intended to be a hard counter to back stab. It’s already easy enough to stop a back stab with skills like Updraft and Illusionary Wave or just avoid it completely with blink, lightning flash, and other step skills.

Or you could just, you know, not leave your back open to them? That works for all professions.

A “block next attack” skill is a hard counter to any other single hit skill in the game. Why should BS (or any stealth skill) be any different? You can’t just wave it away and say “use something else!”. Why should I?

Or take a skill that gives you 2 secs of invulnerability that roots you to the ground. You save up for it to prevent a backstab, you see 4 or 5 “invulnerable” messages pop up but as soon as it’s over, you get hit. You saved and blew your CD for nothing with no benefit.

Landing a BS this way takes no skill. Weed out the spammers and make the thief play smartly by timing stealth and backstab when the opponent is vulnerable…like all the rest of us do. For example, I don’t MOA a guardian when he has aegis up. You can’t just spam skills and land them with no downside. Doesn’t work that way.

You’re arguing semantics. You can’t stop 100b, Rapid Fire, Pistol Whip, Blurred Frenzy etc with a “block next attack” effect. The fact that only one hit actually occurs means nothing.
At least with stealth attacks you’re fully capable of blocking the CnD, and stopping them from stealthing in the first place.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


How’s this OP? The make Backstab go down on miss but in return give it 150 range. Give Tactical Strike an extra 50ms of daze, make every shot of Sneak Attack have a chance to inflict 2 bleeds on crit, and for Surprise Shot an extra second of immobilize.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Umm…yeah. If your opponent has the presence of mind to save a block skill till you stealth, then you were outplayed. I’m astonished that you seem to think you have a god given right to land a backstab regardless of counters the opponent throws up.

You should be saving the block skill for a heart seeker, a CnD, or a death blossom, and blocking is not the only counter and was never intended to be a hard counter to back stab. It’s already easy enough to stop a back stab with skills like Updraft and Illusionary Wave or just avoid it completely with blink, lightning flash, and other step skills.

Or you could just, you know, not leave your back open to them? That works for all professions.

A “block next attack” skill is a hard counter to any other single hit skill in the game. Why should BS (or any stealth skill) be any different? You can’t just wave it away and say “use something else!”. Why should I?

Or take a skill that gives you 2 secs of invulnerability that roots you to the ground. You save up for it to prevent a backstab, you see 4 or 5 “invulnerable” messages pop up but as soon as it’s over, you get hit. You saved and blew your CD for nothing with no benefit.

Landing a BS this way takes no skill. Weed out the spammers and make the thief play smartly by timing stealth and backstab when the opponent is vulnerable…like all the rest of us do. For example, I don’t MOA a guardian when he has aegis up. You can’t just spam skills and land them with no downside. Doesn’t work that way.

You’re arguing semantics. You can’t stop 100b, Rapid Fire, Pistol Whip, Blurred Frenzy etc with a “block next attack” effect. The fact that only one hit actually occurs means nothing.
At least with stealth attacks you’re fully capable of blocking the CnD, and stopping them from stealthing in the first place.

100b, pistol whip and blurred frenzy are all counterable by the fact that you can see them coming. You don’t have to guess or get lucky. When that “one hit” is from stealth and deals massive damage, then it’s not unreasonable to ask that it not be spammable.

You don’t see warriors complaining that kill shot can be blocked and go to CD now do you? Because it’s not reasonable to expect otherwise.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Shemsu.8721


Why would you waste a block or invuln cd on backstab? thats not outplaying someone thats wasting your skill which is a fail. BS can be avoided so easily by simple movement, even keyboard turning can cut the bs damage in half, yet you want to waste a block skill? and call that skill? Use the block skill on CnD then you’ve negated the damage from cnd and backstab, plus the vuln cond and the blindness that goes with it, AND stopped then from entering stealth and forcing them to waste HALF their init, with one block skill. THAT would be skill, what your doing is a fail

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Why would you waste a block or invuln cd on backstab? thats not outplaying someone thats wasting your skill which is a fail. BS can be avoided so easily by simple movement, even keyboard turning can cut the bs damage in half, yet you want to waste a block skill? and call that skill? Use the block skill on CnD then you’ve negated the damage from cnd and backstab, plus the vuln cond and the blindness that goes with it, AND stopped then from entering stealth and forcing them to waste HALF their init, with one block skill. THAT would be skill, what your doing is a fail

Many thieves themselves can’t see a CnD coming. I’d like to see someone who can reliably block it on demand. You’re just exaggerating for effect.

And this isn’t just about BS. It’s about any stealth skill. Like if I absorb sneak attack’s projectiles for a second, the thief is still out there free to try it again. Think of the larger principle of the matter.

This isn’t about a specific tactic. Whether I choose to blow a CD to negate backstab is irrelevant to the discussion. The point is that many CDs don’t do the job because BS (and other stealth skills) are spammable with no consequences.

Besides your definition for what is “skillful” makes stealthing and BSing itself a joke. I shouldn’t have to demonstrate extraordinary skill levels to counter a basic maneuver that requires a pittance of skill in the first place.

Actually thanks for putting this in perspective. Your post shows the inherent imbalance of the mechanic since you’re demanding 10 times the skill level to counter something like a simple stealth + BS.

(edited by bhagwad.4281)

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


Why would you waste a block or invuln cd on backstab? thats not outplaying someone thats wasting your skill which is a fail. BS can be avoided so easily by simple movement, even keyboard turning can cut the bs damage in half, yet you want to waste a block skill? and call that skill? Use the block skill on CnD then you’ve negated the damage from cnd and backstab, plus the vuln cond and the blindness that goes with it, AND stopped then from entering stealth and forcing them to waste HALF their init, with one block skill. THAT would be skill, what your doing is a fail

Many thieves themselves can’t see a CnD coming. I’d like to see someone who can reliably block it on demand. You’re just exaggerating for effect.

And this isn’t just about BS. It’s about any stealth skill. Like if I absorb sneak attack’s projectiles for a second, the thief is still out there free to try it again. Think of the larger principle of the matter.

This isn’t about a specific tactic. Whether I choose to blow a CD to negate backstab is irrelevant to the discussion. The point is that many CDs don’t do the job because BS (and other stealth skills) are spammable with no consequences.

Well there will be more pressure to land them after this next patch so why not see how the upcoming stealth changes effect things. (Also if they did do this they should make all stealth skills boon hate. Guardians and Eles practically fart defensive boons)

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Shemsu.8721


Backstab is now a basic maneuver? 1 of 2 attacks in the entire game that REQUIRE a pre existing buff (stealth) to be achieved first, then be in melee range AND then be behind your enemy? When warriors have such position requirements to achieve the 23k killshot or HB i might agree with you, as is though backstab and tac strike have the highest requirements to succeed of any melee skills.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: ninja.4139


100b, pistol whip and blurred frenzy are all counterable by the fact that you can see them coming. You don’t have to guess or get lucky. When that “one hit” is from stealth and deals massive damage, then it’s not unreasonable to ask that it not be spammable.

You don’t see warriors complaining that kill shot can be blocked and go to CD now do you? Because it’s not reasonable to expect otherwise.

All of those have added effects that make them useful though, and Kill shot has the advantage of being ranged. All backstab does is deal damage, and only if it hits the opponent’s back. And again, backstab doesn’t deal that much damage. Death blossom deals more damage if the bleeds aren’t removed in a timely fashion and you can deal almost as much just from a full auto-attack combo.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Backstab is now a basic maneuver? 1 of 2 attacks in the entire game that REQUIRE a pre existing buff (stealth) to be achieved first, then be in melee range AND then be behind your enemy? When warriors have such position requirements to achieve the 23k killshot or HB i might agree with you, as is though backstab and tac strike have the highest requirements to succeed of any melee skills.

For a D/D thief, BS is indeed something that should be a basic maneuver if they’re worth their salt. Given the easy access to stealth, you can’t pretend this is not an easy situation to achieve. Besides, your earlier post was not about countering backstab but countering CnD in the first place. Pressing a button is what I would call a basic maneuver.

Besides, I already mentioned this is not just about BS, but about any spammable stealth attack like Sneak Attack with the pistol.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


100b, pistol whip and blurred frenzy are all counterable by the fact that you can see them coming. You don’t have to guess or get lucky. When that “one hit” is from stealth and deals massive damage, then it’s not unreasonable to ask that it not be spammable.

You don’t see warriors complaining that kill shot can be blocked and go to CD now do you? Because it’s not reasonable to expect otherwise.

All of those have added effects that make them useful though, and Kill shot has the advantage of being ranged. All backstab does is deal damage, and only if it hits the opponent’s back. And again, backstab doesn’t deal that much damage. Death blossom deals more damage if the bleeds aren’t removed in a timely fashion and you can deal almost as much just from a full auto-attack combo.

My main point is about any stealth attack not just backstab. In any case, if you say that kill shot has the advantage of being ranged, I say BS has the advantage of the thief being in stealth! As an opponent, I’ll take the former over the latter any day. As would anyone else I’m sure.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Shemsu.8721


Well I guess we can go back and forth all day arguing. However considering a warriors missed burst skill doesnt use up adrenaline, and a thieves missed stealth skill doesnt use up stealth, these things seem intended. I’m sorry you feel the need to counter skills in an ineffective manner when there are easier no cd mechanics in place for all classes to deal with them.
movement, turn around, LOS and finally L2P

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


maybe we can discuss this further when stealth changes is in full application,

regardless, we cant apply stealth either when you dodge block and evade

I’m talking about coming out of stealth not going into it…

The chances of this happening are next to none with the upcoming changes to stealth.


Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


if BS is a basic maneuver, why block it should be something requiring skill ?
You just have to press 1 button to block… Pressing 1 button is a basic maneuver

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Well I guess we can go back and forth all day arguing. However considering a warriors missed burst skill doesnt use up adrenaline, and a thieves missed stealth skill doesnt use up stealth, these things seem intended. I’m sorry you feel the need to counter skills in an ineffective manner when there are easier no cd mechanics in place for all classes to deal with them.
movement, turn around, LOS and finally L2P

So you support the idea of a stealth skill like BS having a CD just like a warrior’s adrenaline skill?

Good. I’m fine with that too.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


if BS is a basic maneuver, why block it should be something requiring skill ?
You just have to press 1 button to block… Pressing 1 button is a basic maneuver

It is. But it doesn’t work obviously since BS can just be repeated. I’m totally ok with BS having a cooldown. Even a two second CD – lesser than a warrior’s adrenaline skill when blocked.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


great another person who seems the think the moment a thief goes into stealth they totally disappear and become invulnerable…

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


if BS is a basic maneuver, why block it should be something requiring skill ?
You just have to press 1 button to block… Pressing 1 button is a basic maneuver

It is. But it doesn’t work obviously since BS can just be repeated.

And Shield Stance last 3seconds… also block can be repeated… so ?

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


great another person who seems the think the moment a thief goes into stealth they totally disappear and become invulnerable…


This is not about damaging the thief, but negating damage from them. In fact, my post makes that abundantly clear.

Wait…did you read the post at all?

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: ninja.4139


My main point is about any stealth attack not just backstab. In any case, if you say that kill shot has the advantage of being ranged, I say BS has the advantage of the thief being in stealth! As an opponent, I’ll take the former over the latter any day. As would anyone else I’m sure.

I’m with Grimwolf in that we’re just arguing semantics at this point. So let’s get back to the heart of this: why do thieves deserve a change that will overall make them weaker? Whether or not something takes skill doesn’t matter here, this is in terms of balance. Even the best thieves don’t land every single back stab on the first try.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


if BS is a basic maneuver, why block it should be something requiring skill ?
You just have to press 1 button to block… Pressing 1 button is a basic maneuver

It is. But it doesn’t work obviously since BS can just be repeated.

And Shield Stance last 3seconds… also block can be repeated… so ?

I has a 30 second cooldown. I’m sorry I didn’t understand what you were trying to say…

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Even the best thieves don’t land every single back stab on the first try.

Should they be guaranteed that it lands? If the opponent generates a counter, I think we all agree that it shouldn’t land no?

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


The fact that you claim BS advantage is that their in stealth compared to other killer moves that you can see coming…

Well guess what, even if there stealthed its still ridiculously easy to know when and where its coming, probably more so that the other skills as they have range, option of striking you at any time and often can be chained with other skills to guarantee a land, of which a thief has very few of that last enough to help.

If you are totally incapable of preventing the backstab for 2 seconds without requiring every single defense mechanism you have to instantly negate 2 of the thieves mechanics then you deserve the damage you take.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


if BS is a basic maneuver, why block it should be something requiring skill ?
You just have to press 1 button to block… Pressing 1 button is a basic maneuver

It is. But it doesn’t work obviously since BS can just be repeated.

And Shield Stance last 3seconds… also block can be repeated… so ?

I has a 30 second cooldown. I’m sorry I didn’t understand what you were trying to say…

That nothing requires skill … just press 1 button. it’s easy, a monkey can do that.
if you don’t consider positioning and timing I don’t consider cooldowns…

btw it has been stated that there are multiple options to avoid BS, not only a 30s cooldown skill.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: ninja.4139


Even the best thieves don’t land every single back stab on the first try.

Should they be guaranteed that it lands? If the opponent generates a counter, I think we all agree that it shouldn’t land no?

Why shouldn’t I be able to break your block? Does it really increase my damage so much that it makes me over powered? If it doesn’t make me overpowered, then it doesn’t deserve a nerf.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Why shouldn’t I be able to break your block?

I’m sorry, but what exactly are you suggesting? You want to break my block? Meaning what?

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: ninja.4139


Why shouldn’t I be able to break your block?

I’m sorry, but what exactly are you suggesting? You want to break my block? Meaning what?

Back stab once using up your single block skill and then stabbing again to damage you.

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


if BS is a basic maneuver, why block it should be something requiring skill ?
You just have to press 1 button to block… Pressing 1 button is a basic maneuver

It is. But it doesn’t work obviously since BS can just be repeated.

And Shield Stance last 3seconds… also block can be repeated… so ?

I has a 30 second cooldown. I’m sorry I didn’t understand what you were trying to say…

That nothing requires skill … just press 1 button. it’s easy, a monkey can do that.
if you don’t consider positioning and timing I don’t consider cooldowns…

btw it has been stated that there are multiple options to avoid BS, not only a 30s cooldown skill.

A mesmer has a skill saying “block next attack” and lasts for two seconds. Now since stealth lasts for 4 secs, it takes anticipation and timing to use those two seconds at the correct moment. But there have been times when I use it, it works, and I still get hit immediately after that.

So I used skill, timing, I saved up my CD for a chance to use it…and what benefit do I get? Nothing.

Would you tolerate this for any other skill in the game? Come on…I’m not being unreasonable here

As for the 30 second cooldown, it’s useless as soon as the thief stealths again 3 secs later. So it’s not as if this is a hard counter to a BS. Surely you’re not complaining about it?

Remove stealth on miss/evade/block

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Why shouldn’t I be able to break your block?

I’m sorry, but what exactly are you suggesting? You want to break my block? Meaning what?

Back stab once using up your single block skill and then stabbing again to damage you.

Ok…and your point is what? That I use a skill to counter you and then you get to use the same skill immediately again whereas mine goes to cooldown.

I don’t understand – are you supporting this, defending this, or saying you don’t care?